KONYA’DA AZINLIK OKULLARI JENANYAN OKULU VE DİĞERLERİ Bu bölümde Konya’daki azınlıkların okulları incelenecektir. Bu okullarda devletin izni ve ruhsatı dahilinde eğitim yapılıyordu. O ekonomik güçlüğü olan yıllarda bunlar yeni duruma göre korunsa iyi olmaz mı idi? Örneğin Jenanyan Okulu bir Amerikan Koleji idi. Dili ve kitapları İngilizce idi. 1955 yılında Beyrut’ta Haigazian Koleji Hıristiyan Ermeni kimliği ile yeniden açılırken gene 1955 yılında ihtiyaç duyuldu, sıfırdan Maarif Koleji kuruldu !!!!!! Yaptığım araştırma ve incelemelerimde Jenanyan Koleji ve diğerlerinin bizim kendi okullarımızın üstünde bir eğitim ortaya koydukları kanısındayım. Bunların kendimizce iç muhasebesinin yapılması dileğiyle Mehmet Bildirici İstanbul Şişli Ortaklar 04.11.2008 İÇİNDEKİLER Jenanyan and Haigazian (Frank Stone 1999) İngilizce 3-12 Konya’da Jenanyan Okulu fotoğraf 13 Jenanyan Okulu (Bildirici M, Agos 19.06.1998) 14 Jenanyan Okulu (Bildirici M, Yeni Gazete, Cönk 1999) 15 Konya Jenanyan Okulu arşivden gelenler 16-18 Konya’da Ermeni Azınlık Okulları (Bildirici M, Yeni Meram 17.07.2007 19 Lübnan’da Ermeniler 20 HAIGAZYAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ (Beyrut) 21-26 Ermeni Cumhurbaşkanı Sarkisyan Haygazyan Üniversitesini ziyaret ediyor 28 Konya’da Sahakyan Okulu 27 Konya’da Sahakyan Okulu 28 Konya’da Rum Cemaat Mektebi 29 Konya’da Fransız Erkek Okulu 30 Konya’da Fransız (Kız) Sörler Okulu 31-32 Konya’da Rum Tiyatrosu 33 Din adamları bir arada 34-son JENANYAN AND HAIGAZIAN TWO ARMENİAN PROTESTANT EDUCATORS IN ANATOLIA Frank Andrews Stone: Associate Professor of Education at the University of Connecticut and Director of the World Education Project there. He taught at the American College Tarsus Turkey from 1953 until 1966 The earliest emissaries from Puritan New England arrived on Turkish soil. In 1820, appointed by the recently formed American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, the two representatives were charged with making a survey of the new fields in the Ottoman Empire. Extensive journeys were undertaken during the first decade of American Board’s work in the Near East in order to get acquainted with the conditions under which the various peoples who were living under Ottoman rule found themselves. The state of their educational opportunities was the primary concerns of the American missionaries because literacy was needed if the people were going to be able to comprehend their Bibles and also because these New Englanders believed that enlightenment improved morality and greater industry resulted from schooling. While some schools were being operated by the Armenians, Greeks and Jews of the Empire were encountered, these were usually in coastal towns or seaports. European Roman Catholic missionaries had preceded these American Protestants to Turkey by several centuries and they also were providing some schools for the children of the Christian minorities there. This situation presented the Yankees with a major challenge and they were soon expending great efforts to open schools that were modelled on those, which they had known in New England. (1) The first Protestant schools were located at Constantinople (Istanbul), Salonica (Selanik), and Smyrna (İzmir), where they competed with indigenous and Roman Catholic institutions, but shortly afterwards they were being opened in interior towns as well. When in 1846 the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated forty members of the Armenian Evangelical Union who with missionary backing had been agitating for “reforms” within the Armenian Apostolic Church., the role of the American Board schools were changed. Previously, they had been conceived of a means of enlightening and reviving members of the historic oriental churches. Now however the schools became more like denominational institutions, acting as auxiliaries to the Armenian Evangelical Churches that sprang up in many parts of Asia Minor after 1850. (2) The next fifty years saw an impressive expansion of the American Board educational system in Asia Minor. Cooperating with the Armenian Protestant Churches, in 1856 the American Board had forty-four schools in Asiatic Turkey, enrolling 1.151. Only sixteen years later in 1871, the number of schools had reached 222, and they were serving 6.391 students. A 1909 issue of “The Missionary Herald”, the American Board’s “house organ” reported that there were 337 schools with more than twenty thousand students. (3) Female Seminaries which American Board educators started in various parts of Turkey provided women with their first opportunity to attend high school or go on to advanced training. Another important contribution to educational developments in the Near East was a kindergarten and normal school for pre-school teachers that were opened at Smyrna by Cornelia Storrs Bartiett in 1885. During the next fifteen years forty-two Armenian kindergarten teachers were prepared in this institution. They went out to establish twenty- seven kindergartens in scattered Anatolian communities. (4) A system of common schools was created that fed the extensive network of Boy’s Academies and Female Seminaries. The higher watermark of these efforts came in the 1870’s with the establishment of institutions of higher learning in Asia Minor. The first of these "“Central Turkey Aintab (Gaziantep) incorporated in Massachusetts in 1874. The Central Turkey Girl’s College was opened nearby Marash (Kahramanmaraş) in 1880. Meanwhile Armenia College (later called Euphrates College) had been founded at Harpoot (Harpert) (Elazığ) and was incorporated 1878. Another important American Board institution was begun at Marsovan (Van?), when Anatolia College opened its doors there in 1886, the outgrowth of educational work in that community which dated back to 1864. .At Smyrna a similar chain of events beginning with the establishment of a Boy’s High School in 1880 culminated when International College was incorporated in 1903. Native Armenian leaders and educators were deeply involved in founding and developing all of these colleges, along with the American Board personnel who devoted their energies to these projects. In most cases the bulk of the faculty was made up of indigenous intellectuals, who had often been sent abroad to complete their education after utilizing the resources available in the Mission institutions. But in two cases new Protestant citadels of higher learning in Asia Minor were actually founded and headed up by Armenians. This outgrowth of the American Board’s impact in Turkey had extensive contemporary and subsequent repercussions. The work of Harutune S. Jenanyan and Armenag Harutune Haigazian, the leaders of this indigenous educational movement are unfortunately not very widely known. This article is aimed at describing and analyzing their efforts, and will trace some results which stem from these two pioneers. HARUTUNE S JENANYAN: The two Central Turkey Colleges Armenia College and Anatolia College were all begun in response to the needs and aspirations of their local Protestant constituencies. Each of them was the fruition of programs which had been started by American Board educators long on the scene St Paul’s Institute at Tarsus, the locale made famous as the birthplace of the Apostle Paul, came about through a completely different process. The idea of establishing a Christian College at Tarsus had its origin in 1885 when the town was visited by a wealthy New York City Attorney and publisher who were touring the Near East. This man, Elliott Pitch Shepard, had served with a New York regiment during the Civil War as a colonel, a title which he proudly used for the rest of his life. In 1868 Colonel Shepard married Margaret, William H Vanderbilt’s daughter, thereby increasing his own wealth and prestige. At the publisher of the “New York Mail and Express” Colonel Shepard was characterized as: a Republican of the most marked type always contributing to the furtherance of its aims and policies” (5). The colonel took his Calvinism. Just as seriously as he did his politics and he was a staunch member of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. So when he came to Turkey he got in touch with Dr. Thomas Davidson CHRİSTİE, a missionary of the American Board who was located at Marash. From Dr. Christie the Colonel learned that an advanced school was badly needed at Tarsus and as a result of their conversation he began to consider establishing a College there. Actually about a year before Colonel Shepard visited Tarsus, a young Armenian preacher from the nearby town of Adana had come to study at Union Theological Seminary in New York. This youth, Harutune S Jenanyan was a native of Marash (Maraş) who had become a Protestant at the age of 9 when his parents left the Armenian Apostolic Church in order to adopt the Evangelical faith that was preached in that town by the missionaries. Both of his parents were unable to read and write, but little Harutune had been enrolled in school by one of the missionaries at the age of 5. After finishing his primary education, the poverty of his family forced Jenanyan to leave school. He earned his living by weaving the colorful “alaca” cloth for which Marash was famous while, at the some time, he was active as a lay preacher and kept up with his studies by attending night classes. Soon Jenanyan was asked by Mr. Montgomery one of the American missionaries, to preach in a nearby village called Yerebakan. From that post, he was appointed to serve Protestants Cheek-Merximan, a coastal community not far from ancient Antioch (Antakya). When they were driven out of this town by the partisans of traditional religion, he and another young Protestant preacher made their way to Tarsus. Jenanyan was now given the opportunity to attend the Central Turkey College at Aintab (Gaziantep) for two years, to prepare himself the better to come back to his duties as pastor in Tarsus. When he was on his way back to his post at Tarsus, however, Jenanyan accepted an invitation to stay in Adana as the pastor of larger Protestant congregation there. His potential was achieving recognition from missionaries as well as from the native members of the Cilician Evangelical Union and in 1884 and opportunity for advanced theological study in the United States was arranged for him.
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