l'.uI st(,ry,part game, this is a bookwl .r(l i I I cr('nce-one in which YOIJ becor lh('h(.rr,! ti! C) ()FDOOM (,J) \ .'r'rr.\ r, r" ri l \ ',, ' "l ',1\L ' C) ll,, 1,,,,'r ( (,rnt,lrle with ',, ..\ rl , 1",r1,,ri \1rrrr, nr)n(l( r , sr 0' c \h cel ",I "' 'rlr'r.,,"rd }.IGHTI NC ITANT-ASYGAMEI'OOKS 1 Thc Warlock oI Firetop Mountain 2 Thc Citadelof Chaos 3 Th€ Forestof Doonl Colcl illustration hy tain MccaiB FICH'J INC FA\I ASY u( f1 50 AUST 5395 caN, $2_95 A Puffin Book PUFIIN BOOK9 THE FORESTOF DOOM Only thc foolhardy or the very bravc would willingly sk a ioumey into Darkwood Forcst, where strange, twisting paths wind their lvay into the eeiie depths llho knows whatmonst ous.reahrreslurk in the threatening shadows, or what deadly adventuresawait the unwarv traveiler?Do L a despcrateI'ce a8ainst tine, dccp within Dark{'ood, your quest rs to find the nissnrg pjcces of the iegendary Hammer ofStonebridge,whjch was fashionedby Dwarfs to protectpc.ceft| I Stoneb.idge against its ancientdoon Two dice, a peh.il and an eraserareallyou necd to ehbark on this thrilling advenhue of sword and sorcery,complete lvith itsclabor.te combat systemand a scorcsheet to Nord vour gamsand osses \ianr dan8ers lie ahead and your successis bt, no means certarn Powerful advelsariesare ranged against you and ofren you!only choiceis to ki orbekilledl Trvo more Fighting Fantas]'Gamebooks are published in P[tfln: The Wo ock of Etretop MoLnhh and The Citndel aJ E Ian Livingstone Thq roRqsf orDooM Illustratedby MaIcoIm Barter Puffin Books For Liz and Carol Purl Bliot. n.1sJ,n aor. I d H4rnald\$or . PensL,. Bmr\ 40 vFr _ no s, Prns n Bo,r3 AL'd D I d,RhFmd!\r,on, AulrEtn Fir{ Publishedr9s3 ReFri.red re3l (four dqs) copyrkbL o r,n LNi.esone, resl IlllrErjons copyriehro Mrlcolh Bsirer, res3 ser D Linouon Fshdro bv RoursndPhorlFes{ons t_rd, Bury Sr Ednunds, Sufiotr Pnntcd and bound io cretlri8iD b! c.x & \vynr.rrd, Reedn! ExleF i. rhc unned skEs or Amerci. ,tu book r sold sub,ecr b rhe coodnion rhfl iL sh3llnorj by wsy or fade or olhrsrej b! renqie soldj htr.d our, or.rh *rhour tr Nbl'shd\ prior con drd'.s d. cov{ odrr lhu dar n shkh jr r dr coodn'onbeins mpos.d 'ndudiq CONTENTS I{OW TO FIGHT TIIE CREATURESOF DARKWOODTOREST 9 EQUIPMENT AND POTIONS 16 HINTS ON PLAY 77 ADVENTURE SHBET 18 BACKGROUND 20 THE TORBST OF DOOM HOW TO FIGHTTHE CREATURES OF DARKWOOD FOREST Beforeembarkingon youradventure, you mustfust determine your own strengths and weaknesses. You have in your possessiona sword and a back- pack containing provisions (food and drink) for the trip. You have been preparing for your quest by rrainingyourself in swordplayand p\ercising vigor- ously to build up your stamina. fo see how effectiveyour preparationshave been, you must use the dice to determine your initial s(ILL and srAMrNA scores.On pages16 19there is an AdoentureSheet which you may use to record the detailsofan adventure.Onityou will find boxesfor recordingyour sKrLLand sraMrNA scores, You are advised to either record your scoreson the AdoentureSheet il pencil, or make photocopies of the page to use in future advenfures. Skill, Stamina and Luck Roll one die. Add 5 to this number and enter this total in the s(rLL box o^ the AdoentureSheet. Roll both drce. Add 12 to the number rolled and ente! this total in the sTAMTNAbox. There is alsoa LUCKbox. Roll one die, add 6 to this number and enter this totalin the LucK box. r For reasons that will be explained below, sKrLL, \.o\n AdpenturcSfteuf. The scoreafor each creafure STAMTNAand rucr scoreschange constantly dur- are given in the book each time you have an encoun- ing an adventure,You must keep an accuraterecord ter. of thesescores and for this reasonyou are advised Ihe sequenceof combatis then: eitherto write small in the boxesor to keep an eraser 1. Roll both diceonce for the creature Add its SKILL handy. But never tub out your hifr?l scores. score.This total is the creature'sAttack Stren8th. Although you may be awarded additional sKrLL, 2, Roll both dice once for yourself. Add the number STAMTNAand Luc( points, thesetotals may never rolled to your current sKM score.This total is exceedyour l,Tift l scores,except on very rare occa- your Attack Strength. sions, when you will be instructed on a particular 3. if your Attack Skength is higher than that of the Pa8e. creature,you have wounded it. Proceedto steP Your sKILL scorereflects your swordsmanshipand 4. lfthe creature'sAttack Strengthis higher than general fighting expertisej the higher the better. yours, it has wounded you. Proceedto step 5 If Your 5TAMINA score reflects your general con- both Attack StrenBlh totals are the same/ you shfution, your r /ill to survive, your determination have avoided eachother's blows - start the next and overall fitness;the higheryour STAMTNAscore, Attack Round from step 1 above. the longer you will be able to suNive. Your LUCK 4. You have wounded the ceatule, so subtmct 2 score indrcateshow naturally lucky a person you points from its srAMtNA score. You may use are. Luck - and magic- arefacts oflife in the fantasy your LUCK here to do additional damage (see kingdom you are about to explore. over). 5. The creature has wounded you, so subtract 2 points from your own srAMrNAscore Agaln you may use LUCKat this stage(see over). Battles 6 Make the appropriate adjustments to either the You will often comeacross pages in the book which creafure5 or )oLlr own STAVI\A scores{and instruct you to ight a creafure of some sort. An your LUc( scoreif you used LUCK- seeover). option to flee may be given, but if not or if you 7. Begin the next Attack Round by retuming to chooselo altackthe creaturedn).way you mu\t your cunent sKrLLscote and rePeatingstePs 1 -6. resolvethe battle as describedbelow. This sequencecontinues until the srAMrNAscore of either you or the creatureyou arefighting has Iirct record the creature's S(ILL and STAMTNA beenreduced to zero (death). scores in the firstvacant Monster Encounter Box on Escaping the result will go in your farour. If the number On some pages you may be given the option of roled is higher than your current LucK score,you running away from a battle should things be going nase been unlucky and you will be penalized. badly for you. However, i{ you do run away, the This procedure is know^ as Testingyour Ll^ck. Each cfeature automatically gets in one wound on you tlme yo:uTest your Luck, you must subtract one (subtract2 Point srAMrNA points) asyou flee. Suchis the trom your current LUc( score.Thus you will soon Falize that th e more you rely on your luck, the more risky this willbecome. Using Lltck in Baltles bookyou will be told to Tesl Fighting On certain pagesofthe More Than OneCr€ature lact and be told the consequencesof you! -voar will If you come across more than one creatute in a being lucky or unlucky. However, in battles, you Parhcularencounter, the instructions on that page ali{ays have the option of using your luck eithe! to vvill tell you how to handle the battle, Sometimes mflict a more seriouswound on a creatureyou have you will treat them as a single monster; someomes i ust wou nded, or to minimize the effects of a wou nd you will fight eachone in turn. the creaturehasjustinflicted on you. Il vou have just wounded the creature,you may lesf Luck vou L ck as descdbedabove. If you are lucky, you have inflicted a severewound and may subtractan At various times during your adventure, either in erfriT2 points llom the creatule's STAMTNAscole. battlesorwhen you comeacrosssituations in whjch Howevel, iJ you are ur ucky, the wound was a mere you could either be lucky or unlucky (detaits of grazeand you must restore1 the creature's theseare given on the pagesthemselves), you may Pointto srAMrNA (i.€. insteadof scoringthe normal2 call on your luck to make the outcomemore favou;- Points of damage,you have now scoredonly 1) able. But bey/are!Using luck is a risky businessand ifyou are anlucky, the;esults could be disastrous. lf the creaturehas jLrstwounded you, you may lcsf vorrrLuc,t to try to minimize the wound. I{ you are The procedurefor using yourluck is as follows: roll lucky, you have managed to avoid the full dama8e two dice. If the number rolled is equalto or lessthan oftheblow Restorel pointof srAMrNA (i.e.instead your curnentLucx score,you have been lucky and of doing 2 pomts of damagert has done only 1). lf you are unlucky, you have laken a more serious rour Provisions.A seParateProvisions Remarning blow. Subtract1 extra srAMrNApoint. to\ is provided on th e Adoellture Sheetlor recordir.g Rememberthat you mustsubtract 1 pointfrom your letaili of Provisions. Rememberthat you have a your Provisionswiselyl own LUCKscore each tirl]le yo:d Test louf Luck. :rrngway to go, so use Rememberalso that your sraMINA scoremay never e\ceed its r?ihrl value unlesssPecifically instructed RestoringSkill, Starninaand Luck l-)na page. Drinking the Potion of Stlength (see skitl later)will restoreyour srAMrNA to its ltlifr4l level at any time. Luck Additions to your LUCKscole are awarded throu8h the adventure when you have been Pa icularly lucky. Details are given on the pagesof the book. Rememberthat, as with sKrLL and STAMINA,your LUCKs€Ore tlury never exceedits lfiitrl value unless its hrfirl value unless specfically instructed.
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