E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2017 No. 146 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY We will never forget the thousands of called to order by the President pro LEADER innocent lives taken from us 16 years tempore (Mr. HATCH). The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ago. We will never forget the heroism f YOUNG). The majority leader is recog- of our first responders and the compas- nized. sion of our neighbors, nor will we for- PRAYER f get the thousands of men and women The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- who have stood guard to protect us fered the following prayer: REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11 every day since. AND HURRICANE IRMA DIS- Let us pray. f Eternal God, our shelter and shield, ASTER RELIEF NATIONAL DEFENSE today we remember 9/11. As we recall Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, AUTHORIZATION BILL the tragedy, infamy, and heroism of today we opened the Senate with a mo- that day, we better understand that ment of silence. We remember all those Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, our freedom isn’t free. We remember how lost 16 years ago on September 11, 2001, servicemembers voluntarily put their the pain united us so that we knew we the day that changed our Nation in lives on the line to protect us, and, in were not hyphenated Americans but profound ways. return, we must keep our commit- one people. Infuse us in these conten- It wrenched our hearts with grief. It ments to them. Today we will begin de- tious times with a similar spirit of one- opened our eyes to cruel threats from bate on the National Defense Author- ness, inspiring us to work for the well- afar. But it could neither extinguish ization Act, the bill that allows Con- being of all people. the basic decency that unites us as a gress to authorize resources, capabili- Lord, we are grateful for the protec- people nor the common humanity that ties, and the pay and benefits our men tion You have provided us for the 16 defines us as a nation. and women need to perform their mis- years since that calamitous day. May It could not stop first responders sions. from rushing toward danger to save we continue to trust You to be our ref- For more than five decades, Congress others. It could not stop Americans uge for the future of this land we love. has acted every year to fulfill this re- from donating to strangers in need or Continue to use our lawmakers as in- sponsibility by passing the Defense au- volunteering their time to help. It struments of Your peace as they strive thorization bill. We will have our op- could not stop the people of our coun- to make justice roll down like waters portunity to do so again this week. try from being who they are: kind, car- This legislation, which was reported and righteousness like a mighty ing, compassionate. out of committee unanimously, will stream. It is the same spirit we see again in We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. response to Hurricane Harvey. It is the signal support for our servicemembers with more of the capabilities they need f same spirit that is giving hope to those in the path of Hurricane Irma. Al- to be successful against an array of PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE though the full extent of Irma’s impact threats all across the globe. The President pro tempore led the will not be known for some time, it is After years of failed defense policy Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: clear that this intense storm is causing under the previous administration, this I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the widespread damage, and it is clear that year’s NDAA will make significant and United States of America, and to the Repub- the recovery will require a massive un- necessary strides toward keeping lic for which it stands, one nation under God, dertaking. Our thoughts are with those America safer. It will do so by author- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. in the areas affected by Irma. izing the beginning steps to rebuild our f We are again prepared to play our military, to invest in modernization, role in the recovery. Congress passed a and to restore readiness; by reforming MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEM- critical downpayment on disaster relief the Pentagon and reducing waste; by BRANCE OF THE LIVES LOST IN last week. If more assistance is re- restoring missile defense and respond- THE ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER quired due to Irma, we are ready to do ing to cyber threats; and by reviving 11, 2001 what is needed. troop morale with a pay increase they The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under What is most important, I think, is deserve and continued reform of the the previous order, the Senate will ob- the knowledge that the American peo- benefits that they and their families serve a moment of silence in remem- ple and our first responders will again rely on. brance of the lives lost in the attacks be there to reach out to do whatever is I think it is fair to say that no Sen- of September 11, 2001. needed to help. That is especially true ator understands the importance of (Moment of silence.) on a day like today. this legislation quite like Senator ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5085 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Sep 12, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11SE6.000 S11SEPT1 S5086 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 11, 2017 MCCAIN, the chairman of the Armed mon,’’ wrote Nancy Gibbs of Time Mag- we do each year. As usual, there are Services Committee. His commitment azine 3 days after the attack. ‘‘On Sept. hundreds of amendments that have al- to our Nation’s heroes is unfailing, 11, we valued heroism because it was ready been filed and a whole lot of which is why, amidst his own battles, everywhere.’’ tough issues to consider. We Democrats Chairman MCCAIN has returned to the Firefighters and police and union want to work in a constructive and Senate to manage this bill and see it workers searched, undaunted, through productive manner to process as many through passage. We are all proud to dust and smoke, through fire and ash, of these amendments as possible and have him with us now. for citizens who might still be alive, work through even the most difficult of As we begin considering this bipar- trapped in the rubble. Average Ameri- issues. tisan defense authorization, Members cans pulled the wounded to safety. I know that Chairman MCCAIN and from both sides will have opportunities Folks from coast to coast lined up for Ranking Member REED have an excel- to work with Senator MCCAIN and to blood drives and pooled their money for lent working relationship, as well as a offer amendments. Ultimately, we will donations. great deal of respect for one another. I keep working to find consensus so that I will never forget the picture of a hope they can build a strong managers’ we can pass this critical defense legis- man who owned a shoe store two package that will be acceptable to both lation without further delay. blocks north of the towers and was giv- sides. f ing out shoes to everyone because they I yield the floor. didn’t have theirs on as they rushed to I suggest the absence of a quorum. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY get out of the towers—just a small act The PRESIDING OFFICER. The LEADER of charity and selflessness. It was re- clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The peated over and over again because The legislative clerk proceeded to Democratic leader is recognized. those kinds of acts are deep in the call the roll. f American soul. f REMEMBERING SEPTEMBER 11 This morning I came from the 9/11 RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Memorial in New York City. Where Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, 16 once there were mighty towers, now The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under years ago today, my city, our country, there are two deep scars in the Earth. the previous order, the leadership time changed forever. On September 11, 2001, But all around the memorial, New is reserved. our country was attacked; the World York City is alive and thriving. f Trade Center towers fell; the Pentagon In the days after, they wrote it off. CONCLUSION OF MORNING was in flames; and the smoke rising They said that no one would live south BUSINESS from an empty field in Pennsylvania of Canal or Chamber Street, companies The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning reminded us that as cataclysmic as the would flee, and New York’s greatest business is closed. attack was, the conspirators had days were over. But we New Yorkers planned even greater destruction. are a tough breed. We rebuilt. We came f It was a day of fear and helplessness, back stronger. NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- of phones ringing endlessly—when they On this day, we should always re- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR worked—husbands calling wives, wives member that beside our distinctive 2018—MOTION TO PROCEED calling husbands, folks in search of spirit of independence, resilience, and brothers, sisters, neighbors, and col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under uncommon heroism are essential parts the previous order, the Senate will re- leagues.
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