-3- During the Symposium in Rome from March 26th to 31st prof. van der Poel asked the present editor to accept the responsibility of the secre- tary of the Working Group. To this I answered that this I would accept provided that I might expect the basic support of some of the more influ- ential workers in the field, particularly professors F.L. Bauer and K. Samelson (both members of the original ALGOL comnittee, initiators of the ALCOR Grouo, prof. Bauer is the DARA representative to IFIP Tech. Comm. 2.). Prof. van der Poel consented in this condition and kindly accepted to put the question forward to professors Bauer and Samelson. The result of this mission was a flat refusal on their part to support me on the grounds that in their view the questionaire of AB 14 is biased. In view of these developments it is clear that the responsible bo- dies of IFIP, in establishing the Working Group, deliberately have chosen to ignore the existence of the ALGOL Bulletin and the information and o- pinions expressed in it. It is further clear that the attempt on the part of prof. van der Poelat establishing a working collaboration between the Working Group and the AB in an informal manner meets with an opposition which would make this collaboration ineffective in practise. Now, in en- couraging the ALGOL community to mske use of the ALGOL Bulletin for ex- pressing their views the editor must feel convinced that the views con- tained therein will indeed be taken properly into account when official action is taken. The developments mentioned above and the meeting in Rome have annihilated this conviction. Consequently the ALGOL Bulletin must cease to exist. THE RE?LIES TO THE AB 14 QU~TIONAIRE. BRIEF NAMES"! GROUP MW34BERS ! TRANSLATORS. NPL, ~hgl~nd M. Woodger, Mathematics Division, National Physical Laboratory, Tedding- ton, Middlesex, England. Zeiss, Germany J. O. Kerner, VEB Carl Zeiss, Jena Germany. SMIL ! S~.,eden Torgil ~kman, Lelf Robertsson, Avd. for Numerisk Analys, Lunds Universi- tet, Lund, S~Teden. Translator for SMIL: March 1962; 1.5 man years; true subset; not recur- sire procedures, not arrays of variable length. Syst.Dev.Corp. ,USA Harold Isbitz, J. Sch~.rartz, H. Bratman, System Development Corporation', JOVIAL Compiler Staff. JOVIAL translators for Q7, Q52-V, IBM 7090, Philco 2000, .CDC 160A~: Dec. 1961; 80 man years; dialect; extended variable definition, variable modl- flers, no recurslve procedures, no own varlables, I-0 operators, string manipulation. Royal McBee, USA Arthur C. Housm~, Royal McBee Corp., Research and Development. -4- l~s.vol'i, USA B.H. Mayoh, Univ. of Illinois. IDA-Princ eton,_ USA .. Edgar T. Irons, Institute for Defense Analyses-, Princeto{, New Jersey, Von Neumaxm Hall. Translator for CDC 1604: Nov. 1961; 2 man years; true subsets; no nume- ric labels, Fortran-like input-output. Facit Group-, Sweden . I. Dahlstrand, S. Laryd, Facit Electronics AB, ALGOL Group Box 13072", Gothenburg 13. Translator for Facit EDB 2: Nov. 1961; 3.5 man years; true subset; not recursive procedures, not p~n; restrictions on variable index bounds, expressions called by name, and length of identifiers and strings. Rehn Finland. .- Rafael E. Rehn, Ma~nmittaushallitus (General Survey Office)-, Helsinki', Finland. Eng. El. Atomic, Eng. B. Randell, L.J. Russell', F. Ford, A.P.Relph, E. M. P. Allsop-, The Atomic Power Division, The ~uglish Electric Co. Ltd., Whetstone, Leicestershire, ~hgland. Translator for English Electric DI~JCE ~ 2A: Nov. 1961! 0.5 man years! true subset; no conditional expressions, no dynamic arrays, no switches', no booleans, no recursive use of procedureS, single letter identifiers. Elliott ALGOL, ~hg. C.A.R. Hoare, R.L.Cook ~, J. Hoare', J. HilLmore', Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd. Translator for National Elliott 803: Mar. 1962! 3 man years; true subsety restrictions on switches and procedure parameters. 0nly simple uses of recursion and own arrays. ALPHA, USSR A. P. Ershov, Institute of Mathematics', Siberian Division of the USSR A- cademy of Sciences, Novosiblrsk 72. Translator under way: expected Nov. 1962~ 10 man years; ALGOL 60 + (vec- tors, matrices, etc. as simple variables, complex, chains of inequali- ties, suoerscripts, initial values, functions yielded by expressions). Buchholz, Germany G. Buchholz, Fur~kwerk Dresden Rechenburo. Oak Ridge, USA Manuel Feliciano and A.A.Grau, C.J.Atta, L.L.Bumgarner-, Oak Ridge Natio- nal Laboratory, Progrsrmning research group of Mathematics Panel. This reply is also supported by the Programming Research Dent., Lockhead Missiles and Soace Co., California. Translator for ORACLE: Jan. 1961; ~ man years; true subset; no switches, no procedures, no blocks. Added feature: tape files, input output facili- ties. -5- SSW-ZEF, Germany Dr. E. Nuding, mr. Nees., mr. H.P.WOif, miss Warmbold', miss Hecht', Sie- mens-Schuckertwerke AG. Erlangen. Dupont', USA Robert Hunn ! E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., Inc., ~ng. Dept. , Wilmington 98, Delaware. Rutishauser, Switzerland H. Rutishauser, Zurich (nrivate opinion). K idsgrove ,_ England F.G.Duncan, D.H.R.Huxtable ~, E.N.Hawkins-, J.S.Green, A.G. Price-, ~ne ~hglish Electric Co., Ltd., Data Processing and Control Systems Division, Kids- grove, Stoke-on-Trent, England. The group uses the translator for D~JCE written by the ~hg.El. Atomic (see above). MNA-group ,. Sweden G. Ehrling, A. Bring, Swedish Board for Computing Machinery. The group uses the translator for FACIT EDB 2 written by the Facit Group (see above). IAM Bonn, Germany C.A. Petri, W.D. Meisel ~, G. Schroder-, K.H. Bohling, Institut fur Angewand- te Mathematik, Universitat, Bonn. Math. Cent., Holland E. W. DiJkstra, A. van WiJngaarde~, J. A. Zonneveld (the two latter not responsible for the answers given), Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, 2de Boerhaavestraat ~9, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Translator for Electrologica NV Xi: Aug. 1960; 2 man years; true subset; own implemented as suggested in Reformulation 23, but own arrays only with constant bounds; order of declarations at the beginning of a block somewhat restricted. Dutch PTT, Holland Prof. Dr. W.L. van der Poel, Dr. G. van der Mey-, Dr. Neher Laboratory of the Netherlands Postal and Telecommunications Services, Leidschendam, Holland. San Diego, USA C.L. Perry, E. Ferguson ~, R. Mitchell ~, Univ. of California, San Diego', La Jolla California. The group has the N~LIAC translator for the CDC 1604 available. N~IAC is a dialect, described in book by M. Halstead. Leeds Univ. , ~hgland Dr. G,B. Cook, M. Wells, Electronic Computing Laboratory, University of Leeds, Leeds 2, United Kingdom. -6- ALC0R oerma G. Seegmuller, F. Peischl-, W. Urich, H. R. Wiehle, Rechenzentrum der Tech- nischen Hochschule, Munchen. Translator for PERM: Sept. 1961; 1.5 men years; true subset; ALCOR con- ventions (see ALCOR Z22 below). ALCOR Z22 Germany. F. L. Bauer, Paul, Bauma~, Witzgall, Musstopf, Institut fur Ange~andte Mathen~tik der Universitat Mainz~ Translators for a) Zuse Z22: July 1961; 0.75 man years; b) Zuse Z22R: 0ct. 1961; o.25 man years; true subset; ALCOR conventions: not wh~l~, not ~, no conditional Boolean or designational expressions, no recursive procedures, restrictions on type procedures to prevent side effects. ALCOR 2002-,.Germa~ny K. Samelson, Hill, Langmaack', Mathematisches Institu~ der Unlversitat Mainz. Translator for Siemens 2002: Dec. 1961; 1.5 man years; true subset; AL- C0R conventions (see ALCOR Z22 above). RCA-EDP- USA R. Hux,'R. Dash, K. Brons °, A. Grace, Radio Corporation of America, Elec- tronic Data Processing. BJork, Sweden Harry Bjork, Inst. of Mathematics', Uppsala University. Uses the translator for Facit ~B 2 (see Facit group above). Moore School" USA Peter Zilahy'Ingerman, Harry A. Freedman, Mrs. Irene Cotton-, Dr. Saul Gorn, Mechanical Languages~Projects, Room 302 Moore, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania. IPM Darmstadt', Germany Dr. W. Borsch-Supan, W. Barth, D. Stephs~, J. v. Peschke, Institut fur Praktische Mathematik, Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt. Translator for DERA: Jan. 1961; 0.5 man years; true subset; FORTRANSIT- like restrictions, read and write are delimiters, not procedures. Computer Ass.', USA _ Kirk Sattley, Thomas E. Cheatham, Jr.-, Gene F. Leonard, Robert M. Shapi- ro, Computer Associates, Inc.-, ~ Winn St.-, Woburn, Mass. The group has contracted for delivery of an Algol translator during the summer of 1962. Regnecentralen, Depmark P. Naur, J. Jensen, P. Mondrup-, Regnecentralen, Copenhagen. Translator for DAH(: 0ct._1961; ~man years; true subset; no recurslve procedures, no own arrays, no value arrays, no integer division, no im- plication. Univ. N. Carolina',USA John W. Cart, III, Mirlam G. Shoffner', Robert B. DesJardins~, Peter J. Brown, Computation Center, University of North Carolina. -7- mglana . J, M. Foster, D.P.Jenkins, S.N.Higclns-, Royal Radar Establishment-, M~I- vern, ~hgland, Stanford, USA Harold R. Van Zoeren, George E. Forsythe-, John G. Herriot-, James 0rtega, Beresford Parlett, Computer Science Division, Stanford University, Stan- ford, California. The group uses the dialect BALGOL for Burroughs 220: no arrays of vari- able size, no own, no recursive procedures, no conditional expressions, no nested block structures. RCA-LAB,USA Allen H. Simon, Radio Corporation of America Laboratories. Has translator for CDC 1604 available: no own arrays, no integer labels. AR/{, USA . R. W. Floy<, B. Mittman, R.R. Steck-, ;~mour Research Foundation, I0 West 35th Street, Chicago 16, Illinois. Translator for UNIVAC 1105: Mar. 1962; 2 man years; true subset; no pro-~- cedures, i and 2 dimensional arrays, read and print added to basic words, produces USE assembly language. NDRE, Norway Jan V. Garwick-, 0.-J. Dahl, Norwegian Defense Research Establishment and Institute for Atomic ~hergy. Translator for Mercury for the dialect MAC. XTRAN-proJ ect,_ USA . Rainer Kogon, Martin Weitzman, IN, 112 E. Post Road, White Plains, New York. Translator for IBM7090: Mar. 1962; 2-3 man years; dialect; ALGOL 60 ex- cept where implementation in the XTRAN source language indicated reasons for d~viation.
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