«-»SJ The^Morehead IndepandetH: V “ONE OF KENTUCKY^ GREATER WEEKLIES” VOLUME VII. MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY. THURSDAY MORNING. DEC. 12. 1940 ' NUMBER KUHTV^SEVEN ®ar1 1 ey Battson,"~AmericM^^on ,Local Clubs Endorse Purchase To Help Needy Qnarters Nert Week ElcCted McrchailtS Families Uidliinc! Trail Garage wiU move Into tta Chib President The Anertoa Legm, * 01 Equipment Eor Eire Dept. 1 by Ua- Irlca te provMe as manr ne Grande Jayne. Meeting Date Changed To taBlIlea In tUa emint; as i *285.70 Final Amount Move Would EUhdli- The new garage is located oppo. First Mradaj Night In MMe with baefceti of froceriea. site the Midland TrsU Hotel and is Each Month They wtU de that acatai tUi Raised In Rowan ate Jump In Present modem in every reapecL year. PaM Cnimaiiiler Mahloo Over »000 feet of floor ipace are i At a meeting of the Morebead During Drive Insurance Rate included in the new garage which Merchants Club held Thursday. Any petaoB whe fcnwwt of any I wiU Riable workers to have mace December S. Dr. Hartley Sattaon, ddditUe or needy tamliy la aafc- Two hundred eighty.fivv doL At the regular C'lty Council i-oont and light ' local druggist was elected presL lars seventy cents was raised m, meetuig held Tuesday night, the ed to nunnwntcnte with the Poa "I believe that we will be in a ! 4ent replacing Bill Layne, who has Rowan County in the recent Rea matter of purchasing new Dr* PeUa Welhnan oiiicb better postioD to serve our i served as president since the or. I the Cnhia Grocery Company Cross dnve The money as raised «iuipmenl- was merlioned. The many friends as soon aa we make i ganaation of the club Other of- in the county was apportioned as Council decideti. it is understood, Bight in tte midst of hogJUUing r with RsaaeD Barker M the Ibe move. ' Jayne said. I Qe?rs named were Gleimta Fraley. I Big Store Pamitare Company fo'li ’ws to meet on Friday evening, IJerem- ttgie and huntiag Mnaon. And Ci-mplete details on the new I‘^'Ynet of the I.CA. Store, was eL I CoLege SSI 00. City of More- ber 13. in dosed session to consid- Bon't tergrt I stiU hnve my May. building will be given in next;^ ‘'ted vice-president and J R. i head, J128.70; Clearfield. $56.1X1, er the matter Mg l■^■lgl grinder to lou to werii^a Issue of the Independent ] re-elected secretary- 1 _ Ik A L ^ and Haldeman. $50.00. It was brought out by some ■ayoae that ewna a Maytag wash. wiuu„cnrih..»I!Aecideiital Ueat n s- Mrs. Beulab Wiliams. Roll Call , members of the Council that tike the sales force of the gamge. Jay. ' At this meeting it was also de. | Chairman, expresses thanks to the present fire equipment of the ci^ r no strittga aU oe ekL {cuied that the club would move various clubs and organizations j la entirely inadequate aod that tMdwd. But I do like plenty Its regular Thursday evening Jury’s Verdict In and to each and every individuaJ ! insurance rates wiD soea be raia. meeting night up to the tirst for their help and eo-operaOcm m | ed If new equipment is ig ’* purch. and pCMW In ny sausage. Monday m each month. a success u I alto like riba. Rowan County 'niis was l^e. it was learned, Jackson Case The Morehead Bgen' kta. and aboolden. Thanks. EL because so itftny members of the Horehead Merchants Cl Mr lor that mem you brought me Farmers To Attffid Merchants Club are also actively Girl Foand Dead With Twei regular weekly tmt ni send your bowl back won engaged In the new Morehead ty Two BaMet Udfred la Rowan Tobacco -taastetions to b , M p—ftli. Tour arile knows Stod^mi^. Each Thursday will Throat Council advocatingmg^ tJ her staff when it eotnes to mixing State Conrention be aalea day at the new yards and 'needed equipment.lent.”" I A verdut .« accident.-il death ' J b Boggesi. ttnaage. I do east want anything sales will run until late in the ” ””aT^o^cior' Crops Sells As IS of th 1 4wa clu h> do with AlBe Manning. Be To Be Hrid At Lexingtaa Lut night It was atao pointed out that due to a gunshot wound was m. land coal operator, was named foUbWT turned Monday in the death of member of the City Council went- pheasant hunting the other Qiis especUUy applied to i R. WoeklaimraiT Basel Jackson, seventeen dnugh. Tueiiday evening repli TfHigh As ^4.86 day and pnonised me tallhBitty ' WendcU who wiH be actively en. ter of Mr. and Mra. Percy Jackson ' Haggan. College Agriculture (each- TO THE MAYOR OP TK het wouUwould bnng me back at A camdderaMe monbei- of farm- gaged m the new Stockyards as CITY OT MOREHEAD Wfa WelL tm betw^t me ' and &rm wo&jcn tn Rowan well aa the Mo^diaiits Club. Of the ri^in^g Road, er resigned^ Tohktto k Heavier This Year ..........^ ^ conmer 3 Jury Boggess has ^^ed as a metn-, ^ Quality AM) THE MEMBERS tout Oie sise or a Mnow nd 1 ««nty are planning to attend the - It has been «nnn..n.wH that die - • toM him it did not look like a xw-ual Farm azal Hcane Conven- new Stockyards will open bn or Jackson girl left the house vf the local Board of Educa- OF THE CITY COUN- •As 1939 Crop j QL OF MORE- pheasant tat he said R wm. Alter [ “on ■' L*xington the hiat week In. .-bout the first of January. o clock Sunday after-,'' >n for the past eight years and we ate Tt^uitk Evans was ow January, County Agent Charles : _____________________ ; “**" “Tin* that she was going to hiw “ved in Rowan County for the te.wan County farmers are mar. WHEREAS, the mmbers of the looking ter btoi and Wd me he!L Go«. ■nnounces. More than I p ^ . 1 to hunt ' An hour later pi.-t terty-four years „.ung . -h,. R^rri . “’**'■ Morehead Merchants Club of *he hKl Mart aD M his “Banty" chick-i interert U said to prevaU in IfiDrellcdfl El 2 E 1 6 Si Ufeless body was found by her His present »err Ota. Bowerlnn of the x—this year ’s stuJe meeting of farm __ I younger brother, a 22 buUei in , o' Education expu 1 H Morehead understand <that ^oser and light Corapany. is puu, “1“ “nd women, Her rifle was found ! tWl He did not seek re-election urded pro^re^m* ”ba^ f^*C^cir1ire thig hli ar|f« into Ixiiiteai A orwi There wiR be aweUngs Wins First Game J nearby. ■ tewtor wfll arrive at dse Toletlde : raiaen, ' 1 un told. Trail Of Season 34.23|-="-«.reach Monday due ti —,^^«»:airistianChurch— ^ Prices n so many curious pt ago. but less than v ■tikltooUCMv t» ^ site of te To Preset Xmasr by t aue^ Mr Ote spiaBty or color as the 1S3P crop'' WHEREAS, members of the . Baigdi Mhiiaa ■. B. H. Kaxae. in dtarge. Bmial ffe Natovity^ Pi Some loeal farmes have Nceiv. Merchants Club realise that te t M total pnt oat «a oar OBored first wite foui tet. iteaiy >» tt*e Jateoa cemetery Over Eaiire ed Beer te top peiees on the mar ­ present equipment of te Oty M Ha M DOW ater ten Dr. ' ' te fay Water, tot war d, wite | bear tor hoeae. Nktioa kets. Willie Anderson, of WalQ both antiquated and A V. who has a la Lolate community, received $24.®8 tor the present aad future needs of "iwe Nabvlty," qf moat ao« MdfaM art tet he oaee in rt hundred fbr 2035 pounds sold De-1, arowina dtv U'fwnh.. tn u., ____ ______ ...I yvwlua Lily. Mhte te hte «n in Michigan. Rabbit Hnnters i^utifuJ! Chmonas pageants, will.ceaber 10. His crop ,s not at,. THEREFORE, we go or ]Vton to Is on te air R IS aboo- Farmers thinking aboot attend, TI7 Jrr A • * ^ m te au^tOTTum of ,y*t marketed but the 6800 pounds ' ' as favoring ualy t te tto amvwuisn teald we WLW at- my have and I think it County Agent Chartes L. Goff, for Junior Wiggins. Warned To A y o i d; "■! » M tee tet we cititoas <d More- further deuila. toad come to arms and Step teis TnlarEinia Disease $24 TO per hundred _________I further___resolved____ that copies-of BiWlte daed. I peraonaBjr Iter te te fioar. The last entirely of smpturai selections. Decker __ White Elephant Sale pounds for tii,, res^luUon" be sent gbiag to tell him about tet I wTB was rough with toab caUsd fre. -ang^ m ^amatic form on the ,59 50 from the smi e farm Mayor of the City and the Mem- na laager permit it and dtenand quentlj on bodt MaLjor Bniwn Ui Extreow P»n of a mystery play, picturing George Wil!iam.« Saturday, Dec. 14th Bible .vUiry of and tenant, oers of the Council, to the BCeep- odBiai to write «r Earl Eiagle. Wvouman. Car* To Avail Nauviry .md othie Spi inger. uf Tnplett rom- . head Independent, and to te held Holbrooks lafkly Disease s:i is Tto time is now at band when I J wotiderfuHy unique 1398 Rowan County News. tp pteccs with that eotffi to has. Christmas shopping must be I five Kentucky huntm pounds Emil Bmw Minor points V (Signed.) I kaov a msn her* la town tet dme. There are many litUe boys 'hUe wttesr six ted goals today by Major Jam and auwe fou^.4nr high thousand.^ of church- f" HAiCTLEY BATTSON antes a poerdar ptet to sitek.
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