I ' , ~. , ' Thursday, December 21, 1972 Page Eight THE J'EWISH POST ,--- ~~~-------------------- SUITES FOR RENT Isr"el~s Bight Wing Sets Course. lor JVitcla.Haut 1 and 2 bedroom ""it l' "nd describing Jewish settlement in the territories as oppres­ Jernsalem (JCNS)-Israel's right wing appears danger­ the direct outcome of Mapam's philosophy. $137 per month.' Includes parking BARNEY GLAZER sive colonialism a certain part of the Labour leadership and utilities. Phone 339-8288. ously set on a course which could lead to a vicious "In whose kibbutzim do leftist groups flourish?" asks the newspaper. "Some of them serve Arab terrorism encourages Israel's. own young people to fight against SLEIGH RIDES ARE FUN! IN HOLLYWOO~ witch-hunt. this so-called oppression. Those who do not share their malcimalist views on the among the Jewish community and also support its Book yours now at C. & E. Stables So far the only warning' voice has been that of the Phone 489-6541 future of the occupied territOries are being blamed for propaganda and espionage nlEurope. The Jewish public Histadrut's daily,,"newspaper Davar which referring to the creation of an Arab sabotage and espionage ring. will look upon Mapam as providing the background and Car Transport basic reasons for the deterioration of Jewish youth," the . "the new style of incitemenf' against HRsltomer Hatzair YOUR CAR' DELIVERED ANY­ The religious right represented by Poalei Agudat Israel and the secular right in the persons of Gahal's (Herut newspaper said. said the movement "does not require testimonials to, its =;;J Whether holidaying south JL==========i:;;;;;;;"'"'===========.... WHERE. and Liberals) .executive and Shmuel Tamir's Free Centre The Gahal alignment of Herut and the Liberal' Party contribution to the State's armed forces and its defence. O"eMill;on Trees in Royal Fo'rest ~uToV~¥t~A~or~ill~tuilC;; Party are pointing at Mapam' and the minimalists in the followed ,\,-p with an executive statement blaming '~ose There are 'not many movements which' c~boast of Labor. Party as the villains of the drama. That one;, of who opposed" Jewish settlement ill the occupied. terri­ " . London. {JCNS) ~ ,Almost one-... A\l "vnagogal.' organizations, with' enquireyot,!r car re promptly insUrance and and safely. other Please pro- pion~r and id"alh!tic youth as Hashomer Hatzair and . " ' . ," tories ,;s,c<;reatmg a climate in whlch Jews saw no harIn' . third of the £500,CPO target has al~' the e"ception of. the Union of Ortho~ tective features. Phone (204) 452- those arrested was born in a Hashomer Hatzair .kibbutZ, is hilits 0'( 'eVil a~d foily dir,ected againSt: :t.ile lllo~ement . ' i a peg on which, the PAl daily neVispaper, Shearim, hung' in siding with 'Arab terrorism.' This view is supported by , ,\ ready' heen' pled~ed for' the Royal' dox ,Hebrew Congregations, 'have 9442. ' . should be discontinued." the accusation that Jewish terrorism against the . State is the Free Centre leader,' Mr. Tamir, :who shld that by, . 'F:orest which. the: Jewish National already pledged their' support for 'WANTED I ' Fund is to plarit in Israel to com': the ,fund-raising campaign. The, Private individual desires to ,pur­ i I . memorate the silver wedclingof the British Zionist Fede~ation h~schase old china, silver, brass, glass­ \ i Queen ml(i Prince Philip. 'This was undertaken to raise 10 per cent of ware, furnit1n"e and curios.Calld!'ys announced by . Rosser Chinn, .' l;he the target. figure. .' ' after 5:00 p.m. 453-5561J . b Governments st president, at the JNF annual con': . La'styear; for the. fi'rst time; the' ROom For R~nt ference'inLondon.· . '.. J:NF remitted more than £2 million "RQom for rent for elderly person. arriors Want More Cash I i " Dr. Isaac Levy, director' of the to Israel, the treasurers; L. Lavy and Kitchen . Near bus. Quiet London (JCNS) - The ,chiefs .0fMoussa Sabry} said that five years JNF" told the conference. that, all C. M. BiIlIlCO, reported to the con- home. staff of 18 Arab States have agreed after the defeat of '1967 the Arab \ \ too many in .the community were ference. The JNF's income increased Housekeeper wanted to 'press their GOvernments to allo- countries were, facing-their'-' respon- . ' "not aware of the deeper implica- by. almost 20 .percerJt lyast .year in cate 15 per cent' of their budgets to sibilities with "Empty words, empty Ii! 'tionsof the project and the impor:" comparison to the previous year. HousekeeP'?r - companion 1 wanted. for elderly lady the iumed forces as part of an all- slogans and theatrical meetings." tant significance of .the Queen and . ! out. plan to get Israel out of the ,He told the Army <;hiers. ';Gener- . WINNIPEG DEC;EMBER 28.1972, . No. 52 1 ' living in small hungalow. , PrincePhiIip allowing' their nilme , I' .' . - .'. ' Phone 475-5101 occupied temtories. .. als and m~hals, please have .merl:9,· '" .' , i to, become a.Ssociated. with Israel at LudwigNiclcel , The follows two on us. Relieve us from these empty e, this particular tinie. of history." . recommendatio~ Hew Anti-Zionist I' I- 5 t- t 'S .. t Dr. LevYaImounced that theJ'NF , JEWELLERY DESIGNER ::;~!a~:.ill~:ir;e~:~e:d:~~ ::;!'!:new!.chm:: delay and " ..• '. ." sr~~ I Clen, .. 15. 5 ., urvey i tends to plant one millionti'ees in Fine Handcrafted.' l1 wi)I'be'referredwithotherp,"intsto "'These. meetings are oniy MagaZine In U.S. Minerai Deposits in Sinai the Royal Forest· and hopes to end, . Contemporary. Jewellery the Arab Defence CounClI next to cover up the truth with rags," New York (JCNS)-TheAmerican . .' " ~e fund-rilising for it by the end month. Mr. ~;rbry added. COI.\ncil for Judaism, the anti"Zionist .Haifa '(JCNS)·-.-- Israeli scientistS nearSharm el Sheikh. "Now at oUr New LoCation" I of next month. The authoritative newspaper. AI orgaI1ization, is using English trans- are believed to have discovered large Meanwhile; it has been announced " I ., ":,:' ~'"y;?l~,:,!. containing ,the ,. names Pbone94.7-186.5 Ahram revealed that some Arab M. un' I.ch K .,,. lations .of 'critical articles from 8:a'- deposits of copper, tungsten and that a neW and promising proceSs . I I ,p,f '. ~lI'~_db'b~%!l"will be !,J:'.~~~~~;~,~. 58 Albert Street countries spend only 1.5 per cent • .ngs aretz and other Israeli newspapers other valuable non-ferrous metllls for extracting uranium ',(the..:inineral 'Xia mem er' of the Royal "ailillYat of their national income on their Involve Germans as a means of disserilln.ating anti- in.the Sinai desert. ".'" used as aoource;o:fatomiceIiergy) iithe GuilcU1all on oMay(i',;on Israel'~. Winnipeg . armed forces, while the armed forces propaganda in the pnited Professor Jacob Ben..Doi' told a from Negev phosphates has been ' 25th lI1ri¥ye' y;,"";:' .. ".',,:~- 'budget allocati,ons for other; exceed-. Bonn (JTA)-'Munich . legal auth- , A bi-weekly news letter sympOsium' at ·the . Haifa . Technion discovered· by israel Mining Indus- .). iThej(otF"b hop¢, Dr. =,=.=.=,=,=,=.=, ,='e.. ..:!J1 L~vyll1.t=,;;.:',.=.=,=.=, ='=i'=.=.:....=FU=-=?=.~= The., . - Pet. Pad 23 per cent. The Ariny chiefs were orities investigating the Olympic entitled. Kno~, feawres what it that 60 Israeli scientists have .just tries in Haifa. Uranium is extracted said, !hire a member. of the, Royal • .sp~ia!izing,in personal service received 1?y President Anwar, Sadat killings of 11 Israelis' are now hunt- describes as "expert translations comple~ a :five year s.urvey of the as abY":ProdtiCt in. the process of FiUnlly' would be present ;n'. Israel • The finest in food and .supplies and visited. Egyptian armament ing for alleged' GeJilnan accomplices from Israel's Hebre\Y, press of arti- Sinai peninsula, 'fle. said that·· the producing .' phosphoric acid' from .. ,'.' -' '. ,. • Book and info about your pet .atthe·dedicatlon'of the forest.'. _ Free parlcing-Delivery service works before g6ing home. of the Arab assassins. The inquiries cles about aspectS of Israeli life and Sinai Periinsulamlght turn out to Negev .rocks. • Show supplies and accessories ,Apparently there were complaints follow a lead .given in an interview policies not generally known or be, a "tre~ house;' of~eral. , BULK AND CASE.';"':' from~pt's'~ of Staff, General with the lJ1agazine "Quick" by available ill the United, States." The ~esources. The. Hebrew' U~versio/ ,,' ',', ,'. 'L' ,'d' '.• ' LOT PRICES " S;)ad Eddin Shazly, that hlScountry, spokePlSri of the 'jBlack Septem- editor of Know is Norton Mezvinsky, IS ,nowcompletmga geol()glcal.~, srtJ.e. .eas.n· 2101 Edmonton .Trail N.E. together with Libya and. Syria were ber" inov.. ~ent. ,. who recently .gained .. a meas.ure of of the area,. The. only .preVl.·~.·I.D .. ef. enceTtrxa.·. tio. n ,bo:mring the brunt of the battle According to the spokesman, eight ·by joining an Arab .lawyer kno~. geologlcal. map was .mader!. .. ' .... , . " . '. ' 277-6341 against Israel. "Arab countries terrorists had lived on a £aim 'South in a court action designed to prohibit' a. BrItish. geologlst at the tum 'of Washington (:iiINS) -. A study by ALTA. CALGARY 'should make clear wlJ,etheror not of Munich between' the e~4.' of' July the . United Jewish Appeal from the century. a United StateS milltary agency di.s- they are interested in the. battle and the Munich attack Sept. 5. The iruSing money for a "foreign power". The quantity and quality oflhc closeS .that there has been an enor­ ,against Israel. The world and the' farin reportedly belonged to a Ger- Know which is believed to have a minerals discovered has yet to be moUS increase in global military' HI! HAS. THE Arab people shonld, kno'Y all the man. A German. architect workiDg· ' !. I tio " <1' t 'b ted d"termin,ed. However, there Were expenditures for the year 1971 •.
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