CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1723 on the Chief of Staff position at Fort Leonard hard work on the single parts of this bill which, fact, the Omnibus National Parks and Public Wood, U.S. Army Engineer School in South- together, make this a landmark piece of legis- Lands Bill of 1998 does more than any other ern Missouri. lation. The far-reaching Omnibus National single piece of legislation could, in order to en- Colonel Davis has held various positions in Parks and Public Lands Bill accomplishes sure that the management and creation of the Army Corps of Engineers, including serv- many goals and addresses a multitude of pub- America's parks and public lands remains a ing as an exchange officer to the Australian lic lands concerns to assure that our cherished top priority of this Congress. It creates new School of Military Engineering and participat- parks and public lands, many of them national National Park units, new wilderness areas, ing in Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. treasures, are protected, expanded, and im- new historic sites, and new heritage areas. It Colonel Davis also participated in Operation proved. It also creates new and important his- expands existing National Parks, authorizes Desert Shield in Kuwait and Operations Re- toric sites, heritage areas, and wilderness land exchanges and conveyances, and makes store Hope and Continue Hope in Somalia. In areas so that the American public can enjoy, numerous and necessary technical changes to the United States, Colonel Davis took part in benefit, and use these extraordinary natural existing laws so that parks can operate more the Hurricane Andrew Relief Operations in the and historic resources. efficiently. In short, this bill assures that our Miami area. Furthermore, the wonderful natural and sig- country's magnificent historical, cultural, and Colonel Davis has had an extraordinary ca- nificant historic areas that the Omnibus Na- natural resources and areas will be protected reer. His long list of awards and decorations tional Parks and Public Lands Bill protects and and managed effectively now and in the fu- include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star creates, span the breadth of this great country ture. Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with three of ours. In fact, it deals with resource issues f campaign stars. He has also earned the Para- and areas in over 305 StatesÐfrom wild and chutist and the Air Assault Badges. Last, but scenic rivers in Massachusetts, to creating wil- PERSONAL EXPLANATION certainly not least in Larry Davis' long list of derness areas in California, to studying Mid- accomplishments, is his dedication as a hus- way Island, far out in the Pacific Ocean, from HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN band and father of two children, Kimberly the Everglades of Florida to Mount St. Helens OF FLORIDA Anne and John. in the State of Washington. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I have enjoyed working with Colonel Davis Of equal breadth and scope is the variety of Tuesday, September 15, 1998 issues and areas that this bill addresses. For over the years in addressing various Army Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, yester- example, the Omnibus Bill will assure a fair Corps issues in my district. I will surely miss day I was not present due to important busi- and equitable land exchange dealing with hun- his attention, and that of his staff, to matters ness in my home district and missed four roll- dreds of thousands of acres of school trust of importance to me. call votes (426, 427, 428 and 429). If I had lands in Utah while also authorizing an innova- Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Larry for been present, I would have voted ``aye'' on all tive approach to land management in Utah's his hard work and dedication. I would also like four votes. spectacular San Rafael Swell area. It will cre- to wish him and his wife Barbara continued f success and happiness in Fort Leonard Wood, ate new trails across the United States and Missouri. authorize the construction of a trails interpre- SALUTE TO VIOLET THOMPSON f tive center. These trails will bring years of en- joyment to those who wish to hike across the PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. LOUISE McINTOSH SLAUGHTER entire United States or for those who just want OF NEW YORK to take a few steps on trails that the American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pioneers made on their courageous treks to HON. CHARLES W. PICKERING Tuesday, September 15, 1998 OF MISSISSIPPI settle this country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In addition, this bill establishes new affiliated Ms. SLAUGHTER. Ms. Speaker, I rise today units of the National Park System, like a his- to pay tribute to an outstanding citizen of my Tuesday, September 15, 1998 toric site which will honor America's most district and the state of New York, as well as Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, I was unable prominent landscape artist, Thomas Cole. an outstanding American: Ms. Violet Thomp- to return to the House floor because I was un- Other affiliated areas include the unique and son. Ms. Thompson will be honored on Octo- avoidably detained and missed the following innovative Eastside Tenement Museum in the ber 20, 1998, in St. Louis, Missouri by the Na- rollcall votes: heart of New York City and the important tional Industries for the Blind as the 1998 (1) Rollcall vote No. 426, S. 2206. Had I Casa Malpais Indian ruins in the middle of pic- Peter J. Salmon National Manufacturing Em- been present, I would have voted ``yea.'' turesque rural Arizona. ployee of the Year. Ms. Thompson overcame (2) Rollcall vote No. 427, H. Con. Res. 304. This bill also re-authorizes and extends a a difficult childhood punctuated by repeated Had I been present, I would have voted ``yea.'' number of Commissions which were estab- stints in foster care to raise a family and pur- (3) Rollcall vote No. 428, H. Con. Res. 254. lished to better manage many of our park sue a career. Had I been present, I would have voted ``yea.'' units or affiliated areas, like the Delaware Ms. Thompson's birth-related blindness was (4) Rollcall vote No. 429, H. Con. Res. 185. Water Gap and the Illinois-Michigan Heritage not detected until she was in the sixth grade. Had I been present, I would have voted ``yea.'' Corridor. Moreover, it expands many of the By then, Violet had fallen far behind the other f existing National Park units, like the unique students both in her academic work and her and beautiful Arches National Park in Utah, sense of self-esteem. Through her own perse- THE OMNIBUS NATIONAL PARKS the Cape Cod National Seashore, the Fort verance and hard work, the help of an atten- AND PUBLIC LANDS BILL OF 1998 Davis Historic Site in Texas, the Morristown tive teacher, the encouragement of her step- Historic Site in New Jersey, the George Wash- father, and large print books, Violet learned to HON. JAMES V. HANSEN ington Boyhood Farm in Virginia, and Abra- read and write and graduated from high OF UTAH ham Lincoln's Birthplace in Kentucky. school at the age of 20. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Omnibus National Parks and Public Ms. Thompson married soon after and set- Lands Bill of 1998 provides for many land ex- tled down to raise a family of four daughters Tuesday, September 15, 1998 changes which help Federal agencies better and seven grandchildren. Seven years ago, Mr. HANSEN. Mr. Speaker, it is with great manage their resources, it authorizes a memo- Ms. Thompson decided to take on a new chal- pleasure that I introduce today the National rial to a great world leader, Mahatma Gandhi, lenge and return to work. She learned about Parks and Public Lands Omnibus Bill of 1998. it establishes a cave and karst research cen- the Association for the Blind and Visually Im- This is a very good and necessary bill that ad- ter. In addition, this bill makes needed tech- paired-Goodwill Industries in Rochester, New dresses a variety of important concerns and nical corrections to previous laws, it estab- York and joined the workforce on the produc- issues dealing with National Parks, wild and lishes new heritage areas and new historic tion line. Ms. Thompson's dedication and skill scenic rivers, heritage areas, National Forests, sites and even authorizes construction of a allowed her to move rapidly through the var- and many other public lands. This bill is a new visitor's center for the Independence Mall ious manufacturing stations and in time she compilation of a number of resource related so that the public can better interpret and mar- reached her present position of Production Su- bills, most of which have gone through individ- vel at the history and people behind founding pervisor. In her position, Ms. Thompson bene- ual hearings and followed the legislative proc- of this great country. fits from a number of assistive technologies, ess. Numerous Members of Congress are to The paragraphs above outline just some of including a Visual-Tek closed circuit television be commended and congratulated for their the many things that this bill accomplishes. In as well as hand held magnifiers. E1724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 15, 1998 Violet Thompson is a hard working Amer- This national touring exhibition is dedicated TRIBUTE TO BOETTCHER ican who has seized the opportunity offered by to the late Dr. Linus Pauling, the great Amer- SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act (JWOD) to ex- ican scientist, for his extraordinary contribu- pand her horizons through meaningful employ- tions to science and humanity.
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