Number 6 - May 29, 2012 Kermes Scale and some of the leaves die. Damage is noticed from the ground as scattered Kermes scales are occasionally found on branch tips appearing whitish and/or pin, white, bur, and other oaks in Illinois. brownish due to dead leaves and the leaf They are most common on or near the distortion revealing more leaf branch tips and appear gall-like, so they undersides. The scales feed at the base are commonly misidentified as galls. of petioles, on leaf veins, and at twig They also tend to feed in leaf axils, so crotches. The scale is rounded and about they are sometimes misidentified as one-eighth inch in diameter. Although buds. The taxonomy of kermes scale the scales are brownish, they frequently species is uncertain because early work appear blackish due to a coating of sooty relied heavily on color patterns, which mold. Sooty mold is a black fungus that we now know are variable. There are grows on the honeydew, the partially approximately 30 species of kermes that digested and concentrated plant sap occur in North America, but identification excreted by many scale insect species. is difficult. This goes beyond academic gymnastics, as different species produce Kermes scales have recently been seen crawlers at different times during the on bur oak in Illinois. These scales tend growing season. to be located on the twigs at or near leaf buds and at twig crotches near branch Control of scale insects relies on tips. They are rounded and up to one- insecticide application to the unprotected quarter inch in diameter. They vary in newly hatched nymphs or crawlers. At color from dark brown to tan with dark least one species produces crawlers in brown banding. Leaf and branch July, but crawlers of other species hatch in distortion is not evident, but they cause September. However, all species noticeable branch tip droppage. overwinter as first stage nymphs on the bark of trunks and branches, making them Overall, infested trees grow slower and susceptible to dormant oil application. are twiggy and bushier due to terminal Apply dormant oil when the tree is damage and subsequent lateral branch dormant and when the temperature does development. Kermes scales are native not drop below freezing for the next 24 insects, and their populations are kept in hours after application. check by several natural enemies including a parasitic wasp, a lady beetle, On white and bur oak, kermes scale and a predatory caterpillar. Although tends to cause twisting, crooking, and almost all caterpillars are herbivorous, other distortion of the branch tip. there are a few species of moths whose Leaves are also misshapen and twisted, larvae feed on other insects. (Phil Nixon) Aphids mature into adults, allowing them to fly to new, less infested hosts. Lengthening Aphids are more noticeable this spring, nights towards the end of the growing particularly on linden and tulip poplar, season cause females to give birth to than they have been for many years. nymphs that will mature as winged Since the late 1990’s when multicolored males and females that must mate to Asian lady beetles became numerous in reproduce. The aphids fly to their winter the state, aphid numbers have tended to host, where the females lay eggs that be low. overwinter. Aphids are soft-bodied, pear-shaped Typically, about 2 weeks after they insects. There are many species of become numerous, aphids that are aphids, with adults ranging from exposed on the leaves and stems are pinhead-sized to 1/4 inch long. On trees, usually controlled by natural enemies, most are closer to pinhead-sized, but a making insecticide application common aphid on willow is one of the unnecessary in most cases. Not only largest aphid species. Aphid species vary does the multicolored Asian lady beetle in color, with green being most common. feed on aphids, but so do other lady Even a population of one aphid species beetle species, lacewings, syrphid flies, on a plant may vary in color, apparently parasitic wasps, and other insects. depending on factors such as temperature, crowding, and food It is more common to control aphids due quality. Aphids tend to have long, to their sticky honeydew coating spindly legs and long, slender antennae. sidewalks, cars, lawn furniture, and other objects under infested trees than Aphids overwinter as eggs, typically on a to control tree damage. Aphids tend to plant other than the one where they are feed near the tips of branches on the common during the summer. These eggs young leaves and stems. This feeding hatch into all wingless females that feed can cause the leaves to wrinkle, curl, on the winter host and give birth to twist, or become distorted in other more aphids. Usually after two to three ways. Similarly, young, green stems may generations on the winter host, the curl or twist due to aphid feeding. If aphids mature into winged adult needed, contact insecticides such as females that fly to the summer host. On insecticidal soap, summer spray oil, and the summer host, up to 30 generations pyrethroids are effective. The systemic of aphids are produced, all of them being insecticide, imidacloprid (Merit), is also females that give birth to living young effective against aphids. (Phil Nixon) without fertilization. Generations are commonly produced weekly, resulting in huge populations building up. Japanese Beetle Aphid nymphs in crowded conditions Japanese beetle adults have emerged in are frequently bumped and jostled by Kentucky, so be watchful for emergence nearby aphids. These aphids will mature in southern Illinois. We continue to see into wingless females that give birth to insect emergence about two weeks nymphs that will develop wings as they ahead of schedule throughout Illinois. With emergence in southern Illinois symptoms along leaf veins, mottling on typically occurring around the middle of leaves, collapsed or sunken tissue, June, emergence is likely around the end general stunting of growth, necrosis, and of May. ring spots. Symptoms of HVX can be highly variable depending on infected Japanese beetle adults are present for cultivar. Symptoms of HVX are about six weeks and fly to new hosts consistent for specific cultivars, so every three days. They are strongly comparisons can be made for suspected attracted to previously attacked foliage, infections. particularly that damaged by Japanese beetles. Season-long control involves at HVX is normally transmitted from least three insecticide spray plant to plant through wound contact. applications. If only one application is Sap from infected plants can enter applied, it should be applied at early wounds on non-infected plants and emergence to reduce overall damage. quickly take up residence. The virus can also be spread when cuttings or Carbaryl (Sevin) and various labeled divisions are made of infected plants. pyrethroids including cyfluthrin HVX can even be spread through tissue (Tempo) and permethrin (Astro) are culture of infected hostas. Tissue effective, with each spray lasting about culture is a common way of two weeks. Systemic insecticides such as propagation for large hosta nurseries, imidacloprid (Merit, others) will provide so if an infected plant is chosen for control. Hand-picking in late afternoon culturing the spread of the virus can be and evening is also effective. Disturbed extensive. The vector of transmission beetles will drop into a jar held under outside of this is unknown as of now them. Add a couple of inches of rubbing (assuming there is one!), though it is alcohol or soapy water to the jar to kill known that the virus has no captured beetles. (Phil Nixon) survivability outside of the living host. A fun fact on HVX is that occasionally Hosta Virus X (and becoming more common) hostas are intentionally infected with HVX to Hosta virus X (HVX) is a pathogen that produce cultivars with “cool” traits. has plagued gardeners worldwide. As While this might not sound like an awful with most viruses, HVX will not kill idea, these cosmetic hosta cultivars can hosta; however it can cause a number of lead to the increased spread of HVX to undesirable symptoms to appear on the hosta everywhere, which is definitely host. HVX is also a difficult virus to pin not “cool”. Some of these varieties down because symptoms can often take include (but are not limited to): years to appear in infected hosts, and in Leopard Frog, Blue Freckles, Lunacy, some cases no symptoms may ever Eternal Father, Kiwi, Watercolours, and appear. Breakdance. Some major symptoms to look out for The only way to be sure of the presence include: rugose or wrinked leaves, light of HVX in a hosta is through a scientific green sections on leaves, ink bleed analysis (ELISA test). If you suspect that your hosta may be infected with HVX, on the leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits you can submit a sample of leaves to the of various plants. Anthracnose infections U of I Plant Clinic. The fee is $25 for an occur during rainy, spring weather, and ELISA test. Please be sure to include a usually subside by mid-summer. Oaks sample submission form with provided are specifically infected by a form of information with your sample. Discula anthracnose, Discula quercinia. Over 20 species of oak are prone to Sadly there is no easy fix for HVX. Once varying degrees of infection. White oak a hosta has been diagnosed as a host for (Quercus alba) is a highly susceptible HVX, it should be eradicated species. immediately. When removing infected hostas they should not be composted, Fungal spores of Discula quercina are as this can only increase spread. HVX present on the tree year round, hosts should be either burned or inhabiting the buds, twigs and leaves.
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