UCL China Centre for Health and Humanity, MEDICAL and HEALTH HUMANITIES FILM LIST Updated 2 February 2017

UCL China Centre for Health and Humanity, MEDICAL and HEALTH HUMANITIES FILM LIST Updated 2 February 2017

UCL China Centre for Health and Humanity, MEDICAL AND HEALTH HUMANITIES FILM LIST Updated 2 February 2017 Title, pinyin Title, Pinyin with Title, Director Date Studio Region Notes Chinese tones translations characters A mian B A 面 B 面 A miàn B Side A Side B; Ning Ying 宁瀛 2010 PRC mian miàn The Double (Níng Yíng) Life Bawang bieji 霸王别姬 Bàwáng bié jī Farewell My Chen Kaige 陈 2003 Mainland Concubine 凯歌 (Chén China/Hong Kǎigē) Kong Chunguang 春光乍泄 Chūnguāng Happy Wong Kar Wai 1997 Hong Christopher Doyle zha xie zhà xiè Together 王家卫 (Wáng Kong/Argen cinematographer Jiāwèi) tina Chunmiao 春苗 Chūn miáo Chunmiao; Xie Jin 谢晋 1975 PRC Spring (Xiè Jìn), Seedlings Yan Bili 颜碧丽 (Yán Bìlì), Liang Tingduo 梁廷铎 (Liáng Tíngduó) Dagong 打工老板 Dǎgōng Factory Boss Zhang Wei 张 2014 PRC laoban Zhang Wei lǎobǎn 唯 (Zhāng Wéi) 1 Donggong 东宫西宫 Dōnggōng East Palace, Zhang Yuan 张 1996 PRC xigong xīgōng West Palace; 元 (Zhāng Behind the Yuán) Forbidden City Erzi 儿子 Érzi Sons Zhang Yuan 张 2006 PRC 元 (Zhāng Yuán) Feiyue 飞越老人 Fēiyuè lǎorén Full Circle Zhang Yang 张 2011 PRC laorenyuan 院 yuàn 扬 (Zhāng Yáng) Feng ai 疯爱 Fēng ài ’Til madness Wang Bing 王 2013 Japan/Franc Documentary. do us part; 兵 (Wáng Bīng) e/Hong On the inhumane, Till madness Kong frightening and do us part humiliating living conditions of mental patients in Chinese mental institutions. Fenshiren 焚尸人 Fénshīrén The Cremator Peng Tao 彭韬 2012 PRC (Péng Tāo) Fuzi qing 父子情 Fùzǐ qíng Father and Son Fang Yuping 1981 Hong Kong 方育平 (Fāng Yùpíng) (Allen Fong) Gang de qin 钢的琴 Gāng de qín Piano in a Zhang Meng 2010 PRC Factory 张猛 (Zhāng Měng) 2 Gaosu 告诉他 Gàosù Fly with the Li Ruijun 李睿 2012 PRC tamen, wo 们,我乘 tāmen, wǒ Crane 珺 (Lǐ Ruìjùn) cheng baihe 白鹤去了 chéng báihè qu le qùle Guanyu ai 关于爱的 Guānyú ài de The Common Zhou Xiaowen 1998 PRC de gushi 故事 gùshì People 周晓文 (Zhōu Xiǎowén) Guasha 刮痧 Guāshā The Zheng Xiaolong 2000 USA/China Treatment; 郑晓龙 (Zhèng Gua sha; The Xiǎolóng) Gua Sha Treatment Guitu lieche 归途列车 Guītú lièchē Last Train Fan, Lixin 范立 2009 Canada/Chi Home 欣 (Fàn Lìxīn) na Guizi laile 鬼子来了 Guǐzi láile Devils on the Jiang Wen 1999 PRC Music by Cui Jian 崔健 Doorstep; 姜文 (Jiāng During that Wén) War He ni zai yiqi 和你在一 Hé nǐ zài yīqǐ Together Chen Kaige 陈 2002 China/ 起 凯歌 (Chén South Korea Kǎigē) Hezi 盒子 Hézi The Box Ying Weiwei 2002 PRC 英未未 (Yīng Wèiwèi) 3 Hong 红高粱 Hóng Red Sorghum Zhang Yimou 1987 Xi’an PRC gaoliang gāoliang 张艺谋 (Zhāng Yìmóu) Hongfen 红粉 Hóngfěn Blush Li Shaohong 1994 Mainland 李少红 (Lǐ China/ Shǎohóng) Hong Kong Hongse 红色娘子 Hóngsè Red Xie Jin 谢晋 1961 Shanghai PRC niangzijun 军 niángzǐjūn Detachment of (Xiè Jìn) Women Hongyu 红雨 Hóngyǔ Hongyu, Hong Cui Wei 1975 PRC Yu, Red Rain, 崔嵬 (Cuī The New Wéi) Doctor Huang 黄飞鸿之 Huáng Once Upon a Tsui, Hark 徐克 1992 Hong Kong Feihong: 二:男儿 Fēihóng zhī Time in China (Xú Kè) nan'er dang 当自强 èr: nán'ér II ziqiang dāng zìqiáng Huang tudi 黄土地 Huáng tǔdì Yellow Earth Chen Kaige 陈 1984 Guangxi PRC 凯歌 (Chén Film Kǎigē) Studio Huashen 化身姑娘 Huàshēn Tomboy Fang Peilin 1936 China guniang gūniáng 方沛霖 (Fāng Pèilín) 4 Huayang 花样年华 Huāyàng In the Mood Wong Kar Wai 2000 Hong Kong nianhua niánhuá for Love 王家卫 (Wáng Jiāwèi) Huozhe 活着 Huózhe To Live Zhang Yimou 1994 Mainland 张艺谋 (Zhāng China/Hong Yìmóu) Kong Jiaozi 饺子 Jiǎozi Dumplings Chan, Fruit 陈 2004 Hong Kong 果 (Chén Guǒ) Jinnian 今年夏天 Jīnnián Fish and Li Yu 2001 PRC xiatian xiàtiān Elephant 李鱼 (Lǐ Yú) Jizhen shi 急诊室 Jízhěn shì Emergency Zhou Hao 周浩 2013 PRC Documentary. room China (Zhōu Hào) With its revealing observations about the circumstances in which ER medics work, the film gives a microcosmic view of wider issues in mainland China: red tape, spiralling social problems, a drug addict falling to his death in the presence of undercover cops, people ringing hotlines for help and then refusing to be 5 transported to the hospital, phony patients who request medication for imaginary illnesses, etc. Ju Dou 菊豆 Jú Dòu Ju Dou Zhang Yimou 1990 Mainland 张艺谋 (Zhāng China/Japan Yìmóu) Karamay 克拉玛依 Kèlāmǎyī Karamay Xu Xin 徐辛 (Xú 2010 PRC Xīn) Laotou 老头 Lǎotóu Old Men Yang Lina 杨荔 1999 PRC 纳 (Yáng Lìnà) Liulian 榴梿飘飘 Liúlián Durian, Durian Chan, Fruit 陈 2000 Hong Kong piaopiao piāopiāo 果 (Chén Guǒ) Luoye gui 落叶归根 Luòyè guī Getting Home Zhang Yang 张 2007 PRC gen gēn 扬 (Zhāng Yáng) Mama 妈妈 Māmā Mama Zhang Yuan 张 1991 PRC On the difficulties of 元 (Zhāng bringing up an autistic Yuán) child in China (including lack of proper care). Mati 马蹄声碎 Mǎtí shēng Women on the Liu Miaomiao 1987 PRC shengcui suì Long March 刘苗苗 ( Liú Miáomiáo) Nüer lou 女儿楼 Nǚ'ér lóu Army Nurse Hu Mei 胡玫 1985 PRC (Hú Méi) 6 Piaoliang 漂亮妈妈 Piàoliang Breaking the Sun Zhou 2000 PRC mama māmā Silence 孙周 (Sūn Zhōu) Qi feng de 起风的样 Qǐ fēng de The Way We Chen Yin-yen 2012 Taiwan yangzi 子 yàngzi Are 陈颖彦 (Chén Yǐngyàn) Qi qu 七区病房 Qī qū The 7th Zhang Tianhui 2008 PRC Documentary. bingfang bìngfáng medical room 张天辉 Ward 7 specialises in the (Zhāng Tiānhuī) ‘treatment’ for supposed mental illness of vagrants and beggars brought in by the police. Qingchun ji 青春祭 Qīngchūn jì Sacrificed Zhang Nuanxin 1985 PRC Youth 张暖忻 (Zhāng Nuǎnxīn) Qingchun 青春之歌 Qīngchūn zhī Song of Youth Cui Wei 1959 PRC zhi ge gē 崔嵬 (Cuī Wéi) Ren gui qing 人鬼情 Rén guǐ qíng Woman, Huang Shuqin 1987 Shanghai PRC Demon, 黄蜀芹 (Huáng Human Shǔqín) Renzao 人造风景 Rénzào Manufactured Baichwal, 2006 USA/China fengjing fēngjǐng Landscapes Jennifer 7 Riluo da 日落大夢 Rìluò dà The Dream Wu, Wuna / 2010 Taiwan meng mèng Never Sets Wu Tairen 吴汰 纴 (Wú Tàirèn) Shijie 世界 Shìjiè The World Jia Zhangke 贾 2004 PRC 樟柯 (Jiǎ Zhāngkē) Suan ming 算命 Suàn mìng Fortune Teller Xu Tong 徐童 2010 PRC Documentary. (Xú Tóng) About a blind man married to a mentally impaired woman, with no government assistance and terrible living conditions. Tao Jie 桃姐 Táo Jiě A Simple Life Hui, Ann 许鞍 2012 Hong Kong 华 (Xǔ Ānhuá) Tebie 特别手术 Tèbié Special Tian 1988 PRC First Chinese movie shoushushi 室 shǒushù shì Operating Zhuangzhuang about ‘premarital’ Room; 田壮壮 (Tián pregnancy, shot in 1988 Unforgettable Zhuàngzhuàng) and banned for 17 Life years. Lu Yun, a television host, has an abortion, realises pregnancy outside wedlock is a very serious social problem in China, 8 and decides to do a special report. Passing herself off as a doctor, she interviews young women seeking abortions and uses the information in her programme, without thinking of asking their consent. Tie xi qu 铁西区 Tiě xī qū West of the Wang Bing 2003 PRC Tracks 王兵 (Wáng Bīng) Tuina 推拿 Tuīná Blind Massage Lou Ye 娄烨 2014 China/Franc (Lóu Yè) e Wo guxiang 我故乡的 Wǒ gùxiāng Four Ways to Chai Chunya 柴 2012 PRC de sizhong 四种死亡 de sìzhǒng Die in My 春芽 (Chái siwang 方式 sǐwáng Home Town Chūnyá) fangshi fāngshì Wo shi 我是植物 Wǒ shì Vegetate Wang Jing 王竞 2010 PRC Or what happens to you zhiwuren 人 zhíwùrén (Wáng Jìng) in China if you have an accident and enter a vegetative state. Wusheng de 无声的河 Wúshēng de Silent River Ning Jingwu 2000 PRC he hé 宁敬武 (Níng Jìngwǔ) 9 Wutai jiemei 舞台姐妹 Wǔtái jiěmèi Two Stage Xie Jin 谢晋 1965 Shanghai PRC Sisters (Xiè Jìn) Wuxia 武侠 Wǔxiá Dragon Chan, Peter 陈 2011 Hong Kong (Wuxia) 可辛 (Chén Kěxīn) Wuying 无影灯下 Wúyǐng dēng Song of Sang Hu 桑弧 1974 PRC deng xia 颂银针 xià sòng Acupuncture (Sāng Hú) song yínzhēn Anaesthesia (1916-2004) yinzhen Xi He zhen’ai 喜禾· 珍爱 Xǐ Hé zhēn'ài Xi He Zhang Wei 2014 PRC On the difficulties of 张唯 (Zhāng bringing up an autistic Wéi) child in China (including lack of proper care). Xi yan 喜宴 Xǐyàn The Wedding Lee, Ang 李安 1993 Taiwan Banquet (Lǐ Ān) Xiao cheng 小城之春 Xiǎo chéng Spring in a Fei Mu 费穆 1948 China zhi chun zhī chūn Small Town (Fèi Mù) Xingfu 幸福时光 Xìngfú Happy Times Zhang Yimou 张 2000 PRC shiguang shíguāng 艺谋 (Zhāng Yìmóu) Xizao 洗澡 Xǐzǎo Shower [Bath Zhang Yang 张 1999 PRC House] 扬 (Zhāng Yáng) Xue chan 血蝉 Xuè chán Little Moth Peng Tao 2007 PRC 彭韬 (Péng Tāo) 10 Xun qing 寻情历险 Xún qíng Let’s Fall in Wu, Wuna / 2009 Taiwan lixian ji 记 lìxiǎn jì Love Wu Tairen 吴汰 纴 (Wú Tàirèn) Yanguang 艳光四射 Yànguāng Splendid Float Zhou Meiling 2004 Taiwan, sishe 歌舞团 sìshè 周美玲 (Zhōu gewutuan gēwǔtuán Měilíng) Yidu 异度空间 Yìdù kōngjiān Inner Senses Law Chi-leung 2002 Hong Kong kongjian 罗志良 (Luō Zhìliáng) Yinshi nannü 饮食男女 Yǐnshí nánnǚ Eat Drink Man Lee, Ang 李安 1994 Taiwan/USA Woman (Lǐ Ān) Zai yiqi de 在一起的 Zài yīqǐ de Wellspring Sha Qing 沙青 2002 PRC shiguang 時光 shíguāng (Shā Qing) Zhao le 找乐 Zhǎo lè For Fun Ning Ying 宁瀛 1993 PRC (Níng Yíng) Zhi feiji 纸飞机 Zhǐ fēijī Paper Zhao Liang 2001 PRC Airplane, 赵亮 (Zhào Paper Plane Liàng) Zui ai 最爱 Zuì ài Love for Life Gu Changwei 2011 PRC 顾长卫 (Gù Chǎngwèi) Zuotian 昨天 Zuótiān Quitting Zhang Yang 张 2001 PRC On drug addiction and 扬 (Zhāng Yáng) mental asylums. 11 Zuoyou 左右 Zuǒyòu In Love We Wang Xiaoshuai 2008 Beijing: PRC Trust 王小帅 (Wáng Debo Xiǎoshuài) Film, Stellar Megame dia.

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