THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 28, 1870. 547 tiie date of such Patents, pursuant to the Act of York, United States of America.—Dated 19th the 16th Viet., c. 5, sec. 2, for the week ending January, 1867. the 22nd day of January. 1870. 143. William Bull, of Qualit3"-court, Chancery- 115. John Davies, of No. 24, Ludgate-hill, in the lane, in the county of Middlesex, Civil Engineer, city of London, and Arthur Helwig, of No. 73, for an invention of " improvements in glass Old Kent-road, iu the county of Surrey, En- blowing, and in apparatus therefor."—Commu- gineer, for an invention of "improvements in nicated to him from abroad by Leon Bandoux, the permanent way of railways."—Dated 16th of Charleroi, in the Kingdom of Belgium.— January, lb'67. Dated 19th January, 186/1 116. William Howavlh, Dentist, and Mason Pear- 144. Thomas Willis VVilJin, of Clerkenwell-grcon, son, Overlooker, both of Bradford, in the in the county of Middlesex, for an invention of county of York, and John Pearson, of Thorn- '• improvements in the manufacture of watch ton, in the same county, Jaequard Harness cases, and in apparatus employed therein."— Maker, for an invention of " improvements in Dated 19th January, 1867. Jacquard engines." — Dated 17th January, 147. Robert Harlow, of Heaton Norris, in the 1867. county of Lancaster, Brass Founder, for an in- 119. Ernst Silvern, of Halle, in the Kingdom of vention of " improvements in. the construction Prussia, Architect, for an invention of |S an im- of wash-basins and apparutus for supplying hot proved mode of and apparatus for purifying the and cold water to the same, which improvements impure, waters emanating from sugar-factories are also applicable to apparatus for supplying and oilier industrial establishments applicable water to baths and other similar receptacles."— also to the purification of sewage water."— Dated 21st January, 1867. Dated 17th January, 1867. 148. George Lomas Loversidge, of Bray Bank- 122. Richard New hall, of Astwood Bank, in the cottages, Greenfield, Saddleworth, in the county count}' of Worcester, Needle Case Manufac- of York, Tanner, for an invention of "improve- turer, lor an invention of "improvements in ments in the tanning of hides and skins, and in cases or receptacles for needles, pins, cards, the apparatus -employed therein."—Dated 21st stamps, photographs, cigars, and other similar January, 18o7. articles."—Dated 17th January, 1867. 150. William Edward Gedge, of the firm of John 124. Henry Starr, of No. 145, Cheapside, in the Gedge and Sou, of No. 11, Wellington-street, city of London, Merchant, for an invention of Strand, in the county of Middlesex, Patent "an improved safet}'match-box."—Communi- Agent, for an invention of " a two branched or cated to him from abroad by Henry Arthur houble hooked fishhook."—Communicated to Ga/lsden. of the city, county, and State of New him from abroad by Frangois Angelarn, junior, York, United States of America, temporarily of 39, Faubourg St. Martin, Paris, France.— residing at Havre, in the Empire of France.— Dated 21st January, JSG7. Dated 17th January, 1867. 152. John Rowley, of Grosvenor-terrace, Cam- 125. Charles Frederick Cooke, of the Bucking- benvcll, in the county of Surrey, for an inven- ham Works, in the city of York, and John tion of "au improved process for hardening, Srandfield, of 4G, Upper Stamford-street, Black- bleaching, and sweetening crude paraffin."— friars, in the county of Surrey, Engineers, for Dated 2'st January, 1867. an invention of "certain novel and improved 154. John Edwards, of Ealing, in the county of combinations and arrangemfnts of differential Middlesex, for an invention of " a new horse- wheel gearing and its application to various shoe cushion.'*—Dated 21st January, 1867. purposes."—Dated 8th January, 1867. 156. William Harrison, John Harrison, and 126'. August Bcrens, of Liverpool, iu the county Henry Harrison, of the firm of J. Harrison and of LauCcister. Commission Agent, for tin in- Sons, of Blackburn, in llie county of Lancaster, vention of " improvements in filling; splints into Engineers, and Benjamin Croasdalc, of the the dipping frames used iu the manufacture of same place, formerly Overlooker in a Cotton matches, and in apparatus to he employed for Mill, for au invention of " certain improvements such purpose."—Communicated to him from in looms for weaving." —Dated 22nd January, abroad by Ludwijr Anton, of Darmstadt, in the 1867. Grand Duchy of Darmstadt.—Dated 18th Ja- 159. Jean Chretien, of No. 150, Boulevard nuary, 1867. Richard Lcnoir, Paris, in the Empire of France, 131. John Gange Franklin, of Broadway, in the Civil Engineer, for an invention of "an im- county of Somerset, Tanner, for an invention proved apparatus for raising and lowering of " improvements in tanning."—Dated 18th heavy bodies."—Dated 22nd January, 1867. January, 1867. 160. Frederick Charles Rein, of the Strand, in •134. Walter Weldon, of Park-villa, West-hill, the county of Middlesex, Manufacturer of Acoustic Instruments, for an invention of " im- Highgate, in the county of Middlesex, for an invention of "an improved method of manu- proved means of conveying sound from preachers or lecturers to (he congregation or audience."— facturing chlorine."—Dated 18th January, 1867. Dated 22nd January, I8t>7. 137. John Harding, of the firm of James Harding 163. Jonathan Nort'irop, Samuel Tclley, and and Company, of Warrington, in the county of William Hurrismi Tetley, of the firm of Joua- Lancaster, Wire Gauze Manufacturers for than Northrop and Co., of Thornton, near Safety Lamps, for an invention of " a ne\v and Bradford, in the county of York, Shawl Manu- improved fastener or lock to be employed for facturers, for an invention of '•improvements securing the cover enclosing the flame.in lamps in sewing machinery or apparatus for fringing known as the 'Davy,' or lamps of a similar shawls, mantles, or other fabrics requiring to description."—Dated 19th January, 1867. have a fringe thereon."—Dated 22nd January, J38. Alfred Vincent Newton, of the Office for 1867. Patents, 66, Chancery-lane, in the county of Middlesex, Mechanical Draughtsman, for an invention of " an improved construction of steam LIST of the Letters Patent for Inventions generator."—Communicated to him from abroad A which have become void by reason of the ' -by George Gould, of Troy, in the State of New non-payment of the additional Stamp Duly of.
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