Faculty OMEGA’S FACULTY HAVE INCLUDED: Our faculty have included some of the world’s Adyashanti Eckhart Tolle Maya Angelou greatest thinkers, creative talent, spiritual Al Gore Elizabeth Alexander Mia Farrow teachers, and social visionaries. From science Alan Arkin Elizabeth Gilbert Michael Beckwith to the arts, from medicine to leadership, they Alanis Morissette Erin Brockovich Natalie Merchant are trailblazers in their fields, who help to Alex Grey & Allyson Eve Ensler Nora Ephron catalyze Omega’s mission to awaken the best Grey Francis Moore Lappé Panache Desai in the human spirit. Allen Ginsberg Geneen Roth Pat Mitchell Amory Lovins Gloria Steinem Paul Hawken Amy Goodman “It was at Omega that I launched my speaking Harville Hendrix & Pema Chödrön Faculty OMEGA’SAndrew Weil FACULTYHelen LaKelly HAVE Hunt INCLUDED: and workshop career. I will remain ever Pete Seeger angel Kyodo williams Hazel Henderson grateful to them. Omega offersFaculty the most OMEGA’S FACULTY HAVE INCLUDEDPeter Matthiessen: Ani DiFranco India.Arie Ourextensive faculty and have comprehensive included some tools of thefor world’s Adyashanti Eckhart Tolle MayaPhil Jackson Angelou Anita Hill Isabel Allende Ourgreatestpersonal faculty thinkers,and have collective included creative transformation. sometalent, of spiritual the world’sThere AdyashantiAl Gore EckhartElizabeth Tolle Alexander MayaMiaPhilip Farrow AngelouGlass Anna Deavere Smith Iyanla Vanzant greatestteachers,is no other thinkers, and place social comparable creative visionaries. talent, to itFrom spiritualif you science want AlAlan Gore Arkin Elizabeth AlexanderGilbert MiaMichaelPumla Farrow Gobodo- Beckwith Anna Quindlen Jack Kornfield Madikizela teachers,to evolve.”the arts, and from— Deepaksocial medicine visionaries. Chopra to leadership, From science they AlanAlanis Arkin Morissette ElizabethErin Brockovich Gilbert MichaelNatalie MerchantBeckwith toare the trailblazers arts, from in medicine their fields, to leadership, who help to they Anne Lamott James Van Praagh Ram Dass Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor who has AlanisAlex Grey Morissette & Allyson ErinEve EnslerBrockovich NatalieNora Ephron Merchant catalyze Omega’s mission to awaken the best GreyArianna Huffington Jane Fonda Rhonda V. Magee authoredare trailblazers more inthan their 85 fields, books onwho spirituality help to Alex Grey & Allyson EveFrancis Ensler Moore Lappé NoraPanache Ephron Desai catalyzein the human Omega’s spirit. mission to awaken the best GreyAllenArlo Guthrie Ginsberg Jane Goodall Rigoberta Menchú and mind-body medicine. He has taught more FrancisGeneen MooreRoth Lappé TumPanachePat Mitchell Desai in the human spirit. AmoryBeryl Bender Lovins Birch Jason F. McLennan than 20 workshops at Omega since 1989. Allen Ginsberg GeneenGloria Steinem Roth PatPaul Mitchell Hawken Bessel van der Kolk Jean Houston Robert Bly Amy Goodman 2000. Omega since at taught She has (OWN). Network Winfrey the Oprah Fix My Life program, Her television sellers. best and author of six coach, life Vanzant Iyanla Vanzant — Iyanla nourishment.” and nurturing of environment an provides and leaders; it also spiritual teachers finest world’s of the some to access only offers It not the world. is a gift to Institute “Omega the years. over Omega programs numerous at He has presented Riverkeeper. with Hudson his earlier work for the Planet” named one of He was Alliance. of Waterkeeper president Jr. Kennedy F. Robert Jr. Kennedy F. — Robert language.” our everyday part of now are on the fringe and exist to seemed once that and sustainability medicine, complementary yoga, like ideas and practices bringing forth of history has an impressive “Omega 1989. Omega since at than 20 workshops more He has taught and mind-body medicine. than 85 books on spirituality more authored Deepak Chopra — Deepak Chopra evolve.” to want it if you to comparable place is no other There transformation. and collective personal for tools and comprehensive extensive the most them. Omega offers to grateful ever I will remain career. and workshop speaking I launched my Omega that at “It was in the human spirit. the best awaken to mission Omega’s catalyze to in their fields, who help trailblazers are they leadership, medicine to the arts, from to science and social visionaries. From teachers, spiritual talent, creative thinkers, greatest included some of the world’s have Our faculty Amory Lovins GloriaHarville Steinem Hendrix & PaulPema Hawken Chödrön “It was at Omega that I launched my speaking Betty Williams Jennifer Buffett Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “Omega has an impressive history of AmyAndrew Goodman Weil Helen LaKelly Hunt Pete Seeger “Itand was workshop at Omega career. that II willlaunched remain my ever speaking Harville Hendrix & RosannePema Chödrön Cash bringing forth ideas and practices like yoga, AndrewangelBill McKibben Kyodo Weil williams HelenHazelJeremy HendersonLaKelly Rifkin Hunt grateful to them. Omega offers the most PetePeter Seeger Matthiessen complementaryand workshop career. medicine, I will andremain sustainability ever Billy Collins Jerry Lewis Rodney Yee & Colleen angelAni DiFranco Kyodo williams HazelIndia.Arie Henderson SaidmanPhil Jackson Yee gratefulextensive to and them. comprehensive Omega offers tools the formost Peter Matthiessen on show , is the number one reality that once seemed to exist on the fringe and AnitaBobby Hill McFerrin IsabelJill Bolte Allende Taylor personal and collective transformation. There Ani DiFranco India.Arie PhilSallyPhilip Jackson Field Glass areextensive now part and of comprehensive our everyday language.” tools for Time Brené Brown Jimmie Dale Gilmore spiritual teacher, is a lawyer, AnitaAnna DeavereHill Smith IsabelIyanla AllendeVanzant who has is a medical doctor —personalis noRobert other and F. place Kennedy collective comparable Jr. transformation. to it if you There want PhilipSapphirePumla Glass Gobodo- AnnaBrian WeissQuindlen JackJody KornfieldWilliams Madikizela isto noevolve.” other place— Deepak comparable Chopra to it if you want Anna Deavere Smith Iyanla Vanzant PumlaSarah JonesGobodo- for “Heroes magazine’s AnnaAnneByron QuindlenLamott Katie JackJamesJohn KornfieldPerkins Van Praagh MadikizelaRam Dass toRobert evolve.” F. Kennedy — Deepak Jr. Choprais senior attorney and Seane Corn and is senior attorney Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor who has Caroline Myss John Todd president of Waterkeeper Alliance. He was AnneArianna Lamott Huffington JamesJane Fonda Van Praagh SharonRamRhonda Dass Olds V. Magee authored more than 85 books on spirituality Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor who has Cecile Richards Jon Kabat-Zinn Times York New named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for AriannaArlo Guthrie Huffington Jane FondaGoodall SharonRhondaRigoberta Salzberg V. MenchúMagee and mind-body medicine. He has taught more Tum theauthored Planet” more for histhan earlier 85 books work on with spirituality Hudson Charley Rosen Julia Butterfly Hill Faculty ArloBeryl Guthrie Bender Birch JaneJason Goodall F. McLennan ShivaRigoberta Rea Menchú Riverkeeper.andthan mind-body 20 workshops He medicine.has atpresented Omega He has since at numeroustaught 1989. more Cheryl Strayed Krishna Das TumRobert Bly BerylBessel Bender van der Birch Kolk JasonJean Houston F. McLennan Joan Chittister than 20 workshops at Omega since 1989. Robert F. Kennedy Iyanla: Jr. “OmegaOmega programs has an impressive over the historyyears. of BesselBettyChristiane Williams van Northrupder Kolk JeanJenniferLadysmith Houston Buffett Black Robert Bly Mambazo Spalding Gray BillChristopher McKibben Reeve Jeremy Rifkin RobertRosanne F. CashKennedy Jr. “Omegabringing Institutehasforth an ideas impressive is aand gift practices to history the world. likeof yoga, It not Betty Williams Jennifer Buffett Tara Brach Dan Millman Laurie David RosanneRodney Yee Cash & Colleen complementary medicine, and sustainability BillBilly McKibben Collins JeremyJerry Lewis Rifkin onlybringing offers forth access ideas to and some practices of the likeworld’s yoga, finest SaidmanTed Turner Yee Lester Brown Rodney Yee & Colleen spiritualcomplementarythat once teachers seemed medicine, and to exist leaders; onand the itsustainability also fringe provides and BillyBobbyDan SiegelCollins McFerrin JerryJill Bolte Lewis Taylor Lilias Folan SaidmanSallyThich Field Nhat Yee Hanh anthatare environment now once part seemed of ourof tonurturing everyday exist on and thelanguage.” nourishment.”fringe and BobbyBrenéDaniel Brown GolemanMcFerrin & JillJimmie Bolte Dale Taylor Gilmore Tara Bennett-Goleman Lynda Barry SallySapphireTim Ryan Field are— Robert now part F. Kennedy of our everyday Jr. language.” Brian Weiss Jody Williams — Iyanla Vanzant Brené Brown Jimmie Dale Gilmore don Miguel Ruiz Diana Nyad Deepak Chopra Debbie Ford Gannon & Sharon Life David Darling David Bennett-Goleman Tara Daniel Goleman & Dan Siegel Dan Millman Reeve Christopher Northrup Christiane Cheryl Strayed Rosen Charley Richards Cecile Myss Caroline Katie Byron Brian Weiss Brown Brené McFerrin Bobby Billy Collins Bill McKibben Williams Betty der Kolk van Bessel Beryl Bender Birch Arlo Guthrie Arianna Huffington Anne Lamott Anna Quindlen Smith Anna Deavere Anita Hill Ani DiFranco williams angel Kyodo Weil Andrew Goodman Amy Amory Lovins Allen Ginsberg Grey & Allyson Grey Alex Alanis Morissette Alan Arkin Al Gore Adyashanti INCLUDED HAVE FACULTY OMEGA’S David Darling Majora Carter SapphireSarahTony Horton Jones — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. BrianByron Weiss Katie JodyJohn PerkinsWilliams IyanlaRobert Vanzant F. Kennedy
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