ITY OF LOS ANGELE- TBANTT. MAXtrINEZ - OEce of the Clty Cle* CALIFORNIA CTTY CI.EBK Counell and Publlc Serlces TABENE. TALFIIAN Boon 896' Clty ran Erecudre Otncer Loo Angelee, CA 9fl112 Councll Flle hformadoa - (2fB) 97&1048 General Informadon - (218) 97&1188 y1s1 qatthg lnqulrlee rar (2rg) 97&r()40 relatlve to ttls mstter rcfer to file No. TINI.F,N GUISDUTBG JAMES K. HAHN ctfe$ Conc{l and PEbllc Serclceo lxyldon o4-2L34 MAYOR cD2 April L, 2005 Bureau of Engineering Controller, Room 300 Bureau of Street Lighting Accounting Division, F&A City Clerk, Land Records Division Disbursement Division Board of Public Works City Attorney Councilmember Greuel Chief Legielative Analyst RE: ORDINA\ICE IJE\rYING TIIE ASSESSMEMT Ai{D ORDERING TIIE MAIMTENANCE OF THE DELANO STREET A\ID BECK AVB\TUE IJIGHTING DISTRICT At the meeting of t,he Council held MARCH 9, 2005, the following action was taken: Ordinance adopt,ed Ordinance number L76548 Effective date 04l 2/Os Posted date 03 /23 / 0s Mayor approved .. .. Blte/os To the Mayor FORTHWfTTI x Findings adopted Generally Exempt 's);ffi rfi*e b"nfq K City Clerk vdw steao/042134a @>e AN EQUAL EMI'LOYiIENT OPPORTUNITY - AFFINUATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER €F RICEiV[] offiryEmAse$e TIME IJIMIT FIIJES GIW(U[E#['li{:ffi&re st,amp ORDINA\]CE 2m5 [{l1.R r Ar{ rS 12 200$ trAR t5 flfrt$ 22 5 CITY OF LOS APdGELES FORrIIWTTH CITY CLEi"iK BY '* --EEFUTY clct NcIIr FIIJE NUMBER 04-2134 COITNCUJ DfSTRIet 2 CICI NCIL APPROVAIJ DATE March 9, 2o0s IAST DAY FOR MAYOR TO AqT I'IA,R 2 5 2005 ORDIIIAIICE T'!fPE: Ord of Intent _ Zoniag _ Personnel _ General ,$! Improvement _ IJAIT{C IJA,AC _ CU or Var Appeals - CPC No. SITBdIECT ldATf,ER: ORDITiAICE LEr/YING THE ASSESSMENTS A![D ORDERING THE !!AIN[E!{A}ICE OF THE DEITAIIO STREET AIID BECK AVBIUE ITIGHIING DISTRICI APPROVED DISAPPRO\TED @ F-J --! Er i-') .= CONFIRM ASSESSMENT l' r-) (PROPOSITION 218) x I >- :i' ,.r;J/ _, ATTORNEY j* CITY x :J] L',-i ii CIlrY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Iii* lli H I tl BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS pl /\ ii L-l Jl -!. (_) <l o rn I'rrur r |fAR 1 B 2005 DATE OF APPROVED OR *lIEIf,O: tj ---..r TVETOED MUST BE WTTII O&IECXIONS IN WRTTIIICI PTJRSUAIIT TO GIARTER SEC. 250 (b) (c) (CIT! CITERK IISE O!ErY PLEASE DO NolI WRITE BEI.otf ItsIS IIINE) &lAR 1 8 2095 DATE RECEIVED FROM MAYOR ORDINAI{CE NO. 17 6548 qPR MAR 2 3 2005 EI 0 2 2005 DATE PT,BIJISHED DATE POSTED EFFECTIVE DATE ORD OF INTENI: HEARTNG DATE ASSESSMENT CONFIRMATION ORDIIIA]ICE FOR DISTRIBLruION: Yee [] tlo tl tf,A! 2 3 2oo5 courcllagendaE\042 134. ord eT>\hrTr FINAL ORDINANCE oRDTNANCE No. I7 0548 An Ordinance of the.City oJ Los fngeles ordering the necessary electrolierc and appliances in certain public streets and plaes in the City of Los Angeles, to be mainiained and electric idnent to be fumished for lighting said electroliers. THE PEOPLE OF THE CIry OF LOS ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to the- provisions of Sections 6.95 - 6.127 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, and to the requirements of Section 53753 of the Califomia Govemment Code, the Council of the 9itY of Los Angeleg hereby orders that the ne@ssary electroliers and appliances be maintrained and electric cunent be fumished for.the.p-eriod of 12 months ending June 30, 2OOO for the lighting of those certain streets and places described in the ordinance hereinafter refened to: Ordinance No. Designation 1769;0 Delano Street and Beck Avenue Lighting District The ordinan@ enumerated is the ordinance of intention heretofore adopted by the City Council for the district. Reference is hereby made to the ordinance and the report of th'e BoaiO of pubiic Works mentioned therein for further particulars in connection with the improvdment. Sec. 2. The asSessments for the lighting of the district designated in Section 1 of this ordinance, mad.e and filed by the Board of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of the Sections 6.95 - 6.12T oi the Los Angeles Adminishative Code, are heieby approved ahd confirmed; and said assessments are !"t"!y otO"teqt !o be !pri{ .up9! te lots ol paicels'oJ land within saiO diitriA heretofore dectared by the city councilto be the district to be benefitted by said improvement. Sec. 3. The Board of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to cause the said improvements to be made in accordance yvith the plans-and specifications therefor and, as may appear to said Board to be ne@ssary, to issue interdepartmentrat oi other purchase orders fbr eacfi of iuch pprovements or for portions thereof, pursuani to said sections ol tne Los Angeles Adminiitrative Code. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall gerttfy to the passage of this ordinance and have it published in accordance with Council policy,.e_ither in a daily newspaper circulated in the City of Los Angeles or by posting for.Jen-la.ysin three public places in the City of'Los Angeles: one copy on the buiietin boari located in the Main Streellobby to the City Hall; ond copy on the bulletin OoaiO located at the ground level at the Los Angeles Street entrance !6 the Los Ang'eies Police Department; and one cop:ytn tne bulletin board locatid atthe remple 6treet entrance to t6e Los Angere;Gfit Hail of Records. I hereby certiff that the foregoing ordinahG'was in$oduced of the City of Los furgeles of March 1. 2005. and was passed at its FRANK MARTINEZ, City Clerk By },lA,R 1 2005 Deputy Approved I Mayor Approved as to Form and Legality ROCKARD J. DELGADILLO , City Attomey By City Attomey Date: J-23-05 File No. 04-213/, Word FIle L:t$PROP2lSOrdlnance - Flnal\OF - DELANO & BECK.DOC vB 2117t2@5 r.-CLTARATfON OF POSTING ORDINTuTCE L, MARIA C. RICO, state as follows: I Ell, and was at all times hereinafter ment,ioned, a resident of the State of California, over the age of eighteen years, and a Deputy City Clerk of the City of Lros Angeles, California. Ordinance No. L76548 - Fj.na1 Ordinance - De1ano Street & Beck Ave LrLghtLag Dj.strj.ct - Ord of latent U5340 adopted 1218/04 - a copy of which is hereto attached, vras finally adopted by the l-ros Angeles City Council on lutarch 9, &,, and under the direct j-on of said City Councll and the City C1erk, pursuant to Section 25L of the Charter of the City of l-ros Angeles and Ordinance No. L72959, ox'l March 23, 2005, I posted a t,rtre copy of said ordinance ats each of three pubIlc places located in t,he City of Los Angeles, Californi.a, as follows: 1) One copy on the bulletin board at the Main Street entrance to Lros Angeles City Ha11; 2) one copy on the bulletin board at the ground leveI Lros Angeles Street entrance Lo the Los Angeles Police Department; and 3) one copy on the bulletin board at the Temple Street entrance to the IIaII of Records of the County of Los Angeles. Copies of said ordinance were posted conspicuously beginning on March 23. 2OOS and will be continuously posted for ten or more days. I declare under penalty of perjury Ehat Lhe foregoing is true and correct. Signed this 23rd day of ldarcb ?005 at Los Angeles, California. F, a Maria C. co, Deputy City C1erk Ordinance Effective Date: Apr. 2, 2005 Council File No. 04-2L34 (Rev.3l2tl03) FORM GEN. 16o (Rev. 6€0) CITY OF LOS ANGELES FeB t3 I NTER-DEPARTM ENTAL CORRESPON DENCE u 2il05 DATE: February 17,2405 TO: [ockard J. Delgadillo, City Attomey Attn: Felicia 7'n Floor, City l-1q11 East - 140 V FROM: Phil Reed, Director By: Bureau of Street Lighting Senior Street Lighting Engineer Bureau of Street Lighting SUBJEGT: FINAL ORDINANCE FOR DELANO STREET AND BECK AVENUE LIGHTING DISTRICT- C.F. 0+2134 Transmitted herewith is the Final Ordinance for the subject Street Lighting Maintenance District. The Ordinance of lntention for this project was adopted by City Council on December 8, 2OO4; the Final Public Hearing was on February 8, 2005; and the continued Council Hearing to confirm the assessments is scheduled for March 1,2005. Please approve the Final Ordinance as to form and legality. Upon approval of the Final Ordinanoe, please call Lowell Labezfor pick-up at(213) 47Y5377. Thank you. VB: L:\$PROP218\Ordinane - Final\OFT - DELANO & BECK.DOC FINAL ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Los Angeles ordering the necessary electroliers and appliances in certain public streets and places in the City of Los Angeles, to be maintained and electric cunent to be fumished for lighting said electroliers. THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 6.95 - 6.127 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, and to the requirements of Section 53753 of the Califomia Govemment Code, the Council of the City of Los Angeles hereby orders that the necessary electroliers and appliances be maintrained and electric cunent be fumished for the p'eriod of 12 months ending June 30, 2006 for the lighting of those certain streets and places described in the ordinance hereinafter refened to: Ordinance No. Designation 176U0 Delano Street and Beck Avenue Lighting District The ordinan@ enumerated is the ordinance of intention heretofore adopted by the City Council for the district. Reference is hereby made to the ordinance and the report of the Board of Public Works mentioned therein forfurther particularc in connection with the improvement.
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