-----------~~--~---------- --~~------------ THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 39: ISSUE 114 THURSDAY, MARCH 31.2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Leaders reflect as terms come to a close Istvan, Bell:faith in Mooney, SAGA flank government restored White-Moran era By AMANDA MICHAELS By MEGAN O'NEIL Nt·w, Writer Saim Mary's Fditnr For /\dam Istvan, even the Today marks tho nnd of so-far stalled struggle against anollwr Saint Mary's sludPnt llw donw 's scall"old ing has its government administration. silver - or ralhnr. golden - and for president Sarah lining. Though it will bring Catherinn White and viee him no joy as a SIHlior at eom­ president Mary Paulinn mnncnmnnl, as outgoing stu­ Moran. it eoneludns a year dnnl body president, he sees that began with thn excite­ the situation surrounding thn ment of a 111iw college presi­ Main Building's renovations dnnt and ended with the as confirmation that he has gravity of the approval of a full"illnd his campaign prom­ gay-straight allianen. ise of restoring faith in stu­ Elected in .January 2004 dPnt govnrnnwnl and brnak­ over tlwn-viee president ing down rampus apathy. Sarah Brown and Miehelln "Wiwn seniors had a prob­ Fitzgerald, Whitn and Moran lem with lllw domn seal'l'old­ worn immediately hand11d the ingl. llwy came right to stu­ task of welcoming formnr dent govnrnnwnl to help and Outgoing Notre Dame student Notre Dame vien president represent them," Istvan said. body president Adam Istvan and and assoeialn provost and "But wlwn tho alcohol policy vice president Knrla Bell, above, ineoming Saint Mary's presi­ was instituted a fnw ynars dent Carol Mooney to cam­ ago, lhenl wnn1 unorganized, and Saint Mary's president pus. sporadie prolnsls everywhere. Sarah Catherine White and vice "/\t the beginning of' ol)r I think this shows that the president Mary Pauline Mormz, term we set out to 'ring' in students arn beginning to at left, end their terms today. the changos that worn trust that we will work for planned to enliven our earn­ llwm to gel things done. and pus this yoar, especially wel­ really, that's huge." • coming Dr. Moonoy as our lnlangibln stridns aside, PHOTOS BY president," tho two outgoing Istvan, vien president Karla BETH WERNET AND ofl'icers wrolo in an e-mail. see ISTVAN/page 6 KELLY HIGGINS see WHITE/page H SENATE Journalist remembers Vatican II Members say farewell Newsweek editor analyzes media coverage of Pope John XXIII Woodward said. Ilis age major ehangos in church amid tears and smiles By MEGAN O'NEIL meant Pope John would head toaehings. Woodward said. Saint Mary's Editor the ehurch only for a few Pope .John and his eouneil years, while in the meantime reenivod morn a t.t11ntion in Spoaking to a room l'illed to a successor could be anoint~ thn U1iitnd Stal.ns, Woodward capacity, author and eon­ eel. said. The largn Catholic pop­ tributiilg oditor at Newsweek It was no wonder then, ulation in t.lw eount.ry mad11 it. magazine Knnnoth Wood ward said. that wlwn morn of an issun, and Pvnn Woodward lnetured on mndia the Pope deddnd to convnno Protestants WPI'Il internstNI eov11rage of Pope John XXIII a eouneillo r11vise canon law. in what t lw w or I d · s m o s 1 and tho Socond Vatican the magnitude of such an prominnnl Christian IPadPr Council Wndnesday at Saint event. was not ir1itially n~cog­ would say. Furllwr, a rising Mary's. nized. politieal star addnd l.o nwdia Tho selection of Popn .John Newspap1~rs in England, covnrage, Woodward said. 23rd as tlw new pontiff in Ireland and /\ustralia had lit­ "In IIJ51J a Catholk, .John F. 1 CJSH was initially pnreeivod tle eovnragn of tho lhrnn Knnnedy, was running for thn by tho mndia, and thnn sub­ years or proparal.ion that I>Pmocratic nomination for soqunntly portrayed to tho went into thn l'irst of four JHPsident of a rountry thai public, as a way to buy Limn eouneil snssions that would Sorln senator Erik Powers addresses representatives, proposing the for church ol'f'ieials, e v e n llr a. II y c o n el u d o w i t h sec MEDIA/page H renaming of Spring Break to "Erik and Alec's Week of Awesomeness:• scathing report about how the By MADDIE HANNA administration treats us like ehil­ A,,sociate News Editur dren," student body president Lightning causes po-wer outage /\darn Istvan said. "But we've Bnlwmm loars and laughs. sen­ already bmm there, so I'm not ators made their goodbyns, going to do that." Dame with mueh of its olee­ an nloct.ric sl.rikn on tho By KATE ANTONACCI lward discussion and passed a Istvan then said that when he tricily. The outage occurred main lines." . flurry of J'Psolulions. s11Uing an next lril'd to eomc up with A~sociatc News Editor at 11:09 p.m. and eoneluded /\s a way to prolnet Notrn ox am pin for Llw newly oleet11d "somothing profound to ehange at approximately 11:29 p.m., Dame's nleetrie nquiprnnnt. roprns11ntalivns erowding tho nvoryono's livos," all that result­ More than 50 buildings on said Shawn 1\nnis. operation tho brnaknrs oponnd up and room at the eurr11nl Student nd was a blank sheet of paper. Notro Damn's eampus were supervisor at Notre Dame's temporarily shut down Snnaln's final nwnting "I guoss all I ean say is thank temporarily without power power plant. power, /\nnis said. Wmlrwsday night. you to everyone," Istvan said. Wednesday evening when "The one !power outage! "They 1/\EPI still had "Wiwn I was trying to figuro "It's bonn an incredible ynar." lightning struck a main we just had a littlo bit ago power; wn just had to wait out what to say at my last ollk11r lie dt11d the implemnntation of power line of /\merican was from the storm coming for tho storm to move r11porl alllw last Snnal11 nwnting, Eleetrie Power !AEP), the through," Annis said just first. I was going to writo a see FAREWELL/page 4 company supplying Notre after the ineident. "It was see POWER/page H. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, March 31, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR AND WHY? Do111e has 111ean1ng• Two days ago, a friend perfectly described how the scaffolding around the golden dome has made the seniors feel this year. Driving back from Easter break, she AI Klein Courtney Darlington Michelle Brintnall Paul Carlson Chris DeStephano Emily Rhatiean recalled seeing the dome and saying: "It junior freshman freshman freshman junior freshman makes me want to Keough McGlinn McGlinn Dillon Keough McGlinn throw up." Well put. And if seeing the "Blue moon, "Mint chocolate "lfthey had "My horse "Sherbet - it ''I'm gonna dome looking so unat­ because the chip ... cookie anything that bucked me off gets the job have to go with tractive didn't make me queasy, reading about taste is out of dough ... black tasted like pina into a vat of ice done." frozen custard. " Executive Vice President this world!" raspberry ... I colada, I'd be cream as a John Affieck-Graves' don't know, I all over it. " child. I almost attitude toward the Joe Hettler like drowned. Yeah, importance of it certain­ , ly did. Senior Staff everything. I don't like ice Affleck-Graves, the Writer cream. administration's repre­ sentative on the issue, is quoted as saying in yesterday's Observer, "Honestly, I did not anticipate the huge reaction," and "Graduation is not about the physical dome. You don't remember standing in front of it IN BRIEF getting your picture taken .... There could be no dome and it would be a fabulous . , time. While I credit Affleck-Graves for taking A conference entitled personal responsibility for keeping the scaf­ "Contemporary Catholicism, folding a secret from students, I'm still hurt. Religious Pluralism and That a University official would make such a Democracy in Latin America: comment is personally disheartening to me. Challenges, Responses, and I expected more from this University and its Impact" will take place at the administrators. Hesburgh Center for But maybe that's the problem. Maybe we International Studies today student.<> truly understand the meaning of from 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. certain places on this campus better than some of the administration. Fault the sen­ The National Prison Rape iors for actually thinking the dome has Elimination Commission will meaning on graduation day. Blame them lor hold an open meeting from 1:30 making travel arrangements for grandpar­ p.m. to 3:30 in McKenna Hall. ents or aunts or nephews to make cross­ country and cross-world trips for just one A panel symposium entitled chance to share with them one of the most "After Objectivity: What Moral sacred aspects of this University. Hold them Norms should · Govern responsible for seeing the dome and instant­ Reporting and Commentary?" ly remembering what this place stands for will take place tonight from 6 and why they chose it as their university. p.m. to 7:30 in the Eck Visitors' I have heard the reasons for the scaffold­ Center auditorium. The event ing- money, costs, weather. But I would is cosponsored by the "Notre hope that the administration would realize Dame Journal of Law, Ethics how important this is to its students. and Public Policy" and the Attending Notre Dame was my lifelong DUSTIN MENNELLA!The Observer White Center on Law and dream and I did everything I could to get Dr.
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