University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-23-1901 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 03-23-1901 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 03-23-1901." (1901). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/1373 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 15. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 23. 1901. NUMBER 106. at Islets last night, E. D. Aiken missed so far made In the May future. The his calculations and was quit severe- action of th market would aeem to ' MMMMIMMMtllMIIIIMMMHMIMMMIIMIMMMMMMMMMIMMMIMMt HEW ly Injured by being tumbled between prove the contention of the bulls that I Alt, OatOBM the platform and the car wheels. Hla FOUIIEWS! their position is legitimate and that ITBST head austained a couple of painful corn is worth more money. Good ova mow rmoair 1HI ounds while the toes of his light rash business appears to be don at PJJBI AND AlfcrtgfcM foot were mangled and the left wrist around prevailing prices. Three hun- oa rot THE PHOENIX!! was badly crushed. Conductor Mur-nh- dred thousand bushels of corn was ATTBtsTTIOS), Short Line to Cripple who waa on the platform, wit Attempt to Assassinate said to have been worked her yes- Big Purchase of Ranch y Q-:E- ?. - nessed the accident and signalled the terday. Primary reclpta wer A TTT LJ M a I )JLTQ-- engineer to atop the train. Aiken at St. Petersburg. 511.000 against 787.000; shipments, Property. Ji Creek. was placed In the ca'Kxiee and 252.000, against 2D4.0OO a year ago. brought to the Santa IV hospital In May corn closed at 41fAc thla city. Dr. Pearce responded to the call and at o'clock this morning waa Death of Mrs. Sawyer. Spring and Summer Wash Fabrics, f Central Pacific Has Abandoned assisted by Drs. Klder and Russ In Director of Russian Railroad Mr. Frances Sawyer, wife of t If Demands Are Not Met, Coal the operation of amputating the man's A. W. Sawyer, died at her bom on No prettier line of fabric were ever shown ta Mountain Route. b ft arm between the elbow and wrist. Asphyxiated in His Car. east Railroad avenue this morning Miners Will Strike. wuh Aiken had IH In hla pockets when at 4 o'clock after a protracted Ill- thla city. Erery delgn the newest j quality tho best, the accident occurred. He said be ness from consumption. 8b waa waa from Salado, Texas, and waa en surrounded by her loving mother and and prices the lowest. Ton will And the popular General Funston, With Company of route to California, where he expect- Boer Commandant, Botha, Objects devoted husband when the final au ro Domestic Postage Rates Betwee ed to find employment. His father, ntons railed her to th silent beyond. KcmrtzN cts. Tic Brtfcrk Lets, zetr Tbssts, After who Is a well-to-d- In Texas, to Sir Alfred Milner. Mrs. Hawyer waa So yeara of United States and Cuba. fts, Filipinos, Aguiraldo. farmer about nctCc-4c-$k- s, was notified to-da- by telegraph of hla age, a member ot tne Presbyterian Tic NUllH Sties. accident. church and had spent th greater por- sons unfortunate CW4C4 O THE MARKET QUOTATIONS. tion of her life In Evansvtll. Ind. UEKLY BANK STATEMENT. Cfcris.' Etc NUMBER OF II.LU3GENTS SURRENDER. Prosperous San Juan. I'he body waa embalmed and Internal Revenue Collector A. J. will be shipped to the former home I,oomla arrived In the city last night 10 night accompanied by the bereaved 23 Ivy Shirt Wa!t Special. White Ooods. lolorado Springs. Colo., March S3. after an official vialt In the San Juan 8t. Petersburg. March Pi uusband and her mother. Mrs. llul-loc- Omaha, Neb., March 22. Wm. Pobledonoatxeff, chief pro Humphrey, Riv- - U' 'Ihe Colorado Hprlng ft Cripple country. He aaya new distillery Councillor where the funeral services will vice president of the That will b of Interest to yon. Laat tea- J ,Tnl --J?! y lh ,h-- Creek railway. ahort line from thla waa opened in rarmington, n. curator of th holy aynod, narrowly ik conducted, after which the body erside Hereford Cattle company, Ash- aon'a we h.T. dlrldtl op into !mr htn rtty great gold camp west of !.. by Messrs. roster and Bryan, who escaped assassination early Friday will be taken to Tlskliwa. III., for land, Neb., haa Just acquired for hla left, to thn . lota, aa follows: BstUW, Pike Peak, la completed to the city expect to produce about thirteen gal morning. Two bullets shattered the burial. company from a group of forty own-rrs- of Cripple Creek, and the flrat through lon, of apple brandy dally, iheir window of his study and passed close O ranch property covering approxi- Waist that wr ebsap for $1, 11.25, 1135 aod A llU dVpajS. passenger train lett here thla morning plant will be enlarges In a ahort time to the procurator, burying themselves Died en th Train. mately ioo.000 acres In Texas, for 1 aU colors and wlilta.thUW8g . OUCt In ceiling. would-b- assas- 1(00.000 waa paid, In addi- lld. rStltm Lawns, for that place, carrying large num- when the rapacity win De aouuie mat the Th Acting upon tho advice of his phyal- - which and . gur-sts- was Identified aa one Ijigowskl, a bunch approximating ber of Invited With thn party of the present time. In Olio, a town sin clan In North Ontario, Cal.. D. 11. An- - tion ot cattle s) Waist, frightfully cheap for 1145, UB, 11.88, .l.n",0,, Irving Howbard and about ten miles below the above provincial ottlclal. in cost I400.00U. The land la mainly 2 and flS6, whites aid eolora. week . OC X,cta,r'ii re President lerson. who. wishing to see his pa this Organdies, General Manager A. Crlgway of the named place, another distillery la be O rents. Bisters and brothers at the old In Cnlh'iahtia county, seventy miles tc new road. The new road la said to ne erected by J. H. Hicka. wno con- - Perished In His Car. home In Rochester, Pa., for the last southeast of El Paso, and la aald to In work- - bo th grating district ot Texaa. eolora. thlaweelt. be one of the flneat scenic roada templatea having everything In St. Petersburg. March 23. A dls time, started on the long homeward best iwiwni ... V'JU H. 10, lit, 15. 1.(. 20, 15 and X) eehta. forty-tw- waa the Hocky mountain.. It la ng order within a month. patch from Vladistock announces that day yesterday, arcom- - Th largest single purchase journey before Aa also a Piques and Hoe, 10, 10, 10, miles long and coat I2.b00.0oo. A man by the nam oi Blake, who Major General Keller, director of the pani ed by bis David Hilberg. from King and txallcs, of Kl Paso. flnVwhlU Sh,er lntrtata5 9 Wlte. beautiful II. It, tt, , friend. company few Thla week f jwna a large ranch near Farming-ton- Curl railroad, had been asphyxiated but hla life paased away this morn- The will stock the land with f K(t0,tc Cut-of- thoroughbreds f to Be Built. Is busily engaged In sinking wells In hla car, which caught fire between ing just after the train left Laguna from Its Nebraska Ban Francisco. March 23. Kull 14 with tho holies of striking oil. There Nlkolsta and Baransvoskle. Th at- ranches, but the bualnesa ot th com- station. When the train arrived her pany Ash- mile, of the Central PacMc from Og is every indication of oil In that coun- tendant In charge of the heating ap th body was taken In charge by will be transacted from REMEBIBBR COUPONS to over Kelton try and if la any to be found land. TOUR AND W1IA.T PREMIUMS THEY GET. X den weat Lucln the there paratus also perished. Undertaker Strong and prepared for : mountain are to be Blake will be man who discovers and Projnotory the O shipment. ' o handonea ana a new roau, or cut- it. Great Interest la manifested by Objects to Sir Miln.r. decased had been a sufferer Looks Lite a Strlk. long will be built. of section regarding the off of lo6 mllea ihe residents that Ijondon. March 23. The colonial from consumption for many years and Pittsburg. Pa., March 23. There Is -- The aurveya have been approved. the Industry, and It Is said that some secretary. Chamberlain, In the house had been in North Ontario for the Imminent danger of a strike of coal TTT1 President C. M. Haya la to order the jf the are so enthusiastic of commons to-da-y aald no specific ob pant five months, but the disease miners of this district as a result of IE3o tfil ton- - frTI beginning of construction early next jver the probability that their jections had been made by Botha to would not yield to the Influence of the staad of the operators against 09 cut-of- f l, greasy 5 month. The will coat over ties have become talking any of the peace terma offered by the climate. Mr. Andrewa waa 26 granting the demands submitted by TELEPHONE NO. 950.
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