ivane menTeSaSvili saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumis biblioTekis inglisurenovani gamocemebis koleqcia Ivane Menteshashvili THE COLLECTION OF ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS AT THE LIBRARY OF GEORGIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi Georgian National Museum Tbilisi 2011 Tbilisi redaqtori: daviT lorTqifaniZe gamocemaze muSaobdnen: nino andriaSvili, magda cocxalaSvili, irakli xuciSvili ISBN 978-9941-9105-7-9 © saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi, 2011 wi na sity va o ba sa qar Tve los erov nu li mu ze u mis s. ja na Sias sa xe lo bis sa qar Tve los mu ze u mi qveynis uZ ve le si kultu rul -sa gan ma naT leblo da sa mec nie ro ke ra a. mu ze um Si da cul mra val ricx o van nivTTan er Tad, rom le bic ma te- ri a lu ri da su li e ri kul tu ris um niSvne lo va nes Zeglebs war mo ad ge nen uda vod aR sa niS na via wig ne bis unika lu ri ko leq ci a. dRe i saT vis mu ze u- mis bib li o Te kis ka ta log Si re gistri re bu lia 248 931 wig ni, aqe dan 124 054 ucxo ena ze. ucxo ena ze ar se bul wignebs So ris yu radR e bas uda vod im sa xu rebs ingli su re no va ni li te ra tu ra, rom lis da sa xe le ba Ta ra o- de no ba 4 517 ud ris. am ko leq ci a Si da cu lia wig ne bi, rom le bic mTel in- glisu re no van sam ya ros mo i cavs. esenia di di bri ta ne Tis, aSS-s, ka na dis, av stra li is, axa li ze lan di is da indo e Tis ga mo ce me bi. am gva rad, aq war- mod ge ni lia yvela is mniS vnelo va ni qveya na, sa dac ingli su ri ena sa xel- mwifo enas war mo ad gens. aR niS nu li ko leq ci is wig ne bis Si na ar si araC ve u lebri vad mra val fe- ro va ni a. ko leq ci a Si war mod ge ni lia mecni e re bis sxvadas xva dar gi, ker- Zod, zus ti, sa bu ne bismety ve lo, hu ma ni ta ru li, ag reT ve mxat vru li li- te ra tu ra, mag. XVIII s. in glise li po e te bis Txzu le be bi, rom le bic ima ve pe ri od Sia ga mo ce mu li. wigne bis ga mo ce mis qro no lo gi u ri Car Co XVII-XXI ss. mo i cavs. ko leqci is wigne bidan bevri ra ri tets war mo ad gens. ma ga li- Ti saT vis Tun dac iseTi wigne bis da sa xe le ba Se iZ le ba, ro go ri caa 1641 w. ga mo ce mu li in glisis par la mentis dad ge ni le ba Ta kre bu li, XVIII s. cno- bi li in glise li po e tis aleq san der po u pis ~i li ad ~-is Tar gma ni, ro me- lic 1716 w. Ta riR de ba, XVIII s. 90-ian wlebSi, me fe jorj III mefo bis xa na Si edinbur gis sa me fo stam bis mi er das tam bu li bibli a, 1626 w. lon don Si ga mo ce mu li wigni, ro me lic Zve li aR Tqmis sa is to rio na wile bis ko men- ta rebs Se i cavs. es da sxva mra va li am gva ri wigni, ro me lic da cu lia mu ze u mis bibli - o Te ka Si mi si sxva das xva Ta o bis Ta nam Srom le bis da u Ra la vi da Tav da de- bu li Sro mis Se de gi a. aR niSnu li ko leqcia fa se u lia ara mxo lod mas Si da cu li ra ri te tu li ga mo ce me bis Tval saz ri siT, ara med praq ti ku li sar geb lo bi Tac, ro melsac es li te ra tu ra SesZens sa mecni e ro- kvleviT mu Sa o bas. swo red am sur vilma, gag vec no sa mecni e ro wre e bi sa da wignis moy va rul TaT vis es mdi da ri ko leqci a, ga na pi ro ba wi nam de ba re naS ro mis Seqmna. iva ne men Te SaS vi li, mu ze u mis uf ro si mecni er -Ta nam Sro me li, is to ri is mec nie re ba Ta doq to ri, pro fe so ri, napoleonis saerTaSoriso sazogadoebis wevri 3 PREFACE S. Janashia museum is the oldest scientific and cultural institution of Georgia. The Museum contains not only numerous artifacts which are precious historical monuments but also unique collection of books. The museum’s library contains 249, 931 books. 124, 054 from them are in foreign languages. Among those books written in non- Georgian languages one of the most interesting are those ones which are writtern and published in English, total amount is 4 517. This set consists of books which actually cover the whole English speaking world. Particularly , the UK, US, Canada, Australia,New Zealand and India are represented. Topics which these books deal with enormously vary. Sciences and humanities, both are given here. The dates of publishing cover 17th-20th centuries. There are numerous rarities among them. Eg. the Proceedings of the Acts of English Parliament, published in 1641, the translation of «Iliade» by Alexander Pope published in 1741, Bible, printed in 1790s during the reign of King George III at Royal Printing Plant in Edinburgh, Contem- plation Upon the Historical Part of the Old Testament, published in 1628 etc. These and many other similar books, which are stored at the museum’s library are output of the skilled and selfless work of the Library’s staff of various generations. This collection of books is rather valuable and must be highly appreciaed not only through its rarities, but also because it can benefit scientific research . Therefore wanted to make this valuable collection known to the scientists and fans of the books we have decided to make this bibliography. Ivane Menteshashvili Doctor of historical sciences, Professor, Senior Scientist at Georgian National Museum, FINS (Fellow International Napoleonic Society) 4 1. A Catalogue of Engraved Gems in the Brit- 13. A List of Books on the History of Science. ish Museum (Department of Greek and Chicago. 1917. John Crerar Library. Roman Antiquities). London. 1888. 244p. 14. A List of British Birds Compiled by a Com- 2. A Concordance to Euripides. London. mittee of the British Ornithologists Union. 1954. Allen J.T. and Italic G. London. 1883. 229p. 3. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. 15. A Narrative of a Jorney in to Persia, and Moscow, 1956. 276p. Residence at Teheran. London, 1820. 4. A Description of Malta, with a Sketch of its 402p. History and that of its Fortifications, Trans- 16. A Picture Book of French Art. I. Medieval. lated from the Italian with the Notes, by London. 1931. 20p. (Victoria and Albert an Officer Resident on the Island. Malta. Museum). 1801. 95p. 17. A Plan for Cooperative Research on the 5. A Dictionary of Archaeology. Warwick Salt Requirements of Represeutative Agri- Bray.David Trump. London. 1970. 269p. cultural Plants. Baltimore. 1919. 54p. 6. A First Chapter in Natural History. Being 18. A Summary Guide to the Exhibition Gal- the Introduction to Champlin’s Young leries of the British Museum. London. Folks’ Cyclopaedia of Natural History. Sci- 1958. 36p. (British Museum). ence Education by Frederic A. Lucas. S.L. 19. A Tour in Wales 1773. London. Henry 1920. 20p. (American Museum of Natural Hoghes. 1778. 455p. History). 20. A Tour Through Germany Containing Full 7. A Guide To the Babylonian and Assirian Directions for Travelling in that Interest- Antiquities. London. 1900. 203p. ing Country; with Observations on the 8. A Guide to the Elephants (Recent and Fos- State of Agriculture and Policy of the sil) Exhibited in the Department of Geol- Different States, Verr. Particular Descrip- ogy and Paleontology in the British Mu- tions of the Courts of Vienna and Berlin seum (Natural History). Cromwell Road. and Coblentz and Mentz with the Banks London. S.W. Illustrated by 31 Text Fig- of the Rhine, the Present Theatre of the ures. London. British Museum. 1908. 46p. War. Illustrated by a chart with the Rout 9. A Guide to the First and Second Egyptian Coloured. London. Printed for C. and G. Rooms. Second Edition. London. 1904. Kensley. 39000p. 158p. 21. A Translation of the Passages from Greek, 10. A Guide to the Zoological Collections Ex- Latin, Italian and French Writers, Cited in hibited in the Invertebrate Gallery of the the Prefaces and Notes to the Pursuits Indian Museum. Calcutta. 1894. 154p. of Literature; a Poem in four Dialogues. To which in Prefixed a PrefatoryE pistle. 11. A Handbook for Travellers in India, Cey- Intended as a General Vindication of the lon and Burma including the Provinces of Pursuits of Literature, from Various Re- Bengal, Bombay and Madras (the Panjab marks which have been made upon that North-West Provinces, Mysore, etc.). The Work. By the Translator. The 2nd Edition. Native States Assam and Cashmire. 2-nd London. 1799. Edition. London. Murray. 1894. 484p. 22. A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean Under- 12. A Handbook of Asian Scripts.
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