Chapter v AMERICAN OPERATIONS IN THE CHAMPAGNE REGION this chapter are described the Ameri- region are shown on the general map at can military operations which took the end of the chapter and each opera- I place during the World War on that tion is illustrated by a sketch which part of the battle front in the Champagne accompanies the text of the itinerary. region between the city of Reims and the The described tour begins at Reims and western part of the Argonne Forest. ends at Le Four de Paris, near the western They include combat services of the 2d, edge of the Argonne Forest. It takes the 36th and 42d Divisions; the 369th, 371st visitor to each of the areas where Amer- and 372d Infantry Regiments of the 93d ican fighting occurred and to the monu- Division; the so-called "Lost Battalion" ment constructed by the United States of the 77th Division; and the 368th Government north of Sommepy to com- Infantry Regiment of the 92d Division. memorate the achievements of American German Troops Anacking Village Behind Smoke Screen, July 15, 1918. © G The operations of the "Lost Battalion" and French troops who fought in the were part of the Meuse-Argonne offensive Champagneregion during the World War. of the American First Army but because This itinerary differs from those in the the area concerned is near the west preceding chapters in that it does not form side of the Argonne, and therefore more a complete loop. Such a change was con- easily reached from the direction of sidered advisable because it is believed Reims, the detailed description of them this tour will be used mainly by tourists is included in this part of the book. passing through the Champagne region This chapter also includes a described on their way to visit the American tour of the American battlefields. The Meuse-Argonne or St. Mihiel battlefields locations of all American operations in the or other places still farther to the east. (329) 42D DIVISION IN THE CHAMPAGNE- MARNE D EFENSIVE JULY 1 5-18, 1918 ARL Y in July the French secured in- with the defense of that part of the front E formation indicating that the next including Perthes-les-Hurlus, Souain and enemy attack would be launched near St. Hilaire-le-Grand. (See map page 343.) Reims. As part of the preparations to The intermediate position ran just north meet it the American 42d Division was of these towns and the second position sent to reinforce the French Fourth about 1 mile south of them. The 42d Army, which was then holding the front Division was given the mission of prepar- line from a point about 7 miles east of ing for defense and holding that part of Reims to the edge of the Argonne Forest. the second line south of Souain and St. General Pétain, the Commander-in- Hilaire, and, in addition, three of its Chief of the French Army, on June 24 battalions were placed on the intermediate had prescribed in considerable detail the position in front of those places. Ail plan to be followed in defending against troops on the intermediate and second the expected attack. Under this plan positions were directed to maintain their the front lines were to be held by but few ground "in any event and at all costs". troops, who were to withdraw in case of The French Intelligence Service dis- a determined assault, and the main covered further details of the impending defem:e was to be made at a position, attack, and by July 11 was able to fore- intermediate between the then-existing cast its direction, the frontage it would first and second positions, about 1 1/2 miles cover and the probable day it would from the front line. The preparation for take place. As a final stroke of good defense of this intermediate position and fortune it was learned during the evening the existing second position in rear of it of July 14, from prisoners captured by was an emergency task requiring immedi- the French east of Reims, that the ate attention. Consequently, when the German artillery bombardment would 42d Division arrived all available units start about midnight of that day and were immediately assigned to work to that the German infantry assault would strengthen these two positions. be launched several hours later. The 42d Division was attached to the Thus forewarned, the French were able French XXI Corps, which was charged to complete their plans to break up the Germ an Infantry Mopping Up a Destroyed and Still Burning Village, July 1918. © G (330) AMERICAN OPERATIONS IN THE CHAMPAGNE REGION 331 German Anti-Aircraft Battery in Position Near the Champagne Front. @ G expected attack. They had previously as possible. They sent back information moved a large quantity of artillery into mainly by telephone, rockets and flares. the sector and, shortly before the German The story of these men, exposed to almost bombardment began, the French and certain death under the heavy shelling, is American guns placed an intense bom- an epic of heroism. Among them was a bardment on the German artillery em- group comprising one officer and 25 men placements and assembly points for of the 42d Division who were posted 1/2 troops. This caused severe casualties in mile in front of the main line of resistance the hostile ranks and resulted in the re- to defend an anti-tank gun. This entire placement of several German units before group was sacrificed, not one returning to the infantry assault was even started. the division after the attack. The Germans likewise had concen- The infantry assault began at 3 :50 trated a great mass of artillery for the a. m. on a battle front extending east of battle, and soon after midnight on July Reims to Tahure and southwest of Reims 14-15 such cannon as had not been put to a point about 4 miles east of Château- out of action by the French bombard- Thierry. Beca use the Germ ans progressed ment deluged the French and American rapidly through the French front line positions with a tremendous concentra- their first reports were highly favorable tion of gas and high-explosive shells. and reserve troops were rushed forward While there were many casualties, the in the belief that the shock of the initial lasses were much less than in the previous onslaught had been irresistible. German offensives, as a large part of this On the front of the French XXI Corps, bombardment was on the first position the Allied and American artillery was from which most of the French troops had kept informed of the progress of the been previously withdrawn. German infantry attack by watchers in The few troops manning the front line the forward positions. Consequently, had the mission of giving warning of the the gunners were able to shorten their attack to the units in the intermediate range progressively so that the German position and of delaying the enemy as long troops from the time the attack started German Infantry Advancing on the Wesrern Front, 1918. © G were constantly under a rain of Allied tance in the direction of Epernay. Hard shells, with no shelter available, the fighting continued there until the 17th French having previously destroyed or when the advance was definitely stopped. made untenable by poison gas all dugouts Although this powerful and ambitious in front of their intermediate position. drive was made by the enemy in a des- Under this deluge of fire the Germans perate effort to win the war, it lacked the approached the intermediate position quality of surprise which had char- where the French and Americans were acterized most of the other German waiting. They repeatedly attacked that attacks of 1918. The Allies not only position during the first day, suffering avoided exposing their men to much of terrifie losses, but were everywhere re- the devastating effects of the hostile pulsed, except at two places. In those preliminary artillery bombardment, but places the hostile troops who penetrated they fought the battle on a position of the French and American lines were their own choosing, inflicting heavy promptly driven out by counterattacks. losses and a serious repulse on the enemy. During this fighting six more American The 42d Division, which suffered more infantry companies were sent forward to than 1,600 casualties, was enthusiastically the intermediate position, now become commended by General Gouraud, com- the front line, and the 150th and 15lst manding the French Fourth Army, for its Machine Gun Battalions and the artillery gallant conduct in the defense. It was brigade of the 42d Division all actively withdrawn from the line on July 19 pre- participated in driving the enemy back. paratory to moving westward to take The Germans continued their attacks part in the Franco-American offensive on some parts of this front on July 16, against the Marne salient which had but made no gains of importance. begun with great success the day before. In the sector of the French Fifth Army The exact locations of the infantry units southwest of Reims the Germans on July of the 42d Division are shown on the sketch 15 pushed several divisions across the on page 343 and further details of the fight- Marne River and advanced a short dis- ing will be found in that part of the text. German 15-cm. Howitzer Battery Firing While Infantry Is Moving Forward, October 1918. © G 2D AND 36TH DIVISIONS WITH THE FRENCH FOURTH ARMY, SEPTEMBER 29-0CTOBER 28, 1918 HE French Fourth Army, holding On October 2 the 2d Division took over T most of the front between the Ar- a zone of action north of Sommepy, as part gonne Forest and Reims, attacked on of the French XXI Corps, preparatory to September 26, in conjunction with the launching an attack against Blanc Mont northward drive of the American First Ridge.
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