Bib First Name Last Name Distance Category Age Gender Time 5 Vicki

Bib First Name Last Name Distance Category Age Gender Time 5 Vicki

Bib First name Last name Distance Category Age Gender Time Mountainman 5 Vicki Shelling MMA Hunter 49 Female DNF 1st 4 Mike Coom MMX Open 33 Male 15:15:13 3 Kaleb Krause MMX Hunter 41 Male DNF 2 Ewald Kruger MMX Hunter 41 Male DNF Alpine Adventure - challenge 1st 1604 Stef Downes AAC Open 34 Female 7:09:40 1st 1602 Andrew Mackay AAC Open 27 Male 5:38:47 Alpine Adventure - Adventure 1st 1407 JJ Wilson AAA Open 32 Male 5:47:39 2nd 1408 Robert Harrow AAA 54 Male 6:14:59 3rd 1404 Jeremy Strange AAA Hunter 48 Male 8:20:34 4th 1402 Fred Escalle AAA 51 Male 9:47:23 Record 5th 1406 Wing Kam AAA Open 33 Male 10:07:54 Alpine Adventure - Xtreme 1st 1202 Marie Hill AAX Open 35 Female 7:56:43 1st 1201 John Newsom AAX Hunter 44 Male 5:42:31 2nd 1203 Hayden Beetar AAX Hunter 46 Male 6:35:35 3rd 1207 Hamish Wall AAX Hunter 40 Male 6:47:59 4th 1205 Daniel Bromley AAX Open 28 Male 7:33:03 5th 1209 Frank Manifold AAX Hunter 43 Male 7:39:12 Record 6th 1208 Jonathan Jarratt AAX Hunter 43 Male 8:14:50 7th 1204 Michael van Vledder AAX Open 37 Male 8:41:15 Alpine Adventure - Ultimate 1st 1002 Tony Watson AAU 54 Male 7:39:30 2nd 1003 Ken Livingston AAU Dog Tuckers 60 Male 8:20:29 3rd 1001 Glenn Irving AAU Hunter 45 Male 8:52:49 4th 1004 Russell Watts AAU 54 Male 9:20:50 Alpine Adventure - Teams 1101 Team Hanmernites TAU Hunter 45 Female/Male 7:53:03 1102 Team The Dad Bods TAU Open 32 Male 5:32:40 1302 Team Sunny Side Up TAX Open 27 Female/Male 7:18:28 Bib First name Last name Distance Category Age Gender Time 4002 Mark Rigby GSAM 55 Male 28:21:55 4003 Andy Smith GSAM Hunter 47 Male 28:21:55 9001 Rose Pearson HC100 Open 31 Female 14:00:40 Record 5006 Robert Loveridge HC100 52 Male 11:27:23 Record 5007 Jarrod Mclauchlan HC100 Open 31 Male 13:40:17 5002 Nick Macdonald HC100 Open 35 Male 15:08:49 5003 Richie Laming HC100 Open 30 Male 15:14:34 5005 Warwick Simpson HC100 Open 39 Male DNF Bib First name Last name Distance Category Age Gender Time 1st 6018 Rachel Grooby S50 Open 32 Female 6:49:04 2nd 6038 Amiria Macbeth S50 Open 38 Female 6:57:27 3rd 6039 Megan Ryan S50 Hunter 42 Female 7:10:02 4th 6011 Nicole van Vledder S50 Hunter 47 Female 7:42:03 5th 6033 Ira Sizova S50 Open 28 Female 7:48:32 6th 6040 Gaylene Saywell S50 Open 38 Female 7:52:35 7th 6021 Kelly Davis S50 Hunter 41 Female 8:03:56 8th 6041 Maria Earl S50 Open 38 Female 8:06:56 9th 6024 Leah King S50 Open 39 Female 8:08:02 10th 6004 Cheryl Rowland S50 Open 31 Female 8:10:39 11th 6010 Ursula Schwarzenbach S50 Hunter 49 Female 8:26:09 1st 6029 Louis Schindler S50 Hunter 43 Male 4:45:17 2nd 6014 Tom Kissel S50 Open 34 Male 4:51:37 3rd 6045 Matthew Urbanski S50 Hunter 40 Male 5:14:11 4th 6048 Tim Ensor S50 Hunter 41 Male 5:14:58 5th 6017 Matthew Adams S50 Colts & Fillies 18 Male 5:22:02 6th 6043 Steve Hanmer S50 Hunter 43 Male 5:26:29 7th 6028 Connor Edwards S50 Open 24 Male 5:31:44 8th 6036 Mason Willis S50 Open 25 Male 6:03:12 9th 6035 Andrew Case S50 Open 31 Male 6:03:54 10th 6027 Andrew Gormley S50 Hunter 47 Male 6:13:31 11th 6015 Ian Masterton S50 Hunter 44 Male 6:17:56 12th 6020 Christo Saggers S50 Hunter 45 Male 6:23:50 13th 6003 Scott Hotham S50 Hunter 45 Male 6:26:32 14th 6013 Nicolas Dubois S50 Open 33 Male 6:34:41 15th 6006 Matt Tongue S50 Hunter 43 Male 6:41:31 16th 6047 Jim McIlraith S50 Hunter 47 Male 6:44:13 17th 6031 Dan Hale S50 Open 33 Male 6:56:13 18th 9002 Jayson Spittal S50 Hunter 49 Male 6:57:38 19th 6002 Tim Grammer S50 53 Male 7:02:26 20th 6023 Bruce Harvey S50 57 Male 7:05:33 21st 9007 Warwick Taylor S50 Dog Tuckers 51 Male 7:38:00 22nd 6025 Dean Harvey S50 Open 25 Male 7:38:46 23rd 6030 Tomas Jurasek S50 Open 32 Male 7:40:05 24th 6034 Mark Gilbert S50 Hunter 42 Male 7:51:30 25th 6046 Ross Friedrich S50 Dog Tuckers 62 Male 7:53:59 26th 6044 Mike Taylor S50 Hunter 46 Male 7:54:09 27th 6037 Bradley Aldridge S50 Open 25 Male 7:58:36 28th 6007 Jeremy Wheeler S50 Hunter 42 Male 8:03:30 29th 6009 Dan McNicholl S50 Hunter 48 Male 8:12:02 30th 6042 Brendan Whittington S50 Hunter 44 Male 8:28:30 31st 6016 Michael Brown S50 Hunter 41 Male 9:56:16 32nd 6012 Kev Strange S50 Dog Tuckers 61 Male 10:28:59 Bib First name Last name Distance Category Age Gender Time 1st 7038 Molly Spark HH21 Colts & Fillies 17 Female 1:50:45 2nd 7039 Fiona Gilroy HH21 51 Female 2:07:50 3rd 7022 Gwenivere Robinson HH21 19 Female 2:12:39 4th 7012 Samantha Owles HH21 42 Female 2:12:46 5th 7037 Aniwa MacKenzie HH21 46 Female 2:14:08 6th 7046 Brynlea Pain HH21 19 Female 2:14:47 7th 7018 Lesa Davidson HH21 44 Female 2:18:55 8th 7026 Briana Steven HH21 20 Female 2:22:47 9th 7045 Emma Marsden HH21 37 Female 2:24:41 10th 7032 Belinda Newsom HH21 44 Female 2:28:30 11th 7016 Rebecca Farrant HH21 28 Female 2:32:59 12th 7031 Zara Ford HH21 Pony 13 Female 2:36:41 13th 7030 Penny Ford HH21 44 Female 2:36:45 14th 7043 Saskia Wohlgemuth HH21 37 Female 2:36:55 15th 7014 Rebecca Willis HH21 22 Female 2:40:28 16th 7004 Kelly Wheeler HH21 41 Female 2:42:37 17th 7020 Rachel Whitcombe HH21 32 Female 2:44:18 18th 7042 Ashleigh Waghorn HH21 21 Female 2:48:50 19th 7034 Sarah Eady HH21 54 Female 2:56:31 20th 7006 Rachael Bissell HH21 48 Female 3:12:31 21st 7024 Jackie Thomas HH21 33 Female 3:14:12 22nd 7041 Lynn Strange HH21 60 Female 3:15:31 23rd 7035 Sharon Samson HH21 52 Female 3:31:31 24th 7051 Lenka Krelinova HH21 29 Female 3:35:35 25th 7005 Sirawan Puangsamran HH21 34 Female 3:44:39 26th 7007 Kathleen Yee HH21 29 Female 3:52:26 27th 7011 Carolyn Wilson HH21 63 Female 4:02:07 28th 7003 Isobel Stout HH21 54 Female 4:29:30 1st 7048 Angus Jennings HH21 41 Male 1:40:28 2nd 7017 Brendon Fisher HH21 30 Male 1:43:06 3rd 6026 Robbie Ford HH21 46 Male 2:01:00 4th 7029 Dylan Waghorn HH21 25 Male 2:07:53 5th 9004 Jeremy Grooby HH21 32 Male 2:08:02 6th 7036 Mark Samson HH21 60 Male 2:09:17 7th 7025 Toby Nicholls HH21 35 Male 2:12:43 8th 7019 William Ching HH21 28 Male 2:13:39 9th 7027 Brook Waghorn HH21 24 Male 2:15:29 10th 7021 Leighton Brehaut HH21 35 Male 2:16:20 11th 7009 Tom Nation HH21 31 Male 2:18:58 12th 7013 Sam Aish HH21 37 Male 2:19:06 13th 7028 Brent Waghorn HH21 52 Male 2:21:37 14th 7044 Campbell Letts HH21 30 Male 2:30:32 15th 7050 Michael Passant HH21 46 Male 2:36:49 16th 7049 Malcolm Fisher HH21 Dog Tuckers 74 Male 2:41:12 17th 7040 Steve Strange HH21 58 Male 3:37:57 Bib First name Last name Distance Category Age Gender Time 1st 2025 Karin van der Walt XCM Hunter 40 Female 8:01:19 2nd 2038 Nicole Burgess XCM Open 28 Female 9:40:25 1st 2039 Anton Cooper XCM Open 26 Male 4:24:26 Record 2nd 10 Steve Halligan XCM Hunter 44 Male 5:16:13 3rd 2034 Quintus Vermeulen XCM Open 28 Male 5:20:01 4th 2037 Steve Roberts XCM Hunter 41 Male 5:20:17 5th 2040 Shaun Portegys XCM 52 Male 5:27:00 6th 2041 Brad Williams XCM Hunter 44 Male 5:31:33 7th 2021 Greg Dick XCM 52 Male 5:53:41 8th 2024 Glenn Kirk XCM Hunter 49 Male 6:12:37 9th 2029 Brent Richards XCM Hunter 46 Male 6:15:53 10th 2033 Gary Moller XCM Dog Tuckers 67 Male 6:29:38 11th 2015 James Nation XCM Hunter 44 Male 6:34:48 12th 2014 Nigel Gardiner XCM Hunter 43 Male 6:34:50 13th 2022 Lyndon Smith XCM Hunter 48 Male 6:34:57 14th 2013 Bernie Hopkins XCM 50 Male 6:38:49 15th 2031 Andrew Balcar XCM Hunter 46 Male 6:58:15 16th 2027 Simon Wilson XCM Open 29 Male 7:04:39 17th 2020 Dean Lewis XCM 52 Male 7:31:18 18th 2018 Tristan Webster XCM Open 36 Male 7:44:43 19th 2026 Cameron Stewart XCM Open 36 Male 8:25:49 20th 2006 Henry Bagshaw XCM Colts & Fillies 17 Male 8:38:41 21st 2032 Brad Goold XCM Open 30 Male 8:38:50 22nd 2004 Mark Tutty XCM Hunter 49 Male 8:41:57 23rd 2003 Brent Vink XCM 54 Male 9:16:36 24th 2012 Alan Calder XCM Dog Tuckers 62 Male 9:20:46 25th 2010 Austin Heffernan XCM 53 Male 9:26:08 26th 2036 Robert Bruin XCM Dog Tuckers 60 Male 9:40:27 27th 2019 Richard Sampey XCM 56 Male 9:55:43 28th 2028 Tony Lochner XCM Dog Tuckers 60 Male 9:07:19 DNF 2030 Cole Harris XCM Open 32 Male DNF Bib First name Last name Distance Category Age Gender Time 1st 9005 Rebecca Kingsford PE Open 30 Female 3:24:37 2nd 3054 Bridget Leonard PE 51 Female 3:49:43 3rd 3040 Christine Wright PE Hunter 44 Female 3:54:34 4th 3048 Anna Bristow PE Open 21 Female 3:58:52 5th 3036 Eleshia Mitchell PE Open 38 Female 4:51:47 6th 3039 Rachel Griffiths PE Open 27 Female 4:55:48 7th 3035 Claire Martin PE Hunter 46 Female 4:55:51 8th 3024 Sarah Mannion PE Open 31 Female 5:08:44 9th 3034 Leah Stewart PE Open 25 Female 5:32:02 10th 3045 Alofa Kosena PE 55 Female 6:03:46 11th 3020 Annette Charman PE Hunter 49 Female 6:13:48 12th 3019 Melissa Johnson PE 55 Female 6:13:50 13th 3027 Maria Mackay PE 51 Female 6:41:44 1st 3030 Bailey Fredericksen PE Pony 16 Male 3:12:45 2nd 3046 Henry Sommerville PE Open 31 Male 3:12:47 3rd 3047 Pete Sommerville PE Dog Tuckers 65 Male 3:37:35 4th 3029 Matt Fredericksen PE Hunter 41 Male 3:38:20 5th 3003 Andy Robson PE Hunter 42 Male 3:46:12 6th 3031 Karl McBride PE Hunter 40 Male 3:50:47 7th 3051 Dallas Bean PE 58 Male 3:51:50 8th 3043 Justin Booth PE Open 27 Male 3:52:27 9th 3025 Mark Cornell PE 55 Male 3:53:33 10th 3041 Dave Harris PE Dog Tuckers 63 Male 4:01:43 11th 3044 Carlos Torres PE Open 33 Male 4:03:03 12th 3032 Mat Whittleston PE Open 38 Male 4:05:21 13th 3026 Sam Cowdy PE Open 38 Male 4:05:46 14th 3056 Fergus Smith PE Pony 16 Male 4:06:35 15th 3033 Iain Bell PE 53 Male 4:08:39 16th 9003 Robert Thompson PE Hunter 48 Male 4:13:42 17th 3050 Richie Marsden PE Open 37 Male 4:14:38 18th 3018 Tony Roberts PE 54 Male 4:21:29 19th 3049 Stewart Ford PE 55 Male 4:33:16 20th 3038 Grant Mitchell PE Hunter 45 Male 4:51:54 21st 3037 Tim Griffiths PE Open 30 Male 4:55:45 22nd 3008 Allan Dallas

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