The Weather Averafe Daily Net Preaa Ron Feneaot of D. S. Weather Sanaa For the Week Elided Dee. » . Ueo doody, oold, ioow eadtag geoar- aUy tonight, lo w IS to SS. Toeadoy 13,314 doady, chance et oiiow flnrriaa, Meeaber of the Andit not ao cold. High In SOi. Sanaa of Oreiilalloa M fou:he»ter-^A City of Village Charm (Olaeelfled Advertielng on Page U ) (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1961 $80.9 Billion Budget State N ew s Ike for Raising Roundup Life Retired in State Gas Tax, Join U.S. Group Hartfoni, Jali. 16 (iP)— The er first Connecticut chapter of a national organization which Budget estimates for the year ending June 30: offers its aged members low 1961 1962 cost drugs and vitamins, low $82,333,000,000 23 Aboard Income ................ $79,024,000,000 cost tours of Europe and Woman, Child O utgo ..................... .............. $78,945,000,000 $80,865,000,000 group hospital-surgical-medi- $1,468,000,000 Surplus ............................. .....$79,000,000 cal insurance has been start­ Removed from Year-end debt ................. $284,900,000,000 $283,400,000,000 Structure ed. ' __ ^___ e The organisation is the Ameri­ Washington, Jan. 16 (/P)— can Association of Retired Battered Yaeht President Eisenhower today State Tax Set Persons, a non-profit body. Its first Li Atlantic sent Congress an $80.9 billion chapter in the state has been start­ New York, Jan. ,16 (/P)— farewell budget calling for a ed in West Haven. British tanker removed New York, Jan. 16 (fi*)— President of the West Haven Cryptic underwater aounda $1.5 billion surplus dependent At $1,755,5.30 group, the 11th association chap­ woman and child from on the will of Congress, John ter in the nation, is Charles G. storm-battered yacht off Ber­ hinted today there may be F. Kennedy and fate. Hartford, Jan. 16 (At — The Chamberlain, of that community. muda today and then radioed survivors trapped beneath the To finance the-projected aurplue president of the Connecticut SUte Other officers are from West that the vessel no longer need­ sea in compartments of a for the 1962 fiecal year that begins Chamber of Commerce today esti­ Haven and Hamden. Association storm-wreck^ Air Force ra­ mated Coimecticut wlU have to ed assistance. July 1, Elsenhower would Increase members must be 55 or over, The Coast Guard here said it dar tow er. federal fees and taxes on all those contribute $1,765,530 In federal had received the informatlpn from taxes, if President Elsenhower's The huge structure, 70 who mall letters, travel In air­ C a lls for * Watchdog* the tanker Garonne. planes or use the nation's high­ proposed $80.0 bUlion budget is The tanker, which had been miles off the Atlantic Coast, ways. adopted. Hartford, Jan. 16 (A>) — Creation standing by the 97-foot ketch vanished in a raging sea last Most of his action proposals Joseph B. Bums also suppUed of a permanent, bi-partisan Caryn 330 miles northwest of Ber­ were retreadst but the 1,040-page the following statistics on the (Jon “watchdog” commission to insure n igh t. muda, radioed that it was resum­ -Jope that some of the 28 b liv et book did Include these ideas nectlcut share of the budget; « maximum economy and efficiency ing its voyage to South America. which he formally suggested for It would be equal to a $602.52 in spending of state funds is pro­ It reported the yacht was in men on the tower may still be the first time; contrilbutlon by every man, woman posed by Republican State Chair­ good shape.” alive came today when the de­ 1— The possible creation of aand child in the stats. man Edwin H. May Jr. Names of the woman and child, stroyer McCaffeiry picked up high-piwtige White House Job, It would be greater than the May cited GOP concern for what removed at the yacht's request, “tapping noisea” on its sonar perhaps canning the title drat sec­ $1.7 bUlion total tax recelpU of he called financial problems fac­ were not known, immediately. eiiuipment near the site of the retary of the government. The post the state government for the last ing the state as the reason for. his The Coast Guard said its cutter Would be filled by a presidential ap­ nine fiscal years. proposal to set up the legislative Rockway would continue on to the vanished tower. pointee Who would outrank cabinet It would be greater than the commission. Caryn despite the tanker's mes­ “Exchanged tapping ^sig­ members and act as a sort of as­ $1.75 bUlion total spent by the “I propose an agency,” May said sage that assistance was nO longer sistant president both at home and nals,” the destroyer radioed state for General fund purposes in in a weekend statement, "to b'e ne^ed. abroad. the last 11 fiscal years. named the Ck>mmission cn Govern­ Advice out of Block Island, R. I., the Coast Guard here. “Now and 2— The establishment of a new mental Expenditures to serve as has heard what may be hu­ cabinet-level department of trans­ listed the master-owner of the W ry 'watchdog' for the legislative (Jaryn as Stephen H. Swift. Oth­ man voice .over sonar. Defi­ they portation plus an eltlclency-pro- branch of our state government moting office of esecutive manage- ers aboard were not identified. nite possibility survivors ;ord> -Mystery- Flash much in the manner tfmt the Gen­ W ln ^ up to 35 knots tore the ment within the White House or* eral Accounting Office operates as trapped in tower structure.” gsujlsation. (Jaryn's sails loose from bolt On West Coast an arm of the U.S. C onfess." ropes Saturday night and left her The destroyer said it was Eisnhower conunended these sug­ May's proposal called for ex­ attempting to send down div­ gestions to President-elect Ken­ lying broadside to heavy swells. Eureka, Calif., Jan. 16 iJP)— panding jurisdiction of the state The ketch had turned to sail ers to probe the underwater nedy and the Congress without ad auditors beyond their present func­ vancing specific legislation. Ground observers in northern after her engine failed. She was remains of the tower. California and southern Ore­ tion of examining expenditures. On the facts and figures side, out of Block Island for Bermuda. Sonar is an underwater Eisenhower forecast federal spend­ gon and pilots flying as far The auditors would exapiine The (^ast Guard said the re­ south of this timberland city methods, planning and general ef­ search vessel Atlantis, which had sound-detection system* ineae ing of $80,865,000,000 In fiscal 1962 ficiency of various state govern­ and revenues of $82,333,000,000. aa San Francisco Bay area— reported the Caryn's troubles, has “Structure is entirely below 300 miles—last night reported ment agencies, and would be em surface depth,” the message For the indicated surplus of powered to make recommendations been relieved.' $1,468,000,000 to become a reality seeing a mysterious flash in The Atlantis, owned by the con- the sky. about utilization and expenditures 1 said. “Request all possible sal­ 18 months hence, these develop­ Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti­ vage assistance earliest.” Grants Pass, Ore., Police-- of state moneys to the general as­ tute, was in the area and estab­ ments would be necessary: sembly. Previously more than 14 1. Congress would have to in man Dick NeweU said be lished commimicatipns with the (Jhief ConsUble Edmund F. Dwyer and Trooper Donald BulUvah take Theodoin M. R o d g A -'^ the >*y." spotted the bluish fipriiaU May aald the present bi-partisan hours after the ocean-bound nrood crease postal rates (details not auditora would head the proposed Coast Guard. Circuit ciourt in East Hartford this iriomlng where he was given a one-week continuance, on- a spelled out), vote higher taxes oh traveling in a western direfc- Home port of the Caryn was list­ ■ (Herald photo by Ofiara). -i structure collapsed, the Coast tlon shortly after 10 p.m. commission, which would iw bi­ charge of assault with intent to murder. gasoline (4 1/2 cents a goUon in­ ed as S t Thomas, Virgin Islands. Guard had said chances for Other Oregon observers said it partisan Itv luiture, would report Word from Mystic, Conn., said "V. stead o f 4 cents) and establish a directly to the General Anembly, any nurvivurs w»rs *‘V tr y new tu on jet fuel Air fares appeared to diatnugrate. that tw o' OonnsOTlcut men were and would have ah avnenned staff glim .” — ' should be adjusted prconptly to Federal Aviatim - A g e n c y to Include experts In oRiee manag- aboanl Oia Caryn. They were Iden­ Snow Blankets Vemon Resident Shot cover any aviation gas tax in- aptAOsmen theorized It might tified as Capt. Gary Twlng of tly (A ament aad-hualneas control meth- Groton Dong Point the skipper, iw on crease, Eisenhower said. have been a falling meteor. od e,' New York, Jan. 16 (fP)— The flash triggered a fl6od and Francis E. Bowker, Mystic, State, Norfolk Twenty-eight men were fear­ (Oontlnaed on Page Five) of telephone calls. chief mate. Bowker's wife in Mystie said the ed lost today in the collapse of have Barney Rapaport Dies an Air Force radar tower in a Hartford, Jan, 16 tffi—Barney two men were aboard the' yacht, Gets 10 Inches ja<ar Rapaport of West Hartford, presi­ which- formerly was an oceano- raging sea o ff the Atlantic NBC- dent of the B.
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