JOURNALS OF THE Legislative Assembly OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO From llth of February to the 6th of April, 1954 Both Days Inclusive IN THE THIRD YEAR OF THE REIGN OF OUR SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN ELIZABETH II BEING THE FourtK Session of the Twenty-Fourth Parliament of Ontario SESSION 1954 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY VOL. LXXXVIII ONTARIO TORONTO Printed and Published by Baptist Johnston, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty 1954 INDEX Journals of the Legislative Assembly, Ontario 3 Elizabeth II, 1954 4th SESSIONTWENTY-FOURTH PARLIAMENT FEBRUARY llth APRIL 6th, 1954 A CCOMMODATION: See Fair Accommodation Practices. ACCOUNTS, PUBLIC: See Public Accounts. ADJOURNMENTS OF THE HOUSE: See Legislative Assembly. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE EXPENSES ACT: Bill No. 34 to amend, introduced, 10. 2nd Reading and referred to Com- mittee on Legal Bills, 17. Reported, 25. House in Committee, 40. 3rd Reading, 47. Royal Assent, 163. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 1.) ADOPTION ACT: Its consolidation with two other Acts into one Act forecast in Speech from Throne, 3. (See Child Welfare Act, 1954.) AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY : See Question No. 13. AGED, HOMES FOR THE: See Homes for the Aged Act. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE: See Department of Agriculture. [Hi] iv INDEX 1954 AGRICULTURAL LOANS COMMISSIONER: Annual Report, 21. (Sessional Paper No. 23.} AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES ACT: 1. Amendment forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Bill Xo. 60 to amend, introduced, 32. 2nd Reading and referred to Com- mittee on Agriculture, 48. Reported, 75. Resolution passed through the House, 84. House in Committee, 99. 3rd Reading, 101. Royal Assent, 163. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 2.) AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE: 1. Submission of important matters to, forecast in Speech from Throne, 4. 2. Authorized, 9. 3. Appointed, 15. 4. Mr. Letherby added, 44. 5. Reports, 75, 89. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT: See Department of Agriculture. AGRICULTURE MINISTER: See Department of Agriculture. ALBERTA : See Gas Pipe Line. ALCOHOLISM RESEARCH FOUNDATION: Annual report, 41. (Sessional Paper No. 40.) ALGOMA-M ANITOULIN : See Questions No. 1 and No. 41 (replacing No. 1}. ALLAN, MR. (HAI.DIMAND-\ORFOLK): Added to Committee on Mining, 33. ALLEN, MR. (MIDDLESEX SOUTH): Added to Committee on Mining, 33. 1954 INDEX V ANGLIN-NORCROSS : See Question No. 51. ART COLLEGE: See Ontario College of Art. ASSESSMENT ACT: 1. Amendment forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Bill No. 113 to amend, introduced, 76. 2nd Reading and referred to Committee on Municipal Law, 94. Reported, 107. House in Com- mittee and amended, 124. 3rd Reading, 137. Royal Assent, 165. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 3.) ATIKOKAN: See Questions Nos. 7, 37. AUDITOR, PROVINCIAL: See Provincial Auditor. BALDWIN, ROBERT: Unveiling of a plaque in his honour in the ante-room of the Legislative Chamber announced by Prime Minister, 111. BAPTIST CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC, BOARDS OF: Petition for an Act respecting, 8. Petition read and received, 12. Reported by Committee on Standing Orders, 19. Bill No. 24 introduced and referred to Committee on Private Bills, 20. Reported as amended, 35. Fees less cost of printing remitted, 36. 2nd Reading, 39. Order for House in Committee discharged and Bill referred back to Committee on Private Bills, 56. Reported as amended, 102. 2nd Reading, 117. House in Committee, 124. 3rd Reading, 137. Royal Assent, 162. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 108.) BEAR BOUNTY. WOLF AND: See Wolf. BEARDMORE AREA: See Question No. 43. BEATON FARM: See Question No. 25. vi INDEX 1954 BED CAPACITY IN MENTAL HOSPITALS: See Question No. 59. BEES ACT, 1954: 1. Forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Bill No. 59, introduced, 32. 2nd Reading and referred to Committee on Agriculture, 48. Reported, 75. House in Committee, 99. 3rd Reading, 101. Royal Assent, 163. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 4.) BIG CREEK BRIDGE: See Question No. 46. Bills of Sale and Chattel Mortgages Act: Bill No. 35 to amend, introduced, 10. 2nd Reading and referred to Com- mittee on Legal Bills, 28. Reported, 95. House in Committee, 104. 3rd Reading, 107. Royal Assent, 163. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 5.) BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS: Annual report of, 21. (Sessional Paper No. 57.) BLACKWATER RIVER BRIDGE: See Question No. 24. BLIND RIVER HIGHWAYS DIVISION: See Questions Nos. 12, 23. BOARDS OF EDUCATION: See Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act. BOTANICAL GARDENS, ROYAL: See Royal. BUDGET STATEMENT: Presentation of, 67. (Sessional Paper No. 49.} See also Supply. 1954 INDEX vii BULLDOZER: See Question No. 9. BUSINESS BROKERS ACT: See Real Estate. ci ANADA YEAR BOOK: Ordered for members, 112. CANADIAN ALMANAC: Ordered for members, 112. CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY GUIDE: Ordered for members, 112. CANCER: Measures to combat, forecast in Speech from Throne, 4. See also Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Act. CANCER INSTITUTE: Construction of, referred to in Speech from Throne, 3. See also Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Act. CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: Expansion of, referred to in Speech from Throne, 3. CATERPILLAR BULLDOZER: See Question No. 9. CATHCART, MR. (LAMBTON WEST): Added to Committee on Mining, 33. CEMETERIES ACT: 1. Amendment forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Bill No. 123 to amend, introduced, 93. 2nd Reading and referred to Committee on Health, 116. Reported, 118. House in Committee, 124. 3rd Reading, 137. Royal Assent, 166. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 6.) viii INDEX 1954 CEMETERIES ACT COMMITTEE: 1. Report forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Report presented and discussion adjourned, 41. (Sessional Paper No. 56.) 3. Discussion concluded, 71. CENTRAL REGISTRY FOR CONDITIONAL SALES CONTRACTS, ETC.: See Conditional Sales. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS ACT: 1. Amendment forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Bill No. 107 to amend, introduced, 75. 2nd Reading, 94. House in Committee, 110. 3rd Reading, 115. Royal Assent, 165. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 7.) CHATS FALLS HYDRO PLANT: See Question No. 28. CHATTEL MORTGAGES: See Bills of Sale; Conditional Sales. CHILDREN OF UNMARRIED PARENTS ACT: Its consolidation with two other Acts into one Act forecast in Speech from Throne, 3. (See Child Welfare Act, 1954.) CHILDREN'S PROTECTION ACT: Its consolidation with two other Acts into one Act forecast in Speech from Throne, 3. (See Child Welfare Act, 1954.) CHILD WELFARE ACT, 1954: Bill No. 77, introduced, 45. 2nd Reading, 83. Resolution passed through the House, 84, 85. House in Committee and progress reported, 122. Reported by Committee of Whole House, 124. 3rd Reading, 137. Royal Assent, 164. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 8.) CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: Annual report, 24. (Sessional Paper No. 35.) COLLINGS, MR. (BEACHES): Appointed chairman of Representation Act Committee in place of the late Mr. MacOdrum, 75. 1954 INDEX ix COMMISSIONERS OF ESTATE BILLS: See Estate Bills. COMMISSIONS COMMITTEE: See Government Commissions. COMMITTEES : 1. Extension of work of, forecast in Speech from Throne, 4. 2. Reports of Select Committees appointed at last Session forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 3. Standing Committees authorized, 9. 4. Striking Committee appointed, 9. Report, 13. 5. Mr. Dent elected Chairman of Committee of Whole House for present Session, 10. 6. Committee on Privileges and Elections appointed, 13. 7. Committee on Education appointed, 13. 8. Committee on Private Bills appointed, 13. 9. Committee on Standing Orders appointed, 14. 10. Committee on Public Accounts appointed, 14. 11. Committee on Printing appointed, 14. 12. Committee on Municipal Law appointed, 14. 13. Committee on Legal Bills appointed, 15. 14. Committee on Agriculture appointed, 15. 15. Committee on Game and Fish appointed, 15. 16. Committee on Labour appointed, 15. 17. Committee on Mining appointed, 15. 18. Committee on Government Commissions appointed, 16. 19. Committee on Lands and Forests appointed, 16. 20. Committee on Travel and Publicity appointed, 16. 21. Committee on Health appointed, 16. X INDEX 1954 COMMITTEES Continued 22. Committee on Conservation appointed, 16. 23. Members added to certain committees, 19, 23, 33, 36, 38, 44, 118. 24. Select Committee on Representation Act appointed, 56. 25. Select Committee on Expense Allowances for members of Select Com- mittees sitting between Sessions appointed, 110. 26. Select Committee on Highway Safety appointed, 126. 27. Select Committee to study possibility of a Central Registry for Con- ditional Sales, etc., appointed, 139. 28. Select Committee to study organization, etc., of Department of Highways appointed, 139. (For Reports, see under titles of respective committees.) Community Centres Act: 1. Amendment forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Bill No. 126 to amend, introduced, 96. 2nd Reading, 116. House in Committee, 122. 3rd Reading, 123. Royal Assent, 166. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 9.) COMPANIES ACT: Annual report re, 122. (Sessional Paper No. 30.) COMPANIES ACT COMMITTEE: 1. Supplementary report forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Supplementary report Tabled, 29. (Sessional Paper No. 46.) CONDITIONAL SALES, SELECT COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER CENTRAL REGISTRY FOR: 1. Notice of motion for appointment of, 64. 2. Appointed, 139. CONNELL, MR. (HAMILTON-WENTWORTH) : Added to Committee on Mining, 44. CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES ACT: 1. Amendment to, forecast in Speech from Throne, 5. 2. Bill No. 104 to amend, introduced, 72. 2nd Reading, 91. House in Committee, 110. 3rd Reading, 115. Royal Assent, 165. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 10.) 1954 INDEX xi CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: 1. Authorized, 9. 2. Appointed, 16. 3. Report, 112. CONSERVATION PROJECTS: Construction of, referred to in Speech from Throne, 3. CONSERVATORY OF Music OF TORONTO, ROYAL: See Royal. CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND, ACT FOR RAISING MONEY ON CREDIT OF: See Ontario Loan Act, 1954. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, CAPITAL: See Capital. CONTROVERTED ELECTIONS ACT: Bill No. 138 to amend, introduced, 100. 2nd Reading, 117. House in Com- mittee, 137. 3rd Reading, 153. Royal Assent, 166. (3 Eliz. II, cap. 11.) CONVERSION PROGRAM, HYDRO: See Question No. 33. CONVEYANCING AND LAW OF PROPERTY ACT: Bill No. 57 to amend, introduced, 24. 2nd Reading and referred to Com- mittee on Legal Bills, 48. Reported as amended, 96.
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