日本建築学会計画系論文集 第84巻 第756号,323-331, 2019年2月 【カテゴリーⅠ】 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 84 No. 756, 323-331, Feb., 2019 DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/aija.84.323 IDENTIFYINGIDENTIFYING THE THE FINANCING FINANCING PATTERN PATTERN PROBLEMS PROBLEMS OF DILAPIDATED OF DILAPIDATED URBAN URBANHOUSING HOUSING RENEWAL RENEWAL SYSTEM SYSTEM IN ZHEJIANG, IN ZHEJIANG, CHINA: CHINA: CASECASE STUDY STUDY OF OF JINSHOUJINSHOU PROJECTPROJECT IN IN ZHOUSHAN ZHOUSHAN 中国浙江の危房改造システムの資金面の問題点:舟山の「金寿新村」プロジェクトを対象に୰ᅜύỤࡢ༴ᡣᨵ㐀ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢ㈨㔠㠃ࡢၥ㢟Ⅼ ⯚ᒣࡢࠕ㔠ᑑ᪂ᮧࠖࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࢆᑐ㇟ *1 *2 LiLi GUAN GUAN* and and Takashi Takashi ARIGA ARIGA** ⟶ࠉࠉ⌮㸪᭷㈡ࠉ㝯管 理,有 賀 隆 A dualistic system of private urban housing renewal consisting of marketized “Old City Renewal” and government voluntary “Dilapidated Urban Housing Renewal” has been established in China since 2015. Focusing on the latter '8+5PRGHWKLVVWXG\DLPVWRLGHQWLI\LWVSUREOHPVIURPWKHSHUVSHFWLYHRIÀQDQFLQJSDWWHUQ-LQVKRX3URMHFWLQ =KRXVKDQLVVHOHFWHGDVDUHSUHVHQWDWLYHFDVHWRFODULI\WKH'8+5PRGHLQ=KHMLDQJ3URYLQFH7KURXJKDQDO\]LQJWKH VWDWLVWLFVRISURMHFWIXQGLQJWKLVSDSHUDUJXHVWKDWWKH'8+5PRGHFRPSOHWHO\UHOLHVRQSXEOLFIXQGLQJDQGLVKDUGWR tackle the increasing number of dilapidated housing. Keywords: Dilapidated Urban Housing Renewal, Old City Renovation, Financing pattern, China ༴ᡣᨵ㐀㸪ᪧᇛᨵ㐀㸪㈨㔠ࡢὶࢀ㸪୰ᅜ 1. Introduction structure has been seriously damaged or the load-bearing 1.1. Research background component is in danger and may at any time lose the stability Evolution of Chinese urban housing system and load-bearing capacity.*4) Recent years, frequent collapse The Chinese social welfare urban housing system established accidents*5) in old city areas have caused wide public concern, in the 1950s transformed into a market-oriented housing system urging the central government to take concrete measures. through a step by step housing reform from 1978 to 1998. Large Dualistic system of private urban housing renewal in China amount of commodity housing was intentionally constructed in Under the Chinese urban renewal framework before 2015, Chinese cities after 1978, so were most former public housing dilapidated housing areas on best sites would undergo Old purchased by employees of state-owned enterprises. By now an City Renovation (OCR, “ ᪧᇛᨵ㐀”*6) ) before long, which is a urban housing provision system dominated by private housing has marketized process that the local government first requisitions been established in China.*1) The issues discussed in this paper properties from homeowners, and then sells the land to developers. belong to the domain of private housing.*2) Developers may maximize their benefits by building high-grade Dilapidated urban housing in China residences and approximating the FAR limit*7) restricted by urban Due to a variety of reasons — low design standard (Lue et al., planning. 2001; Qu, 2011), poor construction quality before the 1990s, and While for other old residential areas located in the old city residents’ improper usage (Suo, 2013) — an increasing number of area without the optimal marketability, developers seldom show buildings constructed during early 1980s to early 1990s are faced interest, and few substantial measures could be taken. Such with aging of facilities, outdated layouts, and most importantly residential areas in the inner city gradually turn into the leftovers damage of building structure.*3) in housing market, with their physical condition deteriorating. Yet The term “Dilapidated Housing” infers that the building these residential areas are still to a large extent occupied, due to * Grad.*1 Grad. School School of Creative of Creative Science Science and andEngineering, Engineering, Waseda Waseda University, University, M. M.Arch.Arch. ᪩✄⏣Ꮫ⌮ᕤᏛ⾡㝔㐀⌮ᕤᏛ◊✲⛉ࠉ༤ኈᚋᮇㄢ⛬早稲田大学理工学術院創造理工学研究科 博士後期課程 ** Prof.,*2 Prof., Grad. Grad. School School of Creative of Creative Science Science and andEngineering, Engineering, Waseda Waseda University, University, Ph. Ph.D. D. ᪩✄⏣Ꮫ⌮ᕤᏛ⾡㝔㐀⌮ᕤᏛ◊✲⛉ࠉᩍᤵ࣭早稲田大学理工学術院創造理工学研究科 教授・Ph.D.Ph.D. ─ 323 ─ Table 1 Distinctions between Chinese OCR and DUHR system V\VWHPLQ=KHMLDQJ3URYLQFHLQWHUPVRIILQDQFLQJSDWWHUQZLWK DUHR ( ༴ᡣᨵ㐀 ) OCR ( ᪧᇛᨵ㐀 ) - Dilapidated Urban Housing - Old City Renovation original findings. This paper argues that, the DUHR mode Renewal Dilapidated areas with the best Areas excluded from OCR completely relies on public funding, and is hard to tackle the Targeted areas marketability SURMHFWV To optimize the urban function To eliminate the life risks increasing number of dilapidated housing in the future. in old city area through caused by collapse of buildings Initial goal redevelopment, and to renew its 1.3. Research method physical environment This paper uses case study method to identify the problems of Local government Local government Stakeholders Developer Homeowner involved DUHR system. Based on a background study, a representative Homeowner 3URÀWIRU case is selected in order to clarify the DUHR mode. government and Yes No developer 0DLQVWDWLVWLFVRISURMHFWIXQGLQJZKLFKDUHFROOHFWHGIURP Rely on government’s re- Yes No Subdistrict Office and Bureau for Housing and Urban-rural planning scheme 'HYHORSPHQW %+8' LVXVHGWRUHYHDOWKHÀQDQFLQJSDWWHUQRI Rely on public No Yes appropriation case study. Besides, the impact on physical environment is collected by field survey in old residential area and new resettlement the convenient transportation and amenities of the inner-city area, residential areas. homeowner’s limited economic condition, or the aging of residents. 1.4. Former works In mid-2015, a new mode of private urban housing renewal is Research on the government voluntary DUHR mode is still carried out by the State Council, under the name of Dilapidated scarce in China, due to the fact that DUHR policy is relatively Urban Housing Renovation (DUHR, “ ༴ᡣᨵ㐀 ”*8)). Working as a QHZDQGDFFRUGLQJO\WKHÀUVW'8+5SURMHFWVZHUHMXVWFRPSOHWHG complement to OCR, the DUHR mode is a government voluntary in 2016. Among related studies, the OCR mode has been under mode that focuses on housing renewal issues excluded from research ever since the nation-wide urban renewal and housing OCR areas. According to government’s administrative files*9), reform took place in the early 1990s. Related studies have been “all Class D Dilapidated Housing*4 in metropolitan areas should dedicated to the interest balance of different stakeholders in OCR be evacuated by the end of 2017”, which means a total number SURMHFWV of 18 million housing units will be involved from 2015 to 2017 Lue (1997) observed that the growing real estate industry across the nation. With local governments obeying this schedule undermined OCR’s initial intention to maintain original residents and competing to accomplish the administrative assignment, a on site while redeveloping the old city. It also has been widely government-dominated movement of renewing urban dilapidated acknowledged that local government and developers profit housing takes place. themselves from the emerging real estate industry, and it is local In this way, a dualistic system of private housing renewal is elites that have benefited more than local residents (Fang and established in China (Table 1). On one hand, there is the fully Zhang, 2003; Luo and Shen, 2006; Hu and Zhang, 2015). Shih marketized OCR approach led by local government and property (2010) argues that Chinese laws have promoted the booming of developers, which squeezes land value of the best sites; on the real estate industry and laid foundation for disputed relocation. It other hand, there is the government dominated voluntary DUHR could be summarized that local residents with limited power and mode, which aims to eliminate the life risks caused by collapse SULYLOHJHVFRXOGQRWJHWDSURÀWLQSURSRUWLRQWRORFDOJRYHUQPHQW of buildings excluded from OCR with the help of public funding. and developers from urban renewal. Through examining a typical case, this study focuses on the latter Focusing on the new DUHR mode, this paper attempts to DUHR mode, which has not drawn so much attention as the OCR LGHQWLI\LWVÀQDQFLQJSUREOHPVWKURXJKDQLQGHSWKFDVHVWXG\ mode in academic research. Another related policy named Dilapidated Rural Housing 2. Jinshou Project case study as a representative of DUHR Renovation (“ ㎰ᮧ༴ᡣᨵ㐀”), which deals with dilapidated 7KHSURMHFWRI%XLOGLQJ1RRI-LQVKRX5HVLGHQWLDO$UHD housing on rural land by granting monetary subsidy, will not ( 㔠ᑑ᪂ᮧ4 ᖮ ) in Dinghai metropolitan area, Zhoushan*11) be discussed in this paper, due to the different land system and )LJ LVVHOHFWHGDVDW\SLFDOFDVHRI'8+5LQ=KHMLDQJ7KH housing system of urban and rural area in China*10). UHSUHVHQWDWLYHQHVVRI-LQVKRXFDVHOLHVLQWKHIDFWWKDW 1.2. Research purpose &XUUHQWFRQGLWLRQRIWKHUHVLGHQWLDODUHD%HLQJRQHRI There is no doubt that DUHR movement could eliminate =KRXVKDQ·VÀUVWFRPPRGLW\KRXVLQJSURMHFWV-LQVKRX5HVLGHQWLDO currently diagnosed dilapidated buildings in the short term. Area is a typical gated community constructed at the beginning Nonetheless, such movement guided by radical administrative stage of housing reform in the 1980s (Fig. 2). Like most residential subcontract is also correlated to a variety of social, economic, and areas constructed in the same era, today it is suffering from physical environment issues. GHWHULRUDWLRQRIEXLOGLQJVWUXFWXUHDVLGHIURP%XLOGLQJ1R The purpose of this paper is to identify the problems of DUHR which was diagnosed as Class D Dilapidated Housing, 22 other ─ 324 ─ Table 1 Distinctions between Chinese OCR and DUHR system V\VWHPLQ=KHMLDQJ3URYLQFHLQWHUPVRIILQDQFLQJSDWWHUQZLWK ������� ������������ ���� DUHR ( ༴ᡣᨵ㐀 ) OCR ( ᪧᇛᨵ㐀
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