WWfSi Dispatch Dedicate Volume 14, Issue No. 4 December 2001 HARLOWTON By Bill Wllkerson - Begins on Page 4 SD's #556/505/522/513 are E/B with 41 loads and 12 empties totalling 4350 tons crossing bridge #NM-1026 over a County road by Hoosac MT. This was typical power for NML trains between Harlowton MT and Great Falls MT from c. 1973 to operations end in 1980. This track was oper• ated to Geraldine MT by BN from March 1980 to April 1983. It is still in use by the Central Montana Railroad who took over in the Fall of 1983. This track is also part of the run of the dinner train from Lewistown MT. Scan of original Art Jacobsen taken February 10,1980. Page 2 Upper - X553E is switching the U.S. Gypsum plant at Heath MT on 10/30/79. Prior to 4/77 this line ran east to Grassrange MT, and from 1917 to mid-1972, it went Winnett MT. BN continued this operation for five years after 3/80, when USG closed this mine and operation. Lower - Same train as on page one is at Geraldine MT. 1940 caboose #991891 is on the main while the power switches the elevator, which burned down April 2001. Scans of Art Jacobsen slides. Page 3 MilWest 2002 Annual Meet Dues Reminder Lewistown MT August 8-10,2002 The membership renewal slips for 2002 were included in the previous Dispatch. Many of you have already To be held at the Yogo Inn Best Western renewed and we thank you for that. However, some 211 E. Main (this is the former MILW depot) of you have not and this is a gentle reminder to you to send in your 2002 renewal now! Don't put it off Reservations only at 800-860-9646. Rates are or you may forget. This is the last issue for 2001 and favorable, and include breakfast. We have if you are not renewed by the first issue of 2002, you blocked 20 rooms for MilWest so when making will not receive it. Renew today! - Rocky your reservations be sure they know you are part of the MilWest Meet. This is very important this MilWest Management year as the amount of rooms taken will impact t4ilWest is a Washington State non-profit corporation founded in October, 1987 It serves to )reserve and promote the history of the (former) CM&PS, CM&StP, CMStP&P, MILW Lines the rates we pay for the meeting rooms. Complete Vest Meet details should be in the first 2002 issue of Vnnual membership is based on the calendar year, cost $10 00 (US), and is due no later than anuary t Please make all remittances payable to "MilWest" and send to die Secretary Per- the Dispatch. The hotel is set but we are still ons joining during a year will receive all issues of the Dispatch for that year Other back is- ues are available from the Managing ^ijor working on a possible train ride. It is possible, rhe MilWest Dispatch welcomes contributions of non-<x>pyrighted articles, photos, and other its a matter of what form it will take and the costs eproducible material for publication, with the undersUnding that no payment of any kind will >e made for their use All material for publication should be sent to the Managing Editor for same. Make your reservations early!! •lease double-space type all manuscripts, or conuct Editor to submit on computer disk or e- nail Topyright 2001 by MilWest Reproduction in whole or in part by permission only Some other lodgings in town are as follows: f you move, please notify the Secretary of your new address promptly Super-8, 102 Wendell Ave., 406-538-2581, or WHOM DO I CONTACT? 800-800-8000 nationwide. Mile S of the Yogo. Vlatters pertaining to MilWest policy, annual meetings, etc., contact th< jeneral Manager. Mountain View, 1422 W Main, 406-538-3457. Near the Super-8. ^ew membership applications and inquiries, non-receipt of the Dis- jatch, address changes, contact the Secretary. B & B, 520 E Main, 877-538-3563. Three blocks Existing member renewals ONLY! - Please send direct to the Treasur- SW of Yogo. 'urchase back-issues of the Dispatch - Contact the Managing Editor. Sunset, 116 NE Main, 406-538-8741. One block BOARD OF DIRECTORS N of Yogo across former N MT line track. General Manager, Tony Dell, 1580 SW Meinecke Rd Sherwood, OR 97140-7314. Trails End, 216 NE Main, 406-538-5468. Two [email protected] blocks N of Yogo across former N MT line track. Ass't General Manager Ray Alkofer, 1015 S. 37th Ave- Mtn. Acres Mobile Home Park &. Campground, lue, Yakima, WA 98902. [email protected] 103 Rocklyn Ave, 406-538-7591. Off U.S. 91 Secretary, Kevin McCray, 6 Park Place, Clancy, MT 2/3 of a mile NW of Yogo. 59634-9759. [email protected] Treasurer, John Henry, East 2406 South Altamont Blvd., Spokane, WA 99202 FEATURES THIS ISSUE staff Assistant, Larry Zeutschel, P.O. Box 206 East Hele- 'age 3: Annual Meet Notice la, MT 59635 'age 4: Harlowton - Bill Wilkerson 'age 5: DFW 5taff Assistant, Casey O'Neil, One Milwaukee Road 'age 5: Waybills Lake City, MN 55041. [email protected] 'age 5 : Member Comments 'age 6: Final Call Vlanaging Editor, Rocky Gibbs, 444 W. 15th Ave. 'age 13: Editor's Desk Spokane, WA 99203-2110 [email protected] nsert - 2002 Calendar Page 4 should have been in the Musselshell division, HARLOWTON and would have except for the Montana Railroad By Bill Wilkerson crews with prior rights from Lombard, Montana, 157 miles through Harlowton to Lewistown. The Harlowton, Montana was a very impor• Milwaukee had purchased the Montana Railroad tant terminal on the Milwaukee Road western ( Jawbone) in 1905 to obtain a route through the extension and is also very, important to my Belt Mountains from the Musselshell river valley memories of the Milwaukee as I grew up there. to the Missouri river valley. The Montana Rail• Over my 41 years in engine service, I spent a lot road had been incorporated in 1894 and was in of time working into Harlow^ton, both in passen• operation on the entire 157 miles when the Mil• ger and freight, so to me it is well worth remem• waukee bought it, so this gave their crews prior bering. rights on the railroad after the Milwaukee bought The Trans-Missouri division ended at the it. To ftirther complicate the situation, the Mon• east switch at Harlowton MP 1335. The Harlow• tana Railroad continued to operate as a separate ton yard was in the Rocky Mountain division, company until taken over by the Chicago, Mil• but it was the home terminal for the Trans-Mis• waukee and Puget Sound Railway in December souri division crews operating east 105 miles to 1910. This company was established to take over Melstone. Trans-Missouri engine crews operated all the Milwaukee construction companies and the switch engines in the Harlowton yard wdth the Montana Railroad through Sixteen Mile can• Rocky Mountain switch men. This unusual ar• yon. rangement was caused by the Northern Montana The Milwaukee built a new railroad with branch that operated north from Harlowton to easier grades, curves and tunnels and established Great Falls and on out to Agawam, with two their terminal at Three Forks, 19 miles west of other branches working north and east out of Lombard. To frirther complicate the Harlowton Lewistown. situation, the crews worked from Harlowton Operating, divisions were established in north to Lewistown from 1910 to 1913 when 1911 for the newly constructed extension from Lewistown was established as a home terminal Mobridge, South Dakota to the Puget Sound and the crews then worked from Lewistown south terminal at Tacoma, Washington. This also es• to Harlowton. tablished seniority districts for the employees. In 1913, branch lines were buih north and At Harlowton, there was a unusual con• east out of Lewistown and the Northern Montana dition. The newly formed Musselshell division division was established with headquarters in extended from the east switch at Harlowton, 341 Lewistown. Lewistown was established as the miles east to Marmarth, North Dakota, (MP 995) terminal for the branches working north to Great with headquarters in Miles City. The Rocky Falls and north to Roy and Winifred, east to Mountain division extended from Harlow•ton Winnett and south to Harlowton. west 226 miles to Deer Lodge with home termi• During construction, many employees nals at Deer Lodge working east 112 miles to kept working west and had compensated service Three Forks and Three Forks working east, 114 to establish seniority on a number of divisions. miles to Harlowton with Headquarters in Butte. The company and the unions established March This made Harlowton the away from home ter• 1, 1914as a cut off date and employees had to minal for the Three Forks crew, but it was their make their choice of divisions by that date. yard and roundhouse. The dispute wasn't settled until after 1914. Under union agreements in effect in 1913, Rocky Mountain Superintendent Foster had the the branch went to the division where its home right idea in my opinion. He proposed combining terminal was located, if the branch worked on its the Musselshell and Rocky Mountain divisions side of a line drawn north and south through the and work 3 ways out of Harlowton. He wanted center of the depot. The branch to Lewistovm crews to work from Harlowton to Deer Lodge, operated out of Harlowton east of this line and Continued on Page 7 Page 5 ThonmUKEE Road WEST DF\N This column serves for miscellaneous new items about the former WAYBILLS MILWAUKEE ROAD's operations.
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