ROCKET REPORTER Moon Valley High School l 3625 W. Cactus Rd. l Phoenix, AZ 85029 l Volume 44 Issue 1 l September 2008 Link Crew help freshmen on first day Club Rush promotes Amanda Markley Link Crew leaders. involvment Their purpose was to Xavier Andrade help freshmen get to know Reporter each other and to get to Reporter know their new school. With hearts racing, ap- Coleman says that she hopes proximately 460 freshmen Club Rush was an op- it will positively change the portunity for students to walked into the school gym campus. for the first time. get involved with after Not only did they help school activities, and sports. The first day of school the freshman on their first can be nerve wracking, but Among the clubs that par- day, but they will continue ticipated were Photo Club, the Link Crew was there to to help them throughout help. Spirit Line, Web Quest and the school year. Rocket Club. Photo by Arian Kellwood Instead of following One student chosen was Senior Dannielle Mikulski their schedules on the first Freshman Alexandria Junior Jaime Strand who Hunter signed up for Photo sits at the Photo Club table day, all freshmen were to thinks, “It can be fun if you to talk about the club report to the gymnasium Club and thought it was, Photo by Suzi Coleman get the right group of fresh- “pretty cool to walk around for a welcoming orienta- Junior Jamie Strand leads her group of freshmen on a cam- men.” The Athletic depart- tion, which included a lot of and see your options.” pus tour during the first day of school According to Coleman, Karen Sliwa, Hip Hop ment along with student get-to-know-you activities. the students aren’t the only council started Club Rush Upperclassmen from Club sponsor, wanted to get ones who helped, all the involved with Club Rush to to promote school involve- the Link Crew each took difference between them. Valley. freshman teachers should ment. a group of 10 freshmen advertise the club and show Link Crew is a fresh- Juniors and seniors be thanked as well. that they aren’t just ‘hood- around the school to help men transition program were chosen last year by ”I think that it was re- them get acquainted with lums.’” Sliwa said because that many schools use na- faculty and staff members ally a community effort,” of the help from Club Rush, the campus. Each group had tionwide. Suzi Coleman to be Link Crew leaders. says Coleman. to wear something silly, like the Hip Hop Club jumped and Judy Lopez coordinate Over the summer they re- from 15 to 30 members. a fake tie or a hat to tell the the program here at Moon ceived special training to be Martinez adds more Former band director safety to campus joins administration team Rico Martinez Katie Smith a position that held a large amount of responsibility Reporter Reporter and a decent sum of chal- lenges. Latham knew what You will start seeing him The 2008-2009 school to expect when applying for everyday in his office. His year started off with a new this position and got exact- main objective is to protect assistant principal of atten- ly what and serve. Who is he? dance and discipline, Jason “I’m really happy to be Officer Wally Martinez, Latham. here, there’s great faculty, who started being a police Latham is taking over the wonderful teachers and an officer 20 years ago; is now position from Eddie Lopez, amazing student body,” says our student resource officer who is now the assistant Latham. (SRO). principal of operation and One goal Latham is striv- ing for is to absorb the Born and raised in Tex- resources, previously held Photo courtesy of www. as, his parents were great by Susan Hertneky, who re- unique Moon Valley cul- moonvalley.guhsdaz.org inspiration to him. They tired last year. ture and become a part of always made sure that he The new position brings the school’s spirited com- thused to be at Moon Val- stayed away from drugs, with it many new duties and munity. Latham is already ley this school year and feeling that Moon Valley is gangs, and other forms of Photo by Rico Martinez responsibilities that Latham hopes that he can continue trouble. Now he wants the is quickly adapting to. like home. to better the learning com- students to do the same. He “Any new job you have Originally from Wyo- school resource officer -be Martinez is looking for- munity within our school. wants a “safe learning envi- you have to learn the rules ming, he attended the fore and was hired from the ward to being on campus “I am very excited to be ronment for students and a and structures of the job,” University of Northern Alhambra School District. and plans to visit class- at Moon Valley and I look safe teaching environment said Secretary Debora Gray, Colorado where he earned “He is doing a great job rooms and give talks on forward to working with for teachers”. who has helped Latham a Bachelor’s Degree in Mu- and has great communica- various topics from talking the students and teachers at Students can count on with his transition into the sic Education. Latham is tion skills with students students about the dangers this awesome high school. him to help with any prob- new dean position. no stranger to the district, and good on keeping the of drugs to how the police GO ROCKETS!!” exclaims lems that may arise, and he’s Being a new administra- prior to coming to Moon school environment safe,” force works. Latham. available to talk to anytime tor can be stressful for any- Valley; he functioned in the says Donaldson. According to Jason of the day in his office or one, but Latham is making role of band and orchestra Martinez says that “ev- Latham, assistant principal, around the campus. the best of this opportunity. director over a nine year eryday is different, but Martinez is a wonderful According to George When making the deci- period at Sunnyslope and problems don’t have to lead resource and a very profes- Donaldson, parking atten- sion to move into adminis- Apollo High Schools. to violence.” sional and experienced. dant, Martinez has been a tration, Latham looked for Latham is more than en- Rocket Reporter Dual Enrollment New Teachers Remodeling Increased Population The Hunger Artists staff Pages 2-7 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Pages 6 Page 7 Page 2 September 2008 Rocket Reporter 2008-2009 Rocket Reporter Staff 2008 presidential canidates Co-Editor-In-Chief Kylie Boie equal pay (the elimination of wage differences based on Senior Kylie Boie, 17, en- gender). However, he has opposed specific legislation joys listening to music and Co-Editor-In-Chief that would have given workers more time to discern sex reading books. Boie prides discrimination before bringing suit under the Equal Pay herself on her sarcastic per- The upcoming presidential elections have already Act of 1963 sonality and looks for a good made history with an African- American man as the dem- Obama: Obama favors the concept of equal pay. He has sense of humor in others. ocratic nominee and a female running for vice president. supported legislation designed to improve the effective- Boie’s heroes are her fa- The 2008 election is principally notable because it is the ness of the Equal Pay Act of 1963. vorite classic writers. After first time in U.S. history that two current senators will Global Warming/ Energy dependence. leaving high school, Boie plans on going to an out-of-state run against each other for president, and because it will McCain: McCain generally supports increased energy ef- university and double majoring in journalism and political be the first time an African-American will be a presiden- ficiency, but has not announced detailed targets. science. tial nominee for a major party, however, these elections Obama: Obama proposes to reduce overall U.S. oil con- Boie has been active on the Rocket Reporter staff for are noteworthy for a couple other reasons as well. sumption by at least 35%. the last three years. This year she serves as the co-editor- Either candidate would be the first president born The War in Iraq: in-chief. With this being her last year on staff she plans to outside the Continental United States; Obama was born McCain: McCain voted for the use of military force, and make the most of it. in Honolulu, Hawaii and McCain was born at Coco Solo, is calling for more troops to be sent to Iraq. He sup- Panama Canal Zone, a US naval base. McCain would be ported last year’s “surge.” And says that victory is “still Co-Editor-In-Chief the first president from Arizona, also, if inaugurated on achievable.” Working for Anytown January 20, 2009, McCain would be the oldest U.S. presi- Obama: Obama has always been opposed to the war. He Arizona, Junior Matt dent, at 72 years and 144 days old. Obama and McCain favors bringing the troops home as quickly as possible. Longdon helped spread are 24 years apart in age. This is the largest age disparity Education: acceptance and diversity between the two major party presidential candidates McCain: McCain wants to limit the federal governments to kids over the summer. This election also marks the first time since 1928 where involvement in education. He believes that parents However, he also managed neither incumbent president nor vice president is run- should have more power over where their children go to school, and wants to hold schools and teachers more to find time for video games, ning for office.
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