[distributed to the Official N o.: C. 222. 1931. MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL] LEAGUE OF NATIONS G e n e v a , April 4th, 1931. S ubject L ist N o. 119 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL DURING MARCH 1931. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) Note: Part I contains reference to documents distributed to all Members of the League. Part II contains reference to documents distributed to the Members of the Council only. The Numbers in heavy type in Part I are inserted in order to indicate the existence of Council documents to which reference will be found in Part II. Key to Signs. § Distributed previously. Key to Abbreviations. A * Assembly Jan. January A. and A.P. Allied and Associated Powers L. of N. League of Nations Add. Addendum, Addenda Memo. Memorandum Addit. Additional Mtg. * Meeting Adv. Advisory Min. Minutes Agrt. Agreement Nov. November Ann. Annex Observ. Observation App. Appendix Oct. October Arb. and Sec. Cttee. Arbitration and Security Committee O.J. Official Journal Arrgt. Arrangement Org. Organisation Art. Article P- Page Ass. Assembly P.A. and A.P. Principal Allied and Associated Aug. August Powers C. * Council Para. Paragraph Chapt. Chapter Perm. Perm anent Cl. Council Pet. Petition C.L. * Circular Letter Plen. Mtgs. Plenary Meetings C.M. * Council and Members Prelim. Preliminary Comm. Commission Prep. Preparatory Conf. Conference Pres. President Consult. Consultative Prov. Provisional Conv. Convention Pt. P art C.P.J.I. * Permanent Court of International Recomm. Recommendation J ustice Redist. Redistributed Cttee. Committee Rep. Report Dec. December Repres. Representative Del. Delegation Resol. Resolution Disc. Discussion Sec.-Gen. Secretary-General Dist. D istribution and Distributed Secret. Secretariat Doc. Document Sect. Section Eng. ** English Sept. September Err. Erratum, Errata Sess. Session Extraord. Extraordinary Spec. Special Feb. February Supp. Supplement Fr. ** French Techn. Technical Govt. Government Tel. Telegram I.L.O. International Labour Office Temp. Temporary Int. Lab. Conf. International Labour Conference U.S.A. United States of America Int. Lab. Org. International Labour Organisation U.S.S.R. Union of Soviet Socialist Intell. Co-op. Cttee. Intellectual Co-operation Committee Republics Intell. Co-op. Insti- Intellectual Co-operation Institute Vol. Volume tu te * Used for numbering only. ** Used for language only. * Used for numbering only. S. d. N. 200 (F.) + 125 (A.) 4/31. — lmp. Sonor S. M. PART I C A Committees and Commissions, League Composition of List Feb. 1931 by the Secret. (Information Sect.) Armaments, Reduction of giving composition of certain Cttees. and Comms. Conf., Int., Feb. 1932 Convocation of Monthly Summary, Vol. X I, No. 2 1 Questionnaire March 1931 by Secret, as to composition of the dels, and accommodations required Council, League C. L. 43. 1931. IX, Ann. * 62nd Sess., Jan. 1931, Geneva Summary, Jan. 1931 by Secret. (Information Sect,) Letter March 5, 1931 from Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ of work of bers and certain non-Members of the League Monthly Summary, Vol. X I, No. 1 forwarding this questionnaire and request­ ing reply thereto before April 15, 1931 Covenant, League C. L. 43. 1931. IX Amendments to bring Covenant into harmony with Pact of Paris of Aug. 27, 1928, for renunciation Conv. (Draft) drawn up Dec. 1930 by Prep. Comm- to War, to for Disarmament Conf. (6th Sess.) (C. 687. M. 288. Letter Nov. 20, 1930 from Sec.-Gen. to Members 1930. IX) of League submitting the reps, of March 1930 Letter March 30, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ and Oct. 1930 of Cttee. of Eleven and of 1st bers and non-Members of the League having Cttee. to Ass. respectively and requesting observs. taken part in work of Prep. Comm, forwarding before June 1, 1931 (C. L. 304. 1930. V) the rep. of Feb. 1931 of Cttee. of Experts on Replies from the following countries budgetary questions and drawing attention to its chapt. 4 recommending them to fill in the Cuba * C. 175. M. 64. 1931. V model statement annexed to this rep. Great Britain ** C. 175. M. 64. 1931- V C,. L. 63. 1931. IX India * C. 175. M. 64. 1931. V Letter March 30, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ bers of the League which have not taken part Panama ** C. 175. M. 64. 1931. V in work of Prep. Comm, forwarding the rep. of Feb. 1931 of Cttee. of Experts on budgetary Siam * C. 175. M. 64. 1931. V questions and drawing attention to its chapt. 4 which recommends them to fill in the model Uruguay * C. 175. M. 64. 1931. V statement annexed to this rep. Venezuela * C. 175. M. 64. 1931. V C. L. 63 (a). 1931. IX Rep. Feb. 1931 by Cttee. of Experts on budgetary questions on examination of the questions re­ ferred to it by Prep. Comm, submitting model statement and draft annexes to D C. 182. M. 69. 1931. IX ** Statement, Model, submitted Feb. 1931 by Cttee. Dispute between France and Switzerland of Experts on budgetary questions Case of Free Zones of Upper Savoy and District of Gex Order Dec. 6, 1930 of Perm. Court of Int. Justice C. 182. M. 69. 1931. IX * * (19th Sess.) according to French and Swiss Govts, a period expiring July 31, 1931 which Position of armaments in the various countries may be extended at request of both parties, Letters (2) Feb. 17, 1931 from Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ to settle betwreen themselves customs questions bers and non-Members of League requesting and any other point concerning regime of terri­ particulars regarding (C. L. 23 and 23 (a). 1931. tories referred to in Art. 435 of T reaty of Ver­ IX) sailles and declaring that, at expiration of delay Replies from the following countries or prolongation thereof the Court will deliver judgment at request of either party together Great Britain C. 198. M. 80. 1931. IX *** with dissenting opinions of MM. Nyholm, Alta- mira, Hurst, Yovanovitch, Negulesco and Drey­ fus and observs. of Mr. Kellogg (C.P.J.I., Series Assembly, League A, No. 24) n t h Sess., Sept. 1930, Gen'” '!' Acts and docs, being docs., draft and observs. 5th Cttee. of the French Govt, regarding Mins, of O. J., Spec. Su pp. No. 89 **** C.P.J.I., Series C, No. 19-1, Vol. II 6th Cttee. Mins, of O. J., Spec. Su pp. No. 90 **** Note March 31, 1931 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding 1 Two copies disl. with C. L. 43. 1931. IX. C. 208. M. 86. 1931. V ** One adclit. copy dist. with C. L. 63 and 63(a). 1931. lX. *** Fr. text, see C. 108 (1). M. 80 (1) 1931. IX. **** Including an index to be revised and co-ordinated in an index * Summary only. to all the Records of 1030 Ass. ** Extract only. — 3 — Economics and Finance (continued) Commerce (continued) E Conv. Commercial and Protocol, etc. Economics and Finance Ratification by Netherlands of Action, Concerted, Economic Note March 30, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to 2nd. Conf., on Members and non-Members of the League represented at the March Conf. or invited 2nd Sess., March 1931, Geneva to adhere to Conv. announcing deposit of Convocation of instrum ent of Letter March 3, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to C. L. 61. 193t. V European Members of the League con­ firming his tel. of same date, inviting them Comm., Economic and Financial to be represented to this sess. and re­ Cttee., Economic questing information as to composition of 34th Sess., Feb. 1931, Geneva their del. C. L. 52 (a). 1931- II B Rep. Feb. 1931, of Tel. March 3, 1931 from Sec.-Gen. to European C. 180. M. 68. 1931. II. B Members of League announcing this con­ vocation for March 16, 1931 Currency Counterfeiting of C. L. 52. 1931. II B Conv., Int., and Protocol concluded April 20, C. L. 52 (a). 1931. II B 1929, Geneva, for suppression of (C. 153 (1). M. 59 (1). 1929. II and Err.) Tel. March 3, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to non-European Members and non-Mem- Ratification by Denmark of bers which had sent observers to 1st Declaration Feb. 19, 1931 by the Danish Conf. and to 1st Sess. of 2nd Conf., an­ Govt, at time of nouncing convocation of this sess. for C. L. 39. 1931. II March 16, 1931 and inviting them to send an observer thereto Note March 11, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to Members of League and other States C. L. 52 (b). 1931. II B represented at the conf. or invited to adhere to the conv. announcing deposi­ Commerce tion of instrument of this ratification Conv. Commercial and Protocol concluded March and quoting 24, 1930 at Geneva, by 1st Conf. on Concerted C. L. 39. 1931. II Economic Action (C. 203. M. 96. 1930. II) Accession of Spain to Ratification by Iceland of Note March 10, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to Declaration Feb. 19, 1931 by the Danish Members of League signatory of the conv. Govt, at tim e of quoting Spanish Govt.’s tel. of March 24, C. L. 39. 1931. II 1931 announcing C. L. 56. 1931. II. B Note March 11, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to Members of League and other States Tel. March 24 1931 from the Spanish Govt, represented at Conf. or invited to adhere announcing its Cl. of Ministers' authorisation to the conv. announcing deposit by to accede to this conv. subject to final ap­ Denmark of instrument of this rati­ proval of Parliament fication and quoting C. L. 56. 1931. II. B C. L. 39. 1931. II Application in the following territories Offices, Central Germany 1st Conf., of Repres., March 1931, Geneva Letter March 7, 1931 from the German Convocation of Govt, announcing increase of customs duties in List March 1931 by Secret, of Dels, to C.
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