Zen Classics: Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism STEVEN HEINE DALE S. WRIGHT, Editors OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Zen Classics This page intentionally left blank Zen Classics Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism edited by steven heine and dale s. wright 1 2006 1 Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further Oxford University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright ᭧ 2006 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 www.oup.com Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Zen classics: formative texts in the history of Zen Buddhism / edited by Steven Heine and Dale S. Wright. p. cm Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents: The concept of classic literature in Zen Buddhism / Dale S. Wright—Guishan jingce and the ethical foundations of Chan practice / Mario Poceski—A Korean contribution to the Zen canon the Oga hae scorui / Charles Muller—Zen Buddhism as the ideology of the Japanese state / Albert Welter—An analysis of Dogen’s Eihei goroku / Steven Heine—“Rules of purity” in Japanese Zen / T. Griffith Foulk—Zen koan capping phrase books / Victor Sogen Hori—Imagining Indian Zen / Michel Mohr—Meditation for laymen and laywomen / David Riggs. ISBN-13 978-0-19-517525-7; 978-0-19-517526-4 (pbk.) ISBN 0-19-517525-5; 0-19-517526-3 (pbk.) 1. Zen literature—History and criticism. 2. Zen Buddhism. I. Heine, Steven, 1950– II. Wright, Dale S. BQ9264.2.Z455 2005 294.3'85—dc22 2004066287 987654321 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Acknowledgments We thank Cynthia Read and Oxford University Press for their inter- est in the project. We are also grateful for the support provided by our respective institutions in the preparation of the manuscript. Spe- cial thanks go to several assistants who worked on the manuscript, including Sandy Avila, Kelly Kuylen, Adiene Rodas, and Cristina Sasso. This page intentionally left blank Contents Abbreviations, ix Contributors, xi Introduction: The Concept of Classic Literature in Zen Buddhism, 3 Dale S. Wright 1. Guishan jingce (Guishan’s Admonitions) and the Ethical Foundations of Chan Practice, 15 Mario Poceski 2. A Korean Contribution to the Zen Canon: The Oga Hae Seorui (Commentaries on Five Masters on the Diamond Su¯tra), 43 Charles Muller 3. Zen Buddhism as the Ideology of the Japanese State: Eisai and the Ko¯zen gokokuron,65 Albert Welter 4. An Analysis of Do¯gen’s Eihei Goroku: Distillation or Distortion? 113 Steven Heine 5. “Rules of Purity” in Japanese Zen, 137 T. Griffith Foulk viii contents 6. Zen Ko¯an Capping Phrase Books: Literary Study and the Insight “Not Founded on Words or Letters,” 171 G. Victor So¯gen Hori 7. Imagining Indian Zen: To¯rei’s Commentary on the Ta-mo-to-lo ch’an ching and the Rediscovery of Early Meditation Techniques during the Tokugawa Era, 215 Michel Mohr 8. Meditation for Laymen and Laywomen: The Buddha Sama¯dhi (Jijuyu¯ Zanmai) of Menzan Zuiho¯, 247 David E. Riggs Appendix: Pinyin–Wade-Giles Conversion Table, 275 Index, 281 Abbreviations T Taisho¯shinshu¯daizo¯kyo¯ [Japanese Edition of the Buddhist Canon] (Tokyo: Daizo¯kyo¯kai, 1924–1935). Z Zoku zo¯kyo¯ [Dai Nihon zokuzo¯kyo¯] (Kyoto: Zo¯kyo¯shoin, 1905–1912). XZJ Xu zangjing (Taipei: Xinwenfeng, 1968–1970; reprint of Dai Nihon zokuzo¯kyo¯). This page intentionally left blank Contributors T. GRIFFITH FOULK is professor of religion at Sarah Lawrence College and co-editor-in-chief of the Soto Zen Translation Project based in Tokyo. He was trained in both Rinzai and Soto Zen monas- teries in Japan and has published extensively on the institutional and intellectual history of Chan/Zen Buddhism. STEVEN HEINE is professor of religious studies and history and director of the Institute for Asian Studies at Florida Interna- tional University. Heine has published numerous books and articles dealing with the life and thought of Do¯gen and the history and phi- losophy of Zen Buddhism, including Do¯gen and the Ko¯an Tradition: A Tale of Two Sho¯bo¯genzo¯Texts (1994), The Zen Poetry of Do¯gen: Verses from the Mountain of Eternal Peace (1997), Shifting Shape, Shaping Text: Philosophy and Folklore in the Fox Ko¯an (1999), Open- ing a Mountain: Ko¯ans of the Zen Masters (2001), and Zen Canon: Understanding the Classic Texts (co-edited with Dale S. Wright, 2004). G. VICTOR SO¯ GEN HORI, a former monk in the Daitokuji branch of Japanese Rinzai Zen, is associate professor of Japanese re- ligion in the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University in Montreal. He has published Zen Sand: The Book of Capping Phrases for Ko¯an Practice, a translation with commentary of the Rinzai Zen monks’ handbook of capping phrases for ko¯ans (2003), and is active in the Montreal Buddhist communities. MICHEL MOHR presently works as a full-time researcher at the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism, Hanazono University, with a position of professor. He is in charge of directing the “Zen Knowledge Base” project initiated by Urs App. Mohr ob- xii contributors tained a doctorate in 1992 from the University of Geneva (Switzerland), where he was working as assistant of the Japanese Department between 1987 and 1992. His publications include Trait sur Buisable Lampe du Zen: (1721–1792) et sa vision de Treatise on the Inexhaustible Lamp of Zen: [To¯rei and His Vision of Awakening], 2 vols. (1997). CHARLES MULLER is professor, Faculty of Humanities, Toyo Gakuen University (Japan). His publications include The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment: Korean Buddhism’s Guide to Meditation (1999), and Patterns of Religion (1999) [co-author]. He is also the founder and managing editor of the H-Buddhism Buddhist Scholars Information Network (http://www2.hnet.msu.edu/ ϳbuddhism/) and Chief Editor of the online Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (http://www.acmuller.net/ddb). MARIO POCESKI is an assistant professor of Buddhist studies at the Uni- versity of Florida. His research focuses on the history of Buddhism in late medieval China. Currently he is finishing a book on the history and doctrines of the Hongzhou school of Chan. His earlier publications include Manifestation of the Tatha¯gata: Buddhahood According to the Avatamsaka Su¯tra (1993) and Sun- Face Buddha: The Teachings of Ma-tsu and the Hung-chou School of Ch’an (2001). DAVID E. RIGGS is currently a researcher at the International Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto. He has taught at the University of California Santa Barbara and the University of Illinois. He received his Ph. D. from the Uni- versity of California Los Angeles, where his dissertation was entitled “The Re- kindling of a Tradition: Menzan Zuiho¯and the Reform of Japanese Soto Zen in the Tokugawa Era.” ALBERT WELTER is associate professor of religious studies at the Uni- versity of Winnipeg, specializing in Chinese and Japanese Buddhism. His pre- vious publications include articles on Chinese Ch’an, and a book-length study of the Ch’an scholiast Yung-ming Yen-shou. He is currently preparing several manuscripts for publication, including a translation of the Ko¯zen gokokuron. DALE S. WRIGHT is David B. and Mary H. Gamble Professor of Religious Studies and Asian Studies at Occidental College. His area of specialization and research is Buddhist philosophy, particularly Hua-yen Buddhism and Ch’an/ Zen Buddhism. His publications include Philosophical Meditations on Zen Bud- dhism (1998), The Ko¯an: Texts and Contexts in Zen Buddhism (co-edited with Steven Heine, 2000), and Zen Canon: Understanding the Classic Texts (co-edited with Steven Heine, 2004), as well as numerous articles in Philosophy East and West, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, History and Theory, and else- where. Zen Classics This page intentionally left blank Introduction: The Concept of Classic Literature in Zen Buddhism Dale S. Wright Zen Classics is a sequel to The Zen Canon, published by Oxford Uni- versity Press, in which we began to explore the variety of influential texts in the history of Zen Buddhism. In Zen Classics we continue that exploration by shifting our primary focus from the Chinese ori- gins of Zen to the other East Asian cultures where the Zen tradition came to fruition in subsequent eras. Here we invite scholars doing original research on Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Zen literature to survey a single work or genre of works that, because of its power and influence, has helped shape the Zen tradition and cause it to be what it is today. It has by now become clear to those of us studying the Zen tra- dition of Buddhism that in spite of the powerful rhetorical opposi- tion mounted against the written word, the volume, variety, and in- fluence of Zen literature are enormous. Zen literature is one of the primary ways in which the tradition communicates its teachings and is perhaps the most important way that it extends itself into future historical contexts. Zen texts come in a range of genres. Primary among these are the “recorded sayings” of famous Zen masters; the “transmission of the lamp” histories, which string together impor- tant stories and biographies into a lineage structure; kung-an or ko¯an collections, which evolved out of these earlier literatures and sought to bring the teachings into finer focus; monastic codes enunciating rules of conduct for the life of Zen monks and nuns; and a wide variety of commentarial literature related to all of these primary gen- res.
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