Timetable Guide Your guide to Transperth’s timetables Stay Effective: 31/01/2021 streets Transperth ahead Information with Transperth InfoLine 13 62 13 National Relay Service (NRS) live bus Customers who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment can call through the NRS. TTY service users call 133 667 and ask for 13 62 13. Speak and Listen users call 1300 555 727 and ask tracking. for 13 62 13. Email [email protected] Translating and Interpreting Service Download the Transperth app. If you require an interpreter to help you access information about Transperth services, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 and ask to be connected to 13 62 13 for service information or 13 16 08 for comments or suggestions about Transperth services. SMS Text your stop number to 13 62 13 and find out when your next service is due. For service providers other than Telstra, Optus and Virgin use 0429 33 22 11. 136213.mobi Access timetables, Transperth news and SmartRider balances via your WAP enabled mobile. Got an iPhone® or Android™ device? Download our free app now to help you plan your journey. Visit us online transperth.wa.gov.au V E R N M E O N G T E O H F T Public Transport W A Authority E I S L T A E R R N A U S T TRAN408_Customer Journey App_85x245.indd 2 3/5/19 4:04 pm Butler son Clark ambine urr C er at Joondalup w dge E ds for hit ood Henley Brook W w Mirrabooka een Gr arwick d W or an s Hill d tirling es or S Morley field ende t Guildf ass ucc as oodbridge Ash B S Guildf E W Midland Karrinyup Glendalough eederville B L a y W t s e Meltham w s at t L er uspor Ma eederville Cit S ook ylands ubiac y W th B Mt La er er ebr Shen Daglish e P th o st er E P McIv Clais as wle t on P t P y K arr er adium ark th t L ak och S att Perth Underground th S er Show a P tr ee gr t ounds Elizabeth Quay Elizabeth Quay Clar S emon w tadium anbourne ood t w ee Gr t th S s tr an er ur P B ark s S t S at tr O C ee Mends St oria P o ark Kalamunda t t fer ict te V arlisle sloe oria rPans C T ict V on Canning Bridge anningt C elshpool Mosman Park W ark Booragoon Curtin Central Victoria Street Bull Creek Queens P Beckenham North Fremantle Curtin University Thornlie Murdoch Kenwick Fremantle Maddington Cockburn Central Gosnells Aubin Grove Seaforth Kelmscott Kwinana Kwinana Challis Wellard Sherwood Armadale Rockingham Warnbro Legend Mandurah Armadale/Thornlie Line Fremantle Line Joondalup Line Mandurah Line Midland Line System Map System Train Transfer Bus and Train Transfer Bus Transfer Bus Station Jetty Special event station Timetable Timetable Route Reference No. Route Reference No. 15 56 281, 282 & 283 94 19 & 20 71 284 90 23, 24 & 25 44 285, 286, 287 & 288 108 26 32 291 89 27 & 28 33 293 108 30 & 31 12 294 89 32 & 33 16 295 & 296 109 34 & 35 19 297 89 36 109 298 108 38 & 39 90 299 109 40 109 & 110 300 92 41, 42, 48 & 55 103 301 95 60 102 304 89 66, 67 & 68 106 307 96 72 & 75 15 310, 311 & 312 91 81, 82, 83, 84 & 85 42 & 43 313, 314 & 315 86, 87 96 & 97 41 320 97 100 & 101 20 321 & 322 96 102 31 323, 324 & 325 86, 87 103 32 326 86 107 31 327 86, 87 111 39 328, 330 & 331 97 114 118 334 101 115 46 335 98 148 39 336, 337 & 338 101 158 39 340, 341 & 342 104 160 34 343 93 177 & 178 9 344 105 179 9 & 13 345 93 201, 202 & 203 14 346 105 204 & 205 1 & 6 347 105 206 & 207 6 & 18 353 100 208 18 354 72 210 & 211 11 355 98 212 4 360, 361 & 362 76 220 3 370 72 223 4 371 70 228 & 229 5 374 & 375 74 231 & 232 11 376, 377 & 378 75 233 17 380 110 240 & 241 7 384 57 & 72 243, 244 & 245 8 385 & 386 57 & 82 249 3 387, 388 & 389 57 & 81 250 7 390 & 391 69 251, 252, 253 & 254 21 402, 403 & 404 58 279 89 406 71 Timetable Timetable Route Reference No. Route Reference No. 407 79 562 130 410 & 412 60 563 138 413, 414 & 415 59 564, 565, 566, 135 421, 422 & 423 62 567 & 568 424 61 584, 586 & 587 132 425 62 588 & 589 136 427 & 428 61 591 133 441 & 442 63 592, 593 & 594 139 443 & 444 84 597 & 598 134 445, 446 & 447 64 600, 604 & 605 137 448, 449 & 450 80 910 207 460, 461 & 462 65 915 212 463, 464, 465 & 466 66 930 208 467 & 468 73 935 209 470, 471, 473 & 474 67 950 202 480, 481 & 482 85 955 99 483 & 484 78 960 210 490 & 491 83 970 211 500 35 990 206 502 38 998 & 999 200 503, 504 & 505 47 506 & 507 2 Perth CAT 203 508 & 509 13 Fremantle CAT 204 510 35 Joondalup CAT 205 511, 512 & 513 37 514 116 Ferries 300 515 & 516 117 517 4 & 6 Trains Armadale / Thornlie Line 518 6 & 17 Fremantle Line 519 17 Joondalup Line 520 119 Mandurah Line 523, 525, 526 & 527 122 Midland Line 530 & 531 121 532 120 534, 535, 536 & 537 123 540, 541, 542, 543 & 544 124 548 126 549 125 550, 551, 552 & 553 128 554 129 555 127 556 129 557 130 558 & 559 131 560 138 561 131 Timetable Timetable Suburb Reference No. Suburb Reference No. Alexander 74, 75, 76 & 105 Belhus 86 Heights Bellevue 89, 96 & 97 Alfred Cove 34, 39 & 207 Belmont 90, 108, 109, 110, 200 & 209 Alkimos 78 & 83 Bennett Springs 93, 99 & 100 Applecross 34, 39, 46, 118 & 207 Bentley 3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, Ardross 39, 46, 118 & 207 16, 19, 20, 90, 200 & 210 Armadale 3, 7, 8, 17 & 21 Bertram 124 Armadale / Thornlie Line Bibra Lake 116 & 119 Ascot 110 & 200 Bickley 94 Ashby 73 Bicton 39 & 207 Ashfield 103 Booragoon 34, 35, 38, 46, 118 & 212 Midland Line Attadale 39 & 207 Boya 96 Atwell 17 & 122 Brabham 99 & 100 Brentwood 35 Aubin Grove 122 & 123 Mandurah Line Brigadoon 91 Aveley 98 & 101 Brookdale 7 Balcatta 57, 58, 59, 61, 81, 82 & 200 Bull Creek 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 13, 17, 18, 35, 38, 47, Baldivis 135 116, 117 & 200 Mandurah Line Mandurah Line Balga 70, 74, 75, 80, 81 & 82 Bullsbrook 91 Ballajura 75, 76, 80 & 105 Burns Beach 67 Banjup 17, 122 & 123 Burswood 90, 108, 109, 110 & 209 Armadale / Thornlie Line Banksia Grove 69 Butler 78, 83 & 85 Barragup 137 Joondalup Line Baskerville 91 Byford 21 Bassendean 99, 100, 103 & 104 Calista 124 & 125 Midland Line Cannington 2, 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, Bateman 35, 47 & 200 20, 89 & 208 Armadale / Thornlie Line Bayswater 103, 104 & 200 Midland Line Canning Vale 1, 4, 6, 15, 17 & 18 Beaconsfield 34, 37, 119, 120, 121, 125, Cardup 21 126 & 200 Carine 61, 62, 63 & 84 Beckenham 5, 14 & 89 Carlisle 90, 94, 108 & 200 Armadale / Thornlie Line Armadale / Thornlie Line Bedford 102, 106, 200 & 202 Carmel 94 Beechboro 93, 99, 100 & 104 Carramar 69 & 73 Beechina 96 & 97 Caversham 98 & 104 Beeliar 120, 121 & 125 Chidlow 97 Beldon 65 & 66 Churchlands 43 & 200 Timetable Timetable Suburb Reference No. Suburb Reference No. City Beach 43 East 125 Rockingham Claremont 31, 32, 33, 44 & 200 Fremantle Line East Victoria 3, 9, 15, 90, 94, 208 & 210 Park Armadale / Thornlie Line Clarkson 67, 78 & 85 Joondalup Line Eden Hill 99, 100 & 104 Clifton Hills 7 Edgewater 57, 66 & 67 Joondalup Line Cloverdale 90, 108, 110, 200 & 209 Eglinton 83 Cockburn 17, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122 Central Mandurah Line Ellenbrook 98, 99, 100 & 101 Como 12, 16, 19, 20, 39 & 207 Embleton 93, 99, 103, 104, 106 & 202 Mandurah Line Erskine 133 & 139 Connolly 65, 66 & 67 Falcon 139 Coodanup 134 & 137 Ferndale 2 & 13 Coogee 120 & 126 Floreat 33, 43 & 200 Coolbellup 37, 46 & 119 Forrestdale 17 Coolbinia 71 & 211 Forrestfield 89 & 108 Cooloongup 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 & 131 Fremantle 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 39, Cottesloe 31, 32 & 200 119, 120, 121, 125, 126, Fremantle Line 200, 204, 207, & 212 Craigie 63, 65, 66 & 84 Fremantle Line Crawley 31, 41, 44 & 202 Furnissdale 137 Currambine 65 & 67 Girrawheen 74, 75, 80 & 82 Joondalup Line Glen Forrest 96 & 97 Daglish 200 Glendalough 43, 56, 59, 71, 79 & 206 Fremantle Line Joondalup Line Dalkeith 44 Golden Bay 131 Darch 74 & 80 Gooseberry Hill 89 & 109 Darlington 96 & 97 Gosnells 3, 5, 11 & 17 Dawesville 139 Armadale / Thornlie Line Dayton 100 Greenfields 132, 134 & 137 Dianella 70, 71, 76, 102, 106, 200, Greenmount 96 & 97 210 & 211 Greenwood 64 & 81 Doubleview 60, 62 & 206 Joondalup Line Dudley Park 134 & 139 Guildford 89 & 109 Midland Line Duncraig 62, 63 & 84 Gwelup 61 & 62 East Cannington 5, 14 & 94 Halls Head 133 & 139 East Fremantle 39, 118, 207 & 212 Hamersley 61, 64, 70, 80, 81 & 105 East Perth 3, 9, 13, 15, 16, 32, 33, 34, 39, Hamilton Hill 37, 46, 118, 119, 120, 44, 94, 103, 108, 109, 110, 203, 121, 125 & 126 207, 208, 209 & 210 Midland Line Hammond Park 123 Timetable Timetable Suburb Reference No.
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