I MIDI3LET0NS OF SOUTH CAROLm Vol. I I South Carolina History Magazine Pages 228 - 1262 ' OCCGS reference only t>f;rSm)jOiSCUi/A)b Copied from original located in the Los Angeles, Calif., Public Library !^0r TO cE C A.uLATED c t- /93 odtlg 1/ ^ -' A- MIDDLETON OF SOUTH CAHOLINA. 229 MIDDLETON OF SOUTH CAROLINA.^ j^rthur Middleton, of Yeshoe plantation, Esq; J. P, Lord IVprictors Deputy and Member of the Grand Council of ; Arg: fretty sable, a canton of the second, tVrtr ; Carolina, was horn and educated in England,^ was a mer- a garb or, between twi> wings erect argent. ciiant in London and then in Barbadoes,^ whence in 1679 he This distiiiguislied Carolina family, claiming descent frum riiiic to Carolina, obtained large grants of land there and the Middletuns of Stoekeld, Yorksliire, is noted for long n-:. iritii his brother Edward at oooc took higli position as tinned public service and social position. The iinmediut. leaders of tlic Church party. He was Proprietors deputy in ancestor of the Carolina family was; iiiso luid of tlie Council until 3 684. In March 1683, for his rxiK-riments with oil and cotton, the Proprietors granted him Henry Middleton, of Twickenham, Middlesex, Kwiuirr. ii'ii acres of land. He ni. 7 Dec. 1682, Mary, widow of who had issue:' Smyth of Booslnii esq; Casique of Carolina^ and d. Arthur Middleton, of Carolina. in 1685 8: p. (His widow m. Ralph Izard, esq:)® His Edward Middleton, founder of the Carolina family. '.futljer:' William Middleton, of London and then of "Wappiiit. «v li: coiisiiiH Katherine, Edward & "Wm Birkhead &c: legacies to merch', commissioner of Aids for Middlesex lG9o &c. b.>!j-k>liohl servants, tenants, the poor in London, CrowHeld. Cotten- Katharine, m. John Harwood, of London, merclJ and ha-1 lam. Mendlesham. Needham &c ; estates of Mildenhall. Ashfield & Thorn St Peter to be sold; china, plate &c to two sisters; exors Henry issue. Harwi>0d & John Izard. Codecil 19 June 1712 leaves £500 to Hester Mary, m.William Birkliead, of Lambeth, Surrey, gent.at^i yHldletou dau; of my nephew Arthur Middleton of South Carolina had issue.'-^ tt n /- b l 22 Jnne 1714. Fo«. 49. • 2_' Nop: 1676. petition Royal African Co: to the King. Their agent Hester, in. Daniel Browning, of Crowtield Hall, Cou:V K<lwin Stede having seized the Anne of Barhadoes and her lading Suffolk, Esqr, High Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk B-'-'- -aqmrted thither contrary to H. M. Chaxter, Jas Vanghan. Bernard and A. 8. p. 17 ^ h*-nking and Arthur Middleton, merchants, brought an action in 0 By Langdon Cheves. Esq. , _ , lUrbailoes agt Stede grounded upon the Statute of Monopolies. A A 1 Their order here i-s not according to age. noris it certain t»- ' ■ Dec: 1682 between Arthur Middleton of Carolina esq:and Maurice William was a son of Henry. «<.-•>»» ^ ttlu'WR. Jas Moore & Robert Gibbes, in consu : of marriage by Glods » 1664 June 7th. Wm Birkbead, of Lambeth. County Snrrej. to be solemnized between ye sd Arthur Middleton & Mr^Mary lor. 35. and Mary Middleton; Spinster, above 21. danghter ^ ®hh, late wife of John Smith late of Booshoe in Asbly River in this Middleton of Twickenham. Midx, Esqr, who consents. At b ^ Southwark or Cambeiwell. County Surrey, "! Broveuin; u Ictonnow lives nigh G-oose her creek joynture, in ye Plant'n province on af«l weh called ye sd Teaho©,' Arthur s Will 17 Sept. 1709. Hester Browuing, widow j ^ j" Jw-res &c with ten negros &c »Sec Qf.- 1696. 1704 p. 9» late of Crowfleld. Suffolk, Esq: deed; London. Crowfiold Hall, Booking Hall, manors, lands &c. p>^ ,/ ■ ®y 1®87 Ralph Izard of Carolina gent: and Mary his wife, exex of Harbottle Wingtield Sir Thos Hare, Bart: he . of Arthur Middleton, late of this Province esq: deed, unto my nephew Avthur Middleton of South *• ■fuH ® March 1681 to Michael Loving, sawyer, of ?ot 65 in of my late brother Edward Twich^^ >f. his sale 24th9ber 1684 to ArthurMiddletonesq: whoinhie in the Island of Barbadoes: my sister ° April 1684, did make his last will &c and give unto £1400 and lands she mortgaged &c: i_j,belU ^ to 1 ^ wife Mary Middleton all his estate real and persomdl £1000: my nieces Ellen, wife of John Izard of ^^Idock. Isa r» ! whereas a marriage was had between ye said Ralph Izard & of John Eccleston. Hester wife of Silby Mucklow of L conveys to Jae Nichcles for the French Church. May 1680 Edward Middleton in consn £70 and 1000 acres sold me 230 80. OA. HISTORICAL AND GBNEALOOICAL MAGAZINE. T MIDDLETON OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 231 Edward Middleton, of the Oaks, Berkley Conntv, Su • ilina and Orowfield Hall, County Suffolk, Esq: J. P, Carolina, Esq: J. P, Lords Proprietors Deputy, inemlK;r . f I irtls Proprietors Deputy and "Member of the Grand Council, the Grand Council, and Assistant Justice, was horn i;. Prvsi'ient of C^onvention of 1719, President of H. 11. England and resided in London and then in Barbad«»es. l|, Oounfil for South ('arolina and Governor of the Province, came to Carolina in 1678, received large grants of latid ali.- A. in Carolina 1681, educated in England? (which he Oaks, Blootnville &e, near 4000 acres) and settled eunsid.'ra ^.vi^ited in 1710) and inherited considerable estates in Caro- ble plantations. He took an active part in public alTaihi. ••tta, llarbadoes and in England. He was a benefactor of the was Lord Proprietors deputy 1678, lG83®and iu Jan. ir.".,, .hun-h' and commissioner under the law establishing it in was appointed assistant justice. r*r->)ma, was of the Commons 1706-1710, captain in the He m. in England and had a son: Henry Middleton, of lii.u. iu-rkli'V regiment, Naval officer for S. Carolina, eommis- don, merchant, (who visited Carolina in 1696 and ITn:;. »: .ncr of Indian affairs, of banks, free schools, public library d. s. p.f *nil iiiher internal affairs and in 1711 Lord Carteret's deputy. He m. 2^ in Carolina 1680 Sarah, widow of liichnni In the Indian war he was sent Agent to "Virginia, brouglitaid Fowell, of Barbadoes, gent:" and d. at Charleston in 16s;.". *•1.1 received the thanks of the Province.^ Leaving tlie leaving by lier one son: (..uucil in 1716 for the Commons, he led the movement for Hon: Arthur Middleton, of the Oaks^' and Crowtield in tfio King's government and in 1719 was President of the by my brother Aitbur Middleton &c, unto sd Arthur Middletou all i:o r..nvention which overthrew the Proprietors; was then in the estate &c, in ye plantation scituate upon ye South side of Qiv*"" Couitnons and assistant judge, and in 1721 was made Presi- creeke alias Yeamans creeke in this Province containing by emrveylT*' •Iciit of the Council, and as such, was governour of the acres, now iu his possession &c (the Elms & Otranto) leSO-l'tSi ]>.' i'mvince 1725, 1730. His administration was distracted by * 8 Dec. 1678. on motion of Mr Edward Middleton one of the luem bers of the Councill and the report of the Surveyor Geni that ihf firil commotions and contentions between the Council and upiMjr part of Auchaw creeke is not navigable nor capable to be?, iKc Commons over the currency, but he upheld the Royal made And whereas the sd Mr Edward Middleton hath heare authority and restrained disaffection with tact and firmness, np his great lott of land &c, that Mr. Middleton be allowed bis wh'>lt breadth of land upon that part of the afsd Creeke where he is w*- kept the boundaries of the Province against the Spaniards, settled—Council Journal 50. of Edward Middleton Gentln deed and Arthur Middleton of the 9 24 June 1680,wart by Jos. West esq: Qovr &c, to lay out to Edwaw ••mv Coonty &c Gentlu . son and heir of the said Edward by the said Middleton gentn and Sarah his wife, the relict of Rich: ffowell. decJ Wah rec/fes grant 8 Febry 1680 to said Edwd Middleton gent: and 1630 acres on Yeamans creeke, B & B west on Yeamans creeke E 4 ^rah his wife, 1630 acres on Yeamans Creeke &c and for love and N on capt. Jno Foster & capt Jas Moore and other lands of said and his advancement and preferment conveys the same &c ('the Edw<i Middleton. Bk 1G82, 92. p. 132 'Wt«" near Goc^ creek bridge, original seat of the Middletons, noted '"Said Edward Middleton sometime afterwards dyed intestate« l-f ite fine avenue of ancient oaks, the brick mansion was burnt about Charleston afad seized of Smost moiety of lot N? 14 in Charlesto'" Original with Middleton arms. Bk 1703. 9. p. 121. BkBBp.213. 2lAug: 1685 Robert Quary. esq: Govr &c. to Sara ' ^ eetpy of St James, for his 'Pious contributions and zealous indua- Middleton vridow&c, letters admn estate of your late husband Edw^ *ry and care in promoting the holy work of building this Church' &c Middleton, deed &c. 1082, 92 p. 228. She then m. Job Howes esq: W **** him an enclosed pew. Dalcho. Props deputy and Surveyor geul of Carolina, survived him and le t * '^ Aug. 1715 That the Public Receiver purchase with the Public son Robert Howe from whom, I believe, was Gen. Robert Howe of ^'uify one Pipe of wine and deliver the same to capt. Arthur Middle- Revolution. j ^ • present from this House in consideration of his services to the >'Ind: 1705 betwn Sarah Howes of Berkley Co: widow, now r^ct blick in his late voyage as Agent from this Province to Virginia.
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