c ~./ VOLUME 16 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1979 NO 193 OPEC Seminar Warns Pope Takes Hard Line On Petroleum Prices Will Rise VIENNA, Austr1a (UPI) -- An OPEC-sponsored seml­ Liberal Trends In Church nar br1ng1ng together the sellers and the buyers of CHICAGO (UPI) -- Pope adultery and homosexual- spec1al seSSlon of the the world's 011 ended today wlth a unanlmous warnlng John Paul II lashed out 1ty U S blShops conference that petroleum pr1ces are 901n9 to go up at llberal trends among The pontlff's hard­ and d1spelled specu1a­ "A comprehenslVe energy POllCY wlll be necessary U S Roman CathollcS to­ llne stand on lssues t10n that John Paul 1n the lndustrlallzed world or 011 prlces wlll be day, reafflrmlng the that have been Spllt­ would tone down h1S con­ lncreased more rapldly than expected,1I sald OPEC church's condemnatlon of tlng the Amer1can church servat1ve message before Secretary General Rene Ortlz at the end of the blrth control, abortlon, for decades came 1n a 11bera1 CathollcS ln the LI three-day semlnar Um ted Sta tes • 011 ess The rresldent of OPEC John Paul reaff1rmed J sald today hlS organlza- SALT Monitoring Capability the church's unequ1voca1 tlon wl11 seek a "C1Vl­ 1968 stand aga1nst b1rth llzed dlalogue" w1th Arab control by quotlng a Rate Gulf countrles and the Is Mostly High-Moderate letter lssued by the European Common Market WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A Senate comm,ttee sald to­ b1Shops conference three before the end of the day Amerlca can monltor Sovlet compllance w1th most years ago. Declines year," sald Mana Saeed SALT treaty prov1s1ons wlth "hlgh to moderate con ... IIIn exalt1ng the WASHINGTON (UPI) Ota1ba of the Un1ted f1dence," but some others can be checked only by beduty of marrlage you The natlonls unemployment Arab Emlrates, presldent U.S. lntell1gence agencles wlth lIa low level of r1ghtly spoke agalnst rate fell to 5.8 percent of the Orqanlzatlon of confldence. 1I . both the ldeology of of the workforce durlng Petroleum Export1ng The Senate Intelll- Blanket Screening contracept1on and con­ September, the government Countr1es and cha1rman gence Comm1ttee, releas- tracept1ve acts, as dld reported today, a develop~ of the energy sem1nar. 1ng a summary of 1tS H It d I H I I the encycllcal Humanae ment that may ease lmme­ Otalba sald the dla­ f1ndlngs after a two- a e n ono u U V1tae," the pontlff sa1d. dlate pressure on the ad­ logue wll1 be prepared year probe of U S. lnte1- HONOLULU (UPI) -- A1r Humanae V1tae was the m1nlstrat10n to shore up at a technlcal meet1ng 11gence capabl11tles, Force 1nvestlgators th1S 1968 encycllcal lssued the SlUgglSh economy attended by gulf state d1d not 1ssue any slmple week were forced to halt by the Pope Paul VI ban­ The decl1ne from the delegates ln Kuwalt on conclus10n on the ade- a blanket screen1ng of n1ng all artlflclal August level of 6 percent Oct. 15 and then by an quacy of U.S. mon1toring. black serVlcemen ln the means of blrth control. contrad1cted forecasts OPEC m1n1sterlal meetlng Rather, staff off1- search for a suspect ln The papal letter caused that the number of Jobless before the end of thlS cla1s sa1d, each senator a recent serles of sex an uproar among U S Amencans would nse sharp­ month wlll be called upon 1n assaults at H1ckam Alr CathollcS, many of whom ly for the rest of the "Dlalogue lS better the Senate debate to Force Base. haVE 19nored lt year as the receSSlon, than confrontatlon," study the sltuatlon and The screenlng, WhlCh In a wlde-ranglng WhlCh many economlsts be- Otalba sald. IIWe want to make up hlS own mlnd. cons1sted of 1nterv1ews speech deallng wlth the 11eve started 1n the sec­ cont1nue the dlScusslons liThe comm1ttee ls ex- and photographs of alr- whole spectrum of church ond quarter, began to take later on a wor1dwlde amlnat10n of U.S. mon1- men match1ng the sus- attltudes toward sexual- hold. bas1s after see1ng why torlng capab111tles show pect's descr1ptlon, was 1ty, John Paul also re­ The fresh statlstlcs there lS a deadlock at that, under current So- halted the day lt began afflrmed that sex out­ from the Labor Department present ln the north­ vlet practlces, most because of obJectlons by slde marrlage lS slnful also could be vlewed as south dlalogue." countlng posltlons can the men to thelr super1- IIIn portraYlng the cheerlng news to Presldent In the talks wlth the be mon1tored wlth hlgh ors and to th~ Amer1can sexual unlon between Carter, who has been European Common Market, or hlgh-moderate confl- C1Vl1 Llbert1es Unlon. husband and wlfe as a flghtlng a 10s1ng battle the OPEC gulf states dence," sald a report of The screemng also In­ speclal express10n of agalnst lnflatlon and has want to d1SCUSS the se­ the commltteels flndlngs, c1uded two other alr thelr convenanted love been severely crltlc1zed curlty of 011 supply, an WhlCh was unanlmously bases on Oahu, Wheeler you r1ghtly stated that by polltlcal opponents openlng of the European approved. and Bellows. sexual lntercourse lS a and the publlC over hlS market for OPEC petro­ IIMom ton ng qua" ta- Hl ckam authon t1es moral and human good only hand1lng of the economy chemlcal products and t1ve llmltatlons on sald there have been withln marr1age, outslde The unemployment rate the removal of all klnds weapon systems lS a far seven reported sex as- of marrlage lt lS wrong." had hovered In the 5.7 of barrlers, Otalba sald more d1fflcult task and sau1ts among the base's In h1S most expllc1t percent for a year untl1 "He are almlng at a lS dependent on the col- 10,500 resldents Slnce reference to the subject August, when lt suddenly Clvl11zed dlalogue," he 1ectlve capablllty of a January, and In flve of Slnce belng elected one Jumped to 6 percent The sald. IIWe wlll not allow large number of systems," the cases the suspect year ago, John Paul sa1d admlnlstrat10n predlcted our partners to tell us lt sald. was descrlbed as a IIHomosexua 1 actlV 1ty, as that the rate would cllmb what to charge for our IIIn general, these IIblack male under 40." dlst1ngu1shed from homo­ to 6 6 percent by Decem­ 011 as long as they don't qualltatlVe llmltatlons "Because of thlS,1I sexual orlentat10n, 1S ber allow us to tell them present some problems, sald Maj. Norman Guen- mora lly wrong." But the September Job­ what they should charge but most can be monltor- ther, lnformatlon chlef He also condemned the less flgures showed that for thelr products,1I he ed wlth hlgh to moderate for the 15th Alr Wlng, growlng acceptance of the number of persons Wl th sald. confldence,lI lt added. "black males who flt the abort1on 1n the Un1ted Jobs advanced by 610,000 descrlptlon were asked States IIFrom the moment last month to 97 5 ml1110n CENTER fOR VIETNAMESE REfUGEES TO to go to the Offlce of of conceptlon llfe must after falllng by 310,000 Spec1a1 Investlgatlon be guarded wlth the In August for lntervlews and pos­ greatest care To destroy BE SET UP NEAR SUBle NAVAL BASE slble photographs. 1I these 1nnocent unborn Carter Picks MANILA, Phl111PP1nes (UPI) -- The Ph1llPPlnes Guenther sald there chlldren lS an unspeak­ announced today a processing center for 50,000 was no legal prohlbltlon able cnme." Vletnamese refugees wlll be set up near a U.S. Navy agalnst taklng plctures John Paul lumped eu­ Day To Announce base, where 549 refugees are awa1t1ng temporary of those who flt the thanas1a, or mercy kl11- WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ asylum 1n the Phll1pp1nes. descrlpt10n, and that lng, 1n the same category Presldent Carter wlll an­ Ph111pp1ne flrst lady two hours away by car. about 80 of 120 blacks as abortlon, tell1ng the nounce hlS re-elect1on Imelda R Marcos, enVl­ The center wlll be lntervlewed by the OSI blShops, "Just as you de­ plans Dec 4 In Washlng­ ronment m1n1ster ln constructed ln a 750- had thelr p1ctures taken. fended the unborn 1n the ton and then travel to charge of a refugee task acre valley In the shad­ The ACLU reported truth of thelr belng, so several c1tles for fund­ force, told dlplomats ow of a $1.1 bl1110n rece1vlng four com­ also you clearly spoke ralsers, press secretary durlng a brleflng the nuclear plant belng con­ pla1nts. The news medla up for the aged, assert- Jody Powell sald today. center w111 be construct­ structed on a nearby rece1ved others. 1ng 'euthanasla or mercy Asked whether there was ed at Morong, 15 miles hlll. Col. Thomas Reagan, k11l1ng 1S a grave moral any chance the presldent south of the U.S SUblC Announcement of the act1ng H1ckam A1r Force eVl1. Such eVll lS In­ would not seek a second Bay Naval Base select10n of Morong came Base commander, sald he compatlble wlth respect term, Powell replled Morong lS a coastal after a SW1SS team, ordered a stop to the for human dlgnlty and 11I "I am not aware of any II town 1n the former World WhlCh had promlsed to 1ntervlews Tuesday af­ reverence for llfe. liThe plans are for the War II batt1efleld of help set up the camp, ternoon lIafter I got John Paul also con­ presldent to announce h1S Bataan faC1nq the South 1nspected the Bataan several calls about d1S­ demned what he has been 1ntent1ons for 1980 on Ch1na Sea, 45 ml1es Slte and another area on senS10n occurrlng among calling the eVlls of con­ Dec. 40" Powell sa1d.
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