CERN Director General Chris Llewellyn Smith (left) and Joseph Lamdan, Israel's representa­ People and things tive to the United Nations in Geneva, sign the renewed CERN/lsrael five-year cooperation agreement. (Photo CERN 6.9.1995) Langevin prize The prestigious Paul Langevin Prize of the French Physical Society was awarded this year to Costas Kounnas of CERN's Theory Division. A field theorist, Kounnas has always been particularly interested in the applica­ tion as well as the development of sophisticated theories - quantum chromodynamics and grand unified theories. His work on multidimen­ sional strings and superstrings has enabled such theories to be inter­ sculptor Corrado Cagli bears the age, Mario Primicerio, Mayor of preted in the four dimensions of inscription "he gave to the world new Florence and Sabatino Moscati, space-time, thus making predictions strengths and energies", followed by President of the Accademia dei possible. After spending several a verse from Dante "Ma misi me per Lincei, took part in the ceremony. years at Berkeley, he became direc­ I'alto mare aperto", in recognition of tor of research for theoretical physics Fermi's steadfast determination in at the Ecole Normale Superieure, the face of the unknown. Minato Kawaguti Paris, and joined CERN's Theory Following a suggestion by Valentino Division in 1992. Telegdi, the Accademia Nazionale Minato Kawaguti of Fukui University, dei Lincei promoted the initiative to Japan, and a member of the Atlas commemorate the great scientist in collaboration at CERN died on 22 Enrico Fermi memorial unveiled this "Pantheon of Italian culture". September after an unfortunate Giorgio Salvini, Minister of University On 11 September in the Church of and Scientific Research, Antonio Santa Croce, Florence, a plaque was Paolucci, Minister of Cultural Herit- unveiled in memory of Enrico Fermi, Costas Kounnas - Langevin Prize alongside memorials honouring the greatest Italian personalities in the At CERN on 29 September was Elisabeth arts and culture, including Dufourcq, French Secretary of State for Research, seen here with CERN Council Machiavelli, Michaelangelo and President Hubert Curien. Galileo. A bronze plaque by Italian (Photo CERN 28.9.95) CERN Courier, November 1995 23 People and things During a visit to CERN on 4 September, Munir On 11 September in the Church of Santa Akram, (second from right) Pakistan's Croce, Florence, a plaque was unveiled in Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, memory of Enrico Fermi. listens to an explanation by physicist Hafeez Hoorani. Looking on are Minister for Technical Affairs Mohammad Afzal (right) and physicist Mehnaz Hafeez. (Photo CERN HI 5.9.1995) accident in Rio de Janeiro while medical care. I am deeply saddened attended the Computing for High by his tragic death. I would like to Energy Physics (CHEP) meeting. offer my most sincere sympathy to Struggling with a robber, he fell from his family and to all his colleagues at a streetcar and succumbed to head Fukui University". injuries. The Brazilian Minister of Science out studies both at CERN and at the and Technology issued the following BeatHahn 1921-1995 Swiss national Paul Scherrer Insti­ statement: "Following the unfortunate tute, Villigen. In the early 1980s he accident of Professor Minato The death occurred on 22 September was head of the team which devel­ Kawaguti of Fukui University, Japan, of Beat Hahn, innovative Swiss oped the tiny BIBC bubble chamber, I was at once informed by Professor experimentalist who was a member used at CERN to measure the Alberto Santoro of LAFEX/CBPF and of CERN's Scientific Policy Commit­ lifetime of charmed particles, and I took immediate action to ensure tee from 1970-72 and a member of went on to become a member of the that he received the best possible the Swiss CERN delegation from UA2 team at CERN's proton- 1985-88. antiproton collider. After studies and first research in At home in both large collaborations his native Basel, he moved in 1953 to and small groups, Beat Hahn was a Stanford to participate in Robert gifted inventor and a deceptively Hofstadter's historic electron scatter­ modest, unassuming man who ing experiments. In 1956 he returned nevertheless knew what had to be to Switzerland, where from Fribourg said or done and never shrank from he helped developed a freon bubble responsibility. chamber used in experiments at the CERN PS. Always looking for ingen­ ious detector ideas, he was awarded Meetings a prize by the American Association of Physics Teachers for his small The North-West Europe Nuclear 'rotation' chamber which relied on Physics Conference, NWE96, will be tensions in fluids. held at the Vrije Universiteit in Am­ After participating in pioneer neu­ sterdam from 16-19 April 1996. This trino studies at CERN, in 1968 he conference follows that held in became Professor at Berne, carrying Edinburgh in 1992 and is the second in a series organized by the nuclear BeatHahn 1921-1995 (continued on page 27) 24 CERN Courier, November 1995 OMDIN€S Zero-flux measuring systems made by Holec for high- a *** Hotel Residence in precision measurement Ferney-Voltaire ZERO-FLUX MEASURING SYSTEMS Short/long term furnished studios & 2-room apartments with modern • for current and voltage facilities & fully equiped kitchen area, measurements in power supplies for particle satellite TV, private tel. line, multilingual accelerators and for nuclear reception, swimming-pool. research • for shunt, transductor and Hall-effect current sensor QT4DIN€S, your favoured partner calibration • for overvoltage detection, since it was built in 1990 by the 'CERN' capacitor voltage pension fund, offers special RATES for measurements and bus CERN employees. polarity monitoring • for current measurement in d.c. and a.c. high-voltage Visits & Reservations: transmission systems 34, rue de Geneve 01210 FERNEY-VOLTAIRE (France) Tel.: (33) 50 42 61 61 Fax: (33) 50 40 91 24 HOLEC HH Holec Systemen en Componenten BV P.O. 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CERN Courier, November 1995 25 People and things Featuring in the recent very successful 'Germany at CERN' exhibition at CERN were stands representing two major German Laboratories - DESY, Hamburg, and GSI, Darmstadt, whose work is closely related to that of CERN. Below,: at the DESY stand, Jochen Schneider explains the HASYLAB External synchrotron radiation facility to (right to left) correspondents CERN Director General Chris Llewellyn Smith, Ministerialdirigent Hans C Eschelbacher, and CERN Research and Technical Director Horst Argonne National Laboratory, (USA) Wenninger. D. Ayres Right, at the GSI stand, Gunter Siegert (left) Brookhaven, National Laboratory, (USA) and Wolfgang von Ruden (centre) of GSI P. Yamin management explain GSI's plans to use heavy ion beams for cancer therapy to CEBAF Laboratory, (USA) Ministerialdirigent Hans C. Eschelbacher. S. Corneliussen Cornell University, (USA) D. G. Cassel DESY Laboratory, (Germany) P. Waloschek Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (USA) J. Cooper, J. Holt GSI Darmstadt, (Germany) G. Siegert INFN, (Italy) A. Pascolini IHEP, Beijing, (China) Qi Nading JINR Dubna, (Russia) B. Starchenko KEK National Laboratory, (Japan) S. Iwata Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, (USA) B. Feinberg Los Alamos National Laboratory, (USA) C. Hoffmann Novosibirsk, Institute, (Russia) S. Eidelman Orsay Laboratory, (France) Anne-Marie Lutz PSI Laboratory, (Switzerland) R. Frosch Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, (UK) Jacky Hutchinson Saclay Laboratory, (France) Elisabeth Locci IHEP, Serpukhov, (Russia) Yu. Ryabov Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, (USA) M. Riordan TRIUMF Laboratory, (Canada) M. K. Craddock 26 CERN Courier, November 1995 People and things CERN Courier contributions The Editor welcomes contribu­ tions. These should be sent via electronic mail to [email protected] Plain text (ASCII) is preferred. Illustrations should follow by mail (CERN Courier, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland). Contributors, particularly conference organizers, con­ templating lengthy efforts (more than about 500 words) should contact the Editor (by e-mail, or fax +41 22 782 1906) beforehand. physics sections of the national physical societies of North-West European countries. Topics include current develop­ ments in Theoretical Nuclear Phys­ ics, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Applied Nuclear Physics and Detec­ tors and Instrumentation. Special presentations will be given by: J. Barrow (Sussex) - The Early Uni­ On 19 September, friends and colleagues of verse; G. (t Hooft (Utrecht) - Quan­ Maria Fidecaro came to wish her well on her formal retirement from CERN. Left to right - tum Gravity; and C. Rubbia (CERN, Maurice Jacob, Maria Fidecaro and her Geneva) - Energy Amplification. husband Giuseppe, who passed a similar Information from e-mail career milestone in 1991. Like her husband, [email protected] or World Wide Web Maria continues to maintain a passionate interest in physics. http://www. kvi. nl/disk$ 1/nwe96/ (Photo GE 21.9.1995) nwe96.html CERN Courier, November 1995 27 .
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