, ~ ".f'li:,.",,-"" .¥t. ~ ~University of Cinoinnati " ~ ~ ~ NEW-S','. .•.R'ECORDr Vol. L, No. 21 \ ' , Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, March 12, 1964 Series BF 1 Z553 LlE's ( LaSalle' cQuartet· " - ' . DC to · :Peature New Dormitory Refurns+ 'From-Tour : .." ' Fociliti'es'For• ,... ' • ~ ,~- .~. ", .. ,', ..• Residentc 7' ~_ ' : Men In., '64;. " 't -Men's .housing and 'dining Ia-. board meal plan. .Those in". Scio- home, in University housing, or cilities are expanding next year; to Towers will have the option, in fraternity. houses so long as a to include three more dorms, the to choose therneal. plan. " space is, available. ~ 'riew 'Scioto ,".'fowers, 'and Huber: Meals will be eaten in the new, and Ludlow Halls; .nowwomeri's- dining hall under c-on.'struetion residence' halls.' . , adjacent to the .new women's ~ Scioto Towers' will offer three dorm. This hall will feature serv- H[u.ber'~Wall difrei:ent~types of' ,living situa-' ing line's and seatirig for" ]000; tlons.'a three" man. unit; a four-' persons.' - man, one abedroom unjt;and a' Room and Hoard .for all men's 'FQllsDown six-man; two bedroom .unit. Each dorms next yearwill be $290 per "Girls! Girls! Get up! Evac- unit will have an, equipped kitch-, quarter. Room" only, for Scioto uate! This is an emergency!". en, a private phone, air condi- Towers will be '$.120 per student' Thus, announced by Mrs. Mary tioning (in' season) ,and a pri- per quarter. ,'.. Alford, housemother, the saga of . vate batl:.' !, I Application forms will be Huber Hall began to unfold. ' French, and Dabney will fea- mailed about the first of April.' ,About 6:30, three DAA stu~' ture private phones in addition Upperclassmen currently in resi- dents, who had been up all' to existing facilities. dence will be first considered in night working on projects' were . All men of Ludlow, Huber, the citing of'. preference of hall looking out the window. Seeing> French, and Dabney will parti- and roommates. All men stu- something on Mrs. Alford's car, , ,cipate in the combined -room'and- dents w!!l be expected to live at Jill Prestup, freshman, started' ~lIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIiI\lIiiI!!lllIIlmlltllW","__ " illllillllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIII_ '''' "";:'''''lIIIIIIIIIJIIK?~'?,'$; "'('''l ----,. _._---_. __ ... _-_ .. _ .. _- to ask her roommate what it ,.~Pl:t\PRE'D;?ABbVE, 'IS' the LaSalle Quartet in c'one'ert at Hebrew was, when, the rest of the slide U~tP;:~CQHege. Blblicatar)d Arch'aeolog'jcal S~hool, Jexus~lem. ' began. She describes the scene . posting Of Election. Returns in terms of an abstract paint- LaSalle String Quartet, dis tin mostly avantgarde music, includ- ing because she saw it that was' " guished, quartet-in-residence "a ing works by Brun, Evangelisti, ,-she .didn't have her contact: Ceuses Heated SC Debate 'lenses in. the UC College-Conservatory OJ and Penderecski. by AlI.en Quimby they knew of their recent vic- What Iiad actually happened Music, "returned recently' from its .Members of the Quarte~ are- was that the concrete' wan behind ,tory of defeat. seventh international. tour anc Walter Levin and Henry'Meyer, A heated debate ,over when to Huber had collapsed and part of immediately began' rehearsal for violins; Peter Karnnitzer, viola, announce the" winning candidates Other Council action included the hill that the wall had retain-' its third CClvI concert this year of last week's student elections the pas age of a proposal that ed slid down on Mrs. Alford's and and Jack Kirstein, 'cello. Sharon Shannon's, T.C. junior" at' 8:30 p.m, Tuesday, March 17 accented Student Council's Mon- changes the make-up of the com- , Their r.-M~J;Ch'" 17 DC concert ~ars. , ?- in the CGM, Cencert--Hall, OaE ~ • ~.. ~ e .•• ;'. , ,,.-",.~~.,,,,... day night meeting. mittee tha appoints Student Court After the anneune e men t , '·~r.o~tam,~·,\y'ill,"'includ€,:·~ . ijay.!1n's ""( _ , ... _ . " ... ." -; ' .••.... ,.:.-, ... ., ~.," .. '. .,", ,.st~e~:t and ,B~i,b~t:,~Y~i~it:-:,_~,:'~' , ,When~ll~,was,,'fin'ally:' s"a'i{l','and ~~'justices. 'Instead of having only 'which Mrs.' AHord .used -as the ~ ~;Qu.ar-tet, {n ~di;~laj0r.~ ~~~J:k;~, • on'ly ymeans -cf c1earin.g the The quartet's. latest tour In ~a:qi1~'~4~cQUlici17p1i.t~~t::~;;~9!jOn,-'Council Executive Council mem-e- Zernlinsky's '''S!ring 'Qua'rte't' .N'o. that will make it possible for the '-south\,.Jest -eerner rooms, the 94 cluded 20' concerts" in<lsrael -bers'screen judiCialca~'didates;' 3,,"op.:· 1-9; and Brahms' "Quartet results of ~ll definitely settled non- the new election, committee will inhabitants began to don coats Gr~eoee, Poland,and Bu'lgaria, in :C Minor," op. 51. ~' co-op tribunaliand Student Coun- include, the president and vice- and shoes as for a fire drill. The' noted UC ensenible 'was, tl]'€ cil positions (remaining positions president of the DC Student Bar "I though, if this is another: ~ Tl~'€ 'Zeinlinsky, work wiU"be fire drill, it's a miserable joke,"- first American string quartet ever will be -decidedby April's section Association, the incumbent Stu- performed ~fa!, -the- first. time in ;;,two . elections ) to be' published volunteered Jean Morgan, Uni- to perform in BlJ1garia.·' dent Court chief justice, and the Cincinnati. It is, an unusual: com- .~as' soon as possible." A previ- outgoing -Council presidents. versity College. Other girl s' For 'a number cf reasons, in- thought that the emergency could position, seldom:' played: " ousmotion "that would :see even cluding the Bulgarian govern- the standings 6f those' unsettled Another hot issue ~onday have been' anything from "the " Alexander Zernlinsky was' a fa- ment,« !tllat country. is cut' off races published was defeated. night revolved around the Sen- bathroom wall falling in again" to' mous Ati~trian composer who be- .f'rorn .the main stream of con- ior Cfass officers' desire to add a "bad, bad dream." , ,/ Principles. in the controversy ~the position of 7'lcollege chair- ,fe,mponlry ·?mtislc'>aeveio~irt~HfS. 'came-an ..~.auth6iit#. as: conductor Reactions were amazing. Girls' and teacher as A friend of . }wei:e Forest H~is::whq proposed man" .fo election, ballots, thus C6nsequently the L'aSalle , Quar- wel1.' ~-the above-stated motions, E lee- came pouring out of their rooms the ,~omposer' !3rahms,' he, -di- makir:'g this apcpularty-elected sporting all sorts of weird pos- tet, reputed t6 be one of 'the w~s :tion~ Committee chairman Tom rector .ofrthe Vienna. Volksorpera, (rather than a Class Executive world's' foremost 'exponcnts-" of .Watkins, and Council president sessions. One girl was carrying the State. Opera House, and the Committee appointed) office. music -of' the' future, 'selected a Lynn ,Mueller. The latter two a jar of deoderant and a guitar, Berlin Stattsopera : and perma- The issue will be returned to program consisting of,' Bartok, oppcsed.the motions,. with Muel .., while her petite reemmate ,' nent director of the German the Senoir Class- .efficers for, Mozart,' and Beethoven. for '~its ler contending that the e'arli': carried a picture of her fiance Opera 'House in Prague .. He' emi- further acfien, in one hand and a handful of program in Sofia., The concert publicaflon would -bring a pre- grated- to the United 'States in jewelry in the other. Term pap- proved; so popular· the director mature climax and thus, a lower In the Executive Committee re- 1938, and taught' in New York ers were the most repeatedly called 'lor three "encores.. voter 'turnout in April's ballot-· - "port, vice-president 'Marty Wessel City unti~,his: death-In. 1942'. informed-'Council of 'a Spring carHed items. :'In I~.r~el ,!he '<"qll~~tet 'plai~d ,ing. Heis' requestS were based .- .Ticketsdor the' 'March J7. con- ' on. his belief that candldates "I knew that .even if the wall _.: .~ (Continued on Page 11)- (Continued on Page 10) cert 'can be obtained 'at CClVI or could/better. plan their other "- - " at the door. extra-currricular activlties if :. 't! .•.. " .•.. ",'' d",'", ... - ',., ~" The)nside ...' M·on_.r 'ClY:·_~· ·Gra,oucite School.Lounches ~::.- r S,t9ry;, ..-~; NewH~b Iidat"ion~Se:h<ema' • ,-.": .:.:~, ?:: ,,' ,'" ' .' .' " I _ ' ~ Students 'in, the UC Graduate Featured 'in 'this first issue .of Billboard's Back ;'~, '.. '. p;.4-'- School have·launched a' new "Schema" is a group of articles quarterly journal designed to cut on language written by members , ' across the, 'barriersofspecial- of UC's~ classics and English de-' Hiqhliqhts ' From' - ' ized. fields and appeal. to thej gen- partments. Selected for the next Hetrnes .. '.: p.6 eral interest ofscholars in every 'issue is <lEthi~s'c{S a disciptine in area '·of contemporary research. the contemporary university." Unusual because it· was gen- General editors or"Sehema" Summer Seminars p. 7 . er ated by and" is contributed to are: 'Mrs. Annie''j~u'b;ey,Mi5s -by graduate students as wel'l as Jean -Tlrnber'Iake, David F. faculty' members, the new 'uc Bright, H. Peter Homenuck, Shaut~'Finishes {Un- publication is called "Schema, )ames C. Keller, and Elliott J. beaten ... ,: ... '.... p. 8 AJournal of Research:-Metl1ods Levi. ' ~' and Principles." Departmental editors are ; .Mrs. '. General and departmental edi- Aubrey, English; Mrs. Carroll Peter, Paul and. ,<' tors are graduate students whose Krause, economics ;- Miss " Barb- "Mary .. :, '; .. p. 12 aim is to ""include'. in each ',issue ara Triplett, history; Elliott Levi, a group, of articles, independent chemistry; David Bright, class- ~- ',. •.. '- in 'conception, but related by their ical languages; Peter Hornenuck, interest' in' a 'common subject or geogr aphy;«. G. J. Shaver, Ger- i UC Charter Flight - - - : p, 15 1 by their use of ....a-common sub- man; Stanley Rosenthal, physiol- EVEN THIS POOR 'FELLOW was' spotted seeking refuge from Mon- ject or by the£."- use of a com- ogy;' John Bookman, political sci- day'storr~ntial downpour.
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