C4500 LA CHINOISE; OU PLUTOT A LA CHINOISE;; (FRANCE, 1967) (Other titles: The Chinese girl; La cinese) Credits: director/writer, Jean-Luc Godard. Cast: Anne Wiazemsky, Jean-Pierre Leaud, Michel Semeniako. Summary: Melodrama set in Paris and Nanterre in the summer of 1967. Five Maoist students and peasants, inspired by events in Vietnam, form the Rosa Luxemburg cell. Their inability to agree on a course of action leads them in divergent directions. Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 53) ___________. Vietnam on film [GB] (p. 75) “Additif a la biofilmografie de J.L. Godard” A bout de souffle: L’avant-scene du cinema 78 (Mar 1968) Adler, Renata. “How movies speak to young rebels” New York times (May 19, 1968), sec. II, p. 1, 14. [Reprinted in her A year in the dark: a year in the life of a film critic, 1968-69 New York: Random House, 1969. (p. 148-50); New York : Berkley, 1971. (p. 170-1)] ___________. “Talking to the young” New York times (Apr 4, 1968), p. 58. [Reprinted in her A year in the dark: a year in the life of a film critic, 1968-69 New York : Random House, 1969. (p. 105-6); New York: Berkley, 1971. (p. 127-8)] ___________. “The ten best films of 1968” New York times (Dec 22, 1968) Albera, Francois. “Godardorama” Travelling J (Lausanne) 21 (May-Jul 1968), p. 16- 24. Alpert, Hollis. “Film ferment: La Chinoise and Far from Vietnam” Saturday review 51 (Mar 30, 1968), p. 39. Amette, Jacques-Pierre. “Du parti pris des choses dans le cinema contemporain” La nouvelle revue francaise 34/199 (Jul 1969), p. 154-5. Anderegg, Michael. “A documentary fantasy: Jean-Luc Godard’s ‘La Chinoise’” North Dakota quarterly 50/2 (1982), p. 31-40. Aristarco, Guido. “Marx, le cinema, et la critique de film” Etudes cinematographiques Paris : Lettres Modernes-Minard, 1972. [no. 88-92] (p. 56-8, 170-71, 181, 184-5, 215) [Articles on La Chinoise] Le monde (Aug 5, 1967), p. 8; (Aug 8), p. 9; (Aug 24), p. 10; (Sep 6), p. 16; (Sep 7), p. 11; (Sep 9), p. 10-11; (Sep 11), p. 15. Aumont, Jacques. “This is not a textual analysis: (Godard’s ‘La Chinoise’) Camera obscura n. 8-10 (fall 1982), p. 130-61. Boatto, Alberto. “La tentazione dell’Oriente” Filmcritica 52/521-522 (Jan/Feb 2002), p. 71-6. Bontemps, Jacques. “Une libre variation imaginative de certains faits” Cahiers du cinema 194 (Oct 1967), p. 30-34. _______________. “Lutter aux deux fronts” Cahiers du cinema 194 (Oct 1967), p. 13-26, 66-70. “Box office de Jean-Luc Godard” Image et son: revue du cinema 211 (Dec 1967), p. 74. Bragin, John. “La Chinoise and La cine e vicina” Film society review 4/1 (Sep 1968), p. 26-36. “Breves nouvelles du cinema” Cinema international (Mar-Apr 1967), p. 620. Brown, Royal. “La Chinoise: Child’s play” in Focus on Godard Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1972. (p. 168-73) Butler, Jeremy G. [Program notes]. Chicago : Film Center, Art Institute, 1977. [8 p.] Cadeau, Charles. “Lettres de lecteurs” Positif 93 (Mar 1968), p. 69-70. Caviglioli, Francois. “Les ‘Chinoise’ de Paris desavouent Godard” Le nouvel observateur (Sep 20, 1967), p. 22-4. “Le Cahier de La Chinoise” Opus international 2 (1967), p. 12-29. [Godard’s shooting notes] Cheminee, Philippe. “De La Chinoise de Jean-Luc Godard ... a la Chine de Mao Tse Tung” Parole et societe 1-2 (1968), p. 78-82. Chevassu, Francois. “La Chinoise” Image et son: revue du cinema 210 (Nov 1967), p. 119-22. “La Chinoise” American Film Institute catalog [GB] (Entry F6.0776) “La Chinoise” L’avant-scene du cinema 114 (May 1971), p. 7-40. [screenplay] “La Chinoise” Cue (Apr 6, 1968) [Chinoise] Film francaise n. 1208 (Sep 8, 1967), p. 22. “La Chinoise” [Dialogue from the film] Filmcritica 182 (Oct 1967), p. 471-96. [Chinoise] Kine weekly n. 3280 (Aug 22, 1970), p. 11. “La Chinoise” Time 91/17 (Apr 26, 1968), p. E10, 108. [La Chinoise] Times [London] (Sep 11, 1967), p. 6. [La Chinoise] [review] Times [London] (Apr 14, 1970), p. 10. “La Chinoise et la critique” L’avant-scene du cinema 114 (May 1971), p. 39-40. “La Chinoise/Godard” Saint Louis outlaw 1/11 (Jan 22, 1971), p. 9. “La Chinoise (The Chinese girl)” Filmfacts 11/10 (Jun 1968), p. 146-48. Christagau, Robert. “Godard: master of the clean home movie” Ramparts 6/11 (Jun 15, 1968), p. 59-60. Clouzot, Claire. “Godard and the U.S.” Sight and sound 37/3 (summer 1968), p. 111-14. Cluny, Claude Michel. “Les megots de Godard” Nouvelle revue francais 191 (Aug 16, 1968), p. 668-72. Coleman, John. “Nostra Mostra” The new statesman ns 74 (Sep 15, 1967), p. 330. Collet, Jean. “Les films: La Chinoise de Jean-Luc Godard” Etudes 327 (Nov 1967), p. 536-9. _________. Jean-Luc Godard. Rev. ed. Paris : Editions Seghers, 1968. (p. 104-7, 139-46) [Godard’s prose description of characters and his working dialogue] Comolli, Jean-Louis. “Le point sur l’image” Cahiers du cinema 194 (Oct 1967), p. 29- 30. Corliss, Richard. “Film chronicle” National review 20/26 (Jul 2, 1968), p. 664-5. Cournot, Michel. “Jean-Luc ex-Godard” Le nouvel observateur 292 (Jun 1970), p. 42-4. _____________. “Quelques evidentes incertitudes: entretien entre J.-L. Godard et M. Cournot” Revue d’esthetique ns 20/2-3 (1967), p. 115-22. Crist, Judith. [Review of La Chinoise] New York magazine (Apr 29, 1968) Dadoun, Roger. “Un cinema ‘sauvage’ et ‘ingenu’” Image et son: revue du cinema 211 (Dec 1967), p. 3-12. Daniel, Joseph. Guerre et cinema: grandes illusions et petits soldats 1895-1971. Paris : Armand Colin, 1972. (p. 350-61, 388-95) Daria, Michele. “Une provocation de type faciste: le film, La Chinoise” L’humanite nouvelle 3/66 (Sep 14, 1967), p. 14. De Bonis, Jacques. “Weekend au mois de mai” La nouvelle critique 18 (Oct 1968), p. 59-62. Delmas, Jean. “Cette nostalgie revolutionnaire qui s’apelle: chine” Jeune cinema 32 (Sep 1968), p. 10-15. __________. [Review of La Chinoise] Jeune cinema 25 (Oct 1967) “Directors: Infuriating magician” Time 91 (Feb 16, 1968), p. 90-91. Duboeuf, Pierre. “La jaune en peril” Cahiers du cinema 195 (Nov 1967), p. 69-70. Duvigneau, Michel. “La Chinoise” Telecine 135 (Nov 1967), p. 13-27. Eliscu, Lita. “Vietnam deja vu: a review of Godard’s La Chinoise” Evergreen review 12/56 (Jul 1968), p. 66-8. Esteve, Michel. “Notes sur la festival de Venise” Etudes 327 (Nov 1967), p. 528-31. Faccini, Luigi. “L’infinito cinematografico: La Chinoise” Cinema and film 1/4 (Sug 1967), p. 445-9. Farber, Manny. “La Chinoise” Artforum 7 (summer 1968) [Reprinted in his Negative space. London : Studio Vista ; New York : Praeger, 1971. (p. 269-74)] [Reprinted in his Movies (a reissue of Negative space). New York : Stobehill Pub. Co., 1975] Fargier, Jean-Paul ... [et al.] “Deux heures avec Jean-Luc Godard” Tribune socialiste 396 (Jan 23, 1969), p. 18-19. Gardner, Colin. “La Chinoise” Magill’s survey of cinema, foreign language films Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1986. (v. 2, p. 536-41) Gauthier, Guy. “La Chinoise” Image et son: la saison cinematographique 219 (Sep- Oct 1968), p. 37-8. Godard, Jean-Luc. “Manifeste” Press book de La Chinoise (Aug 1967) [Reprinted, 1968; and with translation and commentary, 1972] “Godard buffs riot at Philharmonic re garbled 2-language soundtrack” Variety (Jan [first week] 1969), p. 23. “Godard campus tour canceled” Film society review (Mar 1968), p. 11. Goldmann, Annie. Cinema et societe moderne: le cinema de 1968 a 1968: Godard, Antonioni, Resnais, Robbe-Grillet Paris : Editions Anthropos, 1971. Goodwin, Michael and Greil, Marcus. Double feature: movies and politics. New York : Outerbridge and Lazard, 1972. (p. 9-68) Green, James Ronald. Political evolution in five films of Jean-Luc Godard. Thesis (Ph.D.)--SUNY, Buffalo, 1972. Greenspun, Roger. “La Chinoise” New york free press 17 (May 18, 1968), p. 8, 10. ______________. “Film: portraits of two artists” New York times (Nov 27, 1971), p. 23. Greil, Marcus (see under Goodwin, Michael) Guerlain, Quentin. “La Chinoise: a new film by Jean-Luc Godard” Cinema 4/1 (spring 1968), p. 34-5. Hatch, Robert. “Films” Nation 206/16 (Apr 15, 1968), p. 517-18. Horman, Charles. “Two films that tackle violence” National Catholic reporter (Apr 24, 1968), p. 9. Houston, Beverle (see under Kinder, Marsha) [Interview with Godard on La Chinoise] La quinzaine litteraire (Mar 15, 1967) Isaac, Dan. “The social gospel of Jean-Luc Godard” Film culture 48-49 (winter- spring 1970), p. 49-52. “Jean-Luc Godard et la Centrale Catholique du Cinema” Image et son: revue du cinema 211 (Dec 1967), p. 74. Jouffroy, Alan. “Un affaire a regler avec le monde entier” L’avant-scene du cinema 114 (May 1971), p. 8-11. [Reprint from a press book published by Parc-Films and Athos Films] ___________. “Le cahier de La Chinoise” Opus international 2 (1967), p. 12-29. Juin, Pierre. [Review of La Chinoise] Telerama (Sep 24, 1967) _________. “Sur le grand ecran du palais des papes d’Avignon--La Chinoise de Jean- Luc Godard: des contours limites” L’humanite (Aug 5, 1967), p. 7. Kael, Pauline. “A minority movie” New Yorker 44 (Apr 6, 1968), p. 156-66. [Reprinted in Films 68/69. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969. (p. 65-72)] [Reprinted in her Going steady. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970. (p. 76-84)] Kauffmann, Stanley. “Stanley Kauffmann on films: Activism can be fun” New republic 158 (Apr 27, 1968), p. 22, 39.
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