25248 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 9, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF SUTTER Over the years, Sutter's staff has worked to ice to one of America's great landmarks and HEALTH provide quality pediatric care to poor families the people of the San Francisco Bay area. I in some of Sacramento's most neglected wish all the best for him and his family in their HON. ROBERT T. MATSUI neighborhoods. Through its Keeping Families future endeavors. OF CALIFORNIA Safe and Healthy program, Sutter has helped IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE S to prevent child abuse and neglect, strengthen families, and improve child immunization rates. NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND NORTH Thursday, October 8, 1998 The Sutter SeniorCare program, an innova­ KOREA, IRAQ, AND IRAN Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tive way to care for the frail elderly in our com­ recognize the 75th Anniversary of one of the munity, helps older people with multiple heart HON. TOM Del.AY nation's leading medical institutions, Sutter problems live as independently as possible. In OF TEXAS Health. As the Sacramento community cele­ the last year, Sutter SeniorCare assisted 238 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENT ATIVES brates this milestone, I ask all of my col­ elderly residents in Northern California. Thursday , Octob er 8, 1998 leagues to join me in saluting the excellent Since its founding, Sutter Health has grown work of the Sutter network of medical facilities. from a modest community hospital into a Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, over the last year Seventy-five years ago, a group of Sac­ world-renowned medical center. This remark­ or so I have been appalled at this administra­ ramento physicians joined together to plant able accomplishment deserves recognition tion's foreign policy-or more accurately its the seeds of what has grown into one of the throughout Sacramento and the nation's med­ lack of a foreign policy-with respect to North region's leading medical centers, Sutter Com­ ical community. I ask all of my colleagues to Korea, Iran, and Iraq. I am also joining with munity Hospitals. The founders' passion for join with me in acknowledging the achieve­ Congressmen SAXTON, SALMON, and others their community was matched only by their ments of Sutter Health and proudly recog­ today in introducing another resolution con­ commitment to providing unparalleled medial nizing its 75th Anniversary. cerning the Administration's policies regarding service. Israel. From the founding of Sutter Hospital, the Since agreeing to help find the financing sophistication of medical services provided TRIBUTE TO CARNEY CAMPION and necessary technology to build two nuclear has grown with the needs of the Sacramento reactors for North Korea in 1994, the Clinton community. For example, in delivering more HON. BUD SHUSTER administration has done everything it can to than 260,000 births since its founding, more OF PENNSYLVANIA give Americans the impression that its diplo­ than 8,000 annually, Sutter has become the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES matic efforts have "frozen and stopped" North leading Women's and Children's Services cen­ Korea's efforts to develop a nuclear arsenal. Thursday, October 8, 1998 ter in the Central Valley of California. However, Newsweek reported last week that Sutter opened Sacramento's first Cancer Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to when Secretary of State Albright testified to Center in the 1940s. This facility has flour­ recognize one of the pillars of the transpor­ that effect before a classified Congressional ished into a national leader in critical trials for tation industry. Mr. Carney Campion will retire briefing 2 month ago she was quickly refuted treatments of prostate, ovarian, and breast after fourteen years of dedicated service as by the Defense Intelligence Agency. The DIA cancer. Its pediatrics hematology/oncology General Manager of the Golden Gate Bridge, testified that it had concluded months earlier program is one of the busiest in the world. Highway and Transportation District. that the North Korean program to develop nu­ Much of this research is in conjunction with Mr. Campion has spent countless hours im­ clear weapons was and is still under way. the Sutter Institute for Medical Research-the proving the infrastructure and services of the Subsequent intelligence and press reports largest non-university medical research center bridge as well as its surrounding area. He has continue to bear out the fact that the adminis­ in Northern California. shown great leadership in establishing elec­ tration's policy of appeasement has not dis­ The Sacramento area's only heart trans­ tronic toll collection systems on all bridges. His suaded the North Korean drive to develop nu­ plantation center is housed at Sutter. In 1959, mediation skills has kept the focus of the clear weapons and the means to deliver them. the region's first open heart transplant oc­ bridge on commuter use and not political For instance, the North Korean's have an on­ curred there. Recently Sutter's Heart Institute gamesmanship. Bridge safety has been a con­ going effort to bury their nuclear weapons pro­ was recognized as having the second highest sistent goal during his tenure as General Man­ gram underground. Their launch on August survival rate in the United States. ager. Accomplishments in that area include 31 , 1998, of a three-stage ballistic missile­ Sutter Health's tradition of providing leading structural additions for seismic activity and a parts of which landed off the coast of Alaska­ medical care continues to this day. Its use of crossover median barrier to eliminate auto ac­ make such a conclusion undeniable. The Cen­ advanced services and medical devices not cidents. He has also made major strides in the tral Intelligence Agency's senior intelligence only provide the Sacramento area with out­ areas of environmental protection, disability officer for strategic programs was recently standing care, but has also established Sac­ compliance, and coordinated successful cele­ quoted by Washington Post as saying that the ramento as one of the leading centers of med­ brations of the 50th and 60th anniversaries. three stage configuration of that missile could ical excellence in the world. Along with his commitment to the bridge, he well give North Korea the ability to send war­ The quality of physicians, nurses, and other lobbied for the federal funding to purchase a heads across the Pacific. health professionals is superior at Sutter. For section of the Northwest Pacific Railroad for To counter the misimpression that has often the past 75 years, its reputation for excellence future use by his local area of Marin, Cali­ been given the American people on this issue, has consistently attracted the highest quality fornia. He has been an active member of the I am introducing a resolution that calls for the medical personnel. American Public Transit Association and the suspension of the $4- 6 billion agreement to Northern California has also been the fortu­ California Transit Association. Mr. Campion build two light-water nuclear reactors and to nate recipient of Sutter's outstanding commu­ has also made numerous contributions to his provide other assistance to North Korea until nity service endeavors. In the last year alone, community through his work as a 35 year the President certifies that the North Korean Sutter spent more than $51 million on commu­ member of the San Francisco Press Club and government has agreed to cease its efforts to nity services, in addition to the nearly Director of the Marin YMCA and Theatre Com­ build nuclear weapons and the means to de­ $100,000 it gave to our community's non-profit pany. liver them. organizations, such as the American Heart As­ I would like to express my sincere apprecia­ Mr. Speaker, the administration has also sociation and the Sacramento Food Bank. tion and gratitude for his dedication and serv- been pursuing a failed and misleading foreign e This "bullet" symbo l ide ntifies stateme nts or insertions w hich are no t spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates word s inserted or appended , rather than spoken, by a Member of the Ho use o n the floor. October 9, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25249 policy with regard to Iraq. Earlier this year, President Clinton vetoed the Iran Missile the 1970s and 1980s, the parish experienced President Clinton warned that if Iraq were to Sanctions Act. The President's continued re­ many changes, including several ordinations break the weapons inspection agreement fusal to use existing law to its full extent to im­ to the priesthood, renovations to the church, signed with U.N. Chief Kofi Annan and the pose sanctions against countries and organi­ and a number of staffing changes that dem­ international community failed to act, then zations that help Iran develop and modernize onstrated an impressive level of dedication Saddam Hussein "will conclude that the inter­ its ballistic missile program is yet another fail­ and commitment. national community has lost its will. He will ure on the part of this Administration. While My fellow colleagues, please join me in then conclude that he can go right on and do failing to obstruct the on-going ballistic missile celebrating the 75th anniversary of Saint Vin­ more to rebuild an arsenal of devastating de­ and nuclear weapons programs in Iran, North cent de Paul. The parish has a strong sense struction. And some day, some way, I guar­ Korea, Iraq and other nations, this administra­ of community and a proud heritage to guide it antee you he'll use the arsenal." United States tion has not been bashful in obstructing the ef­ into the future. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright also forts of many of us in Congress to build a de­ stated at the time that if Hussein "reneges on fense for the United States against ballistic this deal, there will be no question that force missile attacks by our potential enemies.
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