QUQUQUEENSQUQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS o. Volume 64,65, NNo.1 3884 MONDAYTHURSDAY,, JANUARY JUNE 6,7, 2019 2019 50¢50¢ LILIWoodside JusticeLawyers Lawyers Eng Charged Charged Man and UEENS WithWithSeymourCharged Defrauding Defrauding James With Q ClientsClientsHighlight for for Millions MillionsEagle’s FatalByBy Jonathan Jonathan Punch Sperling Sperling QueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle QueensTheyThey were were hired hired to to DApractice practice Forumthe the law law — — not not breakbreakFaces it. it. Court On ODAY Now two recentlyBy David disbarred Brand lawyers from a TODAY Now two recentlyQueens disbarred Daily Eagle lawyers from a T former Long Island law firm are facing multiple — JANUARY 7, 2019 — formerVictim’sgrandRetired Longlarceny JusticeIsland charges lawRandall andfirmBirthday aEngare scheme facing and former to multiple defraud Le- — JUNE 6, 2019 — gal Aid Society Attorney-In-Charge Seymour grandcharge larceny for allegedly charges pilfering and a schememore than to $7defraud million James will highlightBy David a panelBrand of legal experts ««« chargefrom thefor allegedlysettlements pilfering of dozens more of than clients, $7 million Queens ««« fromat an the upcoming settlementsQueens Queens of dozensDaily district Eagle of clients, attorney Queens candi- TEH MTPARENTSINDISTRICT30AREA HAS PROMISED TO INS- Districtdates forum Attorney hosted Richard by the A. QueensBrown announced Daily Eagle on FUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUESPARENTSINDISTRICT30AREFLUSHING FIREHOUSE DistrictThursday.andFamily the Attorney NAACP. Brownand friendsRichard was appointedof A. John Brown “Danny” toannounced the case McGee onas a tall netting under the No. 7 train trestle after Thursday.filled a row Brown inside was a appointedcrowded Queensto the case criminal as a anotherNumerousCLOSESFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUES Queens problemsFOR resident SCABIES with was school INFESTATION almost bus struckdrivers byhave specialThe prosecutor forum will by take the placeOffice at of St. Nassau John’s County Uni- parentsa pieceFirefightersNumerous andof falling school problems from debrischildren withEngine earlier lookingschool 320 this bus for on week,drivers answers Francis thehave in specialcourtroomDistrictversity’s prosecutor Attorney LittleFriday byTheater morningMadeline the Office on as Thursday,Singas ofthe Nassau man in JuneCountychargedorder 13to LewisLongparentsagency Island Boulevard andannounced. schoolCity. The nearchildren incidents 37th looking Avenue were for so in answers badFlushing for thein Districtinavoidat relation 6 p.m.any Attorney toconflictAll McGee's seven Madeline of Democraticinterest. death Singasappeared candidates in in order court toforon wereresidentsLong Islandnot of allowed DistrictCity. The 30 insideincidents and PS their were384Q, firehouse so they bad heldfor onthe an avoidwhatQueensThe anywould conflictdefendantsDA have have beenof interest. been— he victim's 60-year-oldsinvited 22ndto the birthdayMitchell event,. including Tiffany Cabán, Melinda Katz, Rory Thursdayemergencyresidents of after Districtmeeting one 30 of withand their PSthe fellow384Q, Department theyfirefighters held anof LenchnerTheSteven defendants and O’Brien, Corey —Kaye, a 60-year-olds Woodside both of Long resident, Mitchell Island is — Education,Q UEENS accordingRESIDEN toT ABC7ERI. NIn KOadditionSTE Rto LenchnerchargedwereLancman, served and with third-degree assault for allegedly GregoryCoreywith criminal Kaye, Lasak, both complaints Betty of Long Lugo, Islandstemming Mina — wasemergency infected meeting with scabies,with the the DepartmentPost reported of Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory Malik and Jose Nieves. took to Twitter on June 3 to write that a large werethrowing from served allegations the with punch thatcriminal they that defraudedcomplaints killed McGee 29 stemming clients during be- onskippingEducation, Friday stops,. Cleanersaccording leaving were kidsto ABC7 atat theschool. locationIn andaddition dropping where to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory “Building an engaged and informed citi- offpiece kids of at metalthe wrong had stops, almost parents struck tell herstories as ofshe a 5- froman tween altercation outside allegations January that2010 they and a defrauded Sunnyside May 2018 29 at bar clients the around since- be- moreskipping than stops, 100 leaving firefighters kids atare school assigned. and dropping Retired Justice Randall Eng will serve as a panelist at a Queens DA candidates forum zenry is an important lesson taught here at St. year-oldwalked givingnear 53rdhis bus Street driver and directions, Roosevelt multiple in Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tween3:45 a.m. on Nov. 22, according to the criminal shuttered January law 2010 firm and of MayKaye 2018 & atLenchner. the since- If off kids at the wrong stops, parents tell stories of a 5- hosted by the NAACP and the Eagle at St. John’s University on June 13. driversSunnyside. heading It was the at wrongleast the direction fifth reported on one-way case LasakFrom left, Administrative Honored Judge of the Supreme at RetirementCourt, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; Breakfast NYS Supreme Court shutteredcomplaint. McGee fell and hit his head on the convicted, law they firm face ofa minimumContinuedKaye & ofLenchner. onone page year toIf20 a year-old giving his bus driver directions, multiple Eagle file photo by Andy Katz streetsof debris and falling one driver from refusing the No. 7to line, help accordingkids buckle Justice Gregory Lasak; Presiding Justice, NY Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Randall Eng; Queens County convicted,maximum they of 25 face years a minimum in prison. of one year to a driversto Councilmember heading the Jimmywrong directionVan Bramer. on one-way From left, Administrative Judge of the Supreme Court, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; NYS Supreme Court ground. He was pronounced dead at Elmhurst seatstreetsVIOLENT belts. and “This one ST. driveris ALBANS a crisis refusing for SENIOR any to parent help HOUSING kidswhose buckle child JusticeSurrogate Gregory Court Lasak; Judge Presiding Peter Kelly. Justice, See NYmore Supreme coverage Court, on pages Appellate 15 and Division, 16. Randall Eng;Eagle Queens photo by County Andy Katz maximumHospital. of 25 years in prison.Continued on page 7 is affected, and the city of New York and the mayor seat belts.PIMP “This CONVICTED is a crisis INfor QUEENSany parent COURT whose child “Today would have been his 22nd birthday,”Continued on page 7 and the DOE need to be handling this as if it’s a SurrogateWoodside Court resident Judge Peter Steven Kelly. See O’Brien more coverage (right) on is pages charged 15 and with 16. third-degreeEagle photoassault by Andy forKatz isTER Haffected,A QueensPE andPE judge TtheR cityA Tis O expectedofR New IN AYork to2014 sentence and DR theI Vmayor a ESt.- said McGee’s uncle Tim Murphy, 51. “We’re Albanscrisis,”by shooting predatorsaid thatCity to leftCouncilmember up a to20-year-old eight years Jimmyman in prisondead Van allegedlyScoop: throwing the City punch that seizes killed John McGee and in Sunnyside freezes on Nov. 22. 46 ice cream Bramer.and the ParentsDOE need said tothat be at handling their emergency this as meetingif it’s a Continued on page 7 forcrisis,”in the admitting middle said City thatof a heSouthCouncilmember took Richmond advantage JimmyHill of a streetdrug- Van Pool photo by Dennis Clark Empty Courthouse Thursdaywas sentenced night, toit was25 years established to life thatin prison any school on addictedwithBramer. persistent Parents senior issues said citizen that would at and their get pimped emergency a new bus a teenage meetingservice. trucks in $4.5 million ticketEmpty scheme Courthouse girl,ThursdayTuesday. prosecutors night,Sherman it wassaid. Manning established Joseph wasGilbert that convicted any pleaded school Theof second-degreecurrent service, murder Grandpa’s last Busmonth Company, and Full of History guilty before Queens Supreme Court Justice releasedwithsentenced persistent a statement by issues Supreme apologizing would getCourt for a new the Justice incidents bus service. Ira and By Clarissa Sosin PeterassuringTheMargulis. current Vallone that While service,there Jr. ondriving is Thursday Grandpa’sa zero-tolerance near 108thfor Bus attempting Street Company,policy and forto Full Queensof History Daily Eagle sexlawbreakingreleased103rd traffick Avenue a statement a and16-year-old in leaving apologizingthe early children girl morning for from thein incidentsdanger. Decemberof April They and Jim Henderson: Wikipedia PhotogInside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse and in Long 2016alsoassuring19, 2014, setto Marchthatup Manning telephonethere 2017. is gunnedaRead hotlineszero-tolerance more down for on anypagehis policy rival,parents 2. for Island City a janitorQueens cleaned Daily the Eagle second floor bathroom, experiencinglawbreakingHoward Beach andissues: leavingresident 718-475-7585, children Brendan in 718-475-7586, danger. Santiago, They a loneInside security the Queens guard watchedCounty theCourthouse front door in while Long his andalso20, while718-475-7587.set up the telephone latter rode hotlines on a moped. for any parents Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat The Unsung Hero of Communitychatting with visitors on theNews empty benches of his experiencing issues: 718-475-7585, 718-475-7586, a lone security guard watched the front door while his QUEENS MURDER««« SUSPECT courtroom. and BUSTED718-475-7587. AFTER
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