56 The Year In Sport By GEORGE JOEL The past year in sport was an un- The quest for Jewish players went more, who played not only football, Williamsburg boy, has become one of usually active one for Jews. In every on and in mid-season the New York but baseball and basketball; Phil Hoot- the national Spanish idols, and is the field of sport, performers of the faith Giants announced the signing of Harry stein of Boston University, who was first Jewish bull fighter of record. Dur- have been active and in competing with Rosenberg, outfielder with the San honored by his college for all around ing the past year he was seriously in- their non-Jewish brothers have proved Francisco Club of the Coast League. excellence;, Art Davidowitz of Lehigh, jured ,when a bull caught up with him, again that the Jew equals other races A big leaguer that made good in a one of the high scorers of the season; but after a few months in a hospital in physical promises. slight measure was Jimmy Reese, util- Nat Barragar of Southern California, he returned to the bull ring and found Looking back at the year the out- ity infielder with the Yankees. Reese, "Gay" Bromberg of Dartmouth and his popularity undimmed. It is his in- standing event was the crowning of Al whose real name is Goldschmidt, has Herb Fleishhacker, the Stanford Uni- tention to introduce, successful, bull Singer, king of the lightweights. Not been around the Yankee bench for the versity quarterback. Practically every fighting in America. since the days of Benny Leonard has past few years, but this season he final- college team in the country, with the Again No Jewish Golfers a Jew held this title. Singer is the ly got a chance to play, and is a regu- exception of the sectarian institutes, This is the fifth yearly resume of youngest fighter of modern times to lar-more or less. had at least one Jew in the lineup. sport that I have written, and for the hold the crown and his rise from ob- Fred Sington, football player at Ala- Twenty-five colleges elected Jews to fifth time I must report that things still scurity to fame in three years is an bama, was the big college star of the lead next year's football teams. look black for a Jewish golf champion. achievement for the in itself. Although we baseball season. He is headed The National Game-Basketball The only player of our extraction that Jews gained a fight title we lost one big leagues when he completes his col- Here is another sport in which it is showed anything this last year was when Jackie Fields, who last year won lege course, and already has had three Rudy Rothenberg of Philadelphia, who the welterweight championship, lost it to sign contracts. He is a pitch- impossible to attempt to name the Jew- offers ish players. This is sport that Jews in the Sweetser Victory Cup gold in a surprising contest against Jack er. Art Sommerfield of Wisconsin is tournament gave the big boys a run Thompson. It was believed that Fields college pitcher of note. An- dominate. The best known of last another year's college basketball players was for their money before he folded up. would go far in pugilistic circles, but other Jew became the owner of a big Lew Levinson of Chicago is another this defeat has set him back a few league when Sidney Weil, 38-year-old Edward Horowitz of Yale. The first player of promise. paces. Another Jewish prize fighting Reading Road Temple Jew ever to be elected captain of a president of the Sports champion that won his crown during in Cincinnati, bought the controlling in- Yale five, Horowitz also won the Fo- Minor the past twelve months was Maxie Ros- terest in the Cincinnati Reds' baseball garty Cup, symbolic of ' the best in In the minor sports, Irving Jaffee, enbloom-a peculiar slap artist, who club. There are now three Jewish basketball for the season. He distin- member of the United States Olympic had been bouncing around the rings owners in major league baseball-Bar- guished himself by finishing third ice skating team, leads the rest of the for the past six or seven years. Sud- ney Dreyfus of Pittsburgh, Judge highest among the intercollegiate bas- Jewish sportsmen. Jaffee is still the denly Rosenbloom took the art of cuf- Fuchs of Boston and Sidney Weil. ketball scorers. Horowitz was chosen one and only champion skater of our fing seriously, and in a short time has as a forward on the All-Intercollegiate race. Turning a moment to unfrozen become a champion. To even up the Bad Year for Jewish Tennis Players Basketball team. Two other basket- water, it must be reported that Gene score, Izzy Schwartz, first Jew to hold Tennis was one sport during the year ball players that deserve special men- Goodman became captain and rowed in the flyweight crown, retired and left that suffered from a lack of first-rate tion are Katz of Syracuse, Cohn of the varsity shell of the University of the division without a Jewish contend- Jewish material. Julius Seligson, who Pittsburgh. Trupin of C. C. N. Y. and Wisconsin. The fastest moving Jew of er of note. Izzy won the title in 1927, for the last three years has been head Posnack of St. John's. the year was Bernie Katz, an automo- broth- a new dirt track when he beat Newsboy Brown. and racquets above his Jewish House Had Great Teams bile racer who made ers, suffered a definite relapse. Al- Settlement record while driving his machine on Jackie Berg Great Scrapper-Other though he won the eastern intercolle- The basketball teams that represent- Long Island. Fighters. the Irene Kaufmann Settlement Prominent giates, he lost the National Intercol- ed Women Athletes The best non-champion of the year was his first loss in college House of Pittsburgh again showed their legiates-it Year after year these The three outstanding Jewish wom- was unquestionably Jackie Berg, the tennis in four years. Playing the ma- superiority. en athletes of the year were Mrs. Burt London lightweight. Berg has become tournaments, he was unable to win youngsters get out on the court and a jor game should be Weil of Cincinnati, who is not only one of the most popular fighters in this a title. It is the first season since he demonstrate how the tennis, but a golf champion; Mrs. Car- country, due to his willingness to fight arrived that he has been unable to played. This year the teams coached a less than five oline Swartz Hirsch of California, anybody his weight. He is a scrappy make the grade. Eddie Jacobs, on the by Joseph Kahn won no tennis player of national ranking, and lad, who loves the game and gives the other hand, showed some improvement. state championships. Lena Bernstein, a French girl who set fans a run for their money. He has He has been starring for the Pitts- Nat Holman Retired as a Player a new feminine World's endurance been promised a chance at Singer's burgh University tennis team and has record for staying up in the air inside that Nat Holman, for thirteen years the crown, and it's a pretty good bet been a consistent winner in southern peer of all basketball players, an- of an airplane. If other Jewish ladies he will be the next lightweight cham- tournaments. William Jacobs, broth- distinguished themselves I failed to Jackie lost a decision in- nounced his retirement from the game pion. hasn't er of Eddie, won the junior national in- as a player. He, more than any other hear of their exploits. his class since he hit these shores. door singles title and shows even more to the atten- Taking the whole field in a glance, fights of the year of person, brought the game Other prominent promise than Eddie. Friedman tion of the Jews, both as a coach in the impression is created that the past that made a dent in the fans' minds Philadelphia and Jay Cohn of Cali- York City year in sport was very little different were Armand Emanuel, the San Fran- the settlement houses in New fornia are two other youngsters who and at City College. He will not play from the preceding year. Jews are cisco heavyweight; Ted Sandwina, an seem to have that magic touch with a coach- playing all outdoor games and play- equally hefty person, and Al Friedman any more, but will continue his racquet that brings victories, but only ing duties, and will be athletic director ing them with the same intensity, from Massachusetts. These heavy- time will be able to prove their real center in New sportsmanship and skill as anyone else. weights were active in the ring, but of the new Y. M. H. A. worth. As for the rest of the field, York City. And why not? The facilities and time their success as fighters was nominal. there simply wasn't any. are there. The Perlinck Twins of Michigan were Al Schwartz Swimming Champion lightweights, who got some attention. Soccer Again Attracts Many Jewish of the North- Players Al Schwartz, captain JEWISH REICHSTAG CANDIDATE Ruby Goldstein and Sid Terris, last western University swimming team, ac- HAS NARROW ESCAPE year's favorites, were completely out Ever since the arrival of Hakoah in complished what no other college swim- of things, but summing up the whole in this country, Jewish boys have taken mer before him was able to do, when Berlin (J.
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