• ' AD^SMTZSE WOW f SUBSORZBB MOW } IN TUB : 1 Z PHR TNN S KATES "Vi r I MODBBATBi $1.30 PER YEAR. 91 "WITH lyr^LIOE TOW-A.Pt3D NONE A.lSriD OH^niTV FOR -A-LL. VOL. I. LOWELL, KENT COUNTY, MICH., MARCH 10, 1894. NO. 37 MR. LOOK'S LOSS ADJUSTED. earth and obtain material for fencing it otf time, without security. The agent of the Kent, Allegan, A PIONEER GONE. John Rickert Sr. of Carlton, who has Ladies' Needle Toe and Ottawa Mutual was in town Mon- been under the doctor's care most of the Death of Mrs. David Dawson of day and adjusted the loss of D. G. tiimc during the past year, departed this This Place. Look, allowing 8600 on building and life Friday, at the advanced age-of 75years.- *200, the full amount, on contents. His wife and four children survive him. Kid Congress Shoes. DEATH OF MRS. RUDOLPH VANDYKE. He has been a resident of Carlton for over NOW KILL THE DOGS. thirty years and was classed among tlle^ The Finest Shoe On Wednesday, Stephen Baird lost Shoe Oast of Characters In Nobody's pioneers. Funeral was held at the Cong- Claim,'' several fine sheep, which were killed Ever Sold in Lowell. gregatidiial church last Sunday conducted by.dogs. The damage was appraised The Latest Thing Out. Widths in Stock, by Rev. I. B. Jones of Lowell. The largo JUSTICE HICKS HAS A BUSY DAY. by Justice Hicks at 124.50. chnrch was crowded with sympathizing B, C and D John Kelley Makes Them. "NOHODV's CLAIM." friends and neighbors, who turned out to- D. O. Look's Fire Loss Satlsfac* pay their last respects to the deceased .- GEO. WINEGAR Sells Them. torlly Adjusted. Following is the cast of characters The remains were interred in the Fuller in "Nobody's Claim" to be presented cemetery in Carlton. ANOTHER PIONEER OONK. .it Train s hall on Wednesday and Thursday evenings March 21 and 22, SAKANAO. Still another of the old pioneers has for the benefit of the Lowell city band. From the Local, March 2. laid down the cares of life and gone to Look After Your Fences! Ward Deveroux, from the plains, Married, in Saranac, February 28, Elry"' her last long rest in the bosom of * F. E. Haney. 1 ' .1. Trowbridge, of Campbell, to Miss Emma * mother earth. Elizabeth, wife of Miller of Boston. „ Mr-McWade, tiie out|ftw chief ^ Having Purchased of the Lin- David Dawsun, died at her home in R. Elliot. Will Benedict has purchased a barber' this village on Monday, March 5, at Major Swabsteter, the old school- shop in Hart, Michigan, and will move there soon. dendoll Fence Company the the advanced age of 84 years. Fun- master, B. C. Smith. Zeko Pegesteder, a friend to all. Mrs. Ella Snow of this village and Mis.*- eral services were held on Wednesday, Townships of Vergennes, Cala lemus, a negro always on time, Ola Post of Clarksville have purchased a conducted by Rev. E. H. Shanks. Clare Althen. millinery stock and will set up a millinery Lowell, Bowne, Keene, Bos- Four sons and two son-in-laws acted Joe Gault, "I am tough and don't and dress making establishment in Clarks<- us hearers. ' you forget it," H. H. Hunter. ville. ton, & Campbell, I am En- Jagon. an old villian, F. B. Clark. Elizabeth Innis was born at Pleas- The proceeds of the play "Claim 90," Jabe Futtle, an old trapper, Ed. abled to Furnish my Patrons ant Valley, New Brunswick, April 4, given by the Saranac Dramatic club is de- llotchkiss. posited in Mercer's bank and will be held 3810. She married David Dawson at and All Others with the Maducy Jane, a widow in love, there until some needy ami dcutitute case Dumfries, Ont., October 17, 1829. Miss Minnie Howe. comes to ihe attention of the club. « -.H Miss Haywood, of the Little Eagle, * They moved from Canada to this vie- Lavanchc Moore. IONIA. ciuity in 1849. Mrs. Dawson was the Madge, the heiress of "Nobody's From the Stand irrt, March 3. mother of ten children, five boys and FENCE MACHINE EVER SOLD Claim," Mrs. F. E. Haney. To Hugh Whaley and wife on Sunday, a BEST five girls, nine of whom survive her. Ushers, Misses Bertha McCarty, baby girl. IN MICHIGAN. She was grandmother to thirty-three Bessie Chapman and Blanche Schaffer. To Mart Moore and wife Monday eve- and great-grandmother to twenty chil- ning, a baby daughter. Please Call at my Store and Examine the Superior Merits BELDING. dren. Her oldest ton is 63 years of Fred Eddy treasurer of Berlin, settled From the Star .March 2 of this Machine. Respectfully yours. with county treasurer Wednesday. He- age. Chan. Dumon, Otisco township treasurer made an absolutely clean return without a Hl'iulquartere for 1 D D Alii Deceased was baptized when 16 has proved himself an unusually successful dollar delinquent. He is entitled to A-l General Hnrdware. ) fls De DUTLAi* tax-gatherer. Out of a total of $7,463,28 yea^s of age and has lived an upright, credit mark. charitable, christian life. spread on the roll only $8.12 is returned Abraham Lockman who many of our" "Death is the crown oHife: unpaid. older people will remember as the village Were death denied, poor man wenld live in The Pewamo hem has not been sold as blacksmith here in early days,—father of Spring Goods was advertised, Mr. Stoddard, the editor of Mrs. Nelson Hinds, died at his homo five The Latest Death wounds to cure; wc fall, we rise, we the paper, has raised the debt and is doing miles east of Remus, a few days ago. A. nil reiRn; business again. The house of Alvah Thnmpton, Ever- Tlie Best. Spring from our fetters, fasten to the skies. The wedding of W. H. Menkee and Miss green, burned Tuesday morning. There the Time to Place Your Order for a Where blooming Eden withers from our Janette Snyder ocenred at their home last was an insurance ol $300 on the building, Now Tuesday evening in presence of about sight. ?-100 on the household furniture and cloth- This king of terror is the prince of peacc." twenty-five guests, including the near rela- ing, and $400 on bees and honey in the tives. A SAD DEATH. cellar, in the people's Mutual. Most of Mrs. H. H. Gooding and Mrs. Eva Bly- the contents on the ground floor were saved. Mrs. Rudolph VunDykedied at her and Cheaper than Ever This is business. tone have rente ! Z W. Gooding's store on The losf will probably bo $800 or more residence last Tuesday morning of the north side of main street in the Good- of which the company will be holden for SMITH, the Tailor. consumption. Mrs. VanDyke was ing-Karle block and are putting in a good from $500 to $700. beloved by all who were acquainted stock of millinery. Paste this little item conccrning insur- C.A.R. COMRADES! ATTENTION! with her. Besides her husband she ance in your hat. If you have n house in- Annual state encampment at Owosso, A COMPLETE leaves two beautiful and lovely child- sured and it becomes vacant, get a vacancy The Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee ren to feel the loss of a dear mother's permit from your local agent at once or if Railway, and Toledo Saginaw & Muskegon LINE OF society, care and protection. the house burns you cannot collect the in- Ry. will sell excursion tickets from all surance. Sach a permit can be had for stations to Owosso and return at one fare A NEWSPAPER and one third for the round trip; valid asking. Whose columns overflow with ad- Miss Mary Smith, employed at the res- going on March 19, 20, or 21, and good for vertisements of business men. has idence of W. D. Hallou, who was taken with return passage up to and including M.V;ch 24. FURNITURE more influence in attracting attentiou diphtheria the fore part of last week, has to and building up » city or town recovered. The family were quarantined CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION -AND— than any other agency that can be until Wednesday, and all precautions AT BETR0IT taken against its spread. Fortunately the employed. People will go where The Detroit Grand Haven & Milwaukee other inmates of the house escaped getting Railway, and Toledo Saginaw & Muskegon there is business. Capital and labor UNDERTAKER'S the disease. Railway will «ell excursion tickets from all will locale where there is an enterpris- stations to Detroit and return at one and ing community. No power is so strong FREBPORT. one third fare for the round trip, good -GOODS to build up a town as a newspaper From the Herald. March I. going March 20 and 21, limited to return properly patronized. It will always John Smith father of Henry L. Smith of March 23. —AT— return more than it receives.—Ex this township died on Monday last of old age. He has been a resident of Irving for Baptist Notes. JUSTICE COURT MATTERS many years. On Sunday morning Pastor Shanks will Fred Wingier's suit against Frank B. E. Quick was confined to his room deliver the thirteenth of the Old Testament B. YEITER'S Schwarder was tried by jury before last of the week with tonsilitis F. E. Mc- character series, entitled, David the Herder Justice Hicks on Tuesday and Wed- Collum looked after business interests at of Flocks. the bank. Special meetings each evening next week nesday and a verdict rendered in One Door East Morton Sisson and Miss Carrie Savacool excepting Monday and Saturday evenings.
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