7505 South Holden Street Midvale, UT 84047 (801) 567-7200 www.midvalecity.org MIDVALE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA February 20, 2018 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Midvale City Council will hold a regular meeting on the 20th day of February 2018 at Midvale City Hall, 7505 South Holden Street, Midvale, Utah as follows: 6:30 PM INFORMATIONAL ITEMS I. DEPARTMENT REPORTS II. CITY MANAGER BUSINESS 7:00 PM REGULAR MEETING III. GENERAL BUSINESS A. WELCOME AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE B. ROLL CALL IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any person wishing to comment on any item not otherwise on the Agenda may address the City Council at this point by stepping to the microphone and giving his or her name for the record. Comments should be limited to not more than three (3) minutes, unless additional time is authorized by the Governing Body. Citizen groups will be asked to appoint a spokesperson. This is the time and place for any person who wishes to comment on non-hearing, non-Agenda items. Items brought forward to the attention of the City Council will be turned over to staff to provide a response outside of the City Council meeting. V. COUNCIL REPORTS A. Councilmember Paul Hunt B. Councilmember Dustin Gettel C. Councilmember Paul Glover D. Councilmember Quinn Sperry E. Councilmember Bryant Brown VI. MAYOR REPORT A. Mayor Robert M. Hale VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Consider amendments to the FY2018 Budget for the General Fund and other funds as necessary [Laurie Harvey, Assistant City Manager/Admin. Services Director] ACTION: Consider Resolution No. 2018-R-08 adopting proposed budget amendments to FY2018 Budget for the general fund and other funds as necessary City Council Meeting February 20, 2018 Page 2 VIII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider minutes of February 6 & 13, 2018 [Rori Andreason, H.R. Director/City Recorder] IX. ACTION ITEMS A. Consider Parameters Resolution No. 2018-R-11 a Resolution of the City Council of Midvale City, authorizing the issuance and sale of not more than $13,000,000 aggregate principal amount of water, sewer, and storm water revenue and refunding bonds, Series 2018 and related matters [Laurie Harvey, Assistant City Manager/Admin. Services Director] B. Consider Resolution No. 2018-R-09 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an amended agreement with Ace Disposal for the Bulky Waste Program [Larry Wright, Public Works Director] C. Consider Resolution No. 2018-R-10 Approving an Interlocal Agreement Between the Redevelopment Agency of Midvale City, Midvale City, and Salt Lake County for Installation of Traffic Signal at Bingham Junction Blvd. and Tuscany View Rd[Annaliese Eichelberger, RDA Project Manager] X. ADJOURN In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Midvale City will make reasonable accommodations for participation in the meeting. Request assistance by contacting the City Recorder at 801-567-7207, providing at least three working day notice of the meeting. TTY 711 A copy of the foregoing agenda was provided to the news media by email and/or fax. The agenda was also posted at the following locations on the date and time as posted above: City Hall Lobby, on the City’s website at www.midvalecity.org and the State Public Notice Website at http://pmn.utah.gov. Council Members may participate in the meeting via electronic communications. Council Members’ participation via electronic communication will be broadcast and amplified so other Council Members and all other persons present in the Council Chambers will be able to hear or see the communication. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL CELL PHONES ARE TURNED OFF DURING THE MEETING DATE POSTED: FEBRUARY 16, 2018 RORI L. ANDREASON, MMC H.R. DIRECTOR/CITY RECORDER MIDVALE CITY COUNCIL SUMMARY REPORT Meeting Date: February 20, 2018 SUBJECT: Midvale City Corporation Resolution No. 2018-R-08 Budget Opening #2 for Fiscal Year 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Laurie Harvey, Assistant City Manager SUMMARY: Staff proposes amendments to the FY 2018 Budget for the following funds: General Fund, Capital Improvement Projects Fund, Storm Water Utility Fund, and Sanitation Fund. These amendments cover new revenues and adjustments in current year operations. The resolution and budget detail are attached. FISCAL IMPACT: General Fund – Reduction of $53,000 in Fund Balance Capital Projects Fund – no change to Fund Balance Storm Water Utility Fund – Reduction of $27,300 in Fund Balance Sanitation Fund – Reduction of $6,000 in Fund Balance STAFF RECOMMENDATION (MOTION READY): I move we adopt Resolution 2018-R-08, amending the budgets of the following funds: General Fund, Capital Improvement Projects Fund, Storm Water Utility Fund, and Sanitation Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution and proposed budget adjustments. MIDVALE CITY CORPORATION RESOLUTION 2018-R-08 A Budget Appropriation Resolution of Midvale City, amending the budgets of the following funds: General Fund, Capital Improvement Projects Fund, Storm Water Utility Fund, and Sanitation Fund for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2018. Whereas, Utah State Code, Sections 10-6-109, 10-6-127, and 10-6-128 of the Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Utah Cities, requires that increases in appropriations for operating budgets of the General Fund and other funds be made by resolution of the governing body; and Whereas, the required public notice was properly published in newspapers of general circulation in Salt Lake County; and Whereas, pursuant to notice, the public hearing was held on the 20th day of February, 2018; and Whereas, in compliance with statutory requirements, Midvale City amends the revenue and appropriation budgets of the following funds: General Fund, Capital Improvement Projects Fund, Storm Water Utility Fund, and Sanitation Fund as detailed on the attached schedule: Now therefore be it resolved, by the Midvale City Council, that the above budget amendments be made for the appropriate budgets for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2018. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage thereof. Passed and adopted by the City Council of Midvale City, State of Utah, this 20th day of February, 2018. __________________________________ Robert M. Hale, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ Rori L. Andreason, MMC City Recorder Voting by the City Council: “Aye” “Nay” Dustin Gettel ______ ______ Paul Glover Quinn Sperry Paul Hunt Bryant Brown ______ ______ MIDVALE CITY CORPORATION - BUDGET OPENING # 2 - FY 2018 Description Revenue A/C # Expenditure A/C # GENERAL FUND New "TIGER" Transportation Grant - crosswalk upgrade $ 158,600 10-3312-100-002 $ 158,600 10-4830-910-100 Dividend and TAP grant from ULGT 37,000 10-3690-100-000 Grant to Midvale Boys & Girls Club 20,000 10-4151-540-100 Increase Legal - professional svcs (small cell towers) 40,000 10-4145-310-000 Increase - Planning & Zoning - salaries - Planner I 20,500 10-4610-110-000 Increase - Planning & Zoning - benefits - Planner I 7,000 10-4610-130-000 Increase - Planning & Zoning - equipment - Planner I 2,500 10-46910-740-000 Contribution from Fund Balance 53,000 10-3890-000-000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 248,600 $ 248,600 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND Transfer from GF - "TIGER" grant - crowsswalk upgrade $ 158,600 41-3810-100-000 $ 158,600 41-4983-718-007 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJ FUND $ 158,600 $ 158,600 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND Contrib from Fund Bal - FLSmidth outfall project $ 27,300 54-3880-000-000 $ 27,300 54-5400-790-800 TOTAL STORM WATER UTILITY FUND $ 27,300 $ 27,300 SANITATION FUND Contribution from Fund Balance - monthly bulk pickup $ 6,000 57-3880-000-000 $ 6,000 57-5700-460-900 TOTAL SEWER UTILITY FUND $ 6,000 $ 6,000 COUNCIL MEETING Minutes Tuesday February 6, 2018 Council Chambers 7505 South Holden Street Midvale, Utah 84047 ______ MAYOR: Mayor Robert M. Hale COUNCIL MEMBERS: Council Member Paul Hunt Council Member Dustin Gettel Council Member Paul Glover Council Member Quinn Sperry Council Member Bryant Brown STAFF: Kane Loader, City Manager; Phillip Hill, Asst. City Manager/CD Director; Laurie Harvey, Asst. City Manager/Admin. Services Director; Rori Andreason, H.R. Director/City Recorder; Lisa Garner, City Attorney; Matt Dahl, Redevelopment Agency Director; Laura Magness, Communications Specialist; Lesley Burns, City Planner; Alex Murphy, Associate Planner; Chief Randy Thomas, UPD; Chief Andrus, UFA; and Matthew Pierce, IT Manager. Mayor Hale called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. I. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Chief Randy Thomas discussed police reports and citations for the City including the crosswalk operation they just completed. They issued 41 citations during the crosswalk operation. He said they have also recently conducted two prostitution stings in which within a five-hour period, they had two arrests. Two days ago, they hosted the highway patrol troopers to discuss the homeless shelter and how the City deals with associated issues. Chief Andrus reviewed the stats for December 2017 as well as the year end stats. He discussed the monthly safety message which was heart health. Laurie Harvey said the Network Administrator position has been filled and he will start February 12, 2018. She asked the Council if they wanted to continue to provide traffic school. The Council said yes. Phillip Hill said last week he received approval notice from the EPA for the five-year grant for the site coordinator with the possibility of renewal. He also mentioned that the tour of the Jordan Bluffs will be at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. II. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT 1 Proceedings of the City Council Meeting February 6, 2018 Kane Loader said the ULCT conference is coming up April 25-27. They are partnering with the Utah Association of Counties and the Land-Use Academy. He asked the Council to let staff know as soon as possible if they will be attending. He updated the Council on several legislative bills that may impact the City.
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