In Danger: Israel’s Sovereignty Over Jerusalem Inside: Ten Important Articles About Jerusalem Founded 1897 ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA Zionist Organization of America www.zoa.org [email protected] Dedicated to Dr. Irving and Cherna Moskowitz Heroes insuring Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem Zionist Organization of America National Board of Directors Morton A. Klein, National President Dr. Michael Goldblatt, Chairman of the Board Dr. Alan A. Mazurek, Chairman, National Executive Committee Henry Schwartz, Treasurer Stanley Kessock, Acting National Executive Director Arnold Aronoff Prof. Malvina Halberstam Dr. Rosalie Reich Janet Aronoff Eli Hertz Stanley Rosenberg, Esq. Dr. Newton Becker Dr. Esther Hirschenbaum Nina Rosenwald Dr. Stanley Benzel Irwin Hochberg * Howard Schaerf, Esq. Bart Blatstein * Larry Hochberg David Schoen, Esq. * Dr. Herbert Caskey Robert Jacobs Henry Schwartz * Dr. Ben Chouake Daniel Katz, Esq. Dr. Zalman Shapiro Lewis Dashe Dr. Jerome Kaufman * Gene Shusman Mel Dubin Hon. Alfred Kleiman Edward M. Siegel, Esq. Congressman Jon D. Fox Jay Knopf Henry Silverman, Esq. Dr. Michael Franzblau Dr. Arthur Kook Samuel (Sonny) Sklar Sylvia Freyer * Joshua Landes Martin Sokol Jack Friedler Joseph Loshinsky * Sandra Stein, Esq. Harvey Friedman Rubin Margules Henry Taubenfeld, Esq.* Dr. Jonathan Gold* Dr. Alan A. Mazurek * Henry Z. Ten Steven Goldberg, Esq. * Joseph Mermelstein Jacques Torczyner * Miriam Goldberger Jay P. Miller Ronn Torossian Dr. Michael Goldblatt * Ms. Cherna Moskowitz Larry Wenig, Esq. Taffy Gould Dr. Irving Moskowitz Al Grossberg Nelson Obus Robert Guzzardi, Esq * Michael Orbach * * ZOA National Offi cer [ IN DANGER: ISRAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY OVER JERUSALEM ] In Danger: Israel’s Sovereignty overJerusalem TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Why Jerusalem Matters 45 Desecration in the Old City Gary Bauer Haim Shachter 7 Why the American 51 Sixty Synagogues Embassy Should Be Destroyed in Jerusalem Sylvia Mann U.S. Senator Jon Kyl 57 “We’ve Waited a 11 Forgotten Facts Thousand Years” about Jerusalem Colin Simpson Morton A. Klein 61 The Jewish Presence 17 If I Forget Thee… in Jerusalem Daniel Pipes Throughout the Ages Dr. Menashe Har-El 27 “Judaizing” Jerusalem A.M. Rosenthal 31 Jerusalem the Free: An Open Letter to the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher 1 IInn DDanger-96.inddanger-96.indd 1 33/22/2010/22/2010 111:29:391:29:39 AAMM Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.” For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity. Psalms 122:6-9 A Song Of Ascents of David 2 IInn DDanger-96.inddanger-96.indd 2 33/22/2010/22/2010 111:30:051:30:05 AAMM [ IN DANGER: ISRAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY OVER JERUSALEM ] Why Jerusalem Matters GARY L. BAUER oes Jerusalem belong to the Israeli people? Is it the capital of the Jewish nation? May Jews live with their families anywhere in the city they choose? Can other nations decide Jerusalem’s future, with or without the consent of Israel’s government? Is dismem- berment in Jerusalem’s future? It is a sign of the moral and historical derangement prevalent in our age that such questions can even be asked. But make no mis- Dtake about it—serious, powerful people on both sides of the Atlantic, in and out of governments, are embracing the Palestinian Muslim narrative that de- mands that Jerusalem must at the very least be divided, with East Jerusalem 3 IInn DDanger-96.inddanger-96.indd 3 33/22/2010/22/2010 111:30:061:30:06 AAMM becoming the capital of a Palestinian propagandists United States, under- new Palestinian state. and their allies in the stands what is at stake. Middle East have argued He recently wrote this In 1906, Zionist leader for years that Jerusalem about the importance of Chaim Weizmann met is not, and has never been, Jerusalem to the future of with Britain’s Arthur legitimately Jewish. They Israel: Balfour. Britain had make this absurd claim offered Zionists land in even though Jews have East Africa for a Jew- been living in Jerusalem adly, for me as an ish homeland, and the continuously for nearly Zionists turned the offer two thousand years. They American, it has down. Balfour wanted to have been the largest know why. single group in the city become obvious since the 1840s. The holi- S est site in the Jewish faith, that President Obama he preservation the Western Wall of the Temple, is in Jerusalem. increasingly seems of Jerusalem as In spite of the clear his- committed to dividing the political and tory and ongoing discov- T ery of historical relics that Jerusalem, followed by spiritual capital of the essentially confi rm what the Bible tells us about making a dismembered Jewish state is vital to the history of the Jews in Jerusalem, the Palestin- East Jerusalem the Israel’s existence. ian Authority continues to teach Palestinian children capital of a new historical lies that incite Weizmann answered with hatred about Jewish “oc- Palestinian state. this: “Mr. Balfour, if you cupation” of Jerusalem. were offered Paris instead The goal of this invidi- of London, would you take ous campaign is clear: If The preservation of it? Would you take Paris Jews can be delegitimized Jerusalem as the politi- instead of London?” A sur- in Jerusalem, the whole cal and spiritual capital prised Balfour responded, existence of the modern of the Jewish state is “But London is our own!” Jewish state can be called vital to Israel’s exis- Weizmann retorted, “Jeru- into question. tence. This fact was well salem was our own when understood by David London was a marsh!” And Michael B. Oren, Israel’s Ben-Gurion, Israel’s indeed it was. new ambassador to the first prime minister, at 4 IInn DDanger-96.inddanger-96.indd 4 33/22/2010/22/2010 111:30:081:30:08 AAMM [ IN DANGER: ISRAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY OVER JERUSALEM ] the time of the state’s Sadly, for me as an Ameri- He reminded the presi- creation in 1948. can, it has become obvious dent that Jerusalem is that President Obama an open, undivided city Though Israel was at- increasingly seems com- and he pointedly told tacked simultaneously mitted to dividing Jerusa- the president, “We can- on all fronts by six Arab lem, followed by making a not accept the idea that armies, with large sec- dismembered East Jeru- Jews will not have the tions of the Galilee and salem the capital of a new right to live and purchase the Negev already lost, Palestinian state. Aston- [property] in all parts of Ben-Gurion devoted the ishing as it may seem, the Jerusalem.” bulk of Israel’s forces Obama administration has to breaking the siege of insisted that construction Prime Minister Netan- Jerusalem. The city, he of new buildings in East yahu is right. Those of us knew, represented the Jerusalem for Israeli Jews who care about Israel— raison d’être of the Jew- be halted, in effect treat- Jews, Christians, and all ish state and without it, ing that part of the city as people of good will— Israel would be merely a “settlement.” must stand together now another miniature Medi- in defense of a united terranean enclave not The reaction of Israeli Jerusalem in a united worth living in, much less Prime Minister Netan- Israel—free, democratic, defending. yahu was swift and fi rm. and safe. Gary L. Bauer is one of America’s most effective spokesmen for pro-life, pro-family, and pro-growth values. Bauer is a frequent guest on a wide variety of political talk shows and a much-in-demand speaker nationwide. Bauer served in President Ronald Reagan’s administration for eight years, as Under Secretary of Education and as President Reagan’s Chief Domestic Policy Advisor. A staunch supporter of President Bush’s war on terrorism, Bauer is also a leading Christian advocate for a strong and secure Israel. Since the atrocities of September 11th, Bauer has devoted considerable time and energy to strengthening the shared values of the Israeli/American alliance. After the 2000 presidential campaign, Mr. Bauer founded American Values, a non- profi t educational organization. 5 IInn DDanger-96.inddanger-96.indd 5 33/22/2010/22/2010 111:30:081:30:08 AAMM This is what the Sovereign Lord says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her. Ezekiel 5:5 Ezekiel the Prophet, Son of Buzi 6 IInn DDanger-96.inddanger-96.indd 6 33/22/2010/22/2010 111:30:091:30:09 AAMM [ IN DANGER: ISRAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY OVER JERUSALEM ] Why the American Embassy Should Be inJerusalem U.S. SENATOR JON KYL erusalem should remain an undivided city. Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel, and the United States Embassy in Israel should be relocated to Jerusalem. The United States government has refused offi cial recognition of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem for various reasons since Israel’s inception, at fi rst in line with the never-implemented 1947 U.N. General Assembly partition recommen- dation for western Palestine. U.S. policy support- Jed a special international status—corpus separa- tum, as it was called—for the city of Jerusalem. The impractical notion actually appealed to neither the Jews nor the Arabs, and in 1948, the Arab Legion conquered east Jerusalem, includ- ing the Old City, as part of the general Arab military offensive to prevent Israel from coming 7 IInn DDanger-96.inddanger-96.indd 7 33/22/2010/22/2010 111:30:111:30:11 AAMM into being.
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