SAMS 2010:. 4/10/10 15:23 Page 1 ANNUAL REPORT 09-10 SAMS 2010:. 4/10/10 15:23 Page 2 Front cover The front cover shows a close-up image of the ross worm Sabellaria spinulosa. Research at SAMS investigates its sensitivity to burial and sediment suspension. (Photo by Vicki Hendrick, SAMS) ABOUT US SAMS is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Scotland (SC009292) and a registered Scottish charity (009206). It is a Learned Society with 450 members and employs 143 staff at the Scottish Marine Institute near Oban. SAMS administers its commercial services through a wholly owned commercial subsidiary company, SAMS Commercial Services Limited (SRSL). SAMS also hosts The European Centre for Marine Biotechnology. ECMB is a business incubator for new marine biotechnology companies and currently hosts two tenants: Aquapharm Biodiscovery Ltd and GlycoMar Ltd. SAMS is a collaborative centre of the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council www.nerc.ac.uk and an academic partner of the UHI Millennium Institute www.uhi.ac.uk GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE SAMS is ruled by its members, who elect office bearers at the Annual General Meeting. SAMS Council, chaired by the SAMS President, has responsibility for strategy, risk management and appointment and performance of executive management. Council is supported by a Board and five committees. Council members are the non-executive directors of the company. The director of SAMS is responsible for the effective management of the organization and is supported by an executive group. Research and teaching staff are managed within five departments: Ecology; Microbial and Molecular Biology; Biogeochemistry and Earth Sciences; Physics Sea Ice and Technology; and Education. Editors Dr Anuschka Miller, Laila Sadler and Olga Kimmings President Professor Andrew Hamnett SAMS, Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll PA37 1QA, UK Council Board of Directors t 01631 559000 f 01631 559001 Professor Mary Bownes e [email protected] Professor Peter Burkill Views expressed in this repprt are the views Dr Keith Duff of the individual contributors and do not Dr Robert Ferrier necessarily reflect the views of SAMS. Mr Michael Gibson Professor Gideon Henderson Design Rory MacKinnon Mr Gordon McAllister Professor David Paterson Dr Carol Phillips Funders Dr John Rogers Mr Ken Rundle Dr Roger Scrutton Mr Walter Speirs Commodore Charles Stevenson Our main partners Mr Michael Wilkins Director Professor Laurence Mee SAMS 2010:. 4/10/10 15:23 Page 3 CONTENTS page Director’ s Introduction 03 Research Highlights 05 Arctic Seas 09 Marine Processes in Climate 14 Industrial Impacts 21 Marine Renewables 25 Sustaining Prosperity 30 National Facilities 38 SAMS Higher Education 40 Business Development 42 SAMS Membership 44 SAMS Honorary Fellows 45 SAMS Outreach Activities 46 SAMS Facilities 48 Staff at 31 March 2010 50 Publications 52 Research Grants and Contract Income Received 60 SAMS Accounts 71 Company Information 72 Council Report 73 Auditors’ Report 79 Group Income and Ependiture account 80 Group and Company Balance Sheet 82 Group Cash Flow Statement 84 Notes to the Group Financial Statements 85 The Scottish Association for Marine Science SAMS 2010:. 4/10/10 15:23 Page 4 Director’s Introduction The past year has been a difficult but alliances. In this process, we had to support. And these topics must be downsize some of the areas of our work that underpinned by a range of capabilities that exciting one for SAMS. The media was were no longer attracting sufficient funding can be used for many purposes. Our science dominated by the economic recession and upscale areas that were. And so I begin has to be “outward facing” to prosper and that even the softer euphemism of by paying tribute to the staff, Council and we have to engage strongly with the Board of SAMS who displayed enormous business sector as well as the public sector. “downturn” couldn’t hide. But those of positive energy, patience and Our five key topics designed for the realities us that like to take the long view know understanding. A few of our staff have of 2010 and beyond can be summarized as moved on or retired early and they did this Marine Processes and Climate, Marine that a recession, though painful, in a noble way that has helped to maintain Renewable Energy, Prosperity from Marine provides an opportunity to reshape an the strong corporate spirit for which SAMS is Ecosystems, Industrial Impacts on Oceans, well known in UK marine science. We are and Arctic Seas. Our main areas of capability institution or business in order to make emerging from this process with a clear include Smart Observation Techniques, the step change necessary to face the focus, outstanding successes and a Marine operations, Numerical Modelling, new economic, social and political balanced and growing budget (for the Analytical Services, the National Facility for second year running). But radical Scientific Diving, and the Culture Centre for post-recession environment. The restructuring is a stressful process and I Algae and Protozoa (which also includes winners are the ones who emerge one hope I never have to do it again. some of our cutting-edge molecular biology). You will be able to appreciate the So what changed in SAMS in 2009 and why? step ahead in their thinking and skills. range and quality of this work as you read We strongly believe in our mission for And this has been the case in SAMS. the various sections of the current report. independent science, technology and education for sustainable seas. In a world The outward-facing SAMS is all about During 2009, we had to work very hard on where difficult decisions have to be made engaging with the challenges of our time by our institutional strategy, focusing our about spending on research and education, providing high quality relevant science and science, sharpening our business profile, we need to be able to complete the education to reduce management reinvigorating our educational activities, statement “SAMS is good at…” with a uncertainties in the long term as well as the working with the local, national and number of topics that our non-scientist short term. We meet this goal with the help international agenda and forging new stakeholders can understand and hopefully of strong alliances at the regional, national The Scottish Association for Marine Science 03 SAMS 2010:. 4/10/10 15:23 Page 5 and international levels. And this is not a going on, SAMS is beginning to shape up matter of rhetoric; as the biggest non-public as an integrated marine science campus. sector employer in North Argyll we are The old site name of ‘Dunstaffnage Marine critically important to the local economy Laboratory’ was no longer sufficient to and are happy to welcome local people describe us and Council took the decision through our doors (700 of them on our open to change the name to The Scottish Marine day for example); we have helped define Institute, a name that is close to the original the social and economic objectives of the identity when we were founded as “The Scottish Marine Bill; we deliver science Scottish Marine Station”, 126 years ago in through UK-wide reports (such as the NERC March 1884. Very soon, people arriving here scoping exercises on marine renewables will see a new sign The Scottish Marine and on biofuels); we coordinate the research Institute, home of SAMS. We like it! (FP7 KnowSeas) that informs the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and we are involved in key international science During my first two years as Director (and meetings on the Arctic. SAMS has become some still call me ‘the new Director’), I have truly international. Our national alliances enjoyed the support of Sir John Arbuthnott include the 9-partner SFC-funded Marine as President. His calm wisdom, positivity Alliance for Science and Technology and shrewd judgement were hugely Scotland (MASTS) and its elder brother important during this period of transition SAGES, the Strategic Alliance for and he graciously agreed to extend his Geosciences, the Environment and Society. presidency as long as possible to allow the We provide the Graduate School for MASTS process to continue. He officially retired at as well. We also continue as an integral part the November Council meeting and has of the UHI Millennium Institute and as a been replaced by Professor Andrew CollaborativeCentre of NERC. Hamnett, former Chancellor of Strathclyde University whom I will introduce in next year’s Annual Report. Meanwhile, many From my perspective, the two major thanks to Sir John and to our Chairman, breakthroughs in the development of SAMS Michael Gibson, who remains at the helm of have been in the areas of business our Board. development and education. Neither of these have happened suddenly, but have been built on the foundations laid by my Am I optimistic about the future? You bet I predecessor. The creation of the European am! Centre for Marine Biotechnology - that hosts incubator companies - and our own prestigious ‘living library’, CCAP, have Laurence Mee provided the platform for the new development of a Highlands and Islands Enterprise funded European Science Park next to SAMS. And HIE, together with the Scottish Funding Council and the European Union have funded our exciting joint UHI- SAMS £6 million education and outreach centre that will be one of the finest facilities for all kinds of marine science teaching in the UK. With all of these exciting developments The Scottish Association for Marine Science 04 SAMS 2010:. 4/10/10 15:23 Page 6 RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS During the past year the governance website to get a better overview of the structure at SAMS has been changed and exciting and diverse science that has been five broad research themes have been conducted over the past 12 months.
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