LI B RAR.Y OF THE U N I VLRSITY Of ILLINOIS c ItGuMJb V934IS6- The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books arc reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILIINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161—O-1096 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ANNUAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTY May 1, 1939 — April 30, 1940 Published by the University of Illinois Under the Auspices of the Graduate School Urbana, Illinois 6S0—12-40—20115 BOOKS, ARTICLES, AND REVIEWS PUBLISHED BY THE FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS May 1, 1939—April 30, 1940 NOTE: The following list of publications, consisting of books, articles, and reviews, written by members of the staff of the University, and published during the year ended April 30, 1940, was compiled from lists supplied by the individual members. The academic titles indicate positions for 1940-1941 except those of persons no longer on the staff. An article by two or more persons of unequal rank is usually listed under the name of the one having the superior rank, cross-refer- ences being used under the names of the others. Numbers in parentheses are approximate numbers of words. Adams, Leverett Allen, Ph.D., Professor of Articles {continued) Zoology and Curator of the Museum of With J. B. Hale: Natural History Stereochemistry of biphenyls. XLVIII. A Articles: comparison of the racemization rates of Some characteristic otoliths of American three isomeric 2,2',6-nitro-, carboxy-, Ostariophysi. /. Morph., 66:3:497-527. methyl-biphenyls. Ibid., 61:2825-28. (2200) (8000) With P. H. Long and A. J. lohanson: Adams, Roger, Ph.D., D.Sc, Professor of Sulfanilamide derivatives. I. Ibid., 61:2342- Organic Chemistry and Head of the De- 46. (5900) partment of Chemistry With P. H. Long and Allene Jeanes: Books: Sulfanilamide derivatives. II. Ibid., 61: With others: 2346-49. (3300) Organic syntheses, vols. 19 and 20. John With E. F. Rogers: Wiley and Sons, N.Y., 1939, 1940. 105 The structure of monocrotaline, the alkaloid and 113 pp. in Crotalaria spectabilis and Crotalaria Articles: retusa. I. Ibid., 61:2815-19. (3000) With M. Hunt: With E. F. Rogers and F. J. Sprules: Structure of gossypol. XIX. Synthesis of Structure of monocrotaline. II. Monocrotic 1 ,2 - dihydroxy - 3 - isopropyl - 6 - benzoic acid. J.A.C.S., 61:1132-33. (900) acid obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of the alkaloid. Ibid., 61:2819-21. (1400) With M. Hunt and B. R. Baker: Structure of gossypol. XX. Synthesis of With E. F. Rogers and R. S. Long: 1,2- dihydroxy- 3 - isopropyl- s-benzoic acid. The structure of monocrotaline. III. Mono- Ibid., 61:1134-37. (4700) crotalic acid. Ibid., 61:2822-24. (1600) With B. R. Baker: With M. W. Miller: Structure of gossypol. XXI. Synthesis of Restricted rotation in aryl olefins. I. Prepa- 1,2- dimethoxy - 3 - isopropyl - 4 - benzoic acid ration and resolution of ;S-chloro-/S-(2,4,6- and of apogossypolic acid. Ibid., 61:1138- trimethyl - 3 - bromophenyl) - a - methyl-acrylic 42. (5000) acid. Ibid., 62:53-56. (1900) With W. R. Dial: With M. H. Gold: Structure of gossypol. XXII. Gossypol The Synthesis of 1,3-diphenyldihydroisoben- ethers and their reduction products. Ibid., zofurans, 1,3-diphenylisobenzofurans and 61:2077-82. (4900) o-dibenzoylbenzenes from the diene addi- With T. A. Geissman: tion products to dibenzoylethylene. Ibid., Structure of gossypol. XXIII. Attempts to 62:56-61. (3300) tetramethyl prepare desapogossypolone With M. Hunt a7id I. H. Clark: ether. Condensation of hexadiene-2,4 with Structure of cannabidiol, a product isolated dibenzoylethylene. Ibid., 61:2083-89. from the marihuana extract of Minnesota (7200) wild hemp. I. Ibid., 62:196-200. (3000) With T. L. Cairns: Structure of cannabidiol. III. Reduction Stereochemistry of biphenyls. XLVI. 2-sub- and cleavage. Ibid., 62:735-37. (2900) stituted biphenyls. /bid., 61:2179-81. (3300) With C. K. Cain and H. Wolff: Attempts to prepare optically active ethylene- imine derivatives containing an asymmetric Structure of cannabidiol. II. Absorption spectra compared with those of various nitrogen atom. Ibid., 61:2464-67. (4100) dihydric phenols. Ibid., 62:732-34. (2100) With G. C. Finger: Reviews: Stereochemistry of biphenyls. XLVII. Cer- tain 3,6-di(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-hydroquin- Ausfuhrliches Lehrbuch der organischen ones and their derivatives. Ibid., 61:2182- Chemie, by W. Schlenk. Ibid., 62:677-78. 83. (2100) (470) Stereochemistry of biphenyls. XLIX. Com- parison of the racemization rates of the Adamstone, Frank Bolton, Ph.D., Associate 2,2',6-nitro-, carboxy-, and methoxy-bi- Professor of Zoology phenyls. Ibid., 61:2828-30. (2100) See Waldo Shumway. [3] University of Illinois Afremow, Melvin Louis, M.S., M.D., Associate Anderson, Harold Homer, Ph.D., Assistant in Medicine Professor of Psychology Articles: Articles: IVith P. S. Rhoads and Elisabeth C. Straus: Domination and social integration in the Tuberculosis in nurses. Amer. Rev. Tvberc, behavior of kindergarten children and 40:4:444-51. (1800) teachers. Genet. Psych. Mono., Aug. 1939, With P. S. Rhoads: pp. 287-385. Sulfanilamide in treatment of sore throat Mental hygiene and child welfare. Chap. 20 due to hemolytic streptococci. J.A.M.A., in Modern Marriage, ed. by M. Jung. F. 114:942-43. S. Crofts, N.Y., 1940. The measurement of domination and of Alexander, Franz Gabriel, A.B., M.D., Associ- socially integrative behavior in teachers' ate Professor of Psychiatry contacts with kindergarten children. Child Articlks: Develop., 10:2:73-89. (8600) Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939. Psychosomatic Domination and social integration in the Med., 2: 1:68-73. behavior of kindergarten children in an _ Psychoanalysis revised. Psychoanalytic Qt., experimental play situation. /. Exp. Educ, 9:1:1-36. 8:2:123-31. (4100) Recollections of Berggasse 19. Ibid., 9:2: An examination of the concepts of domina- I95--204. tion and integration in relation to domi- Sigmund Freud. Arch. Neurol Psychiat., 43: nance and ascendance. Psych. Rev., 47:1: 575-80. 21-37- (6700) The construction of a mental hygiene scale Alleman, NorvlUe James, M.S., Special Re- for teachers. Amer. J. Orthops\chiat., 10: search Associate in Engineering Materials 2:253-63. (5000) Articles: Educational implications of research in domi- With C. P. Wampler: native and socially integrative behavior. Fatigue tests of wire. J.A.S.T.M., Dec, /. Ediic Soc, 13:8:490-501. (3000) 1939. PP- 13-18. (4000) Must children obey? Nat. Parent-Teacher, 34:6:27-29. See also H. F. Moore and H. R. Thomas. (2250) Allen, Harry Kenneth, Ph.D., Assistant Pro- Anderson, Harry Warren, Ph.D., Professor of fessor of Economics Pomological Pathology Books: Articles: See M. H. Hunter. Recent developments on eradicant sprays. Articles: Trans. III. Hort. Soc, 73:235-46. (5000) Some suggestions concerning the apple spray Municipal finance. Amer. Yr. Bk., 1940. schedule for (5000) 1940. Ibid., 73: 345-51- (3400) Chronic tax delinquency presents a challeng- History of chestnut blight in Illinois. North- ing problem. Bui. Nat. Tax. Assoc, 14: ern Nut Growers' Assoc, 29th An. Rpt., 9:270-75. (3500) 1938, pp. 78-82. (1600) Improvements in tax collection procedures. Reports on apple scab development: Illinois. //;. Tax Prob., pp. 245-53. (37oo) Plant. Dis. Rptr., 23:151. (200) See also H. M. Gray. Some reports on diseases of peach: peach leaf Reviews: curl in Illinois. Ibid., 23:152. (75) Reports on the development of apple scab: Local government debt administration, by C. Illinois. Ibid., 23:187. (150) H. Chatters and A. ]\t. Hillhouse. J. Reports fire blight: Illinois. Accy., 69:1:69. (700) on Ibid., 23: 188. (150) Almqulst, Carl Oscar Gotfried, B.S., M.D., As- Notes on the cedar rusts: Illinois. Ibid., sociate in Surgery 23:189. (150) Articles: Reports on peach diseases: leaf curl and bac- With A. Lieberman: terial spot in Illinois. Ibid., 23:189. (200) reports fruit diseases: Retroperitoneal sarcoma. /. Ind. Med. Assoc, Other on orange rust 32:8:417-19. (soo) on wild blackberries in Illinois. Ibid., 23: 191. (100) Almy, Gerald Marks, Ph.D., Associate Pro- Apple rust on fruit in Illinois. Ibid., 23:258. fessor of Physics (250) Articles: Apple blotch in Illinois. Ibid., 23:259. (200) With H. Q. Fuller and G. D. Kincer: Apple scab. Univ. 111. Dept. Hort. Mimeo., The fluorescence of diacetyl. /. Cliciii. Phvs., Mar., 1940. (1800) 8:1:37-45- (5500) H'ith W. A. Ruth and W. P. Flint: With H. Q. Fuller and L. D. Phillips: The season of i939- Trans. III. Hort Soc, The fluorescence of diacetyl: quantum yield 73:43-62. (10,000) and effect of iodine. Ibid., 7:10:973. (600) With W. P. Flint: Reviews: Directions for spraying fruits in Illinois. Molecular spectra and molecular structure. Ibid., 73:63-99- (J5.000) I. Diatomic molecules, by G. Herzberg. Directions for spraying fruits in Illinois Rev. Sci. Instruments, 11:4:146. (500) (rev.). ///. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ, 492. 30 pp. Amtman, Leo E., B.S., M.D., Associate in Medicine With D. Powell: Articles: Spray injury on apples, 1939 experiments. Trans. III. Hort. Soc, 73-252-60. (3200) With K. A. Meyer: Treatment of Friedlander's septicemia by sul- With H. F. Scifert: fapyridine, with recovery. J.A.M.A., 113: Yellow-red virosis on chokecherry in Illinois. 1641-42. (1000) Plant Dis. Rptr., 23:328. (300) Publications of the Faculty Andrews, Andrew Irving, Ph.D., Professor of Articles: Ceramic Engineering Audio-visual aids for teacher training in Articles: chemistry. Centralight (Central State Enameled chemical equipment. Chcm. Met.
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