MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 5. PORTLAND, ME., OCT. 15, 1914. NO. 30. I • Grand Chapter. Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co., lor, m; Wm E Tarr, sw; Wm M Drum­ mond, jw; Roscoe S Bosworth, sec. The leading officers of the Grand Chapter No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine Davis, 191, Strong. Diah Sweet, m; met at Riverton (near Portland) Sept 19th, Twelve cts. per year in advance. Charles E Richards, sw; William E Smith, and went over the work preparatory to com­ jw; Charles B Richardson, sec. mencing their visits of inspection of the 63 Established March, 1867. - - 48th Year. Temple, 25, Winthrop. Edwin T Clif­ chapters. It was a very pleasant day and ford, in; L D French, sw; G C Adams, jw; Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $.3.00 for L Elwood Jones, sec. the meeting was socially agreeable as well half an inch for one year. Asylum, 133, Wayne. Thurlow B Tar­ as beneficial. No advertisement received unless the advertiser, box, m; Frederick L Chenery, Jr., sw; Al­ Dedication. or some member of the Arm, is a Freemason in bert W Riggs, jw; Frederick L Chenery, <ood standing. sec. Ths hall of Mount Olivet Lodge, No. 203, Maine, 20, Farmington. Henry E Knapp, was dedicated Sept. 2d by Grand Master Back Home. m; Colby L Merrill, sw; Frank O Fales, jw; Thomas H. Bodge, assisted by Dep. Grand George B Cragin, sec. Master Waldo Pettengill, Grand Wardens I’d like to take a week’s-end off Ancient Brothers’, 178, Auburn. J Web­ And get back to the farm, ster Bennett, m; George C Simpson, sw; Isaac A. Clough and Clifford J. Fattee, Gr. With griddle cakef and sausages And other things that charm. Ned P Willis, jw; Prank L Lowell, sec. Marshal L. Elwood Jones, Gr. Sen. Deacon I’d like to tumble in a bed Rural, 53, Sidney. Edmund P Williams, George F. Giddings, Gr. Tyler Winslow E. Of feathers soft and warm— m; Clyde G Blake, sw; Charles S Taylor, Howell, with local brethren filling the other Secure beneath the old roof-tree jw; Arthur W Hammond, R F D 7, Au­ From trouble, fret and storm. gusta, sec. offices, including Leander M. Kenniston of I’d like to hear my mother’s voice Camden as Gr. Jun. Deacon. A very large Come up the entry hall: Oxford, 18, Norway. Wiggin L Merrill, “ It’s six o’clock, you sleepy head! m; Fred E Smith, sw; Raymond H East­ attendance of regular officers. And this is my last call.” man, jw; Howard D Smith, sec. The third degree was worked in the even- I’d like to hear the dishes clip Whitney, 167, Canton. Arthur M Pack- ing. Together down below, ard, m; Orletus C Fuller, sw; Almon L Po­ Where she fixed up the breakfast things land, jw; Alphonso F Russell, Jr., sec. Helped by .Alelinda Snow. Centennial. I’d like to rustle up the hair Day Spring, 107, West Newfield. Thos Of my dog. Towser, now— Bond, m; Albert J Shepard, sw; J Harold On Wednesday, August 26th, Freeport The best friend that a boy e’er had! Mitchell, jw; Harold C Moulton, sec. Lodge, No. 23, at Freeport, celebrated its So close to me, somehow. Chapter Elections. Centennial. The Grand Lodge was repre­ Through all the days that come and go, No matter where I roam, Teconnet, 52, Waterville. Everett C sented by Grand Master Bodge, by the I’d like to hear his welcome bark Ward well, hp; Roscoe J Bowler, k; Her­ Grand Secretary, by Monroe V. Curtis, D. When I go drifting home. bert M Fuller, sc; Charles B Davis, sec. I’d like to take a week’s-end off— D. G. M. 14th District, a member of Free­ Commandeiy Elections. And so would you; once more port Lodge, by Wm. R. G. Estes, Senior Go back to lift the latch again Upon the dear old door. Portland, 2, Portland. George D Loring, Past Grand Master, made in Freeport Lodge com; Convers E Leach, geno; David E There snuggle close up to the folks in 1853, and by Past Grand Master Edmund In pleasant firelight: Moulton, capt gen; Frank W York, rec. There hear the mother-voice again B. Mallet, who delivered a historical ad­ Give you her fond “ Goodnight.” dress. The services were interesting, com­ —[New York Times.} Brethren who write the Gr. Lecturer for advanced information in regard to Schools mencing with a lunch, then addresses by the Master and Grand Officers, a roll call of MASONRY in riAINE. of Instruction must not be disappointed if they receive no answer. He sends out the lodge, historical address, speeches, and notices to 325 lodges, Grand Officers and then special work by the Past Masters. In Lodge Elections. members the instant the dates are fixed, the evening there was a banquet at Town St. Aspinquid, 198, York Village. Ar­ Hall, more speeches, and finally dancing. thur Il Baker, in; Edward C Cook, sw; and being overwhelmed with letters it is im­ Everett F Davis, jw; Willie W Cuzner, sec. possible for him to also personally write The next lodge to celebrate its Centennial Mt. Abram, 204, Kingfield. Lavella A each who asks. will be Phoenix, No. 24, at Belfast, Sept. 9, Norton, m; G Dane Vose, sw; Earl L Wing, 1916. A good time of the year, and we jw; Arthur C Woodard, sec. Supreme Council, N. M. J. hope for an invitation as it is 50 years since Vassalboro, 54, North Vassalboro. C The Supreme Council met in Chicago we have been there. Maurice Wyman, m; George L Hunt, sw; Merle R Wyman, jw; Melvin E Hutchin­ Sept. 15th. Statistics showed a member- son, sec. ship of 79,707, a gain of 5,000. The mem­ Templars at Eastport. Wilton, 156, Wilton. Harry J Trefethen, bership of the 14th degree is 87,205. A In accord with the order of the Gr. Com­ m; Charles W Sharkey, sw; Charles A class of 68 received the 33°. mandery Gr. Commander Ralph W. Crock- Cousins, jw; Fred E Trefethen, sec. Maine was represented by William C. ett, accompanied by Gr. Capt. Gen. Frank Mt. Bigelow, 202. Flagstaff. Maurice E Sampson, Stratton, m; Elmer A Sampson, Mason, Deputy, Albro E. Chase, Dr. F. C. R. Redlon, and Military Instructor Ander­ Dead River, sw; Philander M Taylor, jw; Thayer and William Freeman Lord. Dr. son, and by a detachment from St. Alban Walter E Hinds, sec. Thayer was made an active member in place and Portland Commanderies, went to East­ Morning Star, 41, Litchfield. Henry Tay­ of the late Millard F. Hicks. port to exemplify the Orders for the benefit 234 MASONIC TOKEN, CCT. 15, 1914. of the Eastern Commanderies July 28th. itary bodies of that Rite that have ever were formed before 1820 and two others Blanquefort Commandery of Ellsworth, existed. since that year. All of these field or garri­ Considering the peculiar conditions under son lodges are now extinct. Hugh de Payens of Calais, St. Elmo of Ma­ which our Scottish Rite Bodies work with During the reign of Emperor Francis of chias, St. Aldemar of Houlton, and St. their ever shifting membership, its growth Austria, Masonry flourished, to a limited Stephen Encampment of St. Stephen, N. B., has been phenomenal. It is but a little extent only in that country. After his over six years since the Army Chapter of death in 1765, the edict for the suppression were there and were received by St. Ber­ Rose Croix was instituted in the adjoining of Freemasonry was carried out relentlessly. nard of Eastport. The work of the Orders room with twenty-one charter members, two Military lodges formerly existed in Hol­ was much appreciated. There was also a of whom only are now stationed at Fort land, Belgium, Sweden, Russia and Poland, parade with 250 in line, lunches, a shore Leavenworth. We now have over 225 mem­ but so far as can be learned none were ever bers who are scattered almost all over the instituted in Spain or Portugal. dinner, a banquet, and a reception. East­ world. Then, our jurisdiction was confined In the armies of the United States, there port citizens *made a gala day of'it, and it to the narrow limits of the military reserva­ have been military field lodges during every was certainly a joyous occasion. tion of Fort Leavenworth, while now it in­ war that it has had. In the Revolutionary cludes every person in the military service War, there were ten regularly constituted of the United Statcs—be he soldier or civil­ lodges acting under warrants from vari­ Constitution. ian—and wherever he may be stationed. ous sources. Other so-called "Convention Limestone Lodge, No. 214, at Limestone, However, Ancient Craft Masonry has Lodges” were often formed at the winter on the New Brunswick border near the flourished in every army of every civilized camps such as at West Point, Newburg and country with very few exceptions ever since Valley Forge, which were merely assem­ Grand Falls of the St. John River, was con­ it first became a speculative art. Even in blages of masons brought together for social stituted Aug. l2th by Grand Master Thomas Italy, Austria and Russia, where Masonry or other purposes and which were without H. Bodge, assisted by Grand Marshal L. is now proscribed, military lodges at one power to work. It is said, however, that time existed. The written history of Ma­ Lafayette was made a mason by the Valley Elwood Jones, Grand Tyler.
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