THE SUN, NEWBERRY, S. C„ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1938 — — IMPROVED Ferry Boat Passengers Cool Their Heels UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL CALL RECRUITS CLASSIFIED ! STAR ! IN SYPHILIS WAR UNDAY I DEPARTMENT chool Lesson Call for “recruits” in the “War | DUST | SBy REV. HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. Against Syphilis” by Gen. John J. Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Pershing and Dr. Ray Lyman Wil­ LADIES © Western Newspaper Union. bur will be heard throughout the i for ' ★ JMovie • Radio * country. General Pershing is chair- wanted. ★ ★ Lesson for February 6 ★★★By VIRGINIA VALE★★★ CHALLENGING THE SOCIAL AMES CAGNEY has patched ORDER up his quarrel with Warner AROUND J LESSON TEXT—Mark 2:13-22. Brothers and Margaret Sulla- GOLDEN TEXT—I came not to call the righteous, but sinners—Mark 2:17. THE HOUSE van has made peace with the PRIMARY TOPIC—When Jesus Had Din­ Universal company, which is ner With Matthew. JUNIOR TOPIC—When Jesus Passed By. To Bake Potatoes.—Potatoes good news to all the admirers INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC will bake more quickly if cut in who have missed them. Cagney —Helping by Being Friendly. halves. Melt a little butter in a YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC— will be rewarded with the very Crusading for a Christian Society. baking pan, place halved potatoes best story Warners own, the cut side down in it and bake. “Crusading for a Christian Socie­ • . • great New York stage hit “Boy ty,” is,one of the topics assigned for Ironing Linens.—When ironing Meets Girl.” consideration today. Everyone who ecru linens always iron them on It is a rollicking story about two is right thinking would be glad if the wrong side. Ironing them on loony Hollywood scenario writers, the social order of which we are all the right side makes them look and if all of Cag­ a part might be made Christian, for faded. ney’s requests are it is far from it now. But fore­ . * . granted, he will doomed to failure are the attempts A Winter Salad.—Chopped raw have Pat O’Brien An ice jam which formed in the Hudson river off Newburgh, N. ¥., trapped the ferryboat Dutchess with to Christianize society by some cabbage, apple and raisins, served playing his partner 20 passengers aboard for five hours. The ferryboat was bound from Beacon, N. Y., and only a change of great program of “social regenera­ with mayonnaise, make a de­ in foolish antics. tide allowed it to work free and dock. tion." God’s way is to save the in­ licious winter salad. Miss Sullavan will dividual who makes up the social Gen. John J. Pershing. « • • play in “The Road order. When a man is right with Preparing Oysters. — A little to Reno.” That “Chinese” White Boy Comes Home NEW BEACH WEAR God he will be right with his fel­ man and Doctor Wilbur ir vice baking powder added to the flour leaves Jean Arthur low man. chairman of the National Anti- in which oysters are rolled before the only major at­ The Scripture lesson for today is Syphilis Committee of the American frying will make oysters light and traction who is still full of outstanding spiritual princi­ Social Hygiene association. “Aided fluffy. feuding with her ples of the greatest practical im­ by state and city committees in • • • many sectors, we expect to enlist Margaret company, Columbia, port to both Christians and the un­ Not Cakes.—One-half cup of but­ Sulla van and staying off the converted. It should be studied by ter, three-quarter cup sugar, one- screen in revolt. the guidance of the Holy Spirit and third cup milk, two eggs, one and However, Ann Sothern has parted taught in his power. one-third cups flour, two teaspoons company with R K O and Barbara I. One Sinner Becomes a Servant baking powder, one-half teaspoon Stanwyck is suspended from the pay (vv. 13, 14). salt, one cup almonds, blanched roll because they refused to play in Capernaum was so situated that and cut ui pieces. Creanr but­ a picture called “Distant Fields.” it provided an excellent location for ter, add sugar and continue beat­ the collection of the Roman taxes ing. Add well beaten yolks and Felix Knight, who sang recently which the Jews so hated. There then milk, sifted dry ingredient* on the Metropolitan auditions, is be­ at the "receipt of custom” sat a and nuts alternately. Fold in stiff­ ing hailed as the greatest discovery Jew named Levi, who was no doubt ly beaten whites. Bake in individ­ of the year, but Hollywood claims despised by his neighbors because ual tins 20 minutes in a hot oven. that they discovered him some two he had joined in this distasteful Plain icing, sugar or nuts can : years ago. He sang the juvenile business. To him came the gra­ ish off cup cakes with the lead in “Babes in Toyland,” the cious Lord with the invitation, “Fol­ touch. Hal Roach film, and has sung in low me.” How different would be • * • opera in the Hollywood Bowl. Mo­ the history of the cause of Christ Hanging Out Clothes.—Before tion picture fans will be interested on earth if every other man who hanging clothes on the line in to know that this thrilling young ten­ thus was called had done likewise. freezing weather, put pins on or was recently married to the To follow the Master means sacri­ clothes in the house, then snap daughter of Alice Joyce. fice and breaking with the old life, on line with double clothes pins, but it also means peace and glory. • • • II. Many Sinners Meet the Lord Judging Cod.—Cod should be “It’s All Yours,” the new Colum­ <v. 15). judged by the redness of the gills, bia film starring Madeleine Carroll Levi, who now becomes Matthew, Ray Lyman Wilbur. the whiteness, stiffness and firm­ and Francis Lederer, turns out to Something new in beach wear is showed his love for the Lord by de­ broader interest in the fight on ness of the flesh, and the clear be all Mischa Auer’s. Beauty and this imported bongay in which pret­ siring that his friends might also syphilis and the conditions which freshness of the eyes. These are romantic interest just cannot com­ ty Miss Connie Keane is seen on meet him. So he prepared a din­ favor its spread with a war fund the infallible proofs of its being pete with the utter nonsense that ner for them in his own house, to of $500,000 contributed by volun­ good. The whole fish should be this tragic-faced Russian puts over Fung Kuok Young, aged Chinese restaurateur, of New York greets his Tahitia beach at Miami, Fla. The which he also invited Jesus. white foster son, Fung Kuok Young, Jr., (left) on the latter’s arrival wide-brimmed hat is made of hand- teers,” says Doctor Wilbur, who is thick and firm. so hilariously. Off screen Mischa It is always dangerous for a also president of the association. Auer is entertaining too, but what from China, where be has spent the past 17 years. The boy was born woven straw in two colors. Many Joseph Rinehart, son of an American soldier. He was signed over to the innovations in beach costumes are Christian to maintain social con­ most impresses one on meeting him Chinese when a baby and sent to China, where he was educated and being seen at this winter resort in tact with his former companions in Several Colleges Join S*? "LUDENJ" is his deep gratitude to the United brought up a Chinese. He speaks no English yet. the 1938 season. sin, if he does so fqr his own en­ when you her* States of which he is now a natural­ joyment or advantage. But to be War to Check Syphilis ized citizen. their friends that one may win them Stimulated by the national cam­ —^— V to Christ, that is most desirable. paign to control venereal disease, a Any one of a dozen voices that Supreme Court Appointee Cracks a Smile III. Some Righteous Folk Miss the few colleges and universities are you hear on “Grand Central,” Lord (w. 16, 17). making syphilis tests a part of the “The Goldbergs” or “True Story” Sin is an unspeakably horrible routine examinations required of in­ or innumerable other radio hours is thing that separates men from God, coming students. Judging from a apt to be a youth named Lawson but it is not an insuperable bar­ survey made by the Chicago Trib­ Zerbe who comes from the Univer­ rier, for the moment a man con­ une, serological diagnosis for syph­ sity of California. He is known af­ fesses his sin and calls on the ilis is not a common regulation fectionately as radio’s one - man Saviour he is saved. But self- among student health services, how­ stock company. Recently when he righteousness—that is the impassa­ ever. was scheduled to play six roles on ble barrier. God can do nothing for Instruction on the sexual and so­ one dramatic hour, he was delayed the man who rests his hope of sal­ cial hazards of the disease is far at another studio and when he final­ vation on his own good character, more common. Many universities, A Better Thing ly arrived just in the nick of time, high morality, and respectable po­ in fact, require their freshman men It is a good thing to be rich, and the frantic director had sent out for sition in society. and women to take courses in health a good thing to be strong, but it six well - known actors to replace IV.
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