Ecography ECOG-03431 Baumgartner, J. B., Esperón-Rodríguez, M. and Beaumont, L. J. 2018. Identifying in situ climate refugia for plant species. – Ecography doi: 10.1111/ ecog.03431 Supplementary material Appendix 1 Table A1. Names of 117 native plant species included in this study, along with: the ecoregions in which they occur (bold text indicates ecoregions within which the species is amongst the 30 most frequently recorded native plant species); the number of occurrence records used to fit full models (n); and the average cross-validated test AUC. Ecoregion abbreviations indicate: DXS = Deserts & Xeric Shrublands; MGS = Montane Grasslands & Shrublands; MFWS = Mediterranean Forests Woodlands & Scrub; TBMF = Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed Forests; TGSS = Temperate Grasslands Savannas & Shrublands; TrGSS = Tropical/Subtropical Grasslands Savannas & Shrublands. Family Species Ecoregion n AUC Acanthaceae Brunoniella australis TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2455 0.86 Aizoaceae Tetragonia tetragonioides DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 973 0.89 Apiaceae Aciphylla simplicifolia MGS 143 0.98 Daucus glochidiatus DXS, MFWS, MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3401 0.78 Asteraceae Leptorhynchos squamatus MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 705 0.84 Olearia pimeleoides DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS 761 0.90 Vittadinia cuneata DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3211 0.82 Campanulaceae Lobelia purpurascens TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS Wahlenbergia communis DXS, MFWS, MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3073 0.85 Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina littoralis TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3369 0.81 Casuarina cristata MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 624 0.94 Casuarina pauper DXS, MFWS, TGSS 681 0.87 Chenopodiaceae Atriplex angulata DXS, MFWS, TGSS 284 0.83 Atriplex leptocarpa DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1048 0.94 Atriplex lindleyi DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 890 0.90 Atriplex stipitata DXS, MFWS, TGSS 744 0.89 Atriplex vesicaria DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1178 0.84 Chenopodium curvispicatum DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS 686 0.92 Chenopodium desertorum DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1621 0.87 Chenopodium nitrariaceum DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 745 0.93 Dissocarpus paradoxus DXS, MFWS, TGSS 1078 0.88 Einadia hastata MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2068 0.83 Family Species Ecoregion n AUC Einadia nutans DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 5335 0.84 Enchylaena tomentosa DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3392 0.85 Eriochiton sclerolaenoides DXS, MFWS, TGSS 565 0.85 Maireana georgei DXS, MFWS, TGSS 800 0.80 Maireana pentatropis DXS, MFWS, TGSS 733 0.92 Maireana pyramidata DXS, MFWS, TGSS 895 0.89 Maireana sedifolia DXS, MFWS, TGSS 377 0.84 Rhagodia spinescens DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1716 0.89 Sclerolaena birchii MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1062 0.92 Sclerolaena diacantha DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2143 0.86 Sclerolaena lanicuspis DXS, MFWS, TGSS 544 0.81 Sclerolaena limbata DXS, TGSS 55 0.89 Sclerolaena muricata DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2774 0.94 Sclerolaena obliquicuspis DXS, MFWS, TGSS 886 0.89 Sclerolaena ventricosa DXS, MFWS, TGSS 247 0.84 Convolvulaceae Dichondra repens MFWS, MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 6783 0.82 Cupressaceae Callitris endlicheri MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2184 0.92 Callitris glaucophylla DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3833 0.92 Cyperaceae Cyperus gracilis TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2193 0.88 Lepidosperma laterale TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 5697 0.78 Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium esculentum MGS, TBMF, TrGSS 6325 0.85 Dilleniaceae Hibbertia obtusifolia TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 4085 0.82 Ericaceae Melichrus urceolatus TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2842 0.88 Euphorbiaceae Beyeria opaca MFWS, TGSS 257 0.92 Euphorbia drummondii DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2900 0.87 Fabaceae Acacia aneura DXS, MFWS, TGSS, TrGSS 1088 0.83 Acacia colletioides DXS, MFWS, TGSS, TrGSS 392 0.94 Acacia deanei MFWS, MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1309 0.90 Acacia ligulata DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 171 0.90 Acacia loderi DXS, MFWS, TGSS 119 0.89 Family Species Ecoregion n AUC Acacia pubescens TBMF 190 0.97 Acacia ramulosa DXS, MFWS, TGSS 505 0.79 Acacia stenophylla DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 718 0.93 Acacia tetragonophylla DXS, TGSS 592 0.79 Acacia victoriae DXS, MFWS, TGSS, TrGSS 782 0.80 Desmodium varians TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 4754 0.82 Glycine clandestina DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 6537 0.80 Glycine tabacina TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3642 0.80 Hardenbergia violacea MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 5013 0.82 Senna artemisioides DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3956 0.83 Junaceae Juncus falcatus MGS, TBMF 166 0.94 Lomandraceae Lomandra filiformis MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 6298 0.80 Lomandra longifolia MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 8543 0.82 Lomandra multiflora MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 6574 0.80 Luzuriagaceae Eustrephus latifolius TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3623 0.79 Marsileaceae Marsilea drummondii DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1487 0.93 Myrtaceae Corymbia gummifera TBMF 2586 0.90 Eucalyptus albens TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1878 0.93 Eucalyptus camaldulensis DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2734 0.79 Eucalyptus coolabah DXS, MFWS, TGSS, TrGSS 1122 0.90 Eucalyptus crebra TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3281 0.79 Eucalyptus dalrympleana MGS, TBMF, TrGSS 1031 0.93 Eucalyptus delegatensis MGS, TBMF 216 0.92 Eucalyptus dumosa MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 555 0.94 Eucalyptus gracilis MFWS, TBMF, TGSS 1139 0.85 Eucalyptus largiflorens DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1243 0.92 Eucalyptus pauciflora MGS, TBMF, TrGSS 1223 0.91 Eucalyptus populnea MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1561 0.92 Eucalyptus radiata MGS, TBMF 1159 0.90 Eucalyptus socialis DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS 1814 0.79 Oleaceae Notelaea microcarpa TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2082 0.93 Oxalidaceae Family Species Ecoregion n AUC Oxalis perennans DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 5773 0.83 Phormiaceae Dianella caerulea TBMF, TrGSS 5792 0.83 Pittosporaceae Bursaria spinosa MFWS, MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 4089 0.82 Poaceae Aristida vagans TBMF, TrGSS 3146 0.84 Austrostipa scabra DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 5788 0.86 Austrostipa verticillata TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1567 0.91 Chionochloa frigida MGS 37 0.99 Chloris truncata DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2845 0.88 Cymbopogon refractus DXS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 4430 0.87 Cynodon dactylon DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3708 0.84 Enteropogon acicularis DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2262 0.91 Entolasia stricta TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 5552 0.84 Eragrostis dielsii DXS, MFWS, TGSS 672 0.84 Imperata cylindrica TBMF, TrGSS 4146 0.89 Microlaena stipoides MFWS, MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 7330 0.82 Oplismenus hirtellus TBMF, TrGSS 3916 0.84 Poa costiniana MGS, TBMF 248 0.97 Poa ensiformis MGS, TBMF 258 0.87 Themeda triandra DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 6252 0.82 Triodia scariosa DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 826 0.88 Proteaceae Persoonia linearis TBMF, TrGSS 3966 0.80 Psittosporaceae Pittosporum undulatum TBMF, TrGSS 2769 0.89 Pteridaceae Cheilanthes sieberi DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 7618 0.86 Ranunculaceae Ranunculus anemoneus MGS 58 0.98 Rubiaceae Pomax umbellata TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 3897 0.77 Rutaceae Geijera parviflora MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 2033 0.91 Sapindaceae Alectryon oleifolius DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1454 0.86 Dodonaea viscosa DXS, MFWS, MGS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 4654 0.80 Family Species Ecoregion n AUC Scrophulariaceae Eremophila glabra MFWS, TGSS 1320 0.83 Eremophila mitchellii MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 1084 0.92 Eremophila sturtii DXS, MFWS, TGSS, TrGSS 883 0.89 Myoporum platycarpum DXS, MFWS, TBMF, TGSS, TrGSS 792 0.89 Solanaceae Solanum sturtianum DXS, TGSS, TrGSS 249 0.79 Violaceae Viola hederacea MGS, TBMF, TrGSS 3189 0.82 Figure A1. Difference between total annual rainfall (mm) in the period 2020–2039 and total annual rainfall in the period 1990–2009 (i.e. the former minus the latter). Figure A2. Difference between total annual rainfall (mm) in the period 2060–2079 and total annual rainfall in the period 1990–2009 (i.e. the former minus the latter). Note that the colour ramp is truncated at 400 mm; some small regions do in fact receive rainfall as high as 1246 mm. Figure A3. Difference between mean annual temperature (°C) in the period 2020–2039 and mean annual temperature in the period 1990–2009 (i.e. the former minus the latter). Figure A4. Difference between mean annual temperature (°C) in the period 2060–2079 and mean annual temperature in the period 1990–2009 (i.e. the former minus the latter). Figure A5. Agreement across four GCMs about the distribution of in situ climate refugia that are continuously suitable for at least 50% of species representative of the Deserts and Xeric Shrublands ecoregion. The legend indicates the number of future climate scenarios under which a given cell is projected to meet this criterion. Figure A6. Agreement across four GCMs about the distribution of in situ climate refugia that are continuously suitable for at least 50% of species representative of the Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands & Scrub ecoregion. The legend indicates the number of future climate scenarios under which a given cell is projected to meet this criterion. Figure A7. Agreement across four GCMs about the distribution of in situ climate refugia that are continuously suitable for at least 50% of species representative of the Montane Grasslands and Shrublands ecoregion. The legend indicates the number of future climate scenarios under which a given cell is projected to meet this criterion. Figure A8. Agreement across four GCMs about the distribution of in situ climate refugia that are continuously suitable for at least 50% of species representative of the Temperate Broadleaf and Mixed Forest ecoregion. The legend indicates the number of future climate scenarios under which a given cell is projected to meet this criterion. Figure A9. Agreement across four GCMs about the distribution of in situ climate refugia that are continuously suitable for at least 50% of species representative of the Temperate Grasslands, Savannas and Shrublands ecoregion. The legend indicates the number of future climate scenarios under which a given cell is projected to meet this criterion. Figure A10. Agreement across four GCMs about the distribution of in situ climate refugia that are continuously suitable for at least 50% of species representative of the Tropical/Subtropical Grasslands, Savannas and Shrublands ecoregion.
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