786/92 :YF5GF o 1997 ;BFJT o OZDFG GAJL C{ ;BFJT ACL:T SF V[S NZbT C[4 _;SL XFB[ HDLG 5Z h]SL C]. C{4 _; G[ >; SL SL;L XFB SF[ YFD ,LIF4 JF[ >;[ HgGT D[\ ,[ HFI[\U[[P V\H]DG[ lZOF> R[ZL8[A, 8=:8 AL,LDF[ZFP Z_:80” 8=:8 G\AZ o JSOí))!í!((( GJ;FZL UF{Q[ VFhD V[HI]S[XG, V[g0 NLGL TF,LD tYF bJFhF UZLA GJFh D[0LS, ZL,LO O\0 JFlQ”S VC[JF, VG[ lZ5F[8” JQ” o Z)Z) < Z)Z! Our Website : www.Anjuman-e-Refai.org. <o 5|l;wW STF” o< CF_ VaN],CDLN _P D]ÿ,F\ CF_ ;],[DFGEF> V[;P 58[, CF_ VÿTFOC]X[G >A|FCLD Z[\8LIF CF_ DF[C\DN >SAF, V[P SF[,LIF DF[>GAFAF D]:TFS RZLJF,F ANJUMAN-E- REFAI CHERITABLE TRUST-BILIMORA Trustee Board No. Name Address Photo 1 Haji Abdul Hamid Haji GulamMohammed Mulla Station Road, Near by Station Masjid, Trustee Bilimora - 396 321 PhonePhone : 285444 Mo. : 9904278692 2 Haji Suleman Saleh Patel Sanket Appartment, Trustee M. G. Road, Bilimora - 396 321 Phone : 286344 Mo. : 9426889300 3 Haji Mohammed Iqbal Jawahar Road, Haji Ahmedbhai Koliya Again Post Office Trustee Bilimora - 396 321 Phone : 279786 Mo. : 9925555780 4 Haji AltafHusain Ibrahim 1072, Bangia Faliya, Rentia Bilimora - 396 321 Trustee Phone : 286137 Mo. : 9825119213 5 Moinbaba Mustak Chariwala 1072, Bangia Faliya, Trustee Bilimora - 396 321 Mo. : 9725586863 &*^Í(Z 8=:8GL :YF5GF !((& V\H]DG[ lZOF> R[ZL8[A, 8=:84 AL,LDF[ZF D[G[_\U 8=:8LGL S,D[YL V:;,FDF[ V,IS]D4 JPJP VÿCdN]l,ÿ,FCL ZaAL, VF,DLG J:;,FT] J:;,FD] V,F ;liINL, D]Z;,LGP ;J[” TFZLOG[ 5FShFT DF8[ K[4 H[6[ ;DU| ;’lq8G]\ ;H”G SI©] VG[ ,FBF[ SZF[0F[ N]~NF[< ;,FD < ;ZSFZ[<NF[<VF,D ;ÿ,FCF[ V,IC[ J:;,D 5Z H[DG[ Vÿ,FC TVF,FV[ ;DU| SFIGFT DF8[ ZCDT AGFJLG[ N]lGIFDF\ DF[SÿIFP AL,LDF[ZF TYF 5ZN[XDF\ ZC[TF NZ[S D]:,LD lAZFNZF[ TYF AC[GF[G[ V\H]DG[ lZOF> R[ZL8[A, 8=:8GF\ 8=:8LVF[ TYF CF8”OF[8”GF\ CDFZF CDNN›VF[ TZOYL N]VF ;,FDP Vÿ,FC NZ[SG[ B]XCF, ZFB[4 >DFGGL NF{,TYL GJFh[P C,F, ZF[hL VF5[ TYF T\N]Z:TL AbX[ VG[ VF{,FNG[ G[S AGFJ[P VFDLGPPPPP 36L NL,ULZL ;FY[ H6FJJFG]\ S[ 8=:8GF\ D[G[_\U 8=:8L HGFA CF_ A;LZEF> VF>P RZLJF,F TFZLB o )5<)(<Z)Z) GF ZF[H VF OFGL N]lGIF KF[0L UIF K[P Vÿ,FC V[DGL DUO[ZT OZDFJ[P K[ÿ,F\ JL; JQ”YL 8=:8GL BLNDT SZL K[ H[ SFAL,[ TFZLO K[4 Vÿ,FC V[DGL SZJT < SZJT DUO[ZT OZDFJ[ < VFDLGPPP 8=:8GL :YF5GF GF VFH[ Z$ JQ” 5}ZF\ YIF K[P NZ[SGF\ ;CSFZYL H~ZTD\NF[G[ DNN VF5JFDF\ VFJ[ K[P JQ” o Z)Z) < Z)Z!DF\ 8=:8G[ AL,LDF[ZF TYF VD[ZLSFGL HSFTGL S], ZSD ~FP 554(#4Z*$ V\S[ 5\RFJG ,FB +F6]\ CHFZ A;F[ RF[IF”;L ZSD D/L CTLP H[ GLR[ 5|DF6[ BR” YIF[ K[P s!f !&5 A[JF VF{ZTF[G[ VGFH lJTZ6 < !54!*4$!Z sZf SF[ZF[GF ,F[S0FpG 5LZLI0DF\ !&! < #4$Z4))) A[JFVF[G[ S[X DNN VF5LP sV[l5|,<D[f s#f Z)* lJnFY›VF[G[ :SF[,ZXL5 DNN < Z!4Z!4))) s$f Z)* jIlSTVF[G[ D[0LS, DNN < *4^$45&) s5f SF[ZF[GF ,F[S0FpGDF\ AL,LDF[ZFGF < !45)4))) !5) jIlSTVF[G[ ZF[S0 ;CFI S],PPPPP $(4(54(*Z ! sZf AL,LDF[ZF TYF 5ZN[XDF\ ZC[TF\ NZ[S D]:,LD lAZFNZF[G[ 8=:8 TZOYL GD| V5L, K[ S[ RF,] JQ[” DFC[ ZDhFGDF\ TDFZL HSFTGL ZSD p5ZF[ST 8=:8G[ H~ZYL VF5JF DC[ZAFGL SZXF[P TDFZF\ < NF[:T < lAZFNZF[G[ 56 HSFTGL ZSD VF5JF DF8[ E,FD6 SZXF[P UIF JQ[” H[ SF[> EF> < AC[GF[V[ 8=:8G[ HSFT 5[8[ H[ >DNFN VF5L CTL T[ NZ[SGF[ VDF[ X]@ U]HFZ KLV[P Vÿ,FC TDFZF NZ[SGL ZF[_DF\ A[;]DFZ AZST VF5[P TDFZF ;CSFZYL VF ;\:YF JZ;F[<JZ; RF,[ V[JL AFZUFC[ >,FCLDF\ N]VF SZLV[ KLV[P JWFZ[ DFlCTL DF8[ VDFZL Our Website : www.Anjuman-e-Refai.org. p5Z TD[ HF[> XSF[ KF[P VG[ VDFZF[ Annual Report 56 HF[> XSF[ KF[P GF[\W o 8=:8DF\ NZ DlCG[ VGFH ,[GFZ A[JFVF[DF\ ;{IN VF,[ Z;], K[P TYF D[0LS, DNN ,[GFZF TYF V[HI]S[XG DF8[ ;CFI ,[GFZF S[8,FS lJnFY›VF[ 56 ;{IN CF[I K[P DF8[ 8=:8 DF8[ ,Lÿ,FC ZSD VF5JF GD| V5L, K[P sV\NFH[ Z4))4)))í< ~FP YFI K[Pf N]VFULZ < 8=:8L AF[0” !f CF_ VaN],CDLN _P D]ÿ,F\ < D[G[_\U 8=:8L Mo. 9904278692 Zf CF_ ;],[DFG ;F,[C 58[, < 8=:8L Mo. 9426889300 #f CF_ DF[C\DN >SAF, V[P SF[,LIF < 8=:8L Mo. 9925555780 $f VÿTFOEF> VF>P Z[\8LIF < 8=:8L Mo. 9825119213 5f DF[>G V[DP RZLJF,F < 8=:8L Mo. 9725586863 :Y/ o AL,LDF[ZF TFP !<$<Z)Z! Z 786/92 Estd. - 1997 Regd. No. WAQF/001/1999, Navsari ANJUMANE REFAI CHERITABLE TRUST Bilimora, Dist. Navsari, Gujarat - India. Our Website : www.Anjuman-e-Refai.org. An Appeal From The All Trustees Assalamo Alaykum - V.V. Alhamdullilah Rabbil Alamin Vassalatu Vassalamu Ala Saiyudil Mursalin. Our LORD, Bestow upon us the Best of this World and the hereafter and protect us from the Punishment of Hell Fire. First of all we pray Almighty ALLAH for Late Haji Basirbhai Chariwala who pass away on 05-09-2020, Lord Forgive him on the day when Reckoning shall take place. He has given his noble Service to this Organization about twenty years without any Honorariaum. So we appreciated his noble Service on behalf of Refai Trust. We would like to express sincerely thanks to the donors of India & Abroad for their Consistence Support. Furthermore we want to State that during this financial year 2020-21. We have received the donation of Rs. 55,93,284/-. Rupees Fifty Five Lacs Ninety Three Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Four only. Out of this IMDAD we have distributed the Benefits to following persons who are most needy persons after proper Verification. Detail as follows, (1) Food Grain Distribution about 175 Person Rs. 15,18,412 (2) Scholarship to 208 Students Rs. 21,21,000 (3) Medical Help like Medicine & Rs. 8,64,570 Operation Charges Total 208 Persons (4) Helped 150 People in Lock Down Rs. 1,50,000 (5) Distrubution of Rs. 1,000 to 171 Rs. 3,42,000 Poor Widow’s ( Month of April & May) Total... 49,95,982 Last year in RAMZAN this CORONA VIRAL was ongoing & unbreak (Pandemic), even though in such a Critical Position donors have given very good donation and uncourage our Organization for which we are highly appreciated. Now the RAMZAN is to be start very shortly so we again appeal to our donors to # (2) extend your jenerous hands towards this act of mankind and for the Benefit of Poor Families. We are Please to inform that recently we have prepare One Website www.Anjuman-e-Refai.org has received a good Response and has been gaining popularity worldwide.We upload our Trust’s Activities Reports & Programme and day to day information on this website. We request all the donors to see our Website and suggest & guide us with your views and experience so that we can render Best & Possible Services for the Benefits of community families. During this Lockdown Period we have frame revised, board of Trustee Members due to Death and of Clear Vacancy which are mentioned as follows. We all Trustee Members would like to Expense our Deep Gratitude to all those great donors in India & Abroad, who have instrumental for the Development of this Trust. Please guide us, help us and encourage to serve the poor and needy family better through this Charity Work of Humanity. Our Trust is also giving help to SAIYAD FAMILY from LILLAH IMDAD so we request you to please donate some Lillah Amount for them, whereas this Trust is fully depends upon Zakat-Sadka-Bank Interest and other kinds of Imdad. May the almighty and most Merciful bestow the best of his NIAMAT in both the world and may he shows us all the right path & Trust, AAMEEN. We beg remain your’s. (1) Haji AbdulHamid G. Mulla Managing Trustee Mo. 9904278692 (2) Haji Suleman S. Patel Trustee Mo. 9426889300 (3) Haji Moh. Ikbal A. Koliya ” Mo. 9925555786 (4) Haji Altaf I. Rentia ” Mo. 9825119213 (5) Moin M. Chariwala ” Mo. 9725586863 Place : Bilimora Date : 01-04-2021 $ Anjumane Refai Charitable Trust, Bilimora Zakat Imdad of U.K. / U.S.A. / CANADA in Mahe Ramzan Received at Bilimora Year : 2020 - 2021 : Hijri - 1441 No. Name Country Z 1 Iqbalbhai Ghashwala Bilimora 10,000 2 Shakil Ahmed Nurulla Mulla (British Embassy) New Delhi 40,000 3 Riyaz Haji Shabbir Chariwala U.S.A. 6,000 4 Siraj Haji Basirbhai Chariwala ” 5,000 5 Shamsuddin Haji Nuruddin Kola U.K. 15,000 6 Haji Ismail Haji Husenbhai Shaikh Bilimora 1,000 7 Shabana Kapadia U.S.A 15,000 8 Altaf N. Kapadia ” 15,000 9 Abdul Samad Abdul Rashid Mulla ” 4,000 10 FakirMohammad Hesenbhai Rentiya Vansda 5,000 11 Saeedaben Altafbhai Shaikh Navsari 3,000 12 Sameer Iqbal Patel U.K.
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