December 1987 British Aerospace: 10 years in space Numbers and the machine 1987 cumulative index Readers' survey UK £1.50 IR £2.20 (incl. VAT) NOW Alt PRINTERS BBC Micro Computer System EPSON KF915 156 toll 1369 fal LX800 E180 la)BROTHER HR20 BBC MASTER SERIES: WORD PROCESSOR ROMs: E349 FX800 E299 la)STAR NL10 (Parallel Mace)._ E190 fa) AH315 BBC MASTER 128K _ . £346 a: VIEW 2.1 . £35 (dl VIEW 3.0 £48 lc) FX1000 E405 la)STAR t.L10 (Serial Interface)- £219 fa) ADC06 Turbo I65C1021 Card £99 (dl Spearnaster E49 (d) VIEW INDEX 112 (di ADCO8 512 Processor £189 Ib) WORDWISE E24 WORDWISE - E38 (dl EX800 E409 la)JUKI 6100 (Daisy Wheel) .... E295 (al ADF14 Rom Cartridge ...E12.75 SPELLCHECK ill EX1000 £549 la)INTEGREX (Colour) £549 (a) ADF10 Econet Card £41 (dl WYSIWIG .£21 (dl E31 (dl L0800 (80 col) E399 la)NAT PANASONIC KX P 1081. E149 fa) ADJ22Ref. Manual I E14 (c) INTERWORD £46 EDWORD I) E43 la) Li31000 (136 coil E529 fa)NAT PANASONIC KX P 3131. E249 (a) ADJ23Ref. Manual Part II.. £14 (c) TAXAN KP815 180 coil E269 (a) ADJ24 Ad: Ref Manual £18 Id LANGUAGE ROMS: (Ye hold in stock a 1.3.7e variety. of ar..27ter artad-drents, interfaces and consurnabfes Micro Prolog E62 (c) Microtext £52 (Cl Please mite or phone for 'loafs BBC ARCHIMEDES ISO PASCAL £51 LOGOTRON E55 Please empire thorn avadabilty and LOGO....£46 (c) MACROM £33 (dl dermas of the - em. Use £39 (d) COMAL _ _ _ _ £43 (di ACCESSORIES Oxford Pascal E36 BUFFALO 3211 Buffer for Epson printers £75 (di: FX 60 plus sheet feeder E129 (bi: UPGRADE KITS: EPSON Serial Interface: 8143 E30 lb); 8148 with 2K buffer E65 ibl. 1.2 OS ROM El5 COMMUNICATIONS ROMS: DNFS ROM £17.50 (dl EPSON Paper Roll Holder E17 lb): FX80.,80 +185 Tractor Attach E37 to): RXFX80 TERMULATOR E25 (di Dust Cover £4.50 (dl; LX80 Tractor Unit E20 lc); 10800 Tractor Feed £47 lb). BASIC 11 ROM (BBC E22.50 MASTER TERMULATOR £34.75 (dl ADFS ROM £26 Id) COMMUNICATOR £49 (dl EPSON Ribbons: MX/RX(FX130 E5: MX/RVFX100 £10 (dl: LX80 £4.50 (dl: 1770 UPS Kit £43.50 (dl COMMSTAR II £28 (dl JUKE: Serial Interface E65 (d): Tractor Attach_ £149 fa): Sheet Feeder E219 la): Econet Kit (Ems-) E55 MODEM MASTER E11 (dl Ribbon E2.50 (a): Spare Daisy Wheel £14 Id). ACORN ADD-ON PRODUCTS: COMMAND £34 'BROTHER HR20: Sheet Feed £229: Ribbons Carbon or tiyfon £3: Tractor Feed Torch ZEP 100 £229 (al UTILITY ROMs: E116 lel; 2000 Sheets Fanic4d with expo fine pert. 9.5- - 113.50: 15- £17.50 to'. 512 2nd Processor E195 lb) DOTPFIINT PLUS for FXRX compatibles BBC Parallel Lead E6: Serial Lead E6 IBM Para e! Lead i2rn C12 IEEE Interface £265 (b) DOTPRIiJT DUAL for MX range Teletext Adapter E95ml Acorn Graphics Extension Rom _ £28 Id/ Acorn 65CO2 Turbo £99 tb) MONITORS Merlin with 57 disc utilty commands MICROVITEC 14" RGB TAXAN K12SV620 12" £279 iai 100 page manual £37.50 (c) Ask for full details on our full range of software 1431 Standard Resolution .. - £179 (a)TAXAN K12SV625 12" . _ £329 (a) 1451 Medium Resolution £225 (a) 12" MONOCHROME MONITORS: 1441 (di Res £365 (a)TAXAN: MULTIFORM Z80 2nd Processor for the BBC MICROVITEC 14" RGBiPAL & AudioTaxan KX 117 12" Green P3) E 85 lai This unique 280 2nd Processor running OSiM will a9ow use of almost any standard CP/M soft- 1431 AP Standard Resolution E199 (a)Taxan KX 118 12" Green P39 95 iai ware on the BBC micro. It is supplied with a number of different CPJM formats and includes a 1451 AP Me:Wm Resolution .£259 fa)Taxan KX 119 12" Amber E 95 ra, utility to configure it to read other formats. This is particularly useful in environments where com- PHILIPS: MICROVITEC 20- RGI3iPAUAudE3o80 E 75 f a t puters with different CP17.1 formats are used and the data cannot be easily exchanged between 7502 Green Screen 2030 CS std Res 7522 Amber Screen E 79 !a, them. Mains powered (includes Pocket Wordstar & MS/DOS RAWutrity) £249 2040 CS 141 Res £685 (a) MS DOS Read Write Utifity E49 lc) 7542 White Screen E 79 lei Mitsubishi 14" ROB Med Res. (812C1.119 8M)(a)All Phelps Monitors supplied with swivel META Version 3 ASSEMBLER stand Assembles 17 of the popular processors. Over 70K long program on two roue ant provides complete Editing and Assembly facilities. It uses appropriate mriemorecs z processors. Fully nestable macros, nestable conditional assembly OF/ELSE/END; -- - No VAT on books; Carriage (c) source code, true local and global labels. 32 bit labels and arithmetic. 30 ways to s, _ code and 50 directives. View 3.0 User Guide £9.00 A powerful editor with many features. Send for detailed leaflet. £145 LANGUAGES: Viewstore £9.00 6502 ASS, Lang Prog E19.95Viewsheet E9.00 BBC DISC DRIVES 8086 Book £23.95'Nordwise Plus E9.95 5.25" Single Drive: Acorn BCPL User Guide E15.00 Acorn FORTH E7.50SOUND & GRAPHICS: 1 x 400K 40.801 DS: TS400 E99 (b)PS400 with psu £109 It) Acorn LISP Mastering Music £6.95 5.25" Dual Drive: Atom ISO Pascal Ref Manual .. £10.00 2 x 400K 40.80T DS: TD800 ... 1179 la)P0800 with psu £199 ial intro to COMAL £10.00DISC DRIVE SYSTEMS: 2 x 400K 401101 DS with psu and built in monitor stand POBOOP E209 Advanced Disc User Guide E14.95 3.5- Drives: intro to LOGO E7.50 Micro Prolog Ref Manual E10.00Disc Book £3.50 1 x 400K SOT DS TS35 1 £75 lb)PS35 1 with psu £99 Introduction to Turbo Pascal.. 114.95Disc Prooramning Techniques £7.95 1 400K 80T DS with psu TD35 2 E129 fib)PD35 2 with psu 1169 Ibl Prog the Micro with Pascal 18.50Disc Systems £6.95 The UNIX Book E7.50File Handing on the BBC £6.95 3M FLOPPY DISCS Unix User Guide E19.95APPUCATIONS: Industry standard floppy discs with a life time guarantee. Discs in packs of 10: Understanding Unix E18.45interfacing Proj for BBC £6.95 51/4 DISCS 3% DISCS BBC MICRO GUIDE BOOKS BBC and Small Business E5.75 BBC User Guide Acorn £15.00 40T SS DD £8.50 (d)40T DS DD £10.50 Id)80T SS DD £15.00 (d) PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE BBC Plus User Guide Wordstar made easy £16.95 80T SS DDE11.50 Id)80T DS DD .E13.25 (dl80T DS DO £19.50 (d) Drawing your Own BBC Prograrns16.95Introduction to Wordstar£17.95 Inside Information E8.951/ordstar Handbook 111.95 DISC ACCESSORIES Math Prog in BBC Basic E7.95dBase-II for the first time userE16.95 Toolbox 2 E10.95Understanding dBase-Ill 122.95 Single Dec Cabe E6 Id)Dual Disc Cable £8.50 (dl VIA 6522 Bc-o)= 4.50 10 Dec Lt rery Case £1.80 lc)30 Disc Storage Box E6 (ci Multiplan Made Easy E18.95 40 Dec Lockable S.sx E8.50 lc) 100 Disc Lockable Box E13 to) PROGRAMMINQUTIUTY Mu(timate Complete Guide _ £16.95 FlopPciene Drive .at C'ea, -4 Kit...,-;1!-. 20 dsocsat'e crea, 72. ;,:s 5-'," £14.50 o " EIS (di Advanced Sideways Ram Use: ABC of LOTUS 123 117.45 Guide £9.951-2-3 for Business £16.95 Advanced User Guide il3f3C).... £12.50Adv Tech in dBase £22.95 BT APPROVED MODEMS Applied Ass.il.ang on the BBC 19.95Mastering Clai1.1 E 17.95 8BC Micro Sideways ROM's RAM'sE9.95CPIM Bible E16.50 MIRACLE TECHNOLOGY WS Range Guide to the BBC ROM 19.95Introducing CP M SEC & 280 £9.95 MS.PC DOS E10.95 WS4000 V21/23. WS2000 V21,V23 B,g,,,,ers Guile to W.P £7.95 IHayes Compatible,Intelligent. Auto Dial/ Manual Modern E92 Auto Answer) E135 UM WS 2000 Auto Dial Card E27 (di PROGRAMMED ROMS FOR ELEKTOR WS3000 V21/23 Professional WS 2000 Auto Answer E27 PROJECTS As WS4000 and with BELL standards and WS 2000 SKi Kit E5 503-N Jet. Computer Monitor 516 Talking Dice 2716 E 7.30 battery back up for memory .... £244 (b) WS 2000 User Port Lead £5 2708 C 4.80 521 CharGen & Video Routine for DOS WS3000 V22 Professional 504 Disco Eghts 2708E 4.80 Junior 2732 + 2716 £16.40 As WS3000 V21,23 but with 1200 baud full 505 Chess Intelekt. 2 x 2716 E14.60 522 CharGen & video; Routine for ex- duplex E409 la) 506 J C Tape Monitor . 2716 E 7.30tended junior 2732 r 2 x 2716 E24.00 WS3000 V22 bis Professional (Offer &allied to current stocks) 507-N J C Printer Man & PME 523 Char_ Generator 2732 E 9.00 As V22 arid 2400 baud full duPex E537 lei 2716 E 7.30 524 Cluantisizer 2732 E 9.00 WS3000,118C Data Lead £7 id) 508 J C Bus Control 82S23 E 4.80525 Universal Term 2732 E 9.00 510 150 MHz Freq Meter 2.82S23 526 Wind Dir lnd 2716 £ 7.30 E 9.60 527 Elabyrinth 2716 7.30 SPECIAL OFFER PROJECTS: 514 Dark Room Computer 2716 E 7.30 530 Daisywheel trace 2 x 2716 111.00 EPROMs/RAMS Junior Computer Kit £86 lb) Housekeeper kit £58 (b) TECHNOLINE 2764-25 £2.80 (d) ALL PRICES Elekterminal Kit (1980) . £50 (b) VIEWDATA SYSTEM 27128-25 £3.60 (d) ASCII Keyboard kit £75 (b)EXCLUDE VA T.
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