Volume I Planning Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement (Includes Appraisal-Level Alternative Designs and Cost Estimates) Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project New Mexico – Arizona Navajo Nation City of Gallup Jicarilla Apache Nation U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation July 2009 Mission Statements The mission of the Department of the Interior is to protect and provide access to our Nation=s natural and cultural heritage and honor our trust responsibilities to Indian tribes and our commitments to island communities. The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in a environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. Volume I Planning Report and Final Environmental Impact Statement (Includes Appraisal-Level Alternative Designs and Cost Estimates) Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project New Mexico – Arizona Navajo Nation City of Gallup Jicarilla Apache Nation U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation July 2009 PLANNING REPORT AND FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT NAVAJO-GALLUP WATER SUPPLY PROJECT NEW MEXICO – ARIZONA Prepared by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region, Salt Lake City, Utah This planning report and final environmental impact statement (PR/FEIS) for the Navajo- Gallup Water Supply Project has been prepared by the Bureau of Reclamation in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. A number of project alternatives, consisting of both structural and nonstructural components, are evaluated in this PR/FEIS. Information on hydrology, water quality, endangered species, wildlife, geology, paleontology, soils, wetlands, cultural resources, recreation, social economic issues, environmental justice, Indian Trust Assets, and the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program is included. Cooperating agencies that participated in the development of this PR/FEIS include: Bureau of Indian Affairs Navajo Nation City of Gallup Navajo Tribal Utility Authority Indian Health Service Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments Jicarilla Apache Nation State of New Mexico For further information, contact: Mr. Stan Powers Mr. Terence Stroh Western Colorado Area Office Western Colorado Area Office 835 East Second Avenue, Suite 300 2764 Compass Drive, Suite 106 Durango, CO 81301 Grand Junction, CO 81506 (970) 385-6555 (970) 248-0608 Filing number: FES 09-10 Filing date: July 6, 2009 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS A ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ADWR Arizona Department of Water Resources AFY acre-feet per year ALP Animas-La Plata B Basin San Juan River Basin BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs BISON-M Biota Information System of New Mexico BLM Bureau of Land Management BMP Best Management Practices C CAA Clean Air Act CAP Central Arizona Project CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CFR Code of Federal Regulations cfs cubic feet per second CNG compressed natural gas Colorado Ute Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Settlement Act of Settlement Act 1988, P.L. 100-585, as amended (P.L. 106-554) Commission Upper Colorado River Commission Construction Plan Mesa Verde Cactus Construction Plan CPUE catch-per-unit effort CRSP Colorado River Storage Project CWA Clean Water Act D DBPs disinfection byproducts DEIS draft environmental impact statement E ECP Environmental Commitments Plan EIS environmental impact statement EPA Environmental Protection Agency EQ environmental quality ESA Endangered Species Act ESRI Ecosystem Research Institute F FEIS final environmental impact statement FSEIS final supplemental environmental impact statement FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act G gpcd gallons per capita per day GIS geographic information system g/m2 grams per square meter H HTCPO Hopi Tribe Cultural Preservation Office HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning I IGS Infiltration Gallery System IHS Indian Health Service Indian American Indian Interior Department of the Interior IRM Office of Integrated Resource Management ITAs Indian Trust Assets J JANNRWSP Jicarilla Apache Nation Navajo River Water Supply Project JGFD Jicarilla Game and Fish Department Jicarilla Settlement Act Jicarilla Apache Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act K kW kilowatt kV kilovolt L LCP local control panel LPG liquefied petroleum gas M M&I municipal and industrial MAF million acre-feet MCL maximum contaminant level MGD million gallons per day mg/L milligrams per liter Fg/L micrograms per liter MHI median household income MOA Memorandum of Agreement mW megawatt N NAGPRA Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act NAPI Navajo Agricultural Products Industry National Register National Register of Historic Places Navajo Settlement San Juan River Basin in New Mexico Navajo Nation Agreement Water Rights Settlement Agreement NED national economic development NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NESA Navajo Nation Endangered Species Act NFWD Navajo Fish and Wildlife Department NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NIIP Navajo Indian Irrigation Project NMDGF New Mexico Department of Game and Fish NMDPR New Mexico Department of Parks and Recreation NMISC New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission NMNHP New Mexico Natural Heritage Program NMRGISP New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System Program NMRPTC New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council NMSHPO New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officer NNDFW Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife NNHP Navajo Natural Heritage Program NNMP Navajo Nation Municipal Pipeline NNPRD Navajo Nation Parks and Recreation Department NNTHPO Navajo Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Officer NOA Notice of Availability NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPS National Park Service NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service NTU Nestler Turbidity Units NTUA Navajo Tribal Utility Authority O O&M operation and maintenance OM&R operation, maintenance, and replacement OPS Office of Pipeline Safety OSE other social effects P PIA practicably irrigable acreage P.L. Public Law Plains Electric Plains Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative, Inc. PNM Public Service Company of New Mexico ppm parts per million PR/DEIS planning report and draft environmental impact statement PR/FEIS planning report and final environmental impact statement Principles and Guidelines Economic and Environmental Principles and Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Implementation Studies proposed project Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project psi pounds per square inch R Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation RED regional economic development RM river mile ROD Record of Decision ROW rights-of-way RPA reasonable and prudent alternative RPM reasonable and prudent measures S SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act Secretary Secretary of the Interior Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service SHPO State Historic Preservation Officer Sithe Global Sithe Global Power, LLC SJRPNM San Juan River Public Service Company of New Mexico SJRBRIP San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program SLO New Mexico State Land Office SSURGO Soil Survey Geographic (database) SWTR Surface Water Treatment Rule T TCP traditional cultural properties TDS total dissolved solids THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Officer TMDL total maximum daily load TOC total organic carbon TSC Technical Service Center U UMTRA Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action U.S.C. United States Code USGS U.S. Geological Survey UV ultraviolet S E XECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Purpose and Need The Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project Planning Process Alternative Screening Process Preferred Alternative Water Supply Economic and Financial Analysis Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences Consultation and Coordination INTRODUCTION The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has developed this planning report and final environmental impact statement (PR/FEIS) pursuant to Public Law (P.L.) 92-199 and the general authority to conduct water resources planning under the Reclamation Act of 1902 and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. This document was undertaken to provide a discussion on (1) various ways to provide a municipal and industrial (M&I) water supply to the Navajo Nation, city of Gallup, and the Jicarilla Apache Nation and (2) the associated potential environmental impacts and costs of such an endeavor. The Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project (proposed project) authorization was included in the recently enacted Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, Title X, Part III (P.L. 111-11, March 30, 2009). The act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) to: 1. Construct, operate, and maintain the proposed project 2. Allocate the capacity of the proposed project among the Navajo Nation, Jicarilla Apache Nation, and the city of Gallup 3. Enter into proposed project repayment contracts with the city of Gallup and the Jicarilla Apache Nation ES-1 Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project In general, the Secretary, acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation, is authorized to design, construct, operate, and maintain the proposed project in substantial accordance with the preferred alternative in the draft environmental impact statement. The Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-11) approved, ratified, and confirmed the San Juan River Basin in New Mexico Navajo Nation Water Rights Settlement Agreement (Navajo Settlement Agreement) under Title X, Part IV of the act. This PR/FEIS does not analyze the Navajo Settlement Agreement; however, the act requires that all proposed project
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