Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY April 8, 2018 Page Second Sunday of Easter / Divine Mercy Sunday ~ April 8, 2018 Rectory Office 130 Beach 84th Street Rev. James A. Kuroly, Pastor Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 Phone: 718-634-7394 Rev. Slawomir Sobiech, Parochial Vicar Fax: 718-634-6591 Rev. Robert W. Czok, In Residence Hours Sunday: 9:00am to 1:00pm Mrs. Bridget Murphy, Director of Religious Education Ms. Sally Flores, Youth Minister Monday: 9:00am to Noon Mrs. Erin Romain, Administrative Assistant Tuesday to Thursday: Ms. Luz Rivera, Business Manager 9:00am to Noon and 4:00pm to 8:00pm Mr. James McCabe, Organist Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm Mr. Jaroslaw Lepkowski, Organist Saturday: 9:00am to 3:00pm Ms. Agnieszka Misior, Principal, Polish Supplementary School Parish Web Site http://stroseoflima-queens.org SUNDAY MASSES Parish E-Mail Saturday (Vigil): 5:00pm (English) Sunday: 8:00am (English), 9:30am (Spanish), [email protected] 11:00am (English), 12:30pm (Polish) Saint Rose of Lima Chapel WEEKDAY MASSES (Celebrated in the Chapel) “Praise be Jesus Christ, now and for ever.” Monday - Friday: 8:30am and Noon Open for Prayer/Visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Saturday: 8:30am 7 Days a Week - 6am to 9pm "1st Friday and 2nd Friday: Special Schedule" SAINT ROSE OF LIMA CATHOLIC ACADEMY 718-474-7079 / Fax: 718-634-0524 Web Site - stroseoflimacatholicacademy.org Mrs. Theresa Andersen, Principal Ms. Kimberly Wilson, Assistant Principal PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the people of Saint Rose of Lima, called by God to proclaimDivine the mystery Mercy of Christ’s saving Sunday presence, commit ourselves to serve our God, our Church, and our Community by the total giving of ourselves to the divine plan He has for us: “For TheI know well Chaplet the plans I have will for you, saysbe the Lord, plans for your welfare, ...a future full of hope.” (Jer. 29:11) Formedprayed by the Living afterWord of God,Masses strengthened by the Eucharist, committed to Perpetua l Adoration, we celebrate the uniqueness of each of us, placing~ ourselves at the service of all. We long to be one body in Christ. “THEY DEVOTED THEMSELVES TO THE TEACHING OF THE APOSTLESHoly AND TOHour THE COMMUNAL at LIFE 3:00pm, TO THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD AND TO THE PRAYERS.” ACTS 2:42 Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY April 8, 2018 Page 2 Na tej skale zbuduję mój Kościół Sobre esta roca voy a construir mi iglesia We Celebrate We Teach Baptisms/Bautismos /Chrzty Religious Education • 4th Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Arrangements • English - Sundays - 9:15am-10:45am - School should be made at least one month in advance. Contact the Rectory Office for information. • Spanish - Sundays - 8:15am-9:20am - Board Room • Los bautismos son el tercer Domingo de cada mes a las • Polish - Saturdays - 12:30pm - School 2:00 p.m. Los padres deben ponerse en contacto con la rectoria, por lo menos un mes antes de la fecha y deben Sacramental Prep Course asistir a la clase. • RCIA (English) - Tuesdays - 7:00pm - Board Room • Po polsku o godz. 14:00 w druga niedziele miesiaca. Prosimy rodzicow lub chrzestnych o zgloszenie chrztu w • RCIA (Spanish) - Sundays - 11:00am (after the kancelarii parafialnej miesiac przed udzieleniem 9:30am Mass) - Board Room Sakramentu Chrztu. • RCIC (Academy) - 1st Monday of the Month - After Confession/Confesión/Spowiedź School - School • Saturday, 4:00pm - 4:45pm or anytime by appointment. First Fridays: 11:00am - Noon and 6:00pm - 7:00pm Baptism Prep Course • Second Fridays: 6:00pm - 7:00pm • English - 3rd Sunday of the Month - 12:15pm (after • Sábado, 16:00 - 16:45 o en cualquier momento con cita previa the 11:00am Mass) - Saint Martin Room • Sobota, 16:00 - 16:45 lub w dowolnym momencie po • Spanish - 2nd Sunday of the Month - 11:00am (after uzgodnieniu the 9:30am Mass) - Saint Martin Room Marriages/Matrimonios/Sluby Formation • Couples should make arrangements with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance. • "Alive in the Spirit" - Mondays - After the 8:30am • Las parejas deben hacer arreglos con el sacerdote o Mass and Novena - Church diacono, en la rectoria, al menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. • "The Cenacle" - Topics on various spiritual issues - • Osoby ubiegajace sie o Sakrament Malzenstwa winny Wednesdays - After the Noon Mass - Chapel zglosic sie do ksiedza lub diakona szesc miesiecy przed • "For All the Saints" - A look at various Saints data slubu. throughout Church history - Fridays (except 1st Anointing of the Sick Friday) - After the 8:30am Mass and Novena - If someone at home is seriously ill, please call the Rectory to arrange for a Priest to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing in Church your home. We Pray • The Rosary ~ Monday-Saturday after the 8:30am Mass; Sundays at 9:00am in Spanish and after the 11:00am Mass in English We Serve • The Chaplet to the Divine Mercy ~ Prayed Daily at At the Altar 3:00pm • Novenas ~ Each day after the 8:30am Mass • Spanish Choir - Thursdays at 7:00pm Monday: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal • Tuesday: Saint Anthony / Wednesday: Saint Jude Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, Thursday: Saint Anne / Friday: Sacred Heart Usher, Altar Server - If interested in one of these • Ministries, please call the Rectory First Friday ~ 8:30am - Holy Mass (with Academy when open) • Altar Society - Help care for the Church - Sundays 11:00am - Confessions (in the Church) at 2:00pm Noon - Angelus and Holy Mass followed by Novena to the Sacred Heart Community 6:00pm - Confessions (in the Church) • Food Pantry - Tuesday and Friday, 10:00am to 7:15pm - Polish Devotions and Holy Mass 11:45am. (Donations of canned foods/and other non- • First Saturday ~ In Honor of the Immaculate Heart of perishable items can be left in the grotto in Church) Mary - 8:30am - Holy Mass, followed by Novena, talk, • Rosary and Benediction Nursing Home Visit and Mass - • Second Friday ~ 6:00pm to 7:00pm - Holy Hour with 1st Monday of the Month at Resort Nursing Home Confessions in Spanish / 7:15pm - Misa en Español 2nd Monday of the Month at Horizon Care Center Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY April 8, 2018 Page 3 Sluzmy Bogu z radoscia Servir al Señor con alegría Parish Groups We Evangelize Sunday Sagrado Corazon (Monthly) - 4th Sunday - 11:00am - See the Flyers in Church for More Information Saint Martin Room About These and Other Parish Events Hospitality Sunday - 1st Sunday of the Month after every Mass Confessions: Monday Every Saturday - 4:00pm to 4:45pm Young at Heart - 1:00pm - Auditorium (every other Monday when the Academy is open)/NEXT: April 9th First Fridays - 6:00pm to 7:00pm Polish Prayer Group - 7:00pm - Chapel Second Friday ~ 6:00pm to 7:00pm - Friday, April 13 - Tuesday Holy Hour with Confessions in Spanish / 7:15pm - Misa Saint Anthony Prayer Group - After the 8:30am Mass - en Español Chapel Special Events: Girl Scouts - 3:30pm - 5:00pm (Every other Tuesday and Wednesday) - Fr. Peter D. Gillen Rectory Hall TODAY - Sunday, April 8 - 11:00am - Legio de Maria (S) - 7:00pm - Fr. Peter D. Gillen Children's Mass ~ we invite all children to Rectory Hall attend this special Liturgy Wednesday Girl Scouts (see info above) Youth Music Ministry - 6:30pm - Church Legion of Mary (E) - 7:30pm - Fr. Peter D. Gillen Rectory Hall Charismatico (S) - 7:00pm - Chapel Thursday Cursillo - 7:00pm - Fr. Peter D. Gillen Rectory Hall Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Friday AA (English) - 10:00am - Fr. Peter D. Gillen Rectory Niedziela Miłosierdzia Bożego Hall Charismatics (E) - 7:30pm - Chapel Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed after Masses Saturday ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Divine Mercy (S) - 3:00pm - Chapel Star of the Sea Lay Carmelites Community Meeting - HOLY HOUR at 3:00pm Second Saturday - 9:30am - Fr. Peter D. Gillen Rectory Hall NEXT Saturday, April 14 - 5:00pm - Mass SRL Catholic Academy Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the Classes Resume Tomorrow - Monday, April 9th Msgr. William F. Burke Rockaway Council ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Knights of Columbus #2672 ~ Please join us Academy Fundraiser - $10,000 Giveaway! for Mass and stay after to be part of the group Only 400 tickets ~ $100 each picture with the Knights Drawing on Saturday, April 28th during an event from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the Auditorium. * * Next Youth Event * * Contact the Academy (718-474-7079) for details. Saturday,April 21st Diocesan Youth Day at St. John's University For information, registration, and Plan to spend time each week in the any questions, please contact presence of Jesus in the Sally Flores at the Rectory. Adoration Chapel ~ Open for Prayer/ Saturday, May 5 - First Holy Communion - Visits 7 days a week - 6am to 9pm “Praise be Jesus Christ, now and for ever.” See Page 4 for the Mass Times Saint Rose of Lima R.C. Church, Rockaway Beach, NY April 8, 2018 Page 4 Od ojca Kuroly De padre kuroly The Bishop Francis Xavier Ford, M.M. Guild (Diocese of Brooklyn) Supporting the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Born in Brooklyn, NY - January 11, 1892 First Seminarian of Maryknoll Ordained - December 5, 1917 Consecrated Bishop - December 5, 1935 Died in Prison in China - February 11, 1952 ~ ~ ~ The purpose of The 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal has The Bishop Francis X. Ford, MM Guild is: begun. We thank all who have To keep alive the inspiring memory of the participated with a gift to the past appeals Servant of God, Bp. Francis X. Ford, MM and ask that everyone prayerfully To bring his life, ministry, and his faithful death to others consider making a gift to the 2018 To provide prayer, support, and financial Appeal.
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