Jean-Lou JUSTINE List of papers 1981-2015 page 1 Pr. Jean-Lou JUSTINE ISYEB, Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité (UMR7205 CNRS, EPHE, MNHN, UPMC) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle CP 51, 55 rue Buffon 75231 Paris cedex 05, France Telephone: 01 71 21 46 47 (+33 1 71 21 46 47) e-mail: [email protected] Home pages: http://sites.google.com/site/jljjustine/ http://isyeb.mnhn.fr/JUSTINE-Jean-Lou List of papers (updated January 8th, 2015) 2014 249 Moravec, F., & Justine, J.-L. (2014) Capillaria plectropomi n. sp. (Nematoda: Capillariidae), a new intestinal parasite of the leopard coral grouper Plectropomus leopardus (Serranidae) off New Caledonia. Parasite, 21, 76. 248 Beveridge, I., Bray, R. A., Cribb, T. H., & Justine, J.-L. (2014) Diversity of trypanorhynch metacestodes in teleost fishes from coral reefs off eastern Australia and New Caledonia. Parasite, 21, 60. 247 Schoelinck, C., Hinsinger, D. D., Dettaï, A., Cruaud, C., & Justine, J.-L. (2014) A phylogenetic re-analysis of groupers with applications for ciguatera fish poisoning. PLoS ONE, 9, e98198. 246 Justine, J.-L., & Iwaki, T. (2014) Huffmanela hamo sp. n. (Nematoda: Trichosomoididae: Huffmanelinae) from the dagger-tooth pike conger Muraenesox cinereus off Japan. Folia Parasitologica, 63, 267-271. 245 Justine, J.-L., Thévenot, J., & Winsor, L. (2014) Les sept plathelminthes invasifs introduits en France. Phytoma (674), 28-32. 244 Justine, J.-L., Winsor, L., Gey, D., Gros, P., & Thévenot, J. (2014) The invasive New Guinea flatworm Platydemus manokwari in France, the first record for Europe: time for action is now. PeerJ, 2, e297. 243 Bray, R. A., & Justine, J.-L. (2014) Helicometra boseli Nagaty, 1956 (Digenea: Opecoelidae) in Sargocentron spiniferum (Forsskål)(Beryciformes: Holocentridae) from New Caledonian waters with a review of the Helicometra spp. in holocentrids. Systematic Parasitology, 89, 167-173 242 Bray, R. A., & Justine, J.-L. (2014) A review of the Zoogonidae (Digenea: Microphalloidea) from fishes of the waters around New Caledonia, with the description of Overstreetia cribbi n. sp. PeerJ, 2, e292. 241 Moravec, F., & Justine, J.-L. (2014) Philometrids (Nematoda: Philometridae) in carangid and serranid fishes off New Caledonia, including three new species. Parasite, 21, 21. Jean-Lou JUSTINE List of papers 1981-2015 page 2 2013 240 Justine, J.-L., Rahmouni, C., Gey, D., Schoelinck, C., & Hoberg, E. P. (2013) The monogenean which lost its clamps. PLoS ONE, 8, e79155 239 Bray, R. A., & Justine, J.-L. (2013) Bucephalidae (Digenea) from epinephelines (Serranidae: Perciformes) from the waters off New Caledonia, including Neidhartia lochepintade n. sp. Parasite, 20, 56 238 Bray, R. A., & Justine, J.-L. (2013) A digenean parasite in a mudskipper: Opegaster ouemoensis sp. n. (Digenea: Opecoelidae) in Periophthalmus argentilineatus Valenciennes (Perciformes: Gobiidae) in the mangroves of New Caledonia. Folia Parasitologica, 60, 7-16. 237 Bray, R. A., & Justine, J.-L. (2013) Three species of opisthomonorchiine monorchiids (Digenea) in Carangoides spp. (Perciformes: Carangidae) from off New Caledonia, with a description of Opisthomonorchis dinema n. sp. Systematic Parasitology, 85, 147-156. 2012 236 Bray, R. A., & Justine, J.-L. (2012) Digeneans (Platyhelminthes) of the peacock sole, Pardachirus pavoninus (Lacépède, 1802) (Pleuronectiformes, Soleidae) off New Caledonia. Zoosystema, 34, 825-835. 235 Hayes, P., Justine, J.-L., & Boxshall, G. A. (2012) The genus Caligus Müller, 1785 (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida): two new species from reef associated fishes in New Caledonia, and some nomenclatural problems resolved. Zootaxa, 3534, 21-39. 234 Justine J.-L., Beveridge I., Boxshall G.A., Bray R.A., Miller, T.L., Moravec F., Trilles, J.-P., Whittington I.D. (2012) An annotated list of fish parasites (Isopoda, Copepoda, Monogenea, Digenea, Cestoda, Nematoda) collected from Snappers and Bream (Lutjanidae, Nemipteridae, Caesionidae) in New Caledonia confirms high parasite biodiversity on coral reef fish. Aquatic Biosystems, 8, 22. 233 Bray, R.A., & Justine, J.-L. (2012) A review of the Lepocreadiidae (Digenea: Lepocreadioidea) from fishes of the waters around New Caledonia Acta Parasitologica, 57, 247-272. 232 Bray, R.A., & Justine, J.-L. (2012) Further reports of Acanthocolpidae Lühe, 1906 (Digenea) from fishes of New Caledonia, with descriptions of two new species Systematic Parasitology, 83, 39-50. 231 Justine, J.-L., Briand, M. J. & Bray, R. A. (2012) A quick and simple method, usable in the field, for collecting parasites in suitable condition for both morphological and molecular studies. Parasitology Research, 111, 341-351. 230 Moravec, F., & Justine, J.-L. (2012) Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) etelidis sp. n. (Nematoda: Anisakidae), a new ascaridoid nematode from lutjanid fishes off New Caledonia Zoosystema, 34, 113-121. 229 Schoelinck, C., Cruaud, C., & Justine, J.-L. (2012) Are all species of Pseudorhabdosynochus strictly host specific? – a molecular study. Parasitology International, 61, 356-359. 228 Foata, J., Quilichini, Y., Justine, J.-L., Bray, R. A., & Marchand, B. (2012) Ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis and the spermatozoon of Cavisoma magnum (Southwell, 1927) (Acanthocephala, Palaeacanthocephala, Cavisomidae), from Siganus lineatus (Pisces, Teleostei, Siganidae) (Valenciennes, 1835) in New Caledonia. Micron, 43, 141-149. 2011 227 Moravec, F., & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Two new gonad-infecting species of Philometra (Nematoda: Philometridae) from the marine fish Lutjanus vitta (Perciformes: Lutjanidae) off New Caledonia. Folia Parasitologica, 58, 302-310. Jean-Lou JUSTINE List of papers 1981-2015 page 3 226 Quilichini, Y., Foata, J., Justine, J.-L., Bray, R. A. & Marchand, B. (2011) Spermatozoon ultrastructure of Gyliauchen sp. (Digenea: Gyliauchenidae), an intestinal parasite of Siganus fuscescens (Pisces: Teleostei) Biological Bulletin, 221, 197-205. 225 Debenay, J.-P., Sigura, A. & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Foraminifera in the diet of coral reef fish from the lagoon of New Caledonia: predation, digestion, dispersion. Revue de Micropaléontologie, 54, 87-103 224 Šípková, L., Levron, C., Oros, M., Justine J.-L. (2011) Spermatological characters of bothriocephalideans (Cestoda) inferred from an ultrastructural study on Oncodiscus sauridae and Senga sp. Parasitology Research, 109, 9-18. 223 Quilichini, Y., Foata, J., Justine, J.-L., Bray, R. A. & Marchand, B. (2011) Sperm ultrastructure of Helicometra epinepheli (Platyhelminthes, Digenea, Opecoelidae), parasite of Epinephelus fasciatus (Pisces, Teleostei). Histology and Histopathology, 26, 1019-1028. 222 Moravec, F., & Justine, J.-L. (2011) New data on the morphology of Procamallanus (Procamallanus) annulatus and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) monotaxis (Nematoda: Camallanidae) from marine fishes off New Caledonia. Helminthologia, 48, 41-50. 221 Justine, J.-L. (2011) Huffmanela plectropomi n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichosomoididae: Huffmanelinae) from the coralgrouper Plectropomus leopardus (Lacépède) off New Caledonia. Systematic Parasitology, 79, 139-143. 220 Bray, R.A., & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Bucephaline digeneans (Bucephalidae) in Sphyraena putnamae Jordan & Seale (Sphyraenidae) from the lagoon off New Caledonia. Systematic Parasitology, 79, 123-138. 219 Bray, R.A., & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Acanthocolpidae (Digenea) of marine fishes off New Caledonia, with the descriptions of two new species. Folia Parasitologica, 58, 35-47. 218 Schoelinck, C. & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Pseudorhabdosynochus quadratus n. sp. (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) from the white-streaked grouper Epinephelus ongus (Bloch) (Perciformes: Serranidae) off New Caledonia. Systematic Parasitology, 79, 77-80. 217 Schoelinck, C. & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Four species of Pseudorhabdosynochus (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) from the camouflage grouper Epinephelus polyphekadion (Perciformes: Serranidae) off New Caledonia. Systematic Parasitology, 79, 41-61. 216 Lim, L.H.S. & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Two new species of ancyrocephalid monogeneans from Lethrinus rubrioperculatus Sato (Perciformes: Lethrinidae) off New Caledonia, with the proposal of Lethrinitrema n. g. Systematic Parasitology, 78, 123-128. 215 Moravec, F., & Justine, J.-L. (2011) Cucullanid nematodes (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) from deep-sea marine fishes off New Caledonia, including Dichelyne etelidis n. sp. Systematic Parasitology, 78, 95-108. 214 Justine, J.-L. (2011) Protocotyle euzetmaillardi n. sp. (Monogenea, Hexabothriidae) from the bigeye sixgill shark Hexanchus nakamurai Teng (Elasmobranchii, Hexanchidae) off New Caledonia. Systematic Parasitology, 78, 41-55. 2010 213 Justine J.-L., Beveridge I., Boxshall G.A., Bray R.A., Moravec F., Whittington I.D. (2010) An annotated list of fish parasites (Copepoda, Monogenea, Digenea, Cestoda and Nematoda) collected from Emperors and Emperor Bream (Lethrinidae) in New Caledonia further highlights parasite biodiversity estimates on coral reef fish. Zootaxa, 2691, 1-40. 212 Justine J.-L., Beveridge I., Boxshall G.A., Bray R.A., Moravec F., Trilles, J.-P., Whittington I.D. (2010) An annotated list of parasites (Isopoda, Copepoda, Monogenea, Digenea, Cestoda and Nematoda) collected in groupers (Serranidae, Epinephelinae) in New Caledonia emphasizes parasite biodiversity in coral reef fish. Folia Parasitologica, 57, 237-262. 211 Justine, J.-L (2010) Parasites of coral reef fish: how much do we know? With a bibliography of fish parasites in New Caledonia. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 140 (Suppl.), 155-190. Jean-Lou JUSTINE List of papers 1981-2015 page 4
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