DOCUMENT RESUME ED 127 631 CS 202 898 AUTHOR Moses, Kathlyn J., Comp.; Watt, Lois B., Comp. TITLE Aids to Media Selection for Students and Teachers. Revised. INSTITUTION Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. REPORT NO 0E-76-21002 PUB DATE 76 NOTE 127p. AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 ($2.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$7.35 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Audiovisual Aids; Booklists; Elementary Secondary Education; *Instructional Materials; *Instructional Media; *Media Selection; *Multimedia Instruction; Periodicals; Textbook Selection ABSTRACT The selected bibliographies and journals listed in this volume provide reviews of books, periodicals, and audiovisual materials of relevance for elementary and secondary school instructional programs. Section one furnishes booklists and nonselective bibliographies to aid in book selection; an inventory of specialized periodicals and periodicals devoted to books, reading, and libraries; and citations of guides and handbooks serving as reference tools, providing surveys of juvenile literature, or suggesting a philosophy of book selection. Section two details sources of audiovisual materials and suggests general periodicals, as well as specialized journals and subject journals, which review audiovisual materials. Sources of multiethnic materials are delineated in section three; teachers' resources for selection and use of materials and multimedia selection aids for elementary and secondary schools are described. (KS) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. *********************************************************************** Includes books, pamphlets, periodicals, films,filmstrips, loops, recordings, and realia because of "theirusefulness as an interpretation of all aspects of city living," for K-12. In the main, materials dealing with contemporary themesand issues cited, with historical development of thecity inci- dentally included. Arranged alphabetically by authors under broad topics as "A City is...People," "A Cityis...Many Problems, Many Solutions." Index to Authors and Titles and a Key to Publishers and Distributors provided. National Aeronautics and Space Administration FilmList. Wash- ington: NASA, October 1972. 24 pp. Free upon request. A revised list of films and filmstrips, describingNASA research and development in space and aeronautics,including 17 films produced since 1970, arranged alphabeticallyunder such topics as General Interest, Educational andSpecial Interest Films for Non-Technical Audiences,andAdventures in Research (films useful incareer counseling). The date, color or b/w, running time, annotation, and regionallibrary code are given for each title. Films and filmstrips may be borrowed or purchased. National Aerospace Education Council. Aerospace Bibliography. 5th ed. Compiled for NASA by National Aerospace Edu,ation Council. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970. 102 pp. $1. Divided into four parts: Subject Index for books and materials (pamphlets, charts, pictures, models,maps, leaf- lets, kits, and etc.); Annotated 5iography; Reference Materials; Periodicals. Also incs index to titles, addresses of sources, NASA servico1,4. Indicates grade levels. National Art Education Association. Reproductions and Paperback Books on Art. Washington: The Association. 1967. 64 pp. $1.50. A comprehensive list of reproductions and paperbackbooks on art, the third in a series of publications sponsored by the Uses of Newer Media Project of the Association. Paperback books are listed with bibliographic data arrangedby: countries; artists; surveys; collections; art education,etc. Codes for distributors cited under each country. The size of prints, cost, and the historical or national classificationgiven in the list of distributors. - 63- National Art Education Association. Films on Art. Washington: The Association. 1965. 60 pp. $1.50 First in a series of resource guides published under the sponsorship of the Uses of Newer Media Project, thisis arranged alphabetically with informationon length of film and level of instruction, short description pluscost, bibliographic data, and producers and distributors for each entry. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Films for Mathe- matics - Titles and Sources. Washington: The Council. November 1968. 21 pp. Free. Fifty-six sources are represented in this list of films, filmstrips, and filmloops, with type of film, coloror b/w, -and code number for sources in thesource index. National Information Center for Educational Media Indexes,published by the National Center for Educational Media, University ofSouthern California, University Park, Los Angeles, California90007. Each of the NICEM Indexes, listed below, containsa Sub- ject Heading Outline (a list of all major subject andsub- headings); an Index to Specific Subject Headings; Subject Guide, citing the complete title, distributor key, audience level whenever possible; Alphabetical Guide withan outline of the content, audience lavel, coloror b/w, sound repro- duction requirements where applicable, durationor number of frames, series title, L.S. number; Producer/Distributor Code Section, indexed by name and codes and includes complete addresses. The NICEM Update of Nonbook Media, an update subscription service, is available for $106.00 per year, dueng which time 4 bi-monthly issues with 3,000-4,000 entries in eachcan be used to supplement and update the indexes. Index to Educational Audio Tapes. 3d. ed. 1974. 720 pp. $42.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $46 elsewhere. Lists and describes 20,000 audio tapes. Index to Educational Overhead Transparencies. 4th ed. 1974. 1,229 pp. $68.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $74 elsewhere. Lists and annotates over 35,000 educational overhead transparencies. 6 7 - 64 - Index to Educational Records. 3d ed. 1974. 762 pp. $42.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $46 elsewhere. Lists and describes 18,000 educational recordsand gives record sides in album, band listings,record speed and size for each item. Index to Educational Video Tapes. 3d ed. 1974. 380 pp. $26.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $29 elsewhere. Annotated list of 9,000 video tapes indicatingbroad- cast quality and tape size. Index to 8mm Motion Cartridges. 4th ed. 1974. 658 pp. $42.50 net in U.S. and Canada. Lists and describes more than 18,000educational 8mm motion cartridges. Index to Health and Safety Education-Multimedia. 2d ed. 1975. 1,082 pp. Postpaid $26.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $29 elsewhere. Includes 16,000 nonbook titles usefulfor general and specific areas of health and safety educationfor elementary school through university and professionaleducation levels. Index to 16mm Educational Films. 5th ed. 1974. 3 vols. Postpaid $99.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $104elsewhere. Contains 70,000 annotated entries. Index to 35mm Filmstrips. 5th ed. 1974. 2 vols. Postpaid $78.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $84elsewhere. Includes 42,000 filmstrips and indicateswhether each is captioned, or accompanied by record,script, or audio tape. Index to Vocational and Technical Education-Multimedia. 1975. 645 pp. $26.50 net in U.S. and Canada; $29elsewhere. Lists and describes over 25,000 titles inseven media areas dealing with the general and specificareas of voca- tional and technical education. Entries filed under at least three subject headings. 8 - 65 - National Institute of Mental Health. A Guide to Drug Abuse Edu- cation and Information Materials. Washington: Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, 23 pp. $.50. A complete listing of films, audiotapes, a simulation program,and printed matter that indicates the latest educa- tional techniques of drug abuse prevention, how one becomes aware of his own and others' emotional reaction to drug abuse, various approaches used in drug abuse prevention and edu- cational activities throughout the U.S., and beginning approaches to alternatives to drug misuse. National Institute of Mental Health. Selected Mental Health Films. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967. 110 pp. 40 cents. (Revision in process) Based on the following critc-la: soundness, freshness, usefulness, and cinematic qualitles. Selections in this film guide are for the use of the general public, tiaachers, policemen, nurses, and physicians; they cover such topics as adolescence, dropouts, disadvantaged children, drug addiction, and child growth and development, and are arranged alphabet- ically by title. Running time, date, description, audience, producer, distributor, and cost are given. Subject index also included. New York State Education Department. Bureau of Business Education, Division of Occupational Education. Business Education Bibli- ographical Series, 1972- . Free. This series of lists includes: Bookkeeping/Accounting, Business Law, Business Management, Career Education, Data Processing, General Business,and Office and Secretarial Practice. These lists of books, periodicals, booklets, film- strips, resource
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