IICSA Inquiry Ealing Abbey and St Benedict's School 4 February 2019 1 Monday, 4 February 2019 1 Ampleforth and Downside was published on 9 August 2018. 2 (10.30 am) 2 The second case study being considered by the 3 Welcome and opening remarks by THE CHAIR 3 inquiry is a case study into the Archdiocese of 4 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. I am Alexis Jay, and 4 Birmingham. Between 12 and 18 November 2018, the 5 I am the chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child 5 inquiry held public hearings into the nature and extent 6 Sexual Abuse. With me are the other panel members of 6 of child sexual abuse by individuals associated with the 7 the inquiry: Ivor Frank, Professor Sir Malcolm Evans and 7 archdiocese and the archdiocese's response to 8 Drusilla Sharpling. 8 disclosures of allegations of child sexual abuse. The 9 On behalf of the inquiry, I welcome you all to the 9 inquiry's report into the Archdiocese of Birmingham will 10 first day of this substantive hearing in respect of 10 be published this summer. 11 Ealing Abbey and St Benedict's School. This hearing 11 The investigation into the Roman Catholic Church is 12 will run for five days, finishing on Friday, 8 February. 12 itself part of the inquiry's wider investigation into 13 The hearing into Ealing Abbey and St Benedict's 13 institutional failures in connection with the abuse of 14 School forms part of the inquiry's wider case study into 14 children in England and Wales. A further public hearing 15 the English Benedictine Congregation. The English 15 will take place later this year, beginning on 16 Benedictine Congregation is one of two case studies 16 28 October 2019. 17 being considered by the inquiry as part of its 17 As you all know, the task of the chair and panel of 18 examination into the extent of any institutional 18 the inquiry is to examine the extent to which public and 19 failures to protect children from child sexual abuse 19 private institutions in England and Wales have failed to 20 within the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales. 20 protect children from sexual abuse in the past and to 21 The first public hearings in connection with the 21 make meaningful recommendations to keep children safe 22 English Benedictine Congregation case study took place 22 today and in the future. 23 last year, 27 November and 15 December, and considered 23 The inquiry's broader programme of work was 24 evidence about Ampleforth and Downside Abbeys and their 24 published in December 2016. In 2017, the inquiry held 25 respective schools. The inquiry's report into 25 public hearings on the Child Migration Programme case Page 1 Page 2 1 study as part of its broader investigation into the 1 as children, and I want to assure you of the high 2 Protection of Children Outside the United Kingdom and on 2 priority that the inquiry places on this investigation 3 Cambridge House Boys' Hostel, Knowl View School and 3 and on hearing of your experiences. 4 Rochdale. The inquiry published its reports into these 4 The lead counsel to this investigation, Ms Riel 5 two case studies during the course of 2018. In 5 Karmy-Jones QC, will in a moment introduce the core 6 addition, in 2018, the inquiry also held public hearings 6 participants and, where appropriate, their legal 7 in connection with its investigations into the Internet, 7 representatives. 8 the Anglican Church, Children in Custodial Institutions 8 Before she does so, a couple of points on the timing 9 and Nottinghamshire Councils. This is part of a full 9 for the week: we will sit each day from 10.30 am. 10 timetable of substantive hearings and seminars in 10 Ordinarily, we will take a 15-minute break at around 11 a number of the inquiry's investigations, the timetable 11 11.30 am, and we will break for lunch at 1.00 pm, 12 for which we have published up to and 12 returning at 2.00 pm. We intend to sit each day until 13 including February 2020. 13 around 4.15 pm, perhaps 4.30 pm, save for Friday, when 14 On behalf of the inquiry, I am, as always, 14 we need to conclude the hearing by 4.00 pm. By way of 15 appreciative of all the assistance of the core 15 an agenda, we rely on the hearing timetable, which sets 16 participants and their legal teams. I know that a great 16 out the order in which witnesses will be called, save 17 deal of work has gone into preparing witness statements 17 for where unforeseen circumstances require a change to 18 and providing disclosure. 18 be made. 19 To the complainants, victims and survivors who will 19 The hearing transcript is recorded simultaneously on 20 give evidence before the inquiry during this hearing, 20 screens throughout the room and will be published at the 21 and to those who have given written testimony, we are 21 end of each day on the inquiry website. Any directions 22 grateful to you for coming forward to assist the 22 arising from the day's hearing will also be published on 23 inquiry. 23 the website. 24 We are conscious of the great challenges that many 24 There are anonymity arrangements in place for the 25 of you have encountered as a result of your experiences 25 complainant core participants who will be giving Page 3 Page 4 1 (Pages 1 to 4) Epiq Europe Ltd www.epiqglobal.com 8th Floor, 165 Fleet Street (+44)207 4041400 [email protected] London EC4A 2DY IICSA Inquiry Ealing Abbey and St Benedict's School 4 February 2019 1 evidence throughout the hearing. Ciphering and 1 F13 is represented by Mr Jacobs and Mr Enright of 2 redactions have also been used in relation to the 2 Howe & Co, who sit just along from them. 3 evidence in accordance with the inquiry's redaction 3 G2 is represented by Mr Khan Queen's Counsel, who 4 protocol and restriction order, both of which are 4 sits behind Mr Donmall. 5 available on the website, except for complainant 5 C18 and C19 are represented by Mr Chapman and 6 witnesses who have waived their right to anonymity. If 6 Mr Greenwood, who are behind me. 7 there is any inadvertent breach of a restriction order, 7 Mr Child and Eileen Shearer, both represented by 8 I will ask that the simultaneous recording be briefly 8 Ms Griffiths QC and Mr King, are to the back of 9 stopped so that the issue can be addressed as 9 the room. 10 appropriate. 10 Mr West, again represented by Mr O'Donnell and 11 Please now go ahead, Ms Karmy-Jones. 11 Mr Scorer. 12 Opening statement by MS KARMY-JONES 12 The English Benedictine Congregation are represented 13 MS KARMY-JONES: Thank you. Chair and members of the panel, 13 by Ms Gallafent QC. 14 I am assisted in this hearing by junior counsel to the 14 The Monastic Community of Ealing are represented by 15 inquiry, Mr Donmall, who sits next to me, and also 15 Ms Henke QC. 16 Ms Sane, who is not in the room at the moment, but 16 The Catholic Council for IICSA is also represented 17 others may see during the course of these proceedings. 17 by Ms Gallafent QC. 18 May I introduce the legal representatives for the 18 Ampleforth is represented by Mr Kelly, who is in the 19 core participants present. I think you will also have 19 back row at the middle. 20 a seating plan available to assist you through the 20 The Secretary of State for Education by Ms McGahey 21 course of the hearing. 21 QC. 22 Complainants A43 to 51, A53 to 54, A64 to 66, A69, 22 The Independent Schools Inspectorate by Mr Wolfe QC, 23 A70, A72 and A75, the West London Benedictine Order 23 Mr Lawson, Ms McKimm and Caroline Hoare. 24 Abuse Survivors, are represented by Mr O'Donnell and 24 The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis by 25 Mr Scorer, who sit next to me. 25 Ms Leek QC and Ofsted by Ms Hannett. Page 5 Page 6 1 I am going to outline, by way of introduction, the 1 seek to explore events at Ealing Abbey and St Benedict's 2 case study in brief. As you have said as part of your 2 School and the extent to which those and other 3 opening comments, this hearing is part of the inquiry's 3 institutions have taken seriously their responsibility 4 investigation into the Roman Catholic Church. It is the 4 to safeguard children and to protect them from sexual 5 second and last of the substantive public hearings in 5 abuse. We will, towards the end of the hearing, also 6 relation to the investigation into the English 6 hearing from Abbot President Christopher Jamison as to 7 Benedictine Congregation. 7 the future and how the English Benedictine Congregation 8 As was outlined in the Report published by the 8 propose to deal with the failings that you identified in 9 inquiry in August of last year, there are ten English 9 your August 2018 report in order to effectively combat 10 Benedictine Congregations in England and none in Wales. 10 child sexual abuse and to protect children in the 11 Four of these congregations have independent fee-paying 11 future.
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