VOL. XXIX, No. 3 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] OCTOBER 14, 1926 Football Team, Brilliant in Spots, Beats Williams 49 toO Masque Abandons Junior Week Show and Decides to Disband Anonymous Donor of Chemistry Lectureship Fund is George Fisher Baker Elias and Walter Buckley Make Gift of $5,000 to War Memorial Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y, Postmaster: Return postage guaranteed. .Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS J. Dall, Jr., Inc. Ithaca Trust Company Building Construction Resources Over DON'T Five Million Dollars Ithaca let your son, or protege President Charles E. Treman N Y BUST Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell Treasurer Sherman Peer Cashier A. B. Wellar J. Dall, Jr., ' 16 Phone R. A. Heggie & Bro. Co. President 2369 Fraternity PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes CS, Co. Jewelers ESTABROOK & CO. 37 Wall Street, New York Investment Securities Ithaca New York Sound Investments Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse New York Boston Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill 24 Broad 15 State Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold Strong Quality Service ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95 Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward New York Resident Partner J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke '15 SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members of the New York Stock Exchange E. H. WANZER Incorporated The Grocers Aurora and State Streets Don't Forget Ithaca on Your NOTICE TO Through Trips EMPLOYERS The Cornell Society of Engineers main- tains a Committee of Employment for Cor- nell graduates. Employers are invited to consult this Committee without charge when in need of Civil, Electrical or Mech- anical Engineers, Draftsmen, Estimators, Sales Engineers, Construction Forces, etc. The schedules below show how you can stop off 578 Madison Avenue, Corner 57th Street, at Ithaca en route between New York or Philadel- New York City. Telephone Plaza 2300. phia and Chicago and the West—without loss of C.M.CHUCKROW, C.E.ΊIChairman business time. Read Down Read Up 8.io P. M. 1.05 A. M. Lv. New York Ar. 8.20 A. M. 8.20 A. M. 8.4O P. M. I.IOA.M. Lv. Philadelphia Ar. 7.21 A. M. 7.21 A. M. 11 1 p M KOHM & BRUNNE *5 00 A. M. IO.4I A. M. Ar. Ithaca Lv. 11 1 p M ^ t ^ 4.49 P. M. 8.21 P. M. Lv. Ithaca Ar. 8.52 A. M. 12.37 P. M. Tailors for Cornellians *5 35 A. M. Ar. Detroit Lv. ii 50 P. M. Everywhere 8.25 A. M. 2.5O P. M. Ar. Chicago Lv. 12.45 p. M. 3.10 P. M. 222 E. State St., Ithaca *Sleeper may be occupied until 8.00 A. M. fSleeper ready for occupancy at 9.00 P. M. THE SENATE lehigh Valley Railroad Solves the problem for Alumni CΊhe Route of The Black Diamond A Good Restaurant MARTIN T. GIBBONS Proprietor CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXIX, No. 3 ITHACA, N. Y., OCTOBER 14, 1926 PRICE 12 CENTS O OLD-TIMERS, the most in- FIFTY FINNISH farmers, living in towns good." One of you knows my name, and esting news of the week was the near by, were the guests of the College of that's all that's necessary. Tbrief announcemeni that the Mas- Agriculture on October 2. Dean Albert R. THE SIGN was returned. que Council had decided to produce no Mann '04 gave the address of welcome, show this year, and had, in fact, deter- urging them to make greater use of the THE EXALTED title of president of the mined to conclude forever the existence of college. He told of his experiences in Fin- Cornell Chapter, American Society of the Cornell Masque. The determining land on his recent trip there to study Civil Engineers, and the Association of cause of the Council's decisioh was the agricultural conditions. V. Routenen, a Civil Engineers goes this year to Willard abbreviation of Junior Week by one day, graduate of Helsingfors University, Fin- Stanley Christoper Thiel '28 of Ithaca. whereby the Masque was deprived 01 the land, jolted the pride of the native-born His helpers are Forbes D. Shaw '27 of one thoroughly suitable evening for its Americans when he said that illiteracy in Brooklyn, vice-president; George G.Mitch- gaUivantings. It was lelt with the choice Finland is only 7-10 of one per cent while ell '27 of Aberdeen, Md., secretary; and of staging a rival performance to the in the United States it is ten percent. The Andrew J. Fuller '27 of Herkimer, Mupical Clubs or of crowding in between Department of Rural Social Organization treasurer. The Honor Committee of the College consists of Thiel and Gilbert B. the formal Friday night dinners and the was in charge of the visit. } Junior Prom. Lamb 2j of New York, Charles H. Moore IN THE FIRST of his series of non-resident '27 of Lake Forest, 111., Howard B. Noyes THE BASIC CAUSE for the abandonment— lectures Dr. Fritz Paneth traced the de- }2j of Albany, and Randall E. Frye '28 of or at least the suspension—of the Masque velpment of alchemy and showed that al- Buffalo. is evident to all campus philosophers. though for a long time physicists have held The all-ma culine musical comedy once the old theory in disrepute, and considered THE MURALS in the Willard Straight fascinated by its novelty today it wearies the elements unchangeable, the recent lobby have been so far approved that by its conventionality. When a winsome, atomic theory may show that "alchemy" Ralph Bradley, at present assisting Ezra if weighty, chorus first bellowed forth its in a new form may be possible. The disin- Winter, has been asked to paint four baritone glees, all audiences were ravished tegration by radio-activity of radium into panels for Foster Memorial Hall in the by the triumphant absurdity of the thing. helium has strengthened the belief in the Ithaca High School. It was a splendid joke; but alas, it is now unity of all substance, and the physicist of PROFESSOR HERMANN WEIL, a dis- a very old joke, and in some performances the future may be able to change one ele- tinguished mathematician of Switzerland, it was almost the only joke. ment to another. gave lectures during the week on the "BUT THE TRIANGLE CLUB of Princeton THE UNDERGRADUATE chapter of Phi Goldwin Smith Foundation, on "Gravita- and the Mask and Wig of Penn are suc- Beta Kappa has elected Franchot Tone '27 tion and Electricity" and "The Role of cesses," say the cavillers. True; bu1 it ap- of Niagara Falls president for the year. Infinity in Mathematics." pears that in those institutions the produc- Helen R. Humphrey '27 of Jamaica has THE DRAMATIC Club on October 9 and tions rank as college activities of the first been elected vice-president; Leon G. J 10 presented "The Very Naked Boy," by class, and the financial ease deriving from Telsey 2"j of Brooklyn, secretary-trea- Stuart Walker; "The Green Scarf," by a week's performances in New York and surer; and James H. Havey '27 of Liberty Kenneth Sawyer Goodman; "Scruples," Philadelphia may be suspected of con- to the executive council. by Octave Mirbeau; and "Pot o 'Broth," tributing to the club's popularity. In THE ASSOCIATED School Boards and by William B. Yeats. Cornell the singers prefer to join the Trustees of the State of New York held PROFESSOR JAMES M. SHERMAN de- Musical Clubs, while the actors' first their seventh annual meeting in Ithaca livered an address at the convention held thought is of the Dramatic Club. last week. Dr. Dallas L. Sharp of Boston in connection with the National Dairy University was the principal speaker at the NATURALLY ENOUGH, INDEED; in both Show in Detroit last week. He spoke on banquet, and voiced a vigorous protest these organizations the young person of "Keeping Cheeses in Vacuum," giving an against the mechanistic tendency of pres- talent may obtain valuable training under account of the experiments he conducted ent day education. competent direction, with frequent oppor- which led to the discovery that certain tunity to display his powers. The Dra- A YOUTHFUL prank, apparently on the types of soft cheeses will keep for a long matic Club presents a program, with a part of some adolescent student, caused time in a vacuum. change of cast, two days of every week, in the following notice to appear in the one of the most beautiful theaters the Classified Column of the Sun: AT THE WEEKLY ORGAN RECITAL, held world possesses. It holds its own, in sheer REMOVED—-In a moment of misdirected October 8 in Sage Chapel, Professor amusement-value, with the roller-skate acquisitiveness, a white office sign, bear- Harold D. Smith played the Sonata in the artists of the Strand and the picturized ing my undistinguished and uneuphonious Style of Handel, by William Wolsten- passion of the movie houses. name. Excepting as and where it hung this holme; Andante, from String Quartet of THE TIMBERS of the old Lyceum will shingle is not worth a cent, being not Claude Debussy; Canon in B Minor by shiver no more as the Masque girls land to- decorative as a wall ornament and too Robert Schumann; Fantasie and Fugue, gether on the left foot. No more will the heavy for employment even at initiations. G Minor, of Johann S. Bach; and the handsome hero stagger as the smooth- As it was not padlocked and hung within Chorale, "O Haupt voll Blut und Wun- shaven heroine falls into his arms and both arm's reach of all passersby its removal den." together kiss the air.
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