Si r John Ev e rett Millais His A rt and Infl u ence A . l r B y L . B a d y ” Aut or of A bert Moore Hi s Life an Work s h l : d , Etc . LONDON GEORGE BELL S O NS 1 8 9 9 PRE FA C E THE RE is no intention to give in these pages anything approaching a detailed personal history of Sir John i ai f s of M ll s, or to treat at any length the act his private f h life. Such matters are better le t to the biographers w o deal with the man and desire to draw a portrait of him ff of as he lived . What is o ered here is an appreciation i s art of hi s t of th e h influence upon the time, an estima e of ae value his intervention, as an artist, in the sthetic movements that marked the years over whi ch his career f extended . There ore only those personal details have been included which are important because they have f s s h some bearing upon his pro es ional progre s, or ave helped to confirm him in a preference for a particular of line action . In th e case of Sir John Millais this separation of the r f e a tist rom the man is the easier, becaus , admirable and n f si cere though he was in his devotion to his pro ession, his he did not make it sole interest ; but, outside his f and studio, threw himsel into the occupations amuse s t of and ment hat are dear to every man robust vitality, are expres sive of physical inclinations rather than in tellectual f s . O gi t ur concern is with him as a worker, as one of the greatest painters that the British School has known ; and it is only incidentally nec essary to refer ' to his domestic aflairs when they happen to explain significantly how far his private pursuits aided in keep of ing up the splendid virility his art. His pictures and drawings are the essential facts that have called for consideration, because by them his place in history is vi PREFACE fixed ; and as a commentary on them this book must be read. r has of Fo tunately it been possible, by the courtesy the of of owners the copyrights his pictures, to summarise pictorially the many phases of his practice at the various of f far as stages his working li e, and to hint, as may be t t - - done wi h reproduc ions in black and white, at the great of of art ness his artistic ability . All sides his are s of his t i s illu trated, and the evidence given versa ility v comprehensi e and intelligible. Sincere acknowledgment of very valuable ass istance of in the preparation the letterpress is due to Mr M . H . of Spielmann, who has also allowed the use his exhaustive ’ of was list the artist s pictures, which compiled originally for his s o book, Millais and his Work and to Mr Ge rge Allen, by whose permission appear certain quotations from the writings of Mr Ruskin which have a particular f e f f s re erence to th per ormance o Sir John Millai . C O N T E N T S P REFACE L IST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ha ter C p I . InTRODUCTORv II . BIOGRAPHICAL — III. YEAR BY YEAR EARLY WORKS — IV . YEAR BY YEAR LATER WORKS FI RE RTR V . GU PAINTING, INCLUDING PO AITS VI. LA NDSCAP E ART VII. BLACK AND WHITE WORK V III MMENT AND RITICIsu s . CO S C ’ CHRONOLOGICAL LIST or THE ARTIST S PAINTINGS INDEx T I T L E V I G N E TT E TO WORDSWORTH'S POEHS LIS T O F ILLUS T RAT IONS A SOUVENIR or V ELASQUEz ’ TITLE V IGNETTE To WORDSWORTII S POEMS BOOKP LATE or MR CHRISTOPHE R SYKES I I RT b Frank H ll . E . S . S IR J M LLA , BA , y o THE BATT LE or STIRLING LOVE CHRIST IN THE HOUS E or HIS PARE NTS By permi s sion of Messrs M Queen B rotkers AUTUMN LEAVES THE ORDER or RELEAS E TE E NORTH- WEST PASSAGE By permi ssion qf ti e proprietors of tile Illustrated London PIZARRO SEIe G THE INCA or PERU THE HUGUENOT THE RETURN OF THE DOVE To THE ARK i n Me n iversi t Galleri es Ox ord F rom Me pai nti ng U y , f APPLE BLOSSOMS ix x LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ROSALIND AND CELIA JOAN OF ARC . OO R A. J. C H K, . THE PRINCES IN THE TOW ER A FORERUNNER IR O E . I AIS RT m elf HN LL . B h S J M , BA y i s F Me ai nti n i n M z Galler Florence rom p g e Ufi i y , LORENZO AND IS ABELLA THE PROSCRIBED ROYALIST THE BLACK B RUNSWICKER THE BRIDES MAID rvm M i nt useu a ri d e F e pa i ng i n Me Fitzwi ili am M m, C mb g OPHELIA (Pb i ogr avure Plate) l r Froman M i d -31g i n are National Gal e y aj 3 a A rt. A HIG HLAND LASS IE THE PARABLE OP THE LOST PIECE O P MONEY B ermi ss Messr s ion H. r a y p qf G aves nd Co. S IR ISUMERAS AT THE FORD MY FIRST SERMON LI ST OF I LLUSTRATI ONS x i PA GE MV SECOND SERMON THE MINUET ASLEEP JUST AW AKE m s o M ssrs r and C By per i si on f e H . G aves o. THE MARTYR OF THE SOLWAY THE KNIGHT ERRANT ' From Me pai nti ng i n Me Nati onal Gallery of B ri tts/I A r t ' THE B RIDE MRS BIS CHOFFSHE IM m ssi II s lc s B er i on o . L . Bi e fiei m E s . y p f ofl , q A YEOMAN OF THE GUARD THOMAS CARLYLE From Me pa i n ti ng in Me Nati on al Portrai t Gal lery ’ PRINCESS E LIZABETH IN PRIS ON AT ST JAMEs s MRS PERUGINI S T STEPHEN FromMe pai nti ng i n Me National Gal lery of B ri ti sb A rt A DISCIPLE ' From Me pai nti ng i n Me N ati onal Gallery of B ri tts/l A rt ’ CA LLER HERRIN By permi ssi on of Me Fi ne A rt S oci ety T HE CAPTIVE x ii LI ST OF I LLUSTRATI ONS DROPPED PROM THE NEST A WA!! THE VALE or REST From Me pa i nti ng i n Me National Gallery of B ri tiM A rt ’ MERCY ! ST BARTHOLOMEw s DAV THE ES CAPE OF A HERETIC i ssi on S i r IV. E . Houl dm rM B art. M P . By perm of , , V ICTORV, O LORD ! THE RIGHT HON . W. E . GLADSTONE t n at ( Mri stMeer Ox ord From Me pai n i g M, f THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF BEACONS FIE LD B THE MOST HON. THE MARQUEss OF SALIS URY, K . G . OHN RE ES . J HA , Q B rm s i b Har s y pe i s on q a es e, E q . S IR HENRY IRVING MRS JOPLING CHILL OCTOBER THE BLIND GIRL THE OLD GARDEN xiv LI ST OF I LLUSTRAT I ONS PAGE ORLEY FARM F rom r e Farm b ermi ssi on Messrs (Ma man and Hall O l y , y p of p THE CRAW LEY FAMILY r Framle na e b M r F om y Parso g , y per mi ssi on of ess s S mi M, THE BISHOP AND THE KNIGHT ' F rom Me orn i Ma u ne b ermi ssi on o Messrs S mi M C h ll g , y p f , E lder and Co. LAST WORDS FromMe omhill Ma azi e b mi ssion o Messrs S mi M C g n y per f , E lder and Co. IRENE mMe omhill Ma zine b erm ssi o Messr s miM Fro C ga , y p i on f S , E lder and Co. THE BOARD “ ’ PLEASE, MA AM, CAN WE HAVE THE PEAS TO S HELL F m Me mhil l M az ine b rmi ss Me M ro Co ag , y pe ion of ssrs S mi , E lder and Co. ’ FARMER CHELL S KITCHEN F rom Once a ee b ermi ssion Messrs B r adbu r W k, y p of y , ON THE WATER F m Once a ee b ermi ssi on o Messrs B radbur ro W k, y p f y , THE MONK F r Once a ee b ermi ssion M srs om W k, y p of es B radbury THE MARGARET WILS ON, SCOTTIS H MARTYR From Once a Week by permi ssi on of Messr s B r adbury Agnew and Co. ANNA AND HE R LOVER From Once a ee b ermi ssi on of Messrs B radbu r W k, y p y , LIST OF I LLUSTRATI ONS ! V THE PLAGUE OP ELLIANT F rom Once a ee B radbur W k, M y , THE BORDER WIDOW ' From ome Aflections b ermi ssi on c Messr G R led H , y p f s .
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